

東部ウマ脳炎-米国 ヒト,疑い

PRO/AH/EDR> Ebola update (83): Congo DR (NK, IT) cases, summaries, response
Archive Number: 20190827.6644258
[1] Case update
- Sat 24 Aug 2019. 24 Aug 2019 daily update, with data for 23 Aug 2019 [CMRE (Comite Multisectoriel de la Riposte a la maladie a virus Ebola) Google transl..]
Epidemiological situation in the provinces of North Kivu and Ituri 23 Aug 2019:
Since the beginning of the epidemic, the cumulative number of cases is 2950, of which 2845 confirmed and 105 probable. In total, there were 1980 deaths (1869 confirmed and 105 probable) and 883 people healed.
-8 new confirmed cases, including 6 in North Kivu, including 4 in Beni, 1 in Katwa and 1 in Kalunguta and 2 in Ituri, including 1 in Mambasa, 1 in Lolwa;
Monitoring at entry points ... 

-Mon 26 Aug 2019. WHO Dashboard
2982 cases including confirmed and probable
14 900 contacts being followed out of 17 000 known contacts
883 survivors
1989 deaths

[2] Summaries
-Tue 27 Aug 2019 Ebola: As death toll approaches 2000, vaccines, treatment and behaviour change equally important [IFRC (International Federation Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies)]
死者数が 2000人に近づき,感染者数は 3000人に達した。
-Mon 26 Aug 2019 DRC Ebola cases continue steady climb as total reaches 2976 [CIDRAP (Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy)]
Over the weekend and through today [26 Aug 2019],コンゴ(民)では新たに 40 more Ebola cases が確認されたが,注目されている地域 the closely watched areas of Goma, South Kivu province および 最近ウイルス感染が拡大した Pinga からは報告されなかったと,the World Health Organization (WHO) online Ebola dashboard and other official sources からの情報で明らかになった。the WHO からの情報として,25日に一気に増えた 18例: 6 in Kalunguta, 4 in Beni, and 2 in Mutwanga でほか 6カ所: Mabalako, Mandima, Butembo, Katwa, Kayna, and Komanda が各 1例,の感染も含まれている。これらの患者と,26日に報告された 8例を加え,the overall outbreak total to 2976 cases となった ...
-19 Aug 2019. UNICEF DR Congo Ebola Situation Report North Kivu, Ituri and South Kivu [Children's Fund]
-Fri 23 Aug 2019: WHO: Ebola numbers underscore need for changes, funding [CIDRAP]

[3] Response
-Wed 21 Aug 2019ust 2019. Countries bordering Ebola-hit DRC among the least prepared to fight disease outbreaks [The Telegraph]
-Thu 22 Aug 2019. Opinion [CNN]
-Mon 26 Aug 2019. The struggle against Ebola:China's decision to dispatch public health experts to Uganda and South Sudan to help prevent the spread of Ebola from the neighboring Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) [China.org]
-Sat 24 Aug 2019. Ituri: Fresh fighting breaks out in northeastern DR Congo: army [Daily Mail]
-Sun 25 Aug 2019 Congo has given over 200 000 people Merck Ebola vaccine: government [Reuters]

関連項目 (82): Congo DR (NK,IT) cases, response 20190823.6636225

東部ウマ脳炎-米国 ヒト,疑い
PRO/AH/EDR> Eastern equine encephalitis - North America (12): USA (MI) susp human, horse
Archive Number: 20190827.6642800
情報源 Press & Guide 2019年8月26日
ミシガン州の住民ら Michigan residents 3人の,東部ウマ脳炎の感染が疑われている suspected cases of the mosquito-borne illness eastern equine encephalitis と,州保健当局 the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services [MDHHS] が明らかにした。感染が疑われているのは Kalamazoo and Berrien counties の住民である。26日現在,Barry, Kalamazoo, and St Joseph counties において 6例のウマの感染が確認されている。いずれもワクチンの接種を受けておらず,死亡した。ウマにはワクチンがあるが,ヒト用のワクチンはない。さらに 2頭のシカ deer in Barry and Cass counties の感染も確認されている diagnosed with EEE ...