

エボラ(57) コンゴ(民)

PRO/AH/EDR> Diarrheal shellfish poisoning - Namibia (02): (ER)
Archive Number: 20190618.6527066
情報源 The Namibian 2019年6月18日
Walvis Bay におけるカキとムール貝養殖 Oyster and black mussel production が,新たな食中毒 outbreak of diarrheal shellfish poisoning (DSP) の発生により差し止められている。漁業当局 The Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources は 17日に市民らに対し,oysters or mussels from Walvis Bay を摂取しないよう注意を呼びかけた。最後のアウトブレイクから 3か月後にふたたび発生した

エボラ(57) コンゴ(民)
PRO/AH/EDR> Ebola update (57): Congo DR (NK,IT) case updates, summary, borders, research
Archive Number: 20190618.6525334
[1] Case updates
- Mon 17 Jun 2019. Epidemiological situation report, DRC Ministry of Health [in French]
The epidemiological situation of the Ebola virus disease in the provinces of North Kivu and Ituri dated 16 Jun 2019:
- Since the beginning of the epidemic, the cumulative number of cases is 2168, 2074 confirmed and 94 probable. In total, there were 1449 deaths (1355 confirmed and 94 probable) and 596 people cured;
- 20 new confirmed cases, including 14 in Mabalako [North Kivu], 1 in Musienene [North Kivu], 1 in Beni [North Kivu], 1 in Bunia [Ituri], 1 in Rwampara [Ituri], 1 in Kalunguta [North Kivu], and 1 in Kyondo [North Kivu];
Epidemiological situation
Figures of the response
- Sun 16 Jun 2019. Epidemiological situation report, DRC Ministry of Health [in French]
- 14 new confirmed cases, including 6 in Mabalako [North Kivu], 2 in Katwa [North Kivu], 2 in Kalunguta [North Kivu], 1 in Beni [North Kivu], 1 in Rwampara [Ituri], 1 in Musienene [North Kivu], and 1 in Mandima [Ituri];
- Sat 15 Jun 2019. Epidemiological situation report, DRC Ministry of Health [in French]
- 14 new confirmed cases, including 5 in Mabalako [North Kivu], 3 in Mandima [Ituri], 2 in Butembo [North Kivu], 2 in Katwa [North Kivu], 1 in Kalunguta [North Kivu], and 1 in Lubero [North Kivu];
- Sun 16 Jun 2019. Congo DR (Bunia, Ituri): 3rd confirmed case [Media Congo Press, in French]
- Mon 17 Jun 2019. Kenya (Kericho): false alarm [New Vision, Agence France-Presse (AFP) report]

[2] Outbreak summaries
- Mon 17 Jun 2019. Ebola case counts spike again in DRC [CIDRAP (Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy)]
- Mon 17 Jun 2019. Situation report 6, Uganda Ministry of Health [WHO/AFRO]

[3] How Africa's porous borders make it difficult to contain Ebola
情報源 The Conversation 2019年6月15日

[4] Research
Estimating undetected Ebola spillovers. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2019; 13(6): e0007428
情報源 PLoS (Public Library of Science) Neglected Tropical Diseases journal 2019年6月13日

関連項目 (56): Congo DR (NK,IT) updates, no PHEIC, Merck vaccine, Africa CDC 20190615.6521868

口蹄疫-リビア ウシ,ヒツジ
PRO/AH/EDR> Foot & mouth disease - Libya (03): cattle, sheep, st O, gt pending
Archive Number: 20190618.6526510
情報源 The Libya Observer 2019年6月16日
動物衛生当局 The National Animal Health Centre がリビア国内の動物の口蹄疫 the foot-and-mouth [FMD] virus を確認した。15日の回章によると,Tripoli, Benghazi, Tajoura, Misurata, and Gharyan の各地の動物からサンプルが採取された。