


PRO/EDR> Poliomyelitis update (22): Pakistan (WPV1), Nigeria (cVDPV2), vacc. postponement
Archive Number: 20190328.6391970
[1] Poliovirus weekly update, 27 Mar 2019, WHO: Pakistan (WPV1), Nigeria (cVDPV2) - GPEI
情報源 Global Polio Eradication Initiative / WHO 2019年3月28日
New wild poliovirus cases reported this week: 2
Total number of wild poliovirus cases in 2019: 8
Total number of wild poliovirus cases in 2018: 33
New cVDPV cases reported this week: 2
Total number of cVDPV cases (all types) in 2019: 4
Total number of cVDPV cases (all types) in 2018: 104
[2] Vaccination campaign postponement: Pakistan - media report
情報源 Dawn 2019年3月26日

● 馬ヘルペスウイルス-米国
PRO/AH/EDR> Equine herpesvirus - North America (07): USA (AZ, CA) horse
Archive Number: 20190328.6390800
[1] Arizona
[2] California

PRO/AH/EDR> Rift Valley fever - Mayotte (06): animal, human, control, epidemiology
Archive Number: 20190328.6391591
情報源 EU - Health and Food Safety DG - Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed (SCPAFF), 21 Mar 2019 committee meeting 2019年3月25日
Subject: Rift Valley Fever (RVF) situation in Mayotte, a French department in the Indian Ocean.
2. Background
Mayotte is at risk of exposure:
- geographical proximity to many endemic countries (the Comoros, Madagascar);
- illegal movements of animals;
- tropical climate (vectors).
3. Situation
Between 22 Nov 2018 and 14 Mar 2019, 101 human RVF cases and 60 [cases] in ruminants recorded [separate maps for animals and humans presented].

● リステリア症-欧州(02)
Multi-country cluster of Listeria monocytogenes ST1247 in five EU countries news epidemiological update.
PRO/AH/EDR> Listeriosis - Europe (02): WGS, smoked fish, ex Estonia, fatal, 2016-19
Archive Number: 20190328.6390799
情報源 European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) 2019年3月27日
ECDC has identified a microbiological link between an outbreak of 9 _Listeria monocytogenes_ ST1247 cases in Denmark and 9 additional cases reported between 2014 and 2018 in Estonia (2 cases) Finland (2), France (1) and Sweden (4).

PRO/EDR> Measles update (21)
Archive Number: 20190328.6390316

● ブルータング-ベルギー
Bluetongue, Belgium,recurrence of a listed disease
PRO/AH> Bluetongue - Europe (06): Belgium (LX) cattle, BTV-8, OIE
Archive Number: 20190328.6390822
情報源 OIE, WAHID weekly disease information 2019; 32 (13) 2019年3月28日

● 口蹄疫-ザンビア(03)
PRO/AH> Foot & mouth disease - Zambia (03): (ES) cattle, serotype pending
Archive Number: 20190328.6390668
情報源 Lusaka Times 2019年3月26日

● さび病,小麦-パキスタン,インド
PRO/PL> Stripe rust, wheat - Pakistan, India
Archive Number: 20190328.6390313
[1] Pakistan: Punjab
[2] India: Haryana

大量死,カメ-米国 新種ウイルス
PRO/AH/EDR> Die-off, turtle - USA: (FL) novel virus susp
Archive Number: 20190328.6390566
情報源 Florida Today 2019年3月19日
the St Johns River で 3種類の淡水カメ types of freshwater turtles の死亡が発生し,研究者らにより新たな種類のウイルスが確認されている。2018年3月から発生が続いており,300匹死亡したと推定されていると,フロリダ州当局者 the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) が述べた