


● ポリオ(27)-パキスタン,アフガニスタン,シリア
PRO/EDR> Poliomyelitis update (27): global (Pakistan, Afghanistan), Syria
Archive Number: 20170928.5347795
[1] Poliovirus Weekly Update - World Health Organization
情報源 Global Polio Eradication Initiative 2017年9月28日
As of 27-Sep-2017
New wild poliovirus cases reported this week: 1
Total number of wild poliovirus cases in 2017: 11
Total number of wild poliovirus cases in 2016: 37
New cVDPV cases reported this week: 0
Total number of cVDPV cases in 2017: 49
Total number of cVDPV cases in 2016: 5

- Summary of newly-reported viruses this week:
パキスタン: one new wild poliovirus type 1 (WPV1) case reported, in Lakki Marwat district, Khyber Pakhtoon province;
4 new WPV1-positive environmental samples, reported in Sindh and Balochistan provinces. アフガニスタン: 2 new WPV1-positive environmental samples reported in Kandahar province.
[2] シリア - WHO/UNICEF Situation Report 15, cVDPV2 outbreak Syria, 26 Sep 2017
情報源 WHO EMRO Situation Report 15 2017年9月26日
New cVDPV2 cases this week: 0
Total number of cVDPV2 cases: 40
Infected governorates and districts
Index case
Location: Mayadeen district, Deir Ez-Zor governorate
Onset of paralysis: [3 Mar 2017], age: 22 months, vaccination status: 2 OPV doses/zero IPV
Most recent case (by date of onset)
Location: Boukamal district, Deir Ez-Zor governorate
Onset of paralysis: [13 Jul 2017], age: 4 months, vaccination status: zero OPV/zero IPV
[ Mod.MPP 注- This week's update has good news and not so good news.
良いニュースはシリアとコンゴ民主共和国で発生がなかったこと no newly reported cVDPV cases in Syria and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the 2 countries with active cVDPV outbreaks ongoing this year (2017)。
あまり良くないニュース The not so good news は,the confirmation of a WPV1 associated case of paralytic disease reported from the Lakki Marwat district in the Khyber Pakhtoon province with a date of onset of paralysis 21 Aug 2017.  ... ]
関連項目 (26): global (Syria, DR Congo) 20170922.5334914

カンピロバクター症-米国(02) 鶏レバー 2016
Outbreak of _Campylobacter jejuni_ Associated with Consuming Undercooked Chicken Liver Mousse -- Clark County, WA, 2016
情報源 MMWR 2017 / 66(38);1027 2017年9月28日
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