


PRO/EDR> Influenza (14): Australia, seasonal activity
Archive Number: 20190512.6457546
情報源 Cosmos  2019年5月11日
シーズンはじめ this early in the season にオーストラリア国内ですでに 4万例のインフルエンザ症例 confirmed influenza cases in Australia が確認されていることを受け,専門家らは今週,冬のピーク時までに感染率の鈍化が見られない場合は,死者が 4千人に達するおそれがあると警告し,ワクチンの接種を呼びかけた。この時期として,通常の 3倍の患者が確認されている。2018年の年間の患者数は 5万8千人だった ...
情報源 ABC 2019年5月6日
2019年,NSW [New South Wales] 州で 1万人を超える患者がインフルエンザと診断されており,昨年同時期の約 3倍を超えている ...

PRO/EDR> Ricin - USA (02): (MN) possible poisoning
Archive Number: 20190512.6466344
情報源 Valley News Live 2019年5月7日
a Dinkytown apartment building で an "unconfirmed report of ricin (未確認のリシン事例通報)" のあと,1人が入院となっていると,消防当局 the Minneapolis Fire Department が明らかにした。7日,危険物があるとの通報を受け隊員が現場 515 14th Avenue SE に急行した。
● 狂犬病(28)-米国 ウシ,輸入されたイヌ 訂正
20190511.6465671 に関し。
PRO/AH/EDR> Rabies (28): Americas, USA, cattle, imported dogs, corr.
Archive Number: 20190512.6466342
投稿者 Tam Garland 2019年5月12日
ワイオミングで発生と報告したが,実際はコロラドColorado 州での出来事で,Laramie county, Colorado の家畜へのワクチン接種が望まれる。

サルモネラ症-英国(02) ヒツジ
PRO/AH/EDR> Salmonellosis, st Typhimurium - UK (02): sheep, t5 3225 strain, control measures
Archive Number: 20190512.6466309
情報源 Farmers weekly 2019年5月9日
英国内の 2つの群れのヒツジの間の,新たなサルモネラ菌が新興 a newly emerging strain of salmonella の取り扱いについて,動植物衛生当局 the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) が勧告を発表した。Public Health England は,Salmonella typhimurium t5 3225 によるアウトブレイクと認定した。下痢を発症し,高い死亡率を伴っている

PRO/AH/EDR> Leishmaniasis, cutaneous - Pakistan (05): (KP)
Archive Number: 20190512.6466302
情報源 The Express Tribune 2019年5月12日
保健当局 Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa health authorities は North Waziristan に,リーシュマニア症患者の治療 the treatment of leishmaniasis patients のための恒久的な施設の設置を決めた。新たに発生したアウトブレイク対策のため,tehsils of Shewa and Speen Wam に医療チームが派遣されている。the affected areas of Shewa and Speen Wam の 2つの地域では,数千人を超える患者が発生したとされている ...

● HIV-米国 濃厚血小板血漿の美容目的使用
PRO/EDR> HIV - USA: (NM) cosmetic use of PRP, contaminated needles, RFI
Archive Number: 20190512.6466285
情報源 Global Industry Reports 2019年5月2日
2日,vampire facials を受けたニューメキシコ New Mexico  2人が,HIV 検査で陽性と確認された。報道によると,old town Albuquerque (the largest city in New Mexico) にあるスパ the VIP Spa は昨年 [2018],利用者の何らかの感染症への関与 (an unidentified infection being imparted to the visitors) の理由で閉鎖されている。今回,a vampire facial 後に HIV に感染したことが明らかになった。A vampire facial とは,濃厚血小板療法 platelet-rich plasma therapy treatments の a common phrase である。通常,施術を受ける人の腕から採血し,遠心分離による除去により the platelet-rich plasma を作成し,顔面に対し使用する。より若く見えるようになる a more youthful appearance とされるが,適切に行われなければ血液由来の感染の危険性がある。

● デング熱(12)
PRO/EDR> Dengue/DHF update (12): Asia, Pacific, Africa, research
Archive Number: 20190512.6466043
[1] Cases in various countries
- National. 3 May 2019. 15 people have died and  ... Till 30 Apr 2019, a total of 15 407 dengue cases were reported, with the highest number of cases from the Colombo district with 3405 cases, followed by Gampaha in the outskirts of Colombo with 2007 cases and Jaffna in the north with 1783 cases.
- National. 23 Apr 2019.Health officials have reported nearly 14 000 dengue through 18 Apr [2019].
- Sindh (Karachi). 29 Apr 2019. 395 Dengue Cases Reported in Current Year.
- Chandigarh. 5 May 2019. set up dengue wards at all the 3 subdivision hospitals in Samana, Rajpura and Nabha.
- National. 9 May 2019. 27 people have died from dengue hemorrhagic fever in Thailand so far this year [2019]
- National. 30 Apr 2019. East Timor Red Cross reports outbreak in Capital Dili 532 cases with 5 deaths this year [2019].
- National. 20 Apr 2019. 59 139 dengue cases from 1 Jan to 6 Apr this year [2019].
- Bacolod City. 29 Apr 2019. from January to 6 Apr 2019. Cases rise to 400 with 1 death.
- Vanuato. 29 Apr 2019. Over 200 suspected dengue fever cases reported in Vanuatu this year [2019].
- Vanuato. 25 Apr 2019. Between 1 Jan - 16 Apr 2019, there have been a total of 216 suspected dengue cases reported, including 18 confirmed cases.
- Davao. 23 Apr 2019. Cases nearly triple 1681 cases period January - March 2019 against 572 in same quarter 2018.
- Soccsksargen region. 4 May 2019. The Department of Health (DOH) in Soccsksargen (Region 12) has reported 17 deaths due to dengue fever from January to 20 Apr 2019. 4631 ill.
- National. 6 May 2019. 2000 infections reported in Tainan
- National. 22 Apr 2019. In total, there are 75 people infected with the dengue virus.
- National. 29 Apr 2019. [In French] Port Louis 37 cases with 29 of those in Roche-Bois. Cases rise to 115.
- National. 9 May 2019. Mauritius passes 127 cases, including one in Grand Bay and one in Trou aux Biches
- National. 25 Apr 2019. 1700 cases of dengue reported thus far this year [2019].
- National. 8 May 2019. increased more than 200 percent compared to the previous year [2018]. Some 1912 cases of dengue were reported by the end of last month [April 2019] with 506 cases reported in April 2019 alone.
- タヒチ (French Polynesia). 29 Apr 2019. released yesterday [28 Apr 2019] that 12 indigenous cases and 2 imported cases of dengue 2 have been confirmed since early 2019.
- クック諸島. 1 May 2019. A total of 40 dengue cases have now been confirmed in the Cook Islands.
- パラオ. 25 Apr 2019. 8 additional cases last week; total rises to 164 cases.
- グアム. 19 Apr 2019. Dengue fever reported on Guam, 1 confirmed imported case
- National. 23 Apr 2019. announced on Thursday [18 Apr 2019?] that 252 people have been hospitalized in the country's commercial capital Dar es Salaam
- National. 8 May 2019. [in Spanish]
358 confirmed cases and 1100 records of patients with fever

[2] Research - Mapping out structure of Dengue and Zika viruses for developing treatments
情報源 The Strait Times 2019年4月27日
シンガポールの研究者らが,デングとジカウイルスの遺伝子配列を明らかにし ... わずかな血液量で複数のフラビウイルス感染症をスクリーニングできる検査の開発につながる可能性がある。

PRO/EDR> Diphtheria, cutaneous: travelers
Archive Number: 20190512.6465807
情報源 Today 2019年5月11日
5歳女児が,かゆみと両足の醜いできもの rather unsightly sores のため,小児病院 Evelina London Children's Hospital 救急室を受診した。女児は,1週間のシエラレオネ旅行から最近帰国し,3週間前に発症し徐々に大きくなり潰瘍となった。
診断名:皮膚ジフテリア症 ...
from September 2015 to March 2018, 4 cases, 2 from Minnesota and 1 each from Washington and New Mexico が the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention に報告があり,ソマリア,エチオピア,フィリピンへの旅行者だった。1998-2011年平均 3例であった報告が,2012-2017年には年間 33例に増加している。

PRO/AH/EDR> Ebola update (45): Congo DR (NK, IT) cases, summaries, WHO, risk, response
Archive Number: 20190512.6465801
[1] Case updates
- 11 May 2019 Epidemiological situation report, DRC Ministry of Health [in French]
The epidemiological situation of the Ebola virus disease in the provinces of North Kivu and Iturid dated 10 May 2019:
- Since the beginning of the epidemic, the cumulative number of cases is 1662, of which are 1574 confirmed and 88 probable. In total, there were 1112 deaths (1024 confirmed and 88 probable) and 446 people healed.
- 13 new confirmed cases, including 5 in Butembo, 2 in Kalunguta, 2 in Mandima, 1 in Musienene, 1 in Mabalako, 1 in Katwa and 1 in Masereka;

- 10 May 2019 Epidemiological situation report, DRC Ministry of Health [in French]

The epidemiological situation of the Ebola virus disease in the provinces of North Kivu and Ituri dated 9 May 2019:
- Since the beginning of the epidemic, the cumulative number of cases is 1649, of which 1561 are confirmed and 88 are probable. In total, there were 1105 deaths (1017 confirmed and 88 probable) and 444 people healed.
- 23 new confirmed cases, including 5 in Katwa, 5 in Butembo, 2 in Kalunguta, 2 in Mandima, 2 in Mangurudjipa, 2 in Musienene, 2 in Mabalako, 2 in Lubero and 1 in Beni;
- 9 May 2019 Epidemiological situation report, DRC Ministry of Health [in French]

The epidemiological situation of the Ebola virus disease in the provinces of North Kivu and Ituri dated 8 May 2019:
- Since the beginning of the epidemic, the cumulative number of cases is 1604, of which 1538 are confirmed and 66 are probable.
In total, there were 1074 deaths (1008 confirmed and 66 probable) and 442 people healed.
- 4 new confirmed cases, including 3 in Mabalako and 1 in Beni;

[2] Outbreak summaries
- Thu 9 May 2019. Disease Outbreak News update [WHO - Disease outbreak news]
引き続き治安状況は悪化。EVD transmission は依然として,Katwa, Butembo, Mandima, Mabalako, Musienene, Beni and Kalunguta hotspot health zones で,the last 21 days between 17 Apr - 7 May 2019 に発生の 303例のうちの 93%が発生。ほか,ワクチン接種計画など。厚生労働省検疫所 FORTH

[3] Risk and response strategy
- Sat 11 May 2019. Butembo: 212 positive cases and 109 deaths in 3 weeks [Radio Okapi (online translation)]
At least 212 positive cases and 109 Ebola deaths have been reported in the past 3 weeks in 12 health zones under the control of the Butembo Ebola response in North Kivu ...
- 10 May 2019. Worries rise over risk of Ebola spread beyond DRC hot zones [CIDRAP (Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy)]
- Thu 9 May 2019. Attacks on Ebola clinics escalate as outbreak intensifies [NY Post]
- Fri 10 May 2019. Struggling with Scale: Ebola's Lessons for the Next Pandemic [WHO ReliefWeb report from Center for Global Development]
- Fri 10 May 2019. It's Time For A Radical Rethink Of Strategies In Congo [NPR (Goats and Soda)]
- Fri 10 May 2019. Dangerous situation [International Rescue Committee]

関連項目(44): Congo DR (NK, IT) cases, WHO, response, vaccine, research 20190509.6461476

馬伝染性貧血-チリ OIE
Equine infectious anemia, Chile,Recurrence of a listed disease
PRO/AH/EDR> Equine infectious anemia - Chile: (RM) OIE
Archive Number: 20190512.6465800
情報源 OIE, WAHID 2019年5月9日
感染開始時期 2019年4月22日
前回流行時期 1988年
原因ウイルス Equine infectious anemia virus
Outbreak location: Metropolitan area, Lo Barnechea, Santiago, Metro. De Santiago: farm
ウマ Equidae / 103 / 1 / 0 / 0 / 0
Affected population: Group of sport equidae