


● エボラ(17)ウガンダ
PRO/AH/EDR> Ebola update (17): Uganda, DRC (NK, IT)
Archive Number: 20220926.8705802
[1] Current Update on Ebola Outbreak,Case numbers: 25 Sep 2022
 情報源 Ministry of Health Uganda 2022年9月25日
Cumulative cases: 34 (16 confirmed, 18 probable)
Reported outside Mubende: 3 in Kyegegwa and 1 in Kassanda.
No confirmed cases in Kampala as yet.
Cumulative deaths: 21 (4 confirmed, 17 probable)
[2] Update on Ebola Outbreak In Mubende District (Uganda),ウガンダ保健省
 情報源 Ministry of Health Uganda 2022年9月23日
Mubende District におけるエボラアウトブレイク the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) Outbreak の現在の状況について,The Ministry of Health は最新情報を提供する。
過去 24時間に,4例のエボラ感染が確定診断され,累計の確定例が 11例となった。新たな死亡例も確認され,(確定例と可能性例を合わせた)累計の死者数が 11例となった。死亡した 11例のうち,8例がコミュニティでの死亡であり,3例が施設内で死亡した。現在,25人の患者が医療施設に入院しており,6例の感染が確定診断され,19例が suspected for EVD の患者である。現在,累計で 58人の接触者が特定されている。
Note to editor: ... 
Confirmed case: A suspected case with a positive laboratory result for either virus antigen or to viral RNA detected by RT-PCR for Ebola.
[3] Community feedback in Ebola outbreaks
 情報源 Elrha 2022年9月22日
community feedback がどの程度アウトブレイクへの対応の意思決定に反映されているか?
Community feedback is an essential form of evidence in outbreaks
コンゴ民主共和国 The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) は,内戦が続く地域 the conflict-affected regions of North-Kivu & Ituriits で from 2018-2020 の間に its 10th outbreak of Ebola を経験し,2287 deaths が発生した。赤十字社 The DRC Red Cross and the International Federation of the Red Cross は,エボラアウトブレイク感知のため,コミュティからの声を聞くシステム a community feedback mechanism を開発した。フィードバックのデータは解析した上で対策に用いられた ... 
Key findings
• The Red Cross' community feedback data was a new qualitative data stream in the DRC Ebola response and was in competition with many other forms of (largely quantitative) evidence.
• Decision makers were largely quantitatively trained. Qualitative feedback data had to be presented in a way that was more palatable to this audience.
• "Evidentiary inertia" was a feature of the response. This meant even when there was a need to change practice, the size and scale of the response made it difficult to change course within a reasonable time frame.
• Decision makers were more willing to adapt response policy and practice when they understood that responding to community feedback could build community acceptance and enable responders to complete their work. Involving the decision makers in developing recommendations from the feedback helped facilitate this understanding.
Implications for humanitarian practitioners and policymakers
Recommendations for future research ... 
[原著タイトル 'The response is like a big ship': community feedback as a case study of evidence uptake and use in the 2018-2020 Ebola epidemic in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. BMJ Global Health 2022;7:e005971. ]
Ebola update (16): Uganda, more cases 20220924.8705775

● ヒツジ痘,ヤギ痘 スペイン
Sheep pox and goat pox, Spain
PRO/AH/EDR> Sheep pox & goat pox - Spain: (AN) sheep, WOAH
Archive Number: 20220926.8705804
 情報源 OIE-WAHID (World Animal Health Information Database), 2022 2022年9月23日
Started: 13 Sep 2022
Last occurrence: 30 Dec 1968
Causal agent: sheep pox virus and goat pox virus
Outbreak location: Benamaurel, Baza (Altiplanicie Sur), Granada, Andalucia: farm
ヒツジ Sheep / 314 / 50 / 30 / 284 / 0 / -
ヤギ Goats / 11 / 0 / 0 / 11 / 0 / -