

原因不明の疾患-インド 死亡

PRO/AH/EDR> Rift Valley fever - Mali (02): (KK)
Archive Number: 20170721.5195838
情報源 Outbreak News Today 2017年7月17日
西アフリカ・マリの保健当局が,10歳男児 a 10-year-old boy from Oulessebougou の,リフトバレー熱の 1例 a single case of Rift Valley fever (RVF) virus infection を確認した。黄熱が疑われた 3例の検査で判明した。3例はいずれも,検査パネルにあるすべてのアルボウイルス,すなわちデング,ウエストナイル,リフトバレー,チクングニア,クリミア・コンゴ,エボラウイルスに対する検査 all arboviruses included on the molecular panel が陰性となったが,このうち 1検体が血清抗体検査で陽性 anti-RVF virus IgM positive on serology testing by ELISA を示した。ただちに住民と家畜から検体を採取したが,結果は判明していない。The World Health Organization は,a sporadic case of RVF in a village in Mali is not surprising としている ... 2016年の隣国ニジェール the Tahoua Region, Niger でのアウトブレイク発生と,2017年1月のヒツジとヤギ sheep and goats across the border in Menaka, Mali (今回の発生地から約 1700km離れている)での発生など。

PRO/EDR> Dengue/DHF update (09): Asia, Indian Ocean, Pacific, Africa
Archive Number: 20170721.5190752
[1] Cases in various countries
スリランカ Sri Lanka
- National. 17 Jul 2017. The number of dengue fever cases in Sri Lanka is up significantly in 2017, in fact, it is 3.5 times more than the average number of cases for the same period between 2010 and 2016. Through [17 Jul 2017], the Ministry of Health reports 93 322 dengue cases, including 250 deaths to date.
- National. 13 Jul 2017. The number of dengue fever cases in Sri Lanka continue to mount as some 10 000 additional cases ...
- National. 6 Jul 2017. Following flooding, Sri Lanka experiences worst-ever dengue outbreak; at least 225 dead, 76 000 infected (Mallawarachi, 7/4) ...
- National. 3 Jul 2017. According to the latest figures obtained from the health sector, 71 000 cases of dengue have been reported from across the country. ...
- National. 30 Jun 2017. Through [30 Jun 2017], the Sri Lanka Epidemiology Unit with the Ministry of Health puts the dengue tally at 71 298, including 215 fatalities. ...
- National. 20 Jun 2017. 63 987 affected by virus with at least 200 deaths. Tremendous rise in DEN type 2
ブータン Bhutan 
- National. 14 Jul 2017. More than 100 cases reported since last month [June 2017] ...
インド India 
- National. 15 Jul 2017. In just 3 years, dengue cases in India have increased by 280 percent
- Assam. 19 Jun 2017. India 49 deaths [as of 31 May 2017] ... The capital Guwahati is one of the worst dengue-affected cities of Assam.
- Delhi. 10 Jul 2017. A total of 109 cases of dengue have been reported in Delhi this year [2017] ...
- Delhi. 20 Jun 2017. between 1 Jan and 17 Jun 2017, 50 cases of dengue were reported, the highest in 4 years.
- Maharashtra (Mumbai). 13 Jul 2017. 17, 771 cases in 2016 - 2017 265 percent [increase] in Mumbai.
- Maharashtra (Mumbai). 21 Jun 2017 ... over 2000 people have tested positive for the vector-borne disease with one death ...
- Tamil Nadu. 14 Jul 2017. the cases of malaria, dengue, filaria, and chikungunya are surging as Tamil Nadu recorded more than 4845 cases of vector-borne diseases, of which 3259 were dengue cases ...
- Tamil Nadu. 2 Jul 2017.Dengue cases reported in the current year [2017] till June end in Tamil Nadu (around 4000 cases) have equaled the total number of cases reported in the state in 2016.  ...
- Tamil Nadu (Chennai). 11 Jul 2017. Over 50 dengue cases reported in June 2017 ...
- Kerala. 18 Jul 2017. Dengue has killed at least 21 in Kerala in the last 3 weeks, with more than 11 000 infections, since May [2017].
- Kerala. 27 Jun 2017. 8171 dengue cases confirmed, another 29 582 cases suspected. 14 confirmed deaths, 67 suspected.
- Kerala (Thiruvananthapuram). 18 Jun 2017. 680 suspected dengue cases, of which 138 were tested positive.
- Kerala (Thiruvananthapuram). 16 Jun 2017. On [Fri 16 Jun 2017],  161 confirmed cases were reported in the State, taking the total number of confirmed dengue cases so far this year to 6808.
- Kerala (Alappuzha). 3 Jul 2017. More than 5 people have lost their lives owing to dengue fever in the past 3 weeks in the district.
- Jharkhand (Jamshedpur). 3 Jul 2017. 8 confirmed cases of dengue reported.
- Uttar Pradesh. 7 Jul 2017. As many as 89 cases of dengue have been reported in Uttar Pradesh between January and 6 Jul 2017.
- Rajasthan (Kota). 17 Jul 2017. 42 patients have tested positive for dengue since January [2017]; 36 cases in July 2017 (in July 2016 only 11).
パキスタン Pakistan
- Sindh (Karachi). 6 Jun 2017. At least 11 more dengue fever cases were reported in Karachi city, taking the patients toll to 303 since 1 Jan 2017.
中国 China 
- Guangdong (Shenzhen). 21 Jun 2017. From 1 Jan to 11 Jun 2017 Shenzhen, 17 cases of the insect-transmitted disease. Compared to last year [2016], that's an increase of 54.5 percent.
- Yunnan Province. 28 Jun 2017. Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture in southwest China's Yunnan Province has seen a surge in dengue fever cases, with 13 reported since the prefecture's 1st case of this year on [23 Jun 2017].
ラオス Laos 
- National. 7 Jun 2017. 1760 cases with 3 deaths from January-May 2017. Dengue fever cases recorded in the Lao capital city of Vientiane at a higher rate than other provinces in the country.
ミャンマー Myanmar 
- National. 17 Jul 2017. 10 101 cases and 54 deaths in the 1st 6 months of 2017. By 12 Jul 2017, there were 2855 dengue cases in Yangon, with 18 reported deaths. Yangon, Ayeyarwady, Rakhine and Mon have seen the highest infection rates since the start of the dengue season.
- Yangon. 11 Jul 2017. Surge in children's hospital in the 1st 6 months of 2017, with 1446 cases of dengue fever treated and 7 deaths ...
- Yangon. 11 Jun 2017. Between January and [6 Jun 2017], 9 people, including children, died of dengue fever in Yangon, ... http://www.elevenmyanmar.com/local/9968
- Ayeyarwady. 13 Jun 2017. 611 cases, in children in the Ayeyarwady region, with 9 deaths. ...
- Rakhine. 8 Jul 2017. Of 1114 people have been infected with dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) in Myanmar's Rakhine state, 16 local people died of the disease as of [5 Jul 2017],  ...
ベトナム Viet Nam
- National. 10 Jul 2017. 45 074 cases reported with 13 deaths up to [18 Jun 2017].
- National. 29 Jun 2017.  ... In Hanoi's Dong Da urban district, some 500 people have been infected with dengue fever so far this year [2017], nearly 9 times higher than the same period last year [2016 ... Ho Chi Minh City has reported 329 dengue fever cases in the past 3 weeks, including 3 deaths, with higher infection and fatality rates compared to the same period last year [2016].
- Hanoi. 8 Jun 2017. 1281 cases of dengue fever were recorded in the city by [4 Jun 2017], 2.6 times more than the same period last year [2016].
- Ho Chi Minh City. 9 Jul 2017.  ... the number of patients with dengue fever at the hospital began to increase at the end of May [2017].
フィリピン Philippines 
- National. 21 Jun 2017. P1.44 billion [28.4 million USD] worth of dengue vaccines sit idly in storage at the Research Institute for Tropical Medicine  ...
- Zamboanga City. 23 Jun 2017. Dengue cases for April and May [2017] were significantly higher, registering 130 and 188 cases, respectively, as opposed to 97 and 127 cases
- Negros Occidental (Bacolod City). 25 Jun 2017. 376 cases with 5 fatalities from 1 Jan to 10 Jun 2017.
- Cavite (Trece Martires City). 7 Jul 2017. Dengue-related cases have increased by the month with the reported 1260 cases in the 1st half of 2017.
マレーシア Malaysia
- National. 4 Jul 2017. Dengue cases have increased by 225 percent in Malaysia since 2013. As of June 2017, there are approximately 48 092 cases and 107 deaths so far.
タイ Thailand
- Chiang Mai. 18 Jul 2017. ... From [1 Jan to 9 Jul 2017], Chiang Mai had 761 dengue fever patients, with the average prevalence rate of 40.77 per 100 000 population.
カンボジア Cambodia 
- National. 19 Jul 2017. The number of recorded dengue fever infections in Cambodia dropped dramatically in the 1st half of 2017 ... The number of dengue infections in the 1st 24 weeks of the year dropped to 1133, compared to the 2447 in the same period in 2016
レユニオン La Reunion. [in French]
- 12 Jul 2017. 11 new cases, 9 only in St Giles-les-Bains, Carosse district. A total of 54 indigenous cases have been confirmed since beginning of the year [2017].
- 13 Jun 2017. 40 cases since the beginning of 2017 and 8 imported cases.
パラオ Palau. 13 Jul 2017. 290 cases confirmed, with 106 cases in June [2017]; in April and May [2017], 3 people with pre-existing medical conditions died.
ニューカレドニア New Caledonia. 4 Jul 2017. A 54-year-old man has succumbed to dengue, bringing the death toll to 11 since January [2017]. According to the authorities, nearly 5000 cases have been reported since 1 Sep 2016. The peak of the epidemic was reached in March 2017. The number of clinical cases or suspects has been declining since. With 1970 infected persons, the capital, Noumea, is the most affected by the epidemic, followed by the communes of Paita, Mont-Dore, and Dumbea. All of these cities have recorded the deaths related to dengue, including an infant of 6 months.
コートジボワール Cote d'Ivoire . 8 Jul 2017. According to the Pasteur Institute, the number of patients affected by dengue virus currently stands at 130. Control measures have been hardened.
情報源 WHO, Weekly Bulletin on Outbreaks and Other Emergencies. Week 26: 24 - 30 June 2017 2017年6月30日
ナイジェリア Nigeria . 22 Jun 2017. Single confirmed case reported. WHO awaits further on this possible new event.
トーゴ Togo . 18 Jun 2017. 12 confirmed cases reported. WHO awaits further information on this possible new event.
コートジボワール Cote d'Ivoire . 6 Jun 2017. Of the confirmed cases with further typing completed, 34 cases were identified as dengue virus type 2 and 11 cases as dengue virus type 3. 2/3 of suspected cases were reported from Cocody Commune.
ケニア Kenya. 27 Jun 2017. Outbreak has been reported controlled in Mombasa County (n=991, of which 568 are confirmed) but currently remains active in Wajir County (n=82, of which 51 are confirmed).
モーリタニア Mauritania . 7 Jun 2017. Single case of dengue hemorrhagic fever confirmed in a traveler from Angola who presented with symptoms of haemorrhaging on 31 May 2017. The case later tested positive for dengue virus infection.
[2] インド (Kerala): 'magical remedies', alert
情報源 Times of India, Times News Network (TNN) 2017年6月29日
デング熱治療薬を謳っている,非科学的かつ非倫理的な unscientifically or unethically 薬剤への注意喚起が行われている ... 原文参照願います。
[3] インド (Delhi): co-infections 同時感染
情報源 The Indian Express 2017年7月9日
原文 [Google 翻訳] 参照願います。

PRO/AH/EDR> Myiasis, human - Norway: reindeer warble fly (Hypoderma tarandi)
Archive Number: 20170721.5195046
情報源 Eurosurveillance edition 2017;22(29) 2017年7月21日
要約 _Hypoderma tarandi_ は,極北に生息するトナカイやカリブーのハエウジ症(蠅蛆症,ようそしょう) myiasis in reindeer and caribou (_Rangifer tarandus_ spp.)の原因となる。2011年から 2016年に,_H. tarandi_ in Norway により発生した 36例の human myiasis cases について報告する。2/3 が,ノルウェーの最北部の Finnmark の住民で,1人は a visitor to Finnmark であり,6人はトナカイが生息する国内の他の地域の住民だった。臨床症状は,顔面及び頭部の皮膚の移動性腫脹,所属リンパ節腫大,眼瞼周囲浮腫で,好酸球血症は伴うことも伴わないこともある。(蠅蛆症の)患者の多くが熱帯や亜熱帯地域で発生するか,それら地域への旅行者である。今回の結果から,_H. tarandi_ によるハエウジ症患者数は,これまで考えられていたより多いことが示された ... 臨床的に疑われた場合は,幼虫の眼球への侵入(ophthalmomyiasis)を予防する目的で,イベルメクチン ivermectin の投与を行うべきである。_H. tarandi_ は毛髪に産卵する oviposits on hairので,感染対策として帽子の着用を勧める。
原著タイトル Human myiasis caused by the reindeer warble fly, _Hypoderma tarandi_, case series from Norway, 2011 to 2016. Euro Surveill. 2017;22(29):pii=30576. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2017.22.29.30576 [link not yet active]
The infection is well known although rare in Northern Scandinavia with the 1st report from Norway in 1991 (Ophthalmomyiasis caused by the reindeer warble fly larva. J Clin Pathol. 1991;44:276-84. )

サルモネラ症-米国(06) パパイヤ
PRO/AH/EDR> Salmonellosis - USA (06): (MD) papayas
Archive Number: 20170721.5195333
情報源 Food Safety News 2017年7月20日
メリーランド州保健当局 The Maryland Department of Health が,サルモネラ菌 the _Salmonella_ bacterium による汚染の恐れがある,パパイヤ Caribena's brand yellow Maradol papayas を食べないよう,注意を呼びかけている。このパパイヤは,州内全域に流通している。当局が行っているサルモネラ症調査 in the course of an ongoing salmonellosis case investigation で菌による汚染が判明したと,19日注意喚起が行われた。

腸管出血性大腸菌 EHEC-米国(16) 死亡
PRO/AH/EDR> E. coli EHEC - USA (16) : (MN) fatality
Archive Number: 20170721.5195217
情報源 Fox News 2017年7月20日
ミネソタ州 Wright County,Minnesota の 5歳の男児が,今週[week of 16-22 Jul 2017] 3歳の妹死亡した原因となった大腸菌 Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) [or enterohemorrhagic _E. coli_ EHEC] と闘っている。絶え間ない血便と嘔吐から,急性腎不全に陥った ... きょうだいが感染した原因は分かっていない。発病前に家族で地元のふれあい動物園を訪れていたが,様々な感染源が考えられるとして,当局は慎重な見方を示している。

口蹄疫-コロンビア(02) ウシ OIE
PRO/AH/EDR> Foot & mouth disease - Colombia (02): (NS, CU) bovine, st O, OIE 
Archive Number: 20170721.5193760
[1] FMD: Norte de Santander (Cucuta)
Foot and mouth disease, Colombia,reoccurrence of a listed disease
情報源 OIE, WAHID weekly disease information 2017; 30 (29) 2017年7月19日
[2] FMD: Cundinamarca (Yacopi, Tibacuy)
Foot and mouth disease, Colombia,reoccurrence of a listed disease
情報源 OIE, WAHID weekly disease information 2017; 30 (29) 2017年7月19日
上記 URL 参照願います。

PRO/AH/EDR> Rabies (35): Malaysia (SK,PK) human, animal, spread 
Archive Number: 20170721.5194896
情報源 New Straights Times 2017年7月21日
マレーシア,インドネシア両政府が,along the border between Sarawak and West Kalimantan, Indonesia で起きている狂犬病アウトブレイク rabies outbreak に協力して取り組むことで合意した ... 6月のアウトブレイク発生以降,4~7歳の小児 4人が死亡した。イヌの咬傷を受けた,5人目の 52歳の男性患者が確認されている。
[ Mod.AS 注- the OIE on [Thu 20 Jul 2017], its follow-up report No. 1 ]

PRO/AH/EDR> Japanese encephalitis - China (02): (HK)
Archive Number: 20170721.5193313
情報源 7th Space 2017年7月20日
20日,保健当局 the Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (DH)から,日本脳炎の 1例 a case of Japanese encephalitis (JE)が発表された:
5月10日から,男性患者が Grantham Hospital (GH) 次いで Queen Mary Hospital (QMH) に入院となっている。7月6日,GH で日本脳炎の症状を発症し,11日に脳脊髄液検査が行われ,20日に診断が確定した。現在,QMH で治療が行われているが,危険な状態である ...

PRO/AH/EDR> Plague - Canada: (SK) prairie dogs, susp.
Archive Number: 20170721.5194895
情報源 Regina Leader-Post 2017年7月20日
国立公園内 Grasslands National Park のプレリードッグの生息域 The Broken Hills prairie dog colony への立ち入りが禁止されている。ペスト sylvatic plague により,1頭 a prairie dog が死亡した。サスカチュワン州南西部 just outside of Val Marie in southwest Saskatchewan に位置する公園で,2匹のリス ground squirrels も発見され,検査が行われている ...

PRO/AH/EDR> Pathogen dissemination 
Archive Number: 20170721.5193184
情報源 Reuters 2017年7月18日
原文 [Google 翻訳] 参照願います。

PRO/AH/EDR> Invasive mosquito - USA (04): (WI) 
Archive Number: 20170721.5193641
情報源 Duluth News Tribune, Wisconsin Public Radio report 2017年7月17日
ウィスコンシン州保健当局 The Wisconsin Department of Health Services が 17日,ジカウイルスを感染伝播する能力を有する蚊族 a species of mosquito のヒトスジシマカ The _Aedes albopictus_, or Asian tiger mosquito が,州内で初めて確認されたと報告した。 Dane County で確認されたのは,3匹のみと報告されている ... 

PRO/AH/EDR> Powassan virus encephalitis - USA (07): USA (NY)
Archive Number: 20170721.5193574
情報源 News 10 2017年7月18日
ニューヨーク州保健当局 The New York State Department of Health (DOH)は,18日に Saratoga County の住民の新たなポワッサンウイルス感染例 a 2nd confirmed case and a probable 3rd case of Powassan virus が確認されたことから,郡内でのダニの採集範囲を拡大した。1例目の患者は 6月8日に死亡し,2例目の患者は現在入院中である ...

原因不明の疾患-インド 死亡
PRO/AH/EDR> Undiagnosed illness - India: (MP) fatal, RFI
Archive Number: 20170721.5193185
情報源 The Times of India, Times News Network (TNN) 2017年7月18日
18日深夜,Dussehra Maidan in Ujjain [Madhya Prades]のホステル government boys' hostel で 2人のティーン(11歳と8歳の兄弟)の原因不明の死亡が発生した。もう 1人(同室の8歳)も激しい腹痛で救急受診し,危険な状態となっている ...
情報源 The Free Press Journal 2017年7月20日
the city [Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh]の政府系病院で 2人の小児が死亡した件で,血液検査でヘビ咬傷や食中毒による死亡が否定され,深刻な状況となっている。詳しい検査のため,血液と内臓が Sagar(?) に送付されていた ...