

  WHO F,ワクチン
サルモネラ症-米国(16) ハンバーガーレストラン

サルモネラ症-米国 カットメロン
PRO/AH/EDR> Salmonellosis, st Newport - USA: (WA, OR) precut melon
Archive Number: 20171202.5479308
情報源 KTVZ 2017年12月1日
オレゴン州保健当局 Oregon health officials が 1日,食料品店 Oregon and Washington grocery stores で販売されたカットされたメロン pre-cut melon が関係する,2 cases of salmonellosis linked to a regional outbreak of the disease の調査を行っている。The Oregon cases は,Multnomah and Wasco counties の各 1人で,Washington 州で 16人が感染した an outbreak of infections of the Newport strain of _Salmonella_ infections に関連するとみられている ...

PRO/EDR> Varicella - USA: (VA)
Archive Number: 20171202.5479075
情報源 10 News 2017年11月29日
Spiller Elementary school は保護者らに対し,複数の生徒らの水痘 chickenpox 感染が疑われている,と周知した ...

PRO/AH/EDR> Trypanosomiasis, canine - Uruguay
Archive Number: 20171202.5478928
情報源 Science Direct 2017年12月2日
要約 トリパノソーマ Trypanosoma evansi_ は,the causal agent of 15世紀にアメリカに持ち込まれた a salivarian (唾液腺の ?) African trypanosoma,Surra の病原体である。今回,ウルグアイ初の症例 the 1st case of African trypanosomiasis について,ウルグアイのイヌ a Uruguayan Cimarron dog で認められた症状と経過,および分離された the _Trypanosoma evansi_ の分子学的特徴を報告する。

PRO/EDR> Dengue/DHF update (17): Asia, Africa, Pacific, Europe, WHO update, vaccine
Archive Number: 20171202.5478708
Sri Lanka
- Puttalam. 13 Nov 2017. 45 cases reported
- National. 14 Nov 2017.Deaths in Yangon reach 46, with 170 nationwide with more than 27 000 cases
- National. 11 Nov 2017. Massive Dengue Outbreak (Sarlahi, Mahottari, Dhading, Jhapa, Rupandehi, Kathmandu districts). As of Sep. 2017, nearly 500 hundred [?] patients infected with dengue virus have visited Sukraraj Tropical and Infectious Disease Hospital (STIDH). ...
- Khatmandu. 30 Oct 2017. The number of people suffering from dengue fever is on the rise in Mahottari. More than 400 people have been infected with the mosquito-borne disease in the past few months.
- Rautahat. 10 Nov 2017. Dengue has caused death and spread to 1 - 3 members of every household in Paurai Bazar.
- Multiple States. 2 Nov 2017 India's southern states have this year [2017] witnessed dramatic 2- to 7-fold surges in the number of documented dengue patients over last year [2016] ... and associated deaths this year [2017] in Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Puducherry.  ...
2016 2017
Karnataka.............. 6083 14 690
Kerala.................... 7439 19 206
Puducherry............ 490 3769
Tamil Nadu ........... 2531 16 089
Assam .................. 6157 2349
Bengal................... 22 865 10 697
Bihar ..................... 1912 1158
Odisha .................. 8380 3263
- Assam. 8 Nov 2017. Nearly 3000 cases and 2 deaths so far in 2017
- Andra Pradesh . 14 Oct 2017. Dengue claims 15 lives in a single day: Nellore district worse hit with 10 deaths 2642 cases this year [2017] (3414 suspected cases)
- Telangana(Hyderabad). 17 Nov 2017. 630 cases in 30 days including 117 from Hyderabad
- Haryana (Panchkula ).28 Nov 2017. 185 cases reported of which105 are from the Urban area
- Punjab (Chandigarh). 30 Oct 2017. Dengue count soars to 963 with 7 more cases being reported on Sunday.
- Punjab (Patiala).30 Oct 2017. Dengue spread wings with 1170 cases in Patiala
- Punjab/Haryana (Chandigarh).03 Nov 2017. 8000 dengue cases reported till October 30 .
- Punjab/Haryana (Chandigarh).06 Nov 2017. Positive cases rise to 2534, with at least 10 deaths
- Punjab(Ludhiana). 24 Nov 2017. Till now 1017 positive cases have been reported from Ludhiana district.
- Haryana(Gurugram/Gurgaon). 02 Nov 2017. 70 dengue cases in October
- Puducherry. 8 Nov 2017. Union Territory of Puducherry, southern India has seen an unusual rise in positive Dengue cases this year [2017]
- Odisha (Bhubaneshwar). 8 Nov. 2017.39 positive cases since November 01, with 2 deaths in past 2 days. 57 cases from Salia Sahi.
- Odisha (Bhubaneswar and Cuttack). 17 Nov 2017. In Bhubaneswar and its neighbourhood there has been 191 dengue cases this season.
- Karnataka(Hassan). 10 Nov 2017. DEN-4 now identified, suspected cases in Hassan 2095
- West Bengal (Kolkata).31 Oct 2017. Areas in South Kolkata like Tollygunge, Bijoygarh, Jadavpur, Azadgarh, Netaji Nagar and others that fall under Borough X of the Kolkata Municipal Corporation are having the highest number of dengue cases in the city. .
- West Bengal (Kolkata). 8 Nov 2017. Two more deaths in last 24 hours, at least 15 people have died.
- West Bengal (State). 16 Nov 2017. West Bengal since January cases have risen to over 20 000 with 19 deaths, reported mainly from Districts North and South 24 Parganas, Howrah, Hooghly and Kolkata
- Himachal Pradesh (Shimla).14 Nov 2017. 401 positive cases found.
- Tamil Nadu (State). 29 Nov 2017. dengue cases in Tamil Nadu this year rise to 20 945 cases in 2017 against 2531 in 2016
- Maharastra (Pune).2 Nov 2017. The number of "confirmed" dengue cases in the city has already breached the 1000-mark so far this year [2017]. This has happened for the 1st time in the last 15 years.
- Maharastra (Pune). 29 Nov 2017. Pune municipal limits recorded 1058 dengue cases Greater Mumbai (913), Nashik (504), Pimpri Chinchwad (342). The state's tally stands at 4797. (Maharastra)
- Maharastra (Mumbai). 31 Oct 2017. from January 2017 to October 22, 2017, over 800 dengue cases were reported.
- New Delhi. 30 Oct 2017. Delhi reports 753 more dengue cases; tally mounts to 6623
- New Delhi. 13 Nov 2017. 705 new cases reported during last week; Total cases rise to 8063 this year with 4 deaths.
- Madhya Pradesh. 3 Nov 2017. In the current season, 11 persons have died of dengue.
- Rajasthan(State).10 Nov 2017. Worst affected districts - Kota, Jaipur, Dholpur, Ajmer and Bharatpur; Cases steadily increased every week
- Rajasthan(Jaipur). 21 Nov 2017. dengue cases are continuously popping up in cities like Kota and Jaipur
- Nagaland(Dimapur). 28 Oct 2017. More than 150 dengue cases detected in Dimapur
- ICT (Islamabad). 4 Nov 2017. so far 110 patients with confirmed dengue virus were treated at Polyclinic Hospital.
- Punjab. At least 257 dengue cases reported in Punjab.
- Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Peshawar). 5 Nov 2017. Deaths rise to 68 in KP another 202 patients admitted to hospitals.
- Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Peshawar). 15 Nov 2017. Dengue death toll in KP soars to 70 
- Sindh (Karachi). 31 Oct 2017. dengue fever cases were detected in Karachi taking the number of reported cases to 1930 in the city since 1st January 2017.
- Sindh (Karachi). 7 Nov. 2017.An additional 31 cases reported; cases in city rise to 172 since Nov 01. 2118 cases reported in Karachi so far this year [2017] with 11 deaths
- Sindh (Karachi). 13 Nov. 2017. 21 more cases reported in Karachi with 369 since Nov 01. Karachi = 2296 with 11 deaths
- Sindh(Karachi). 21 Nov 2017. 136 new dengue fever cases surfaced in Karachi last week, taking the patient toll to 2452 in Sindh since January 1, 2017.
Russia Ex Egypt
- Moscow. 27 Nov 2017.
- National .21 Nov 2017. in Fair Park, with 15 residents contracting the illness. Dr Mah said Kinta remained the district with the highest number of dengue cases with 2997 recorded, with 5 deaths.
- Perak.17 Nov 2017. 11 deaths recorded this year [2017] with 5055 cases up to Nov. 4 this year
- Hanoi. 21 Nov 2017. the Hanoi Department of Health ... From the beginning of 2017, the capital has recorded 36 793 dengue fever cases, causing 7 deaths. The city now has 113 dengue fever outbreaks.
- National . 9 Nov 2017. Cases near 100 000, dramatic increase from last year [2016],reported more than 200 000 dengue cases during past 2 years, being highest in Asia
Macau-Ex Philippines. 30 Oct 2017.
- National. 6 Nov 2017. More than 430 people were diagnosed with the dengue virus in the North until October this year [2017].
- National. 14 Nov 2017. Nine deaths associated with Dengue this year [2017] with 2699 cases compared to 889 last year [2016].
Wallis and Fortuna Islands-French overseas territory. 28 Nov 2017. 15 cases with 7 in the past week
(Dahra Djolof). 03 Nov 2017. In Dahra Djolof, (5) new cases of viral infection were recorded this Wednesday in Dahra Djolof.
 (Louga). 7 Nov 2017.
Bukina Faso
- National. 6 Nov 2017. WHO officially declared the outbreak on 28 September 2017 ...  As of 27 October 2017, a total of 6699 (suspected, probable or confirmed) cases and 13 deaths (CFR= 0.2 percent) were reported throughout the country. ... currently reported in 12 of the country's 13 health regions, with 64 percent of cases reported in the central region, particularly in the city of Ouagadougou.
- National-21 Nov 2017. Burkina Faso continues to spread particularly in the central region of the country, which contains the capital city of Ouagadougou. Since our last report, the number of cases have essentially doubled in the country (6699 suspected, probable or confirmed cases and 13 deaths on Oct. 27 versus 12087 cases and 24 deaths through Nov. 11) ... Characterization of samples has identified 3 dengue virus serotypes: DENV-2, DENV-3, and DENV-1, with DEN-2 predominating (74 percent).
- National .30 Nov 2017. WHO update on Dengue outbreak in Bukina Faso as of Nov 03 there have been 9029 suspected, probable, confirmed cases and 18 deaths
Belgium Ex Egypt. 8 Nov 2017.
[2] WHO Update
情報源 Relief Web 2017年11月21日
Dengue Situation Update 530, 21 November 2017
厚生労働省検疫所 FORTH 参照願います。
[3] Vaccine Trials
情報源  Live Mint 2017年11月25日
インド国内で臨床試験の許可を受けた製薬会社 Panacea Biotec 社によると,同国において早ければ 2019年末までに,恐ろしいデング熱に対するワクチンが使用可能になるかも知れない。Panacea Biotec 社は 2018年はじめにヒトでの臨床試験を開始すると明らかにした。the Drug Controller General of India (DCGI)から phase I/II trials の認可を得たと述べた ...

PRO/EDR> Microsporidia, keratoconjunctivitis - United States: (PA)
Archive Number: 20171202.5478494
情報源 The Washington Post 2017年12月1日
ペンシルベニア Pennsylvania 州の男性が,ウォーターライド an amusement park water ride 中に,眼を食い荒らす寄生虫 an eye-eating parasite に感染したとして,園を訴えた。7月はじめにピッツバーグのパーク Pittsburgh's Kennywood amusement park のライドで浴びた水しぶきにより,the parasite microsporidia が左眼に感染したと腫脹している ...

PRO/AH/EDR> Anaplasmosis - Norway: (RO)
Archive Number: 20171202.5479307
情報源 Science Nordic 2017年11月29日
ノルウェーではおよそ 500万人が,100万頭近いヒツジとともに暮らしている。夏季には森や山で放し飼いにされるヒツジは,ダニが保有しヒトやウシにも感染するアナプラズマ _Anaplasma phagocytophilum_ に感染する可能性がある ... これまでノルウェーのヒトでの感染の拡がりはあまり知られていなかったが,Stavanger University Hospital 病院で男性 1名のアナプラズマ症 a case of anaplasmosis が確認されたことが,the December 2017 issue of Lancet Infectious Disease で報告された。"This was the 1st confirmed case we have seen in Rogaland County "

サルモネラ症-米国(16) レストラン
PRO/AH/EDR> Salmonellosis - USA (16) : (MN) chain restaurant
Archive Number: 20171202.5479233
情報源 Bemidji Pioneer 2017年12月1日
ミネソタ Minnesota 州のバーガーキング A total of 2 Burger King restaurants in Bemidji, MN が,同店で食事を取った 2ダーズ以上の人々がサルモネラ症 salmonellosis に感染したため,11月30日から休業となっている。州保健当局 the Minnesota Department of Health によると 27 cases と 4 more probable cases が報告されている。

腸管出血性大腸菌 EHEC-米国(37) 生の生地
PRO/AH/EDR> E. coli EHEC - USA (37): raw dough, FDA alert
Archive Number: 20171202.5479176
情報源 FDA 2017年11月28日
生の生地をそのまま食べたり,こどもに食べさせたりしないように ...

A 型肝炎-フランス(03)
HAV outbreak in HIV-infected MSM and in PrEP-using MSM despite a high level of immunity, Lyon, France, Jan to Jun 2017
PRO/EDR> Hepatitis A - France (03): (Lyon) MSM
Archive Number: 20171202.5479153
情報源 Eurosurveillance 2017年11月30日
フランス国内で 2016年末から,an important increase in the number of acute hepatitis A cases in MSM が観察された ...

結核,多剤耐性-米国 死亡 モン族
PRO/EDR> Tuberculosis, MDR - USA: (MN) fatal, Hmong, senior center
Archive Number: 20171202.5478416
情報源 Tommie Media 2017年11月30日
ミネソタ Minnesota 州は,全米最大の多剤耐性結核アウトブレイク the largest outbreak of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis [MDR TB] in the country のまっただ中にある ...
情報源 Twin Cities / Pioneer Press 2017年11月6日
過去 2年間に Ramsey County [within the Minneapolis-St. Paul-Bloomington, MN-WI Metropolitan Statistical Area in the U.S. state of Minnesota]において 17 cases of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis が発生し,このうち 6人が死亡した ... the 17 cases のうち,14 人the Hmong community の患者で,10 人が老人センターの活動 activities at a senior center に参加していた ...