


アフリカ豚コレラ-中国 アジア(30) イノシシ
PRO/AH> African swine fever - Asia (30): China (JL) wild boar, regional impact
Archive Number: 20181117.6151273
情報源 NTD TV [in Chinese] 2018年11月17日
吉林省 Jilin province で,死亡した野生のイノシシのアフリカ豚コレラ感染 African swine fever (ASF) が確認。北朝鮮との国境 the junction of Changbai Mountain and North Korea で発生しており,(北朝鮮への)感染拡大が懸念されている

PRO/AH/EDR> Ebola update (134): Congo DR (NK, IT) cases, challenges
Archive Number: 20181117.6150791
[1] Case update
- Fri 16 Nov 2018. Epidemiological situation report, DRC Ministry of Health [in French]
The epidemiological situation of the Ebola virus disease in the provinces of North Kivu and Ituri dated 15 Nov 2018:
- Since the beginning of the epidemic, the cumulative number of cases is 352, of which 305 are confirmed and 47 considered probable. In total, there were 210 deaths (of 163 confirmed and 47 probable cases).
- 90 suspected cases under investigation.
- 1 new case confirmed in Katwa.
- 1 new case death confirmed in Katwa.
- 1 new person recovered in Beni.
[2] Summary
- Fri 16 Nov 2018. Armed rebels kill UN peacekeepers in Ebola hot spot, new cases
[CIDRAP (Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy)]
[3] Challenges
- Thu 15 Nov 2018. Expansion to Butembo [The Telegraph News]
原文 [Google 翻訳] 参照願います。
- Thu 15 Nov 2018. Deaths of peacekeepers and Congolese soldiers [The New York Times]
地図 Maps of DR Congo
関連項目 Ebola update (133): Congo DR (NK, IT) cases, international 20181116.6149045

アフリカ豚コレラ-ウクライナ 欧州(60) ブタ,イノシシ OIE
PRO/AH> African swine fever - Europe (60): Ukraine, domestic, wild boar, OIE
Archive Number: 20181117.6150790
[1] Rovno: domestic swine and wild boar
[2] Kiev: domestic swine
[3] Donetsk: domestic swine and wild boar
[4] Odessa: domestic swine and wild boar
[5] Cherkassy: domestic swine
[6] Poltava: domestic swine
[7] Sumy: domestic swine
[8] Kherson: domestic swine
[9] Nikolayev: domestic swine
[10] Chernigov: domestic swine
[11] Chernovtsy: domestic swine
[12] Ternopil: domestic swine

ビタミンD毒性-米国 イヌ,ペットフード回収
PRO/AH> Vitamin D toxicity - USA 
情報源 ABC Action News 2018年11月12日

ウエストナイルウイルス(66)-米国 ウマ
PRO/AH/EDR> West Nile virus (66): Americas (USA) equine
Archive Number: 20181117.6148669
[1] California
情報源 The Horse 2018年11月19日
[2] Tennessee
情報源 Citizen Tribune 2018年11月13日