


エボラ(31)-コンゴ(民)WHO F
PRO/AH/EDR> Ebola update (31): Congo DR (NK, IT) cases, summaries, opinions, research
Archive Number: 20190324.6384785
[1] Case updates
- 24 Mar 2019. Epidemiological situation report, DRC Ministry of Health [in French]
The epidemiological situation of the Ebola virus disease dated 23 Mar 2019:
- Since the beginning of the epidemic, the cumulative number of cases is 1009, of which 944 are confirmed and 65 are probable. In total, there were 629 deaths (564 confirmed and 65 probable) and 321 people cured.
- 10 new confirmed cases, including 4 in Vuhovi, 2 in Katwa, 2 in Butembo, 1 in Beni and 1 in Lubero;

- 23 Mar 2019. Epidemiological situation report, DRC Ministry of Health [in French]
The epidemiological situation of the Ebola virus disease dated 22 Mar 2019:
- Since the beginning of the epidemic, the cumulative number of cases is 999 [24 Mar 2019 - 1009 cases], of which 934 are confirmed and 65 are probable. In total, there were 625 deaths (560 confirmed and 65 probable) and 320 people cured.
- 6 new confirmed cases, including 3 in Katwa, 1 in Butembo, 1 in Vuhovi and 1 in Oicha;

- 22 Mar 2019. Epidemiological situation report, DRC Ministry of Health [in French]
The epidemiological situation of the Ebola virus disease dated 21 Mar 2019:
- Since the beginning of the epidemic, the cumulative number of cases is 993, of which 928 are confirmed and 65 are probable. In total, there were 621 deaths (556 confirmed and 65 probable) and 318 people cured.
- 2 new confirmed cases, including 1 in Mandima and 1 in Masereka;

[2] Summaries
- Sat 23 Mar 2019. Ebola DRC Kivu 2018-2019 surveillance dashboard [MoH/WHO AFRO]
1009 cases confirmed and probable (944 confirmed, 65 probable, 220 suspects)
- Sat 23 Mar 2019 [WHO]
- Thu 21 Mar 2019, Disease outbreak news Update 21 Mar 2019 [WHO, Disease Outbreak News]
Alert and response operation
The Ebola virus disease (EVD) outbreak in North Kivu and Ituri provinces は数週間の減少傾向のあと,最近,週あたりの発生数の増加が見られている。予想されたことで,保安上の問題が深刻化した結果と考えられる。Katwa, Butembo, Masereka and Mandima が over 80% of all cases in the last 21 days を占めている。過去 21日間に合計 97例の感染が確定診断され,38 of the 130 health areas で発生が確認されている (Table 1, Figure 2)。今週 Bunia Health Zone で死亡した乳児 infant の感染が確認されたが,両親は健康状態に問題がなった。同地域 this health zone で初めての感染の確認で,2月はじめに隣接する neighbouring Rwampara Health Zone で 1例が報告されていた ... FORTH 等参照願います。
- Tue 19 Mar 2019. Ebola DR Congo 8 more infected. 4 are in Masereka, site of family cluster [CIDRAP (Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy)]
19日もコンゴ(民)で確認される新たなエボラ患者の増加が続いており,保健相が 8 illnesses in 4 locations を発表した。the World Health Organization (WHO) African regional office は 19日の a weekly report の中で,新たに 2人の医療従事者の感染を報告した。Katwa は依然として the hot spot であるが,最近感染を報告している 7 health zones にも警戒が必要。
New cases, more community deaths
19日発表の the 8 new cases のうち,4 人が家族内集団発生のあった Masereka で, 2人が Katwa で ,Kayina and Mandima で各 1人が報告された。
Concerns about 7 health zones とは ... Katwa のほか Masereka, Vuhovi, Butembo, Kyondo, Mandima, and Kayina である ...

[3] Opinions
- Fri 22 Mar 2019 [Nature editorial]
Building trust is essential to combat the Ebola outbreak
- Thu 21 Mar 2019 [Eurasia Review Op Ed, Geopolitical Monitor]
- Thu 21 Mar 2019 [Spiegel]
An Epidemic and Its Victims: Doctors Face 2 Enemies in Fight Against Ebola
- Wed 20 Mar 2019. [PBS video and transcript]
Can Uganda block Ebola's spread from neighboring Congo?

[4] Research
- Sun 24 Mar 2019. [Monitor.com]
Ugandan doctor behind revolutionary Ebola diagnostic kit 
Google 翻訳参照願います。

関連項目 (30): Congo DR (NK, IT) cases, summaries, WHO, preparedness 20190321.6378400

PRO/AH/EDR> Lassa fever - West Africa (19): Nigeria 
Archive Number: 20190324.6383813
情報源 Nigeria Center for Disease Control (NCDC) 2019年3月17日
- In the reporting Week 11 (11 - 17 Mar 2019) 23 new confirmed cases were reported from 9 states - Edo (8), Ondo 4), Ebonyi (3), Bauchi (3), Taraba (1), Imo (1), Enugu (1), Benue (1) and Kebbi (1) with 4 new deaths in Edo (2), Benue (1) and Bauchi (1) States
- From 1 Jan - 17 Mar 2019, a total of 1801 suspected cases have been reported from states. Of these, 495 were confirmed positive, 15 probable and 1277 negative (not a case)-Table 1
- Since the onset of the 2019 outbreak, there have been 114 deaths in confirmed cases. Case fatality ratio in confirmed cases is 23.0%
- 21 States (Edo, Ondo, Bauchi, Nasarawa, Ebonyi, Plateau, Taraba, FCT, Adamawa, Gombe, Kaduna, Kwara, Benue, Rivers, Kogi, Enugu, Imo, Delta, Oyo, Kebbi and Cross River) have recorded at least one confirmed case across 73 Local Government Areas- Figure 1
- In the reporting week 11, one new health care worker was affected in Ebonyi state.
関連項目 (18): Nigeria 20190318.6374495

鳥インフルエンザ(18)-カンボジア 家きん LPAI H7N4 OIE
Low pathogenic avian influenza (poultry), Cambodia,New strain of a listed disease in the country
PRO/AH/EDR> Avian influenza (18): Cambodia, poultry, LPAI H7N4, OIE 
Archive Number: 20190324.6383752
情報源 OIE, WAHID 2019年3月22日
感染開始時期 2018年2月24日
Date of confirmation of the event: 2019年2月15日
原因ウイルス Low pathogenic avian influenza virus
Serotype: H7N4
新たな感染流行 (3)
Outbreak 1: Orussey market, Orussey 1, 7 Makara, Phnom Penh: other
Birds / 100 / 10 / 0 / 10 / 90
Affected population: ducks in Orussey live bird market, Phnom Penh city, Cambodia.
Outbreak 2: Kampong Trobek, Prasat, Kampong Trobek, Prey Veng: other
Birds / 100 / 10 / 0 / 10 / 90
Affected population: ducks in Prey Veng province through live bird markets surveillance.
Outbreak 3: Daun Keo market, Rokar Krao, Duan Keo, Takeo: other
Birds / 100 / 10 / 0 / 10 / 90
Affected population: ducks in Takeo province through live bird markets surveillance.