


● MERS-CoV(24)-サウジアラビア
PRO/AH/EDR> MERS-CoV (24): Saudi Arabia (MK, RI)
Archive Number: 20190223.6333139
情報源 Saudi MOH 2019年2月23日
In the past 24 hours since the last update (20190223.6331710), there have been 3 newly confirmed cases of MERS-CoV infection  
Information on newly confirmed cases (3)
Date of confirmation report: 23 Feb 2019
Case no.: 19-1851
MERS in Makkah city: 41-year-old male in Makkah city, Makkah region
Contact with camels: yes
Case classification: primary
Current status: hospitalized
Date of confirmation report: 23 Feb 2019
Case no.: 19-1852
MERS in Jeddah city: 70-year-old male in Jeddah city, Jeddah [Makkah] region
Contact with camels: yes
Case classification: primary
Current status: hospitalized
Date of confirmation report: 23 Feb 2019
Case no.: 19-1853
MERS in Wadi Aldwasir city: 35-year-old female in Wadi Aldwasir city, Riyadh region
Contact with camels: no
Case classification: secondary, healthcare acquired
Current status: home isolation

PRO/AH/EDR> Classical swine fever - Japan (03): (GF, AI) wild boar, oral vaccination
Archive Number: 20190223.6333082
情報源 Japan's Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries [in Japanese] 2019年2月22日

● 原因不明の中毒-チュニジア 訂正
20190223.6331709 に関して。
PRO/AH/EDR> Undiagnosed poisoning - France: chewing gum susp., RFI, correction, Tunisia
Archive Number: 20190223.6333026

リステリア症-オーストラリア 死亡 院内感染
PRO/AH/EDR> Listeriosis - Australia: (VI) fatal, nosocomial
Archive Number: 20190223.6332766
情報源 3aw Mornings 2019年2月22日
a _Listeria_ outbreak により高齢女性 1人死亡し,ほか多数の感染のおそれがある ...
情報源 The Age 2019年2月22日
病院やケアホームなどに食事を提供していた,southeast Melbourne の The catering service "I Cook Foods"の食事からリステリア菌が検出され,2月4日に Knox Private Hospital で 80歳代の女性が感染し死亡した。

PRO/EDR> Legionellosis - USA (02): (NY) fatal, assisted living facility
Archive Number: 20190223.6332765
情報源 WNYT 2019年2月21日
Albany County [New York State (NYS)] で 2人のレジオネラ菌感染が確認され,このうち 1人死亡したが,死亡の原因は分かっていない

PRO/AH/EDR> Ebola update (21): Congo DR (NK, IT) cases, summaries, vaccine, WHO, reading
Archive Number: 20190223.6332712
[1] Case updates
- Epidemiological situation report, 22 Feb 2019, DRC Ministry of Health
- Epidemiological situation report, 21 Feb 2019, DRC Ministry of Health
[2] Summaries
- WHO Disease Outbreak News
- CIDRAP (Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy)
[3] Vaccine
- SAGE new recommendations
- WHO: Uganda
[4] Recommended reading
- Early transmission 2014 west African outbreak

原因不明の中毒-フランス(後にチュニジアに訂正) チューインガム疑い
PRO/AH/EDR> Undiagnosed poisoning - France: chewing gum susp., RFI
Archive Number: 20190223.6331709
情報源 Mosaiquefm.net [in French] 2019年2月20日
the college of Ezzahra city in the governorate of Sousse カレッジで 11人の食中毒が報告されている。この学生らは,校内 the college refreshment bar でチューインガムを購入しており,これが食中毒の原因と疑われている ... 嘔吐と腹痛の症状があった

● MERS-CoV(23)-サウジアラビア
PRO/AH/EDR> MERS-CoV (23): Saudi Arabia (RI) MoEnvironment closes camel market
Archive Number: 20190223.6331710
[1] サウジアラビア: 1 new case - MOH 22 Feb 2019
情報源 Saudi MOH 2019年2月22日
In the past 24 hours since the last update [21 Feb 2019] there has been 1 newly confirmed case of MERS-CoV infection
Information on newly confirmed case (1)
Date of confirmation report: 22 Feb 2019
Case no.: 19-1850
MERS in Wadi Aldwasir city: 57-year-old male in Wadi Aldwasir city, Riyadh region
Contact with camels: yes
Case classification: secondary, household contact
Current status: home isolation
[2] Saudi Arabia: Wadi Aldwasir camel market closed by Saudi Ministry of the Environment - media
情報源 SABQ media [in Arabic] 2019年2月21日

PRO/AH/EDR> Rift Valley fever - Mayotte (03): increase in cases, human, cattle
Archive Number: 20190222.6331808
情報源 Le Journal de Mayotte [in French] 2019年2月22日
Epidemiological situation as of 22 Feb 2019:
- Samples taken by veterinarians from sick animals or during abortions have identified 33 animal FVR outbreaks.
- Since late November [2018], 63 human cases of RVF have been reported to the monitoring and health emergencies platform of the ARS OI (CVAGS) of Mayotte by the CHM laboratory.

PRO/AH/EDR> African swine fever - Europe (12): Belgium (LX) wild boar, spread
Archive Number: 20190222.6331807
情報源 Luxemburger Wort [in French] 2019年2月22日
The [African] swine fever [ASF] virus is closer than ever to the Luxembourg border. The "viropositive" carcass of an infected wild boar was discovered just 3 km [1.9 mi] from the country.

PRO/AH/EDR> Lassa fever - West Africa (14): Nigeria (PL)
Archive Number: 20190222.6331712
情報源 Niaja News 2019年2月21日
Lassa fever, has killed 10 persons and infected 28 others in Plateau state, Nigeria.

マリファナ中毒-米国 イヌ
PRO/AH/EDR> Marijuana poisoning - USA: (CT Connecticut) dog
Archive Number: 20190222.6331711
情報源 NBC Connecticut 2019年2月19日
5日間に,marijuana を食べたとみられる 2 dogs が動物病院 the Pieper Veterinary Madison's emergency center に急送された

● 腺疫-米国
PRO/AH/EDR> Strangles - North America (04): USA (NV, FL) horse
Archive Number: 20190222.6331708

● 慢性消耗性疾患-米国
PRO/AH/EDR> Chronic wasting disease - USA (04): (MS) deer
Archive Number: 20190222.6331698

● BSE ウシ-スペイン OIE
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy, Spain,Immediate notification (final report)
PRO/AH/EDR> BSE, cattle - Spain: (CL) atypical H-type, OIE
Archive Number: 20190222.6331460
情報源 OIE, WAHID (World Animal Health Information Database), weekly disease information 2019 2019年2月22日

● アフリカ豚コレラ-中国 OIE
African swine fever [ASF], China (People's Rep of),1st occurrence of a listed disease
PRO/AH/EDR> African swine fever - Asia (15): China (SD) domestic, spread, OIE
Archive Number: 20190222.6331459
情報源 OIE, WAHID (World Animal Health Information Database) 2019年2月22日

● アフリカ豚コレラ-中国,モンゴル,ベトナム FAO
PRO/AH/EDR> African swine fever - Asia (14): China, Mongolia, Viet Nam, domestic, FAO
Archive Number: 20190222.6331318
情報源 FAO/EMPRES - Animal Health: ASF Asia weekly update for 22 Feb 2019 2019年2月22日

● 鳥インフルエンザ(09)-南アフリカ ダチョウ,LAPI H7N2 OIE
Low pathogenic avian influenza (poultry), South Africa,Reoccurrence of a listed disease
PRO/AH/EDR> Avian influenza (09): South Africa (FS) ostrich, LPAI H7N2, OIE
Archive Number: 20190222.6330063
情報源 OIE, WAHID (World Animal Health Information Database), weekly disease information 2019年2月21日

PRO/AH/EDR> Leishmaniasis - Tunisia: (GF)
Archive Number: 20190222.6330463
情報源 Realites Online [in French] 2019年2月16日
15日現在,the Metlaoui Regional Hospital in Gafsa governorate には 1318 patients with leishmaniasis が入院している。湖などの周囲 near the lakes and wastewater に蚊族[実際はサシチョウバエ]が増えた結果である。この地域では,2017年と比較して 3倍の患者が発生した。

PRO/AH/EDR> Trypanosomiasis (Chagas disease) - Mexico: (YU)
Archive Number: 20190222.6330429
情報源 The Yucatan Times 2019年2月20日
2月の 1ヶ月間に24 new cases of "Chagas" disease (American trypanosomiasis) in the state of Yucatan が確認された

PRO/AH/EDR> Lassa fever - West Africa (13): Nigeria
Archive Number: 20190222.6330382
情報源 Nigeria Center for Disease Control (NCDC) 2019年2月17日
- In the reporting week 7 (11-17 Feb 2019) 25 new confirmed cases were reported from Edo (6), Ondo (2), Ebonyi (1), Plateau (2), Taraba (4), Bauchi (8), Kogi (1), and Kebbi (1) states with 6 new deaths in Ondo (3), Bauchi (2), and Kogi (1).