

A型肝炎 米国 ワクチン接種義務
アフラトキシン タンザニア

● A型肝炎 米国(2件)
PRO/EDR> Hepatitis A - USA (31): (Las Vegas)
Archive Number: 20190822.6635382
 情報源 Associated Press 2019年8月18日
Las Vegas 保健当局者は,homeless people and drug users の間での A 型肝炎患者急増 a sharp spike in hepatitis A cases を "outbreak" の語を用いて説明した。The Southern Nevada Health District は 14日,from November [2018] to June [2019] の期間に 83 cases of the virus が確認されたと明らかにした。2016年~2018年の 3年間の合計患者数 58例を大きく上回っている。80% 以上が定住しておらず,92% use drugs, whether intravenous or not だった

PRO/EDR> Hepatitis A - USA (32): (MO) mandatory food handler vacc
Archive Number: 20190822.6635748
 情報源 Forbes 2019年8月21日
ミズーリ州の郡 Franklin County, Missouri は,感染拡大防止策としての食品取扱者 food handlers に対する A 型肝炎ワクチン接種義務化プログラム mandatory hepatitis A vaccine programs に参加する。

● 腸管出血性大腸菌 EHEC 米国
PRO/AH/EDR> E. coli EHEC - USA (18): (MN) lake swimming
Archive Number: 20190822.6635293
 情報源 Bring Me the News 2019年8月21日
Lake Nokomis における大腸菌感染 the _Escherichia coli_ outbreak の患者は現在 69人となっている。保健当局は 8月,小児 3人が湖水での遊泳後に感染したことを受け,注意喚起を行い,2カ所のビーチを閉鎖していた。ミネソタ州保健当局 The Minnesota Department of Health は 16日,49 confirmed cases of _E. coli_-related illness の報告を受けたとしたあと,20日 69例に達したと述べた。

● アフラトキシン タンザニア
PRO/AH/EDR> Aflatoxin - Tanzania: (DO,MY)
Archive Number: 20190822.6634270
 情報源 Outbreak News Today 2019年8月20日
タンザニアで,アフラトキシンによると見られるアウトブレイク A suspected aflatoxicosis outbreak が報告されている。6月後半,保健省 the Ministry of Health から The World Health Organization (WHO) に状況についての情報提供があった。Since 1 Jun 2019 以降,Dodoma and Manyara Regions in Tanzania から,腹部膨満,黄疸,嘔吐,,下肢腫脹の症状のある症例が散発的に報告され,一部は発熱と頭痛を伴っていた。8月11日現在,合計 53例8例の死亡例が,Chemba, Kondoa and Kiteto Districts から報告されている。アフラトキシンは強力なトキシンで,ここ数年,アフリカ,インド,マレーシア,台湾から大きな流行が報告されている。
アフラトキシンは,真菌のアスペルギルス _Aspergillus_ spp,特に _Aspergillus flavus_ and _Aspergillus parasiticus が産生する天然の真菌毒 mycotoxin である ...

● ポワッサンウイルス脳炎 米国
PRO/AH/EDR> Powassan virus encephalitis - USA (04): (MA Massachusetts)
Archive Number: 20190822.6634123
 情報源 The Chronicle of the Horse 2019年8月11日
... 5月21日にフィールドトリップから帰宅した 11歳女児が発熱と頭痛を発症し,26日には高熱とけいれんが始まったため,the Boston Children's Hospital ICU に入院となり,脳と脊髄の腫脹が認められた。University of California, San Francisco での髄液検査の結果 ... Powassan ウイルスが確認された ... やや長文です。
Additional information on POW virus on the USA CDC web site
● デング熱 南北アメリカ、アジア・アフリカ・大洋州(2件)
PRO/EDR> Dengue/DHF update (18): Americas
Archive Number: 20190822.6635695
Cases in various countries
 - WHO/PAHO Reported cases of dengue fever in the Americas, by country or territory to EW 32 of 2019. Fri 9 Aug 2019
 - PAHO. 19 Aug 2019 The 10 countries most affected by dengue: ニカラグア,ブラジル,ホンジュラス,ベリーズ,コロンビア,エルサルバドル,パラグアイ,グアテマラ,メキシコ,ベネズエラ
Honduras and Nicaragua have already declared national-level epidemiological alerts this year [2019]
 - Florida (Miami Dade county). 6 Aug 2019. (Confirmed [conf]) 2 locally acquired cases, 75 imported cases.
メキシコ Mexico [in Spanish]:
 - Ciudad Valles, San Luis Potosi state. 13 Aug 2019. (conf) 89 cases.
 - Sinaloa state. 17 Aug 2019. (reported [rep]) 28 cases.
 - Tamaulipas state. 15 Aug 2019. (rep) 72 cases; municipalities most affected: Altamira 18 cases, Tampico 22, Madero 13, Reynosa 5.
 - Hidalgo state. 12 Aug 2019. (rep) 67 cases; municipalities most affected: Jaltocán and San Felipe Orizatlán.
 - Chiapas state. 11 Aug 2019. (rep) deaths 26. [total case numbers not given]
 - Morelos state. 8 Aug 2019. (conf) 219 cases; municipalities most affected: Cuautla, Ayala, Yautepec, Jiutepec and Cuernavaca.
 - Puebla state. 5 Aug 2019. (rep) 217 cases.
ベリーズ. 20 Aug 2019. (suspected [susp]) 814 cases, (conf) 950 cases.
エルサルバドル. 4 Aug 2019. [in Spanish] (rep) 10 316 cases; deaths (conf) 4, (susp) 10; Dengue virus type 2 circulating.
ホンジュラス Honduras [in Spanish]:
 - National. 13 Aug 2019. (registered) deaths 89.
[As of 19 Jul 2019 there were 23 304 cases; DHF/serious 16 509 cases; cases nationally]
 - Tocoa, Colon department. 22 Jul 2019. (rep) more than 160 cases.
パナマ. 26 Jul 2019. [in Spanish] (conf) 902 cases; DHF/serious 6 cases; deaths 3; regions most affected: Colón 374 cases, Panamá Norte 105, Metropolitana 88, Herrera 65, Coclé 63 and San Miguelito 52 cases.
[On 18 Aug 2019, Herrea province now reported more than 160 cases.]
グアテマラ Guatemala [in Spanish]:
 - National. 25 Jul 2019. (rep) 8372 cases; DHF/serious 38 cases; deaths 27; departments most affected: Quetzaltenango, Huehuetenango, Izabal, Escuintla and San Marcos.
 - Alta Verapaz department. 9 Aug 2019. (rep) more than 800 cases; deaths 3; municipalities affected: Cobán 210 cases, Fray Bartólome de Las Casas 172, Chisec 124, Carchá 30, Campur 44, suman 74, San Juan Chamelco 37, Tamahú 6, Tucurú 31, Senahú 5, La Tinta 17, Tactic 7, Santa Cruz Verapaz 7, San Cristóbal Verapaz 9, Cahabón 69, Chahal 43, Panzos 1 and the Teleman region 4.
ニカラグア. 31 Jul 2019. (susp) 55 289 cases, (conf) 2232 cases; Ministry of Health Declares epidemiological alert.
キューバ. 15 Aug 2019. (rep) some dengue outbreaks have occurred in the 1st half of 2019, but officials indicated that they have been controlled. [Case numbers not given]
ドミニカ(共) Dominican Republic [in Spanish]:
 - National. 29 Jul 2019. (rep) 4296 cases; deaths 7; regions most affected: O Metropolitana (562 cases), I Valdesia (183), IV Enriquillo (164) and II Cibao Norte (105).
[A 12 Aug 2019 report indicated that around 900 dengue cases have been hospitalized of which 30 deaths have been reported, with 8 confirmed.]
 - Tambril neighborhood, Santiago municipality. 16 Jul 2019. (susp) at least 15 cases.
ジャマイカ. 25 Jul 2019. (susp or presumed) at the peak in January 2019, 1943 cases then a decline to 124 cases in June 2019 to date.
ブラジル Brazil [in Portuguese]:
 - Espirito Santo. 5 Jul 2019. (rep) more than 55 000 cases, 6 times greater than last year; municipality most affected: Serra 13 000 cases.
 - Sao Paulo state. 31 Jul 2019. (recorded) 321 843 cases of which 8232 cases imported; municipality most affected: São José do Rio Preto 32 216 cases with 16 deaths.
 - Casa Branca, Sao Paulo state. 27 May 2019. (susp) 198 cases, (conf) 292 cases.
 - Limiera, Sao Paulo state. 25 May 2019. (susp and under investigation) 1400 cases, (conf) 905 cases.
 - Araraquara, Sao Paulo state. 22 Jul 2019. (rep) 15 971 cases with 714 conf cases in last week.
 - Araçatuba, Sao Paulo state. 27 Jul 2019. (conf) 6249 cases
 - São Carlos, Sao Paulo state. 13 Jul 2019. (rep) 6046 cases, (conf) 1010 cases of which 102 imported.
 - Roraima state. 20 Jul 2019. As of 16 Jul 2019 (conf) 1128 cases, 53% more than this time last year (2018); municipalities most affected: Boa Vista 496 cases reported, 75 conf, Caroebe 214 cases reported and 188 conf, Caracaraí, 84 cases reported,15 conf.
 - Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul state. 24 Jul 2019. (conf) 441 cases of which 19 imported; neighborhood most affected: Santa Rosa de Lima 331 cases.
 - Minas Gerais state. 9 Jul 2019. (registered) 438 666 cases; deaths 106.
 - Minas Gerais (54 regional municipalities). 9 Jul 2019. (registered) 24 444 cases; deaths 107. Municipalities affected / cases: 詳細は原文参照。
 - Mato Grosso do Sul state. 31 Jul 2019. (rep) 49 778 cases, (conf) 26 912 cases; deaths 26; municipality affected: Dourados (conf) 2127 cases.
 - Santa Catarina state. 16 Aug 2019. As of 10 Aug 2019 (conf) 1730 cases; municipality most affected: Itapema.
コロンビア Colombia [in Spanish]:
 - National. 12 Jul 2019. (registered) 58 000 cases; deaths (susp) 54, (conf) 24; municipalities most affected: Villavicencio, Neiva, Yopal, Cúcuta, Ibagué, Espinal and Bucaramanga.
 - Valledupar, Cesar department. 8 Jul 2019. As or week 23 (susp) 271 cases, (conf) 207; DHF/serious 1 case.
 - Bolivar department. 20 Jul 2019. As of 18 May 2019 (probable) 355 cases, (conf) 230 cases; municipalities most affected: Santa Rosa del Sur 208 cases of which 64 conf, San Juan Nepomuceno 64 cases of which 12 conf and El Carmen de Bolívar 63 of which 7 conf.
仏領ギニア. 11 Jul 2019. [in French] (conf) 22 cases; municipalities affected: Kourou 19 cases, Cayenne 3 cases.
ペルー Peru [in Spanish]:
 - Tumbes region. 8 Jul 2019. (conf) 65 cases; deaths 13.
 - Jaen province, Cajamarca region. 1 Aug 2019. (rep) 1594 cases.
USA cases

PRO/EDR> Dengue/DHF update (17): Asia, Pacific, Europe, Africa
Archive Number: 20190822.6634758
[1] Cases in various countries
 - National. 5 Aug 2019. 47 people died and over 200 000 were infected by the dengue virus across Sri Lanka in the 1st 7 months of this year [2019], government figures revealed on Monday [5 Aug 2019]. ...
 - National. 2 Aug 2019. A record 19 513 people have been infected [as of] yesterday [1 Aug 2019], including 3464 outside Dhaka, the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) said, ...
 - National. 4 Aug 2019. The number of dengue patients is increasing across the country, as 1870 more new people were hospitalised ...
 - National. 8 Aug 2019. In the span of less than 8 months, the mosquitoborne dengue fever has claimed 29 lives and infected some 35 000 people across Bangladesh. ...
 - National. 16 Aug 2019. A total of 48 280 people have been affected by dengue so fa ...
 - Punjab (Rawalpindi). 10 Aug 2019. Another 30 patients tested positive for dengue fever taking the count to 65.
 - Sindh (Karachi). 20 Aug 2019. At least 186 new cases of dengue were reported in Karachi in the last 20 days.
 - Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Peshawar). 7 Aug 2019. Re-emergence of dengue fever looms large in Peshawar Khyber Teaching Hospital ... has received about 50 patients this year [2019], mostly belonging to Sarband, Badbher, and Kagawal, have been admitted.
 - Uttarakhand (Dehradun). 3 Aug 2019. The figure has now reached 132 after 30 more cases of dengue were confirmed on Saturday [3 Aug 2019].
 - Karnataka (Bengaluru). 2 Aug 2019. Sudden outbreak of dengue in Bengaluru ... this week the city has recorded over 3393 cases.
 - Karnataka (Bengaluru). 17 Aug 2019. by Wednesday [14 Aug 2019], the number rose to 5006, said officials.
 - National. 1 Aug 2019. A total of 138 acute undifferentiated fever or dengue fever cases were reported in Doksum in Trashiyangtse as of yesterday [31 Jul 2019] ... Two tested positive for dengue NS1, 4 for dengue IgM, and 21 for 8 dengue IgG antibody.
 - National. 9 Aug 2019. A total of 314 cases were reported from Doksum as of yesterday evening [8 Aug 2019].
 - National. 14 Aug 2019. 48 people died and over 10 757 others were infected by dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) across Myanmar in the past 7 months, according to a release from the Public Health Department under the Ministry of Health and Sports on Wednesday [14 Aug 2019]. ...
 - National. 15 Aug 2019. an additional 4500 dengue fever cases during the past week, which has brought the total case tally to 49 174 cases with 64 deaths
 - National. 11 Aug 2019. The number of dengue fever cases in Malaysia reached an all-time high for the period from January to 3 Aug [2019], hitting nearly 80 000 cases and 113 deaths reported.
 - National. 1 Aug 2019. According to the latest National Environment Agency (NEA) data, 8946 cases have been reported through 31 Jul [2019], about 5 times more than the total number of dengue cases reported in the same period last year [2018].
 - National. 3 Aug 2019. Death toll from dengue fever recorded in the different regions rose to 384, the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) said yesterday [2 Aug 2019]. ... The NDRRMC said dengue cases ballooned to 88 598.
 - National. 6 Aug 2019. ... killed at least 622 people in the country so far this year [2019]. More than 146 000 dengue cases were reported in the 1st 7 months of the year, almost twice as many as in the same period last year [2018],
 - National. 11 Aug 2019. The number of dengue cases has soared to more than 160 000, the highest in the last 5 years, with 661 fatalities so far,
 - Davao region. 9 Aug 2019. 4345 dengue cases reported in Davao region.
 - Negros Occidental. 8 Aug 2019. 2468 cases from 1 Jan-3 Aug 2019, 224% higher than last year [2018]; 12 deaths have been reported in this period.
 - Cafayan de Oro city. 20 Aug 2019. At least 795 new suspected cases in NorMin.
 - Bataan. 20 Aug 2019. At least 120 Chinese workers of a coal-fired power plant here have been afflicted with dengue virus, a provincial board member said.
 - Macau. 15 Aug 2019.The Health Bureau (SS) has indicated that 12 dengue fever cases, where the disease was contracted outside of Macau, have been recorded this year as of July [2019].
 - National. 6 Aug 2019. The Taiwan Department of Disease Control announced the 1st case of local dengue fever in Taoyuan City. The patient is a 70 year old woman from Renmei Li, Zhongli district.
 -Tainan. 7 Aug 2019. Another locally acquired dengue fever case has been confirmed in Tainan, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) said on Wednesday [7 Aug 2019].
 - Taipei.14 Aug 2019. The CDC announced on Wednesday morning [14 Aug 2019] that the 1st local case of dengue fever in New Taipei City has been confirmed.
 - National. 31 Jul 2019. The north eastern province of Si Sa Ket, on the Cambodian border ... that 7 people had died from dengue so far in 2019 and that 1664 people were now suffering from the mosquitoborne disease, making Si Sa Ket the country's 12th worst-hit province
 - フィジー. 21 Aug 2019. Fiji has recorded 1894 dengue cases in the 1st 4 months of this year [2019]
 - マーシャル諸島. 8 Aug 2019. The Republic of the Marshall Islands declares dengue emergency, restricts travel. 1st case of DEN-3 confirmed on Ebeye Island; 21 cases probable.
 - ツバル. 10 Aug 2019. Dengue1 outbreak declared on the 27 Mar 2019; 509 dengue-like illness (DLI) cases were reported in Funafuti from 25 Mar-3 Aug [2019], and 210 of them were confirmed.
 - 仏領ポリネシア. 19 Aug 2019. [in French] 358 indigenous cases and 2 imported cases of dengue 2 have been confirmed since the beginning of 2019, ...
 - クック諸島. 8 Aug 2019. Dengue-type1 outbreak was declared on the 27 Feb 2019 following a laboratory (NZLabPlus) confirmation of 7 dengue type 1 cases.
 - Cook Islands. 17 Aug 2019. 78 dengue cases have been reported in Cook Islands since the outbreak began early in the year [2019].
France ex レユニオン. 2 Aug 2019. [in French] Since the beginning of May [2019], 15 cases of dengue fever have been reported in the Bouches-du-Rhone and 5 in the Var.  
A case of dengue has been detected in Arles in recent days. The man carrying the disease was infected during his holidays in La Reunion.
 - National. 28 Jul 2019. As many as 13 have died while 6677 have been infected across Tanzania. In Dar es Salaam region alone, 6631 cases and 11 deaths have occurred.

● ボツリヌス中毒 カナダ、サーモンキャビア
PRO/EDR> Botulism - Canada (03): salmon caviar, risk, recall
Archive Number: 20190822.6635749
 情報源 Food Safety News 2019年8月22日
先週 [week of Mon 12 Aug 2019], Kananaskistrade grained salmon caviar サーモンキャビアが市場から回収された。カナダ食品監視塔局 the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) は,ボツリヌス症中毒のおそれがあるとして,消費者らに摂取しないよう呼びかけている ...
Brand name / Common name / Size / UPC / Code(s) on product
N/A (Cyrillic characters only) / Grained Salmon Caviar / 95 g / 8 85202 00044 3 / all units sold up to and including 20 Aug 2019

● アフリカ豚熱(豚コレラ)フィリピン 否定
PRO/AH> African swine fever - Asia (64): Philippines (RI Rizal) domestic, not
Archive Number: 20190822.6635634
情報源 Inquirer.net 2019年8月21日
農業当局 The Department of Agriculture (DA) は 21日,一部に高率にブタが死亡した事例があることを認めた上で,国内でのアフリカ豚コレラの発生はない no outbreak of African swine fever [ASF] と説明した。ブタの死因は確定されておらず,確定検査の結果を待っていると述べた。

● ウエストナイルウイルス ドイツ 野鳥
PRO/AH/EDR> West Nile virus (25): Europe (Germany) wild bird, OIE
Archive Number: 20190822.6635292
 情報源 OIE, WAHIS (World Animal Health Information System), weekly disease information 2019; 32(34) 2019年8月20日
West Nile fever, Germany,recurrence of a listed disease
感染開始時期 2019年8月13日
前回流行時期 2019年9月24日
原因ウイルス West Nile virus
Outbreak 1 (19-416-00004): Radebeul, Meiben, Sachsen: not applicable
Outbreak 2 (19-416-00005): Leipzig, Leipzig, Stadt, Sachsen: not applicable
Summary of outbreaks
Great tit: _Parus major_ (Paridae) / - / 2 / 2 / 0 / 0

● 伝染性皮下造血壊死症,エビ 英国
PRO/AH/EDR> Infectious hypodermal & hematopoietic necrosis - UK: shrimp, OIE
Archive Number: 20190822.6634372
 情報源 OIE, WAHID 2019年8月20日
Infectious hypodermal and haematopoietic necrosis, United Kingdom,1st occurrence of a listed disease in the country
感染開始時期 2019年7月15日
原因ウイルス infectious hypodermal and hematopoietic necrosis virus [IHHNV]
新たな感染流行 (2)
Outbreak 1 (IHHNV-1): Stirlingshire, Scotland: farm
Outbreak status: resolved 16 Aug 2019
White leg shrimp (_Litopenaeus vannamei_) / 4 (scale 0 to 5) / 4 (scale 0 to 5) / 350 300 / - / - / - / 0
Affected population: The affected population consisted of 350 000 post-hatch larval whiteleg shrimps, imported from suppliers from the United States of America (USA) on [18 Apr 2019].
Outbreak 2 (IHHNV-2): Lincoln, Lincolnshire, England: farm
White leg shrimp (_Litopenaeus vannamei_) / 0 per cent / 0 per cent / - / - / - / - / -
Affected population: The affected population consists of shrimp imported from suppliers in the USA in a total of 5 consignments from January to August 2019.