

COVID-19(05) 中国,台湾,WHO

● COVID-19(05) 中国,台湾,WHO
PRO/AH/EDR> COVID-19 update (05): China, global, Taiwan fatality, WHO
Archive Number: 20200216.6995828
In this update:
[1] China: China National Health Commission 17 Feb 2020
[2] Global update: Johns Hopkins CSSE [accessed at 9:30 p.m. GMT-5]
[3] Selected media reports of transmission outside of mainland China

[1] 中国
Update on the epidemic situation of new coronavirus pneumonia as of 24:00 on [16 Feb 2020]
情報源 China National Health Commission [in Chinesed] 2020年2月16日
At 04:00 on [16 Feb 2020], 31 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps reported 2048 new confirmed cases and 105 new deaths (100 in Hubei, 3 in Henan, and 2 in Guangdong). 1563 suspected cases were added.
On the same day, 1425 cases were cured and discharged,  ...
As of 24:00 on [16 Feb 2020], according to reports from 31 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, there were 57 934 confirmed cases (10 644 of which were severe cases), 10 844 cases were cured and discharged, and 1770 had died. A total of 70 548 confirmed cases  ... 
Mod.MPP 注- ... an increase of 2048 cases in the past 24 hours, of which 1933 (94.4%) were in Hubei ... ]
地図 A good map of China showing provinces
[2] Global update: Johns Hopkins CSSE [accessed at 7:30 p.m. GMT-5]
情報源 Johns Hopkins CSSE (Center for Systems Science and Engineering) 2020年2月15日
Confirmed cases
2 Feb 2020 / ... / 13 / 14 / 15/ 16 Feb 2020 / Country/Region
17 187 / ... / 63 842 / 66 343 / 68 386 / 70 510 / Mainland China
20 / ... / 28 / 29 / 43 / 59 / Japan ...
Data sources: WHO, CDC, ECDC, NHC, and DXY
[3] Selected media reports of transmission outside of mainland China
A. Japanese cruise ship, USA citizens airlifted 16 Feb 2020
Flights carrying American passengers from a cruise ship took off from Japan.
情報源 NY Times 2020年2月16日
U.S. bases brace for American evacuees ... 
B. Taiwan - 2 community acquired cases, 1 fatal
Virus Outbreak: CECC reports 1st coronavirus death
情報源 Taipei Times 2020年2月15日
14日,保健当局 The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) が新たに 2例の感染 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 infection in Taiwan を報告し,うち 1例は 15日に死亡した。
慢性 B型肝炎と糖尿病のある 61歳男性は,海外渡航歴や確定症例との濃厚接触は認められていなかった。1月27日に咳の症状があり,2月3日に呼吸困難のため医療機関を受診し,肺炎の診断で陰圧集中治療室に入院したが,肺炎と敗血症により死亡した。国内で 19例目のこの患者は台湾中央部の出身であると説明されている。もう 1名は 19例目の患者の親類の 50歳代男性で,COVID-19 検査で陽性となったが,症状は認められていない ...  
C. UAE ex China
情報源 UAE MOHAP (Ministry of Health and Prevention) tweet [in Arabic] 2020年2月16日
37歳の中国人 a Chinese citizen の感染が確認された。状態は安定している。
Mod.MPP 注- ... 9例目の患者で,a Gulf News report によると the nationalities of the 9 cases: 1 Indian, 1 Filippino, and the remaining 7 are Chinese]
D. South Korea
情報源 Yonhap News Agency  2020年2月16日
16日に 5日ぶりとなる,海外渡航歴のない 82歳男性の新たな感染が確認され,合計患者数は 29例となったと,The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) が明らかにした。心臓の症状でソウルの大学病院 Korea University Anam Hospital in Seoul を受診し検査陽性が確認されたことから,現在は指定施設の Seoul National University Hospital in Seoul に隔離入院している。大学病院を受診するまでに,2カ所のクリニックを受診していた。the Anam hospital's emergency room の受診以前は,発熱も呼吸器症状も認められていなかったため,(COVID-19) スクリーニングのためのクリニックは受診していなかった。the Korea University hospital の救急室は現在閉鎖されている ... 15日までに確認されていた 28例のうち 16例は海外での感染だが,10例は国内感染例である。22人は韓国人,残りは中国人である。入院後,18人に肺炎の症状が確認されている ...
Mod.MPP 注-a recent tweet from KBS News は,29例目の患者の妻が 30例目の感染例と確認されたと伝えている]
[4] WHO Situation Report 27 (as of 16 Feb 2020*)
情報源 World Health Organization  2020年2月16日
- No new countries reported cases of COVID-19 in the past 24 hours.
- A 3rd death of a COVID-19 patient has been reported outside of China. This individual was a tourist from China visiting France.
Mod.MPP 注-14か国で中国以外での感染伝播による  confirmed cases of COVID-19 が報告 (日本,シンガポール,韓国,ベトナム,マレーシア,オーストラリア,タイ,米国,フランス,ドイツ,スペイン,英国,UAE,エジプト)]
COVID-19 update (04): China, global, Thailand, cruise ships, WHO 20200215.6993525

PRO/EDR> Poliomyelitis update (16): global (WPV1, cVDPV2) Philippines, Pakistan
Archive Number: 20200216.6993599
In this update:
[1] Global WPV1 - Pakistan, cVDPV - Nigeria, DR Congo, Angola, Ethiopia, Philippines - GPEI 12 Feb 2020
[2] Philippines (Nueva Ecija), newly confirmed case
[3] Pakistan - Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Balochistan

[1] Global Poliovirus Weekly Update, as of 12 Feb 2020, World Health Organization
情報源 Global Polio Eradication Initiative/WHO 2020年2月14日
New wild poliovirus isolates reported this week:
AFP cases: 5
Environment: 12
Others: 0
New cVDPV isolates reported this week:
AFP cases: 17
Environment: 9
Others: 1
Summary of new viruses this week (AFP cases and ES positives):
- パキスタン: 5 WPV1 cases, 12 WPV1 positive environmental samples and 3 cVDPV2 positive environmental samples
- ナイジェリア: 1 cVDPV2 case and 1 cVDPV2 positive environmental sample
- コンゴ(民): 2 cVDPV2 cases
- Somalia: 2 cVDPV2 positive environmental samples
- アンゴラ: 3 cVDPV2 cases
- Cote d'Ivoire: 3 cVDPV2 positive environmental samples
- エチオピア: 7 cVDPV2 cases
- フィリピン: 1 cVDPV2 case and 3 cVDPV2 positive environmental sample

- 5 wild poliovirus type 1 (WPV1) cases were reported this week: 3 from Sindh province and 2 from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. This brings the number of cases in 2020 to 12 and 144 for 2019 ...
- 1 case of circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 (cVDPV2) was reported from Anambra province making it the 1st case in 2020.
- 3 cases of circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 (cVDPV2) were reported this week: 1 each from Bie, Huambo and Namibe provinces. There were 114 cVDPV2 cases from 7 outbreaks reported in 2019.
Democratic Republic of the Congo (DR Congo)
- 2 cases of circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 (cVDPV2) were reported this week from Kwilu province and 2 from Sankuru, bringing the total number of 2019 cases to 84.
- DR Congo continues to be affected by several other genetically distinct cVDPV2s (notably in Kasai, Kwilu, Kwango and Sankuru provinces).
Horn of Africa
- 7 cases of circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 (cVDPV2) were reported in Ethiopia: 4 from Oromiya province and 3 from the Southern Nations Nationalities and Peoples' Regional State (SNNPR), one of them being the 1st case in 2020.
- 1 cVDPV2 case was reported this week from Central Luzon province making it the 1st case in 2020.

Officially reported wild poliovirus cases as of 11 Feb 2020
Total global WPV1 cases in 2020: 12
Total global WPV1 cases in 2019: 173
Total global cVDPV cases in 2020: 6
Total global cVDPV cases in 2019: 329
地図 For a map showing the locations of both WPV-associated cases and cVDPV-associated cases 
[2] Philippines (Nueva Ecija), newly confirmed case
Philippine health department records 17th polio case
情報源 GMA News Online 2020年2月16日
フィリピン保健当局 The Philippine Health department は 15日,国内 the 17th polio case を報告した。Central Luzon の 1歳男児の検査陽性が確認された ... 
[3] Pakistan - Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Balochistan
5 more polio cases found in KP, Balochistan
情報源 Dawn 2020年2月16日
保健当局 the National Institute of Health (NIH) により新たに 5例 more polio cases from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) and Balochistan が確認され,今年の患者数 17例となった。144 cases in 2019, 12 in 2018 and only 8 cases in 2017 だった。2020年に報告された地域は,10 cases from KP, 5 from Sindh and 2 from Balochistan となっている ... 発生地域と患者の年齢など。
参考 The End Polio Pakistan website .
地図 a good map of Pakistan showing districts and provinces
Poliomyelitis update (15): Pakistan (KP, SD) 20200209.6972016