

エボラ ZMapp NEJM、レセプターの変異 Cell、致死率と抗体陽性率
原因不明の出血異常 中国

● エボラ ZMapp、レセプタードメイン、致死率と抗体陽性率
PRO/EDR> Ebola update (69): news, NGO, research, economy, funding, vaccine
Archive Number: 20161204.4675615
28 Nov 2016 カナダ Canada: lab worker released after Ebola infection scare
26 Nov 2016 西アフリカ West Africa: Ebola scare over, Liberian immigrants lose right to stay in US
2 Dec 2016 リベリア Liberia: Breaking the silence of Ebola
28 Nov 2016: PREVAIL [Partnership for Research on Ebola Virus in Liberia] extends Ebola research to Monrovia slum community
30 Nov 2016: ナイジェリア Nigeria asks US for Anti-Ebola Serum
Nongovernment organization
30 Nov 2016: Engaging with national authorities: Medecins Sans Frontieres' [MSF] experience in Guinea during the Ebola epidemic
Zmapp ケニア Kenya 28 Nov 2016: Impact of the outbreak of Ebola virus in West Africa on performance of tourism industry in Kenya (2014-2016)
13 Oct 2016: A Randomized, Controlled Trial of ZMapp for Ebola virus Infection
原著タイトル The PREVAIL II Writing Group, for the Multi-National PREVAIL II Study Team* (13 Oct 2016)
N Engl J Med 2016; 375:1448-1456 13 Oct 2016. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1604330
[結語 エボラ治療薬候補についての本研究 randomized, controlled trial of a putative therapeutic agent for EVD では,ZMapp の効果 the estimated effect が期待できる appeared to be beneficial ものの,統計学的に満足できるものではなかった the result did not meet the prespecified statistical threshold for efficacy. ...more...]
15 Nov 2016: What Is the Optimal Immune Response to an Ebola Vaccine?
糖タンパクの変異 22 Nov 2016: Ebola Virus Glycoprotein with Increased Infectivity Dominated the 2013-2016 Epidemic
[ ... the 2013-2016 Ebola virus disease epidemic in West Africa の流行中に起きた1カ所の変異 a single mutation -- GP-A82V -- により,如何にしてヒト細胞へのウイルス感染能が増強されたかを示した。この変異はウイルス糖タンパク the Ebola virus glycoprotein に発生したもので,タンパクのレセプター結合ドメインの位置で発生した。これはウイルスのレセプタードメインにおける,初めての自然発生変異 the 1st 'natural' mutation だった; この流行以前は,ウイルスの同部位は常に完全にカバー fully conserved されていた。今回の実験では,この単一変異 this single mutation が,どのようにして霊長類細胞への感染能力が高まるかを示した ...
原著タイトル (3 Nov 2016). Ebola Virus Glycoprotein with Increased Infectivity Dominated the 2013-2016 Epidemic. Cell 167(4), p1088-1098.e6.
致死率と抗体陽性率 28 Nov 2017: Researchers conduct review of case fatality rates and seroprevalence of Ebola and Marburg Viruses
[原著タイトル (25 Nov 2016). How severe and prevalent are Ebola and Marburg viruses? A systematic review and meta-analysis of the case fatality rates and seroprevalence. BMC Infectious Diseases BMC series - open, inclusive and trusted201616:708. DOI: 10.1186/s12879-016-2045-6
エボラとマールブルグの致死率および蔓延率 The pooled CFR and seroprevalence for Ebola and Marburg viruses は,報告されているより低く lower than usually reported,各研究間でかなりの不均一性があることを考慮しても,種の間の相違が認められた。 優れたサーベイランスおよび流行への対応のある国々 Countries with an improved health surveillance and epidemic response では,致死率はより低く,フィロウイルスによるアウトブレイクを早期に感知し対応することに努めることの必要性が示された ... ]
オンライン追跡ツール 30 Nov 2016: Online epidemic tracking tool embraces open data and collective intelligence
原著タイトル (11 Nov 2016) Microreact: visualizing and sharing data for genomic epidemiology and phylogeography. Microbial Genomics, 2016 2. doi:10.1099/mgen.0.000093
健康への影響 30 Nov 2016. The health impact of the 2014-15 Ebola outbreak
原著タイトル. (Feb 2017; EPub). The health impact of the 2014-15 Ebola outbreak. Public Health143: 60-70. DOI
2 Dec 2016: Johnson & Johnson announces that the World Health Organization will review the Ebola vaccine regimen for Emergency Use Assessment and Listing (EUAL)
関連項目 Ebola update (68): news, economy 20161127.4657148

● 原因不明の出血異常 中国
PRO/AH/EDR> Undiagnosed bleeding disorder - China: (AH) RFI
Archive Number: 20161204.4675611
 情報源 Xinhua 2016年12月3日
東部・安徽省 Anhui province で,21人殺鼠剤中毒様症状 rodenticide poisoning の患者らが発生した。3日現在重い症状で入院中しているのは,Xiaokou Township, Taihe County の9家族の21人であると,現地保健当局が明らかにした。ほかにも15人の住民らが軽い症状を示し,自宅に帰されている。
初めの2例の夫婦の患者が報告されたのは11月25日で,けいれん吐血血尿の症状で入院となった。医師らは殺鼠剤の摂取を疑った。しかし自宅に残された食品や水からは,それらを示す痕跡は確認されなかった。外食をしておらず,有害な化学物質にも触れていない。その後数週間に,多くの住民らが同様の症状を訴えている ...
[Mod.TG- 出血異常(異常出血) bleeding disorders については,殺鼠剤以外にもたくさんの原因がある。血友病 Hemophilia, and Von Willebrands disease 等も想起されるが,可能性は低い。アスピリンなどの薬剤の過剰服用も出血の原因となるが,今回のような短期間に様々な場所で起きた事例には合わない。白血病,化学療法,放射線療法も異常出血の原因の1つだが ...
レプトスピラ症 leptospirosis or クリミアコンゴ出血熱 Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever などの疾患は他の臨床症状を伴うだろうし,検査によりもっと早く診断が付くはずだ。食品の殺鼠剤検査は陰性とのことだが,1種類か2種類程度の成分しか調べられていないのではないか ... ]

● MERS-CoV サウジアラビア
PRO/AH/EDR> MERS-CoV (117): Saudi Arabia, new cases
Archive Number: 20161204.4673622
 情報源 Saudi Arabia Ministry of Health 2016年12月3日
As of [4 Dec 2016], there have been a total of:
1497 laboratory-confirmed cases of MERS-CoV infection, including 619 deaths [reported case fatality rate 41.4 per cent], 863 recoveries, and 15 currently active cases.
Since the last ProMED-mail update [29 Nov 2016], there have been a total of:
6 newly confirmed cases,
1 newly reported fatality, and
1 newly reported recovery.
Information on newly reported cases (6 cases):
4 Dec 2016 (1 case)
1- A 45-year-old Saudi male from Riyadh, currently in critical condition. Classified as a primary case
3 Dec 2016 (2 cases)
2- A 62-year-old Saudi male from Sakaka [Al Jawf region], currently in stable condition. Classified as a primary case
3- A 73-year-old Saudi male from Madinah, currently in stable condition. Classified as a primary case
2 Dec 2016 (3 cases)
4- A 90-year-old Saudi male from Mahd-Aldhahab [Al Madīnah region], currently in stable condition. Classified as a primary case
5- A 68-year-old Saudi male from Khibar [Al Madīnah region], currently in critical condition. Classified as a primary case
6- A 60-year-old Expat female from Hufoof [Ash Sharqīyah region], currently in stable condition. Classified as a primary case
関連項目 (116): Oman, additional information 20161201.4669008

● デング熱 アジア、大洋州、アフリカ
PRO/EDR> Dengue/DHF update (31): Asia, Pacific, Africa
Archive Number: 20161204.4658430
[1] Cases in various countries:
ネパール Nepal
 - Sarlahi District. 2 Dec 2016. Approximately 2 dozen dengue patients are being treated at Sukraraj Tropical and Infectious Disease Hospital (STIDH).
 - Sibu. 30 Nov 2016. An increasing number of dengue cases have been detected in areas under Sibu Rural District Council (SRDC). the total number of cases from January till October 2016 stood at 109, compared to 72 cases in the same period last year.
 - Rupandehi District. 16 Nov 2016. A total of 36 people in Rupandehi have been infected with dengue virus as of Tuesday [15 Nov 2016],
 - Rupandehi District. 25 Nov 2016. 196 dengue cases in Rupandehi. The number of people with this infection has gone up in the last 2 months.
 - Mid-Western Region. 17 Nov. 2016. At least 64 cases of dengue have been reported in various districts of the Mid-Western Region in the last one and half months, according to the data of the Mid-Western Regional
 - Surkhet. 12 Nov 2016. Dengue downed at least 13 people in Surkhet in the past one month,
バングラデシュ Bangladesh
 - National. 3 Dec 2016. The country has this year [2016] seen the highest number of patients afflicted with dengue fever in the past 10 years. The number of dengue cases has doubled to almost to 6000 this year [2016] compared to the past year
インド India
 - Madhya Pradesh. 9 Nov 2016. 30 dengue cases reported 8 Nov 2016 with 11 cases of chikungunya
 - Madhya Pradesh (Indore). 15 Nov 2016. On an average at least 300 patients admitted into private hospitals every month
 - New Delhi. 28 Nov 2016. The civic authorities in Delhi have updated the official dengue toll in the city to 6,
 - New Delhi. 21 Nov 2016. Chikungunya cases continued to fall in the national capital, while dengue showed a slight rise in the past week, with the total number of people affected by the vector-borne disease crossing 4000 this season.
 - Nagaland (Dimapur). 18 Nov 2016. With 33 new cases of dengue reported in Dimapur district in the last few weeks, the total number of people afflicted by the vector-borne disease has increased to 106.
 - Nagaland (Dimapur). 14 Nov 2016. In an alarming rise in dengue cases, the Sentinel Surveillance Site Lab, District Hospital, Dimapur has confirmed 73 positive dengue cases out of 439 blood samples tested from October till 7 Nov 2016.
 - Haryana/Punjab(Chandigarh & Mohali). 17 Nov 2016. As many as 25 fresh dengue cases were reported from Chandigarh and Mohali district today [17 Nov 2016]. The total number of dengue cases in the district is now 2077 and that of chikungunya is 162.
 - Haryana/Punjab (Chandigarh & Mohali). 15 Nov 2016. Nine cases of dengue and 11 of chikungunya were reported from the tricity and surrounding areas today [15 Nov 2016]. Five cases of dengue were reported from Chandigarh, bringing the total count of dengue cases to 841 in the city. From Mohali district, 4 cases of dengue were reported, taking the number to 2057.
 - Haryana/Punjab(Chandigarh & Mohali). 10 Nov 2016. The number of dengue cases in the tricity and the surrounding areas today reached 3032,
 - Haryana /Punjab(Chandigarh & Mohali). 7 Nov 2016. A total of 23 fresh cases of dengue and 10 of chikungunya were reported today [7 Nov 2016] from the tricity and surrounding areas. This includes 7 fresh cases of dengue and 5 of chikungunya from Chandigarh, while Mohali reported 12 fresh cases of dengue and 3 of chikungunya. Panchkula, meanwhile, reported 4 dengue and 2 chikungunya cases today.
 - Punjab(Ludhiana). 25 Nov. 2016. Over 1300 dengue cases at Dayanand Medical College and Hospital (DMCH) alone
 - Maharashtra (State). 28 Nov 2016. The number of deaths and infections caused by dengue in Maharashtra have risen significantly this year [2016]. It claimed the lives of 26 people between 1 Jan and 21 Nov this year [2016], while 6376 infections were reported.
 - Maharashtra (Mumbai). 28 Nov 2016. The number of dengue cases recorded in the city this year [2016] has been the highest in the last 6 years.
 - Mizoram. 8 Nov 2016. 78 dengue cases in Mizoram since February [2016]
パキスタン Pakistan
 - Islamabad Capital Territory(ICT)/Punjab(Islamabad/Rawalpindi). 29 Nov 2016. 33 cases, one death reported in last one week.
 - ICT/Punjab(Islamabad/Rawalpindi). 22 Nov 2016. Dengue fever outbreak in twin cities loses intensity.
 - ICT/Punjab(Islamabad/Rawalpindi). 20 Nov 2016. Of the 3200 cases reported this year [2016], some 2200 have been reported from the capital. Over 700 have been reported from Rawalpindi.
 - ICT/Punjab(Islamabad/Rawalpindi). 9 Nov 2016. Pakistan cases decreasing but well over 40 cases reported
 - ICT(Islamabad). 8 Nov 2016. 106 tested positive in the last 3 days; 1830 plus cases so far tested positive from the federal capital.
 - Punjab (Rawalpindi). 18 Nov 2016. The toll of patients affected by the bite of _Aedes_ mosquitoes has reached a drastic figure of 3600 during this year [2016]. Moreover, 4 deaths from dengue fever have also been confirmed in Rawalpindi District.
 - Punjab (Rawalpindi). 10 Nov 2016. Dengue cases top 3200 figure in Rawalpindi
 - Sindh (Karachi). 27 Nov 2016. At least 43 more dengue fever cases surfaced in the metropolitan area within a week, taking the dengue patient toll to 1773 since 1 Jan [2016].
-  Baluchistan (Gwadar). 2 Dec 2016. In Gwadar, hundreds of people have been reportedly hospitalized due to the contagious virus, and then there are reported deaths.
フィリピン Philippines
 - General Santos City. 17 Nov 2016. .
 - Negros Oriental. 11 Nov 2016. Dengue deaths in Negros Oriental reach 31; 4500 cases reported
 - Cavite. 9 Nov 2016. The Provincial Epidemiology Surveillance Unit (PESU) Morbidity Week 42 report for the period covering 1 Jan to 26 Oct 2016 showed 3972 cases and 20 deaths.
 - Cebu. 8 Nov 2016. Dengue cases continued to rise in Cebu Province, with 5 more deaths recorded last month [October 2016].
タイ Thailand
 - Yala Province. 28 Nov 2016. One more dengue fever-related fatality has been confirmed in southern Yala province.
ベトナム Viet Nam
 - Viet Nam. 23 Nov 2016. According to the Ho Chi Minh City Preventive Health Center, more than 17 000 people have contracted dengue this year [2016], including nearly 700 new cases in the past week.
シンガポール Singapore
 - National. 22 Nov 2016. As of Monday (21 Nov 2016), a total of 12 698 cases of the mosquito-borne virus have been reported since the start of the year, more than the 11 286 cases in the whole of 2015.
 - National. 9 Nov 2016. As of Monday [7 Nov 2016], a total of 12 542 cases of the dengue virus have been reported since the start of this year [2016], more than the 11 286 in the whole of last year.
マレーシア Malaysia
 - National. 20 Nov 2016. A total of 92 891 dengue cases with 214 deaths was recorded nationwide from January to November this year [2016], compared with 106 757 cases and 293 deaths for the same period last year.
 - National. 13 Nov 2016. Malaysia cases on downward trend. Total cases January-November 2016 = 90 506, a drop of 12% as compared to 2015.
 - Labuan. 20 Nov 2016. 13 cases reported so far this year [2016] compared with only 3 in the same period last year.
台湾 Taiwan. 25 Nov 2016. 6th locally transmitted case in Taiwan since summer. Reported cases = 378 with 331 as confirmed or imported.
 - Vanuatu. 1 Dec 2016. Vanuatu's Ministry of Health has confirmed there are now 8 cases of dengue in the country. .
 - Vanatu. 24 Nov 2016. The Vanuatu Ministry of Health has confirmed that 2 cases of dengue have been detected by the National Disease Surveillance system.
ブルキナファソ Burkina Faso
 - Burkina Faso. 16 Nov 2016. A dengue fever outbreak in Burkina Faso isn't yet cause for alarm, health officials say, although it has now affected more than 1000 people in the nation's central region.
 - Ouagadougou. 18 Nov 2016. 
2016年8月以降、デング熱によるとみられる感染および死亡 suspected dengue fever cases and deaths が首都 Ouagadougou, the capital city of Burkina Faso で報告されている。From 5 Aug to 12 Nov 2016, 合計1061 probable (Dengue Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT) positive) cases out of 1266 suspected cases , with a cumulative total of 15 deaths (致死率 CFR 1.2 percent) が報告された。
すべての地区 all 12 districts of Ouagadougou から報告があり、加えて2 other regions, Sahel Region in the north (12 RDT positive cases) and the Hauts-Bassins region in the west (6 RDT positive cases) からも感染が報告されている。
 - WHO risk assessment
 - Ouagadougou. 10 Nov 2016. Approximately 645 cases with 7 deaths [from ProMED-FRA; in French, trans. Corr.SB]
[2] WHO Dengue Situation Update 504 on Western Pacific Region
 情報源 WHO Western Pacific Region 2016年11月15日
中国 10月31日現在,1840例。
マレーシア 疫学第45週,1373例。
フィリピン 8月20日現在,10万1401例。
シンガポール 第44週,86例。累計12525例。
カンボジア 5月17日までに1771例。
ラオス 10月28日現在,4658例。
ベトナム 8月31日現在,6万3504例。
オーストラリア 10月31日現在,1930例。
仏領ポリネシア 第42週,22例。
パプアニューギニア 11月7日までに,豪クイーンズランド州で80例のパプアニューギニアから輸入感染例。
ニューカレドニア 10月現在,19例。

● 原因不明の大量死,ニシン カナダ 
PRO/AH/EDR> Undiagnosed die-off, fish - Canada (02): (NS NOVA SCOTIA) herring
Archive Number: 20161204.4675668
 情報源 Annapolis County Spectator 2016年11月30日
Smith's Cove にある野生生物学教授の自宅前の川に,5000匹のニシンが死んでいた on the beach and floating in the water 。 St. Mary's Bay では1週間前からニシンが打ち上げられており,原因は分かっていない

● ブルータング フランス
PRO/AH/EDR> Bluetongue - Europe (25): France (CE) ovine, st. 4, OIE
Archive Number: 20161204.4675612
[1] OIE immediate notification:OIE, WAHID weekly disease information 2016年12月2日
感染開始時期 2016年12月1日
前回流行時期 2014年
原因ウイルス Bluetongue virus
Serotype: 4
新たな感染流行 (1)
Outbreak 1: Bonifacio, Corse-Du-Sud [South Corsica]: farm
Goats/ 25 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
ヒツジ Sheep / 100 / 9 / 8 / 0 / 0
[2] Media report:France3 TV - Regions [in French] 2016年12月2日