


PRO/EDR> Dengue/DHF update (05): Asia, Pacific, Europe, research
Archive Number: 20190216.6318840
[1] Cases in various countries
- National. 29 Jan 2019. The epidemiology unit said [in Colombo] on [Tue 29 Jan 2019] that 2 people have died and over 3700 have been affected by the dengue virus across Sri Lanka within the 1st 3 weeks of January [2019].
- Kathmandu district. 8 Feb 2019. インドで 2週間前に検査によってデングウイルス感染が確定診断された Kathmandu 在住の 34歳女性が 8日,病院 the Sukraraj Tropical and Infectious Disease Hospitalを受診した ... A dengue outbreak was also observed in Kathmandu (Balaju area) about 3 months ago (2018).
- Sindh (Karachi). 11 Feb 2019. 17 new dengue cases surface in Karachi in a week, taking the reported cases toll to 166 since 1 Jan 2019.
- Maharashtra (Pune). 30 Jan 2019. As many as 70 persons have tested positive for dengue in the city [Pune] so far this year [2019].
- National. 1 Feb 2019. 15 132 cases of dengue fever were reported in Indonesia, with 145 deaths, as of [Fri 1 Feb 2019]. East Java province witnessed the highest number of dengue cases, at 3074, with 52 deaths,
- National. 7 Feb 2019. At least 176 people out of 16 692 dengue cases across the country have died this year [2019].
- East Nusra Tenggara. 13 Feb 2019. Waingapu public hospital has 338 cases; 18 people have died.
- National. 13 Feb 2019. Dengue cases increase to 973 cases in 1st 4 weeks of 2019 with 2 deaths.
- National. 7 Feb 2019. at least 26 deaths in Central Visayas and Caraga region alone during the 1st 2 months of the year [2019]. From 1 Jan to 2 Feb this year [2019], the Department of Health in Central Visayas (DOH 7) reported 2132 cases.
- Central Visayas. 3 Feb 2019. 14 deaths due to dengue, cases rise in Central Visayas.
- Cagayan de Oro city. 7 Feb 2019. 256 Dengue cases in January [2019].
- Mindanao. 15 Feb 2019. The local government of Kawayan, Biliran, issued an executive order declaring a dengue outbreak in the entire town on Wednesday [13 Feb 2019].
- National. 4 Feb 2019. 1st indigenous dengue case this year reported in Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- National. 12 Feb 2019. 107 cases of dengue reported so far in February [2019]: 16 cases in capital Male' and 91 in the outlying atolls. 237 cases of dengue were reported in the Male' region alone in December [2018], and the total number of cases in atolls has reached 321.
- ニューカレドニア. 30 Jan 2019. Figures released in New Caledonia show almost 500 people have contracted dengue since an epidemic of the mosquito-borne disease was declared in the week before Christmas [25 Dec 2018]. The most affected area is Noumea and its suburban area.
- パラオ 5 Feb 2019. Dengue cases rise to 77 [since 1 Dec 2018], of which 58 are from Koror, and Airai accounted for another 12 cases.
- マルティニーク 7 Feb 2019. 正確な患者数は不明
- タヒチ ex ニューカレドニア. 13 Feb 2019. A health alert has been issued in French Polynesia after one case of dengue type 2 was diagnosed. A man who had arrived from New Caledonia  ...
- National. 14 Feb 2019. 57 cases of dengue in Armenia [have been] recorded to date; the figure increased in 2019 compared to the year 2018. The increase in records so far in 2019 is 25.
[2] Insecticide resistance conferring allele
情報源 Euro Surveillance 2019年1月31日
原著タイトル 1st detection of a _Vssc_ allele V1016G conferring a high level of insecticide resistance in _Aedes albopictus_ collected from Europe (Italy) and Asia (Viet Nam), 2016: a new emerging threat to controlling arboviral diseases. Euro Surveill. 2019; 24(5): 1700847. doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2019.24.5.1700847.
結果: 大部分のヒトスジシマカ _Ae. albopictus_ はペルメトリン permethrin に感受性を示したが,イタリアとベトナムで採取された少数 (4/33)で高度耐性が認められた。遺伝学的解析 Genotyping studies で a knockdown resistance (kdr) allele V1016G in _Vssc_ for the 1st time in _Ae. albopictus_ が確認された。以前に報告されている 2種類の kdr alleles, F1534C and F1534S も確認された ...
結論: The V1016G allele was detected in both Asian and Italian _Ae. albopictus_ populations, thus a spread of this allele beyond Italy in Europe cannot be ruled out.
[3] Research: gene signature for dengue severity
情報源 Genome Web 2019年1月29日
the USA and Colombia の研究チームが,デングウイルス感染が重症化しやすい症例の発見のために有望な a blood gene expression signature を発見 ... Google 翻訳参照願います。

PRO/AH/EDR> Equine influenza - UK (04): (England, Scotland) horse, spread
Archive Number: 20190216.6320786
情報源 Horse & Hound 2019年2月15日
Hertfordshire で少なくとも 5頭のウマのインフルエンザ感染が確認され,ほか 15頭にも症状が見られると, The Animal Health Trust が報告した

口蹄疫-パレスチナ自治区 ヒツジ
PRO/AH/EDR> Foot & mouth disease - Palestinian Auth: (WE) sheep, 2018, st O, tt EA-3
Archive Number: 20190216.6320472
情報源 FAO World Reference Laboratory for FMD (WRLFMD) serotyping & genotyping reports, Palestinian Authority, WRLFMD/2019/00006 2019年2月16日

MERS-CoV (18)-サウジアラビア
PRO/AH/EDR> MERS-CoV (18): Saudi Arabia (RI) WHO
Archive Number: 20190216.6320454
[1] サウジアラビア, 1 new case - MOH 15-16 Feb 2019
情報源 Saudi MOH 15-16 Feb 2019 2019年2月16日
the last update [14 Feb 2019] からの 2日間で,新たに 1例newly confirmed case of MERS-CoV infection が確認された。
Information on the newly confirmed case:
Date of confirmation report: 15 Feb 2019
Case no.: 19-1838
MERS in Wadi Aldawasir city: 49-year-old male in Wadi Aldawasir city, Riyadh region
Contact with camels: No
Case classification: Secondary, healthcare acquired
Current status: Hospitalized
[2] サウジアラビア - WHO, Disease Outbreak News 15 Feb 2019
情報源 WHO, Emergencies preparedness, response, Disease outbreak news 2019年2月15日
From [1 Jan 2019] through [31 Jan 2019] の間に,サウジアラビア the International Health Regulations (IHR) National Focal Point of Saudi Arabia から 14 additional cases of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) infection, including 3 deaths が報告された。このうち 8例が,3つの異なる小集積  separate clusters of cases として発生した; Cluster 1 involves 3 cases (listed as Cases 1, 2 and 3) in Riyadh Province, and Cluster 2 involves 2 cases (listed as Cases 4 and 5) in the city of Jeddah. Cluster 3 involves 3 cases (listed as Cases 11, 13 and 14) in the city of Wadi Aldwaser [Wadi Aldawasir] and is currently ongoing ...
2012年から 2019年1月31日までの間に,合計 2298例と 811例の死亡が報告されている。
WHO risk assessment
WHO advice
[ Mod.MPP 注-14例についての詳細な情報,原文参照願います。]
関連項目 (17): Saudi Arabia (RI) Oman, RFI 20190215.6317274

PRO/AH/EDR> Angiostrongylus cantonensis - USA (02): (HI Hawaii)
Archive Number: 20190216.6320453
情報源 KITV Island News 2019年2月14日
the Big Island で 13日,新たな感染例 cases of rat lungworm disease が確認された。保健当局 the Department of Health によると,成人 2名の感染で,1名は 2018年に休暇で訪れた旅行者だった。2018年12月後半に発病し,自宅に戻った後に診断を受け入院した。その後回復している。2例目は an East Hawaii resident で 2019年1月に発病し,2月はじめに入院となった。当局が感染源を調査している。この病気は,寄生虫を持つナメクジやカタツムリを食べることで感染が拡がる。これらを素手でつかんだりせず,生の果物や野菜は食べる前によく洗うよう注意を呼びかけている。

PRO/AH/EDR> Leishmaniasis, cutaneous - Pakistan (03): (TA Tribal Area)
Archive Number: 20190216.6320394
情報源 Dawn 2019年2月14日
 ... 13日の保健大臣からの資料によると,州内全体でこれまでに 21 258例のリーシュマニア症 cases of leishmaniasis が報告されており,19 072例が部族地域からの報告だった ... WHO から 9500 vials の治療用注射薬が提供されていると述べた。