


PRO/EDR> Dengue/DHF update (04): Americas
Archive Number: 20190207.6305840
[1] Cases in various countries
WHO/PAHO report,Fri 1 Feb 2019
メキシコ Mexico (Yucatan Peninsula region). 12 Jan 2019. Yucatan state (conf.) for all of 2018, 19 cases; Quintana Roo state, 204 cases.
ジャマイカ Jamaica. 19 Jan 2019. (reported) 174 cases; deaths 5.
4 Feb. 2019 Disease outbreak news WHO:厚生労働省検疫所 FORTH
アンティグアバーブダ Antigua and Barbuda. 29 Jan 2019. (susp.) 21 cases, (conf.) 6 cases; dengue virus type 3 present..
ボリビア Bolivia (Tarija department). 3 Feb 2019. (susp.) 71 cases, (conf.) 20 cases; municipality most affected Bermejo (reported) 23 cases of which (conf.) 19 cases.
ブラジル Brazil [in Portuguese]:
- Tocatins state. 4 Jan 2019. (reported) as of close of 2018, 1538 cases; DHF/serious 10 cases; deaths, 1 on 3 Jan 2019.
- Franca, Sao Paulo state. 19 Jan 2019. (susp.) 160 cases
- Bauru, Sao Paulo state. 31 Jan 2019. (conf.) 775 cases.
- Araraquara, Sao Paulo state. 5 Feb 2019. (conf.) 906 cases.
- Sao Joaquim da Barra, Sao Paulo state. 5 Feb 2019. (susp.) 225 cases, (conf.) 105 cases; deaths 3.
- Franca, Sao Paulo state. 5 Feb 2019. (susp.) 1019 cases.
- Parana state. 23 Jan 2019. (conf.) 154 cases; municipality most affected: Urai (conf.) 37 cases.
コロンビア Colombia [in Spanish]:
- National. 27 Jan 2019. (reported) 4259 cases, (conf.) 17 deaths; affected departments reporting deaths: Norte de Santander, Antioquia, Atlantico, Bolivar, Cundinamarca, Cordoba, Putumayo, and Tolima; the city of Cucuta had 349 cases in one week.
- Cartegena, Bolivar department. 21 Jan 2019. (conf.) 22 cases.
エクアドル Ecuador (Guayas province). 6 Feb 2019. [in Spanish] (registered) 36 cases; municipalities affected: Guayaquil, Duran
and Samborondon.
パラグアイ Paraguay:
- 2018 totals. 3 Jan 2019. (reported) in 2018 more than 31 000 cases, including (conf.) 3414 cases; deaths 15; localities: Central and Asuncion; dengue viruses circulating 1, 4.
- 2019 totals. 3 Feb 2019. (reported) dengue and chikungunya 1472 cases; localities affected: Central, Paraguari, Alto Parana (22 dengue cases), and Amambay.
[ Mod.TY 注-A 26 Jan 2019 report [in Spanish] indicated that dengue virus type 1 is circulating.]

[2] Dengue encephalitis 脳炎
情報源 International Journal of Infectious Diseases 2019年1月11日
原著タイトル Dengue virus is an under-recognised causative agent of acute encephalitis syndrome (AES): Results from a 4-year AES surveillance study of Japanese encephalitis in selected states of India; International Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2019; [in press].
- Dengue virus is one among the 3 most common agents identified in AES.
- Existing surveillance for acute encephalitis syndrome (AES) does not include routine testing for dengue.
- Dengue accounts for 5% of AES cases in India, especially in the absence of laboratory evidence for other pathogens tested.
- Testing for dengue in AES cases must be included in routine surveillance.
Abstract ...
10 107 AES patients のうち,49.2% of patients で病原体が特定され,この中 the top 3 agents として,日本脳炎 JEV (16%), ツツガムシ病 scrub typus (16%), およびデング熱 DEN (5.2%) が確認された。the DEN-positive cases (359/6892) のうち, 7 (2%) は dengue virus RNA のみが陽性: one in serum and 6 in CSF.

[3] Host genetics of severe dengue
情報源 Cell Reports 2019年1月29日
原著タイトル A 20-Gene Set Predictive of Progression to Severe Dengue. Cell Reports. 2019; 26:1104-1111. doi: .
In Brief 
デング熱感染の重症化を予測する Biomarkers が必要である。Robinson et al. が示した,重症化予測のための a 20-gene set について ...
- A multi-cohort analysis framework revealed a 20-gene set to predict severe dengue.
- The 20 genes effectively predict severe dengue in existing and prospective cohorts.
- The 20-gene set is generalizable across ages, host genetic factors, and virus strains.
- The 20-gene set has potential implications for the development of a prognostic assay.
 ... This 20-gene set is strongly associated with the progression to severe dengue and represents a predictive signature, generalizable across ages, host genetic factors, and virus strains, with potential implications for the development of a host response-based dengue prognostic assay.

● ニューカッスル病-米国(03)
PRO/AH/EDR> Newcastle disease, poultry - USA (03): (CA)
Archive Number: 20190207.6305809
情報源 Press-Enterprise.com 2019年2月6日

デング熱(03)-日本 UAEから,訂正
20190201.6290139  に関し。
PRO/EDR> Dengue/DHF update (03): Asia (Japan ex United Arab Emirates), corr
Archive Number: 20190207.6305345
投稿者 都立駒込病院・Taiichiro Kobayashi MD, DTM&H, MCTM, PhD,2019年2月7日
"ProMED-mail への投稿後, 患者が真実を語った。患者らは UAE 以外に,モルジブ  Maldives from [31 Dec 2018 to 4 Jan 2019] も訪れていた。患者がモルジブ滞在を明かさなかったのは個人的理由だが,社会に混乱を招くことは望んでいない。最終的にわれわれは,この患者がデング熱に感染したのは UAE ではなくモルジブであると診断した

Highly pathogenic influenza A viruses (infection with) (non-poultry including wild birds), Kuwait,recurrence of a listed disease
PRO/AH/EDR> Avian influenza (05): Kuwait (FA) HPAI, pet birds, H5N8, OIE
Archive Number: 20190207.6305342
情報源 OIE, WAHIS (World Animal Health Information System), weekly disease information 2019; 322019年2月6日
感染開始時期 2019年1月24日
前回流行時期 2016年12月28日
原因ウイルス highly pathogenic influenza A virus
Serotype: H5N8
新たな感染流行  (1)
Outbreak location: Al Rai Live Bird Market, Al Rai, Farwaniyah, Al Farwaniyah: livestock market
鳥類 Birds / 2000 / 3 / 3 / 1997 / 0
Affected population: Captive pet birds from different species kept in a pet shop at Al Rai live bird market

● A 型肝炎-米国
PRO/EDR> Hepatitis A - USA (06): (KY,WV,OH)
Archive Number: 20190207.6304933
[1] Kentucky
情報源 Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Department for Public Health 2019年1月21日
[2] West Virginia
情報源 West Virginia Office of Epidemiology & Prevention Services 2019年2月1日
[3] Ohio
情報源 Ohio Department of Health 2019年2月4日

PRO/AH/EDR> Antibiotic resistance - Norway: (Svalbard) NDM, High Arctic Region
Archive Number: 20190207.6304163
情報源 CGTN 2019年1月31日
インド由来の薬剤超耐性菌 Antibiotic-resistant "superbug" genes が極北 the High Arctic で確認された。the Kongsfjorden region, a remote place in the High Arctic の土壌中のサンプルで発見されたと,科学雑誌 Environment International on [Mon 4 Feb 2019] で発表された ...

コレラ(03)-イエメン WHO
Cholera situation in Yemen, December 2018
PRO/EDR> Cholera, diarrhea & dysentery update (03): Asia (Yemen) WHO
Archive Number: 20190207.6305014
情報源 WHO/EMRO 2019年2月7日
2018年12月,保健当局 the Ministry of Public Health and Population of Yemen は合計 47 310例のコレラ感染が疑われる症例 suspected cholera cases including 86 related deaths (case fatality rate: 0.18%), from 20 governorates を報告した。2016年10月以降のイエメンにおける感染疑い例数は,累計で 1 417 156 including 2870 related deaths with a case fatality rate of 0.20% となっている。同国内では 2017年4月27日以降a 2nd wave of this outbreak に見舞われている。the 2nd wave 期間の患者数は 1 391 329 including 2 741 related deaths with a case fatality rate of 0.19% である。27 Apr 2017 以後に合計 12 937件の便検体 stool specimens の検査が実施され,4319 検体が laboratory confirmed for _Vibrio cholerae_ だった。人口 1万人あたりの患者数が最も多い地域 The 5 governorates は,Amran (1258.21), Al Mahwit (1087.47), Sana'a (781.53), Dahamar (704), and Al Dhale'e (652.50)で,全国では 493.95 per 10 000 となっている。死者数が多い地域Hajjah (472), Ibb (371), Al Hudaydah (343), and Taizz (221) である。
Date / Cases / Deaths
8 May / 1360 / 25
6 Jun / 96 000 / 746
7 Jul / 297 438 / 1706
7 Aug / 463 000 / 1940
2 Oct / 777 229 / 2134
11 Dec / 983 486 / 2225
18 Feb / 1 063 786 / 2258
10 Jun / 1 107 144 / not stated
31 Dec / 1 417 156 / 2870
地図 Maps of Yemen 
関連項目 (02): Asia (Yemen) 20190118.6265918

PRO/AH/EDR> Equine influenza - UK: (England) horse
Archive Number: 20190207.6304883
投稿者 Dr Julie Magnus 2019年2月6日
英国競馬会 The British Horseracing Authority (BHA)は,2月7日に予定されている all British racecourses の中止を決定。6日,動物衛生当局 the Animal Health Trust から 3 confirmed equine influenza positives from vaccinated horses in an active racing yard の通報を受けての措置である。

PRO/PL> Bacterial leaf streak, maize - Brazil: 1st rep (PR)
Archive Number: 20190207.6303563
情報源 Plant Disease 2019年1月
原著タイトル First report of the occurrence of bacterial leaf streak of corn caused by _Xanthomonas vasicola_ pv. _vasculorum_ in Brazil. Plant Disease 2019; 103(1): 145; doi: 10.1094/PDIS-06-18-1100-PDN