

抗酸菌感染症 米国 院内感染
レプトスピラ症 フィジー

● 麻疹 インド アルメニア
PRO/EDR> Measles update (14): India (MP, JH) Armenia, WHO
Archive Number: 20230316.8708981
[1] インド India
 [A] Madhya Pradesh
 National Health Mission adopts 'fire fighter' model to check outbreak of measles in Madhya Pradesh
 情報源 The Free Press Journal 2023年3月14日
 [B] Jharkhand
 Measles outbreak in Jharkhand: Expert says MMR vaccine provides 99% protection against disease
 情報源 News 9 Live 3月13日
[2] アルメニア Armenia
Armenia: Elevated measles activity reported in Armenia in March 2023
 情報源 Crisis24 3月14日
アルメニア保健当局者は,1月1日から3月13日までの間に50例以上の麻疹が報告された elevated measles activity を報告している
[3] WHO
Message by the Director of the Department of Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals at WHO - March 2023
 情報源 WHO 2023年3月14日

● 炭疽 ロシア
PRO/AH/EDR> Anthrax - Russia (03): (CV) human, bovine source, feed susp, human vaccination
Archive Number: 20230316.8708980
[1] Rosselkhoznadzor announced the possible cause of the outbreak of anthrax in Chuvashia
 情報源 TASS [in Russian] 2022年3月16日
The probable cause of the outbreak of anthrax in Chuvashia was the illegal backyard slaughter of an illegally purchased animal. This is stated in the message from Rosselkhoznadzor [the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance]. ... 
[2] Chuvashia plans to purchase (human) anthrax vaccine
 情報源 TASS [in Russian] 2022年3月16日
[3] No cases of anthrax have been detected among animals in Chuvashia
 情報源 TASS [in Russian] 2022年3月16日

● 抗酸菌感染症 米国
PRO/EDR> Mycobacteroides abscessus - USA: (MA) fatal, nosocomial, faulty water purification system
Archive Number: 20230316.8708976
 情報源 CIDRAP (Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy) News 2023年3月7日
3人の入院患者が死亡した多剤耐性菌アウトブレイクは,市販の水浄化システム a commercial water purification system が関与した疑いがあることが,the Annals of Internal Medicine 掲載の報告で示された。from March 2017 to October 2017 に Boston's Brigham and Women's Hospital において発生した抗酸菌感染症アウトブレイク a _Mycobacterium abscessus_ outbreak について報告されたもので,4人の心臓手術の患者が関係し,2人は血液中感染 bloodstream infections,1人は左室補助装置駆動系感染 a left ventricular assist device driveline infection,もう1人は胸骨創感染 a sternal wound infection を発症した。4人全員に対し multi-agent anti-mycobacterial regimens による治療が行われたが3人が死亡した。4例の抗酸菌の全遺伝子解析Whole-genome sequencing of _M. abscessus_ isolates から密接な関係があることが示唆された。アウトブレイクの感染源調査で,患者の各病室のシンクとシャワー,心臓手術集中治療室と回復室 a step-down unitの製氷機と給水器から検体が採取された。the ice machines は高濃度の抗酸菌が検出され,患者から検出された菌と一致した found an exact match ... 
● サルモネラ菌感染症 米国
PRO/AH/EDR> Salmonellosis, st Hartford - USA: unknown source, RFI
Archive Number: 20230316.8708968
 情報源 US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Investigations of Foodborne Illness Outbreaks 2023年3月15日
[Mod.LL- 8 Mar 2023 に投稿された,感染源不明の新たなサルモネラ菌感染症アウトブレイク a new outbreak of infections from _Salmonella_ of unknown origin だが,現在少なくとも47例の患者が確認されているものの,15日午後の時点で他の詳細情報は出されていない。the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) は The outbreak of infections from _Salmonella [enterica_ serotype] Hartford と発表したが,the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) からの情報は未だない。
The FDA did not report the ages or states of residence of the patients ... ]

● レプトスピラ症 フィジー
PRO/AH/EDR> Leptospirosis - Fiji: (NO)
Archive Number: 20230316.8708967
 情報源 RNZ 2023年3月15日
フィジー国内の the provinces of Macuata and Bua in the Northern Division において,レプトスピラ症患者数の増加 a surge in leptospirosis cases が確認されている ... 
The Ministry of Health and Medical Services said between 1 Jan 2023 and 26 Feb 2023, there were 171 cases.
参考項目 2022
Leptospirosis - Fiji (05): fatal, more cases 20220524.8703449

● 口蹄疫 トルコ
PRO/AH/EDR> Foot & mouth disease - Turkey (03): (ZO) livestock, st SAT-2, susp, WOAH, RFI
Archive Number: 20230316.8708982
[1] Follow-up report (FUR) 1: Agri and Kars Provinces
Türkiye - Foot and mouth disease virus (Inf. with) - Follow up report 1
 情報源 WOAH-WAHIS (World Animal Health Information System) 2023 3月16日
Submitted: 16 Mar 2023
Disease: Foot and mouth disease virus (Inf. with)
Causal agent: Foot and mouth disease virus SAT2
Start date: 3 Mar 2023
New outbreaks:
1. Location: Kars (province); Sarıkamış (district); Yayikli (village).
Start: 8 Mar 2023
ウシ Cattle / 2948 / 2 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
2. Location: Agri (province); Merkez (district); Sagirtas (Village)
Start: 13 Mar 2023
ウシ Cattle / 147 / 1 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
Total since the start of the FMD SAT-2 event:
3 Outbreaks (3 provinces)
ウシ Cattle / 4944 / 7 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
[2] Zonguldak Province: media report
 情報源 CNN Turk [in Turkish] 2023年3月16日
Foot and mouth disease was detected in animals such as cows, sheep and goats in the pens and dairy farms in the districts of Ereğli, Alaplı, Kozlu, Gökçebey and the villages of the capital district center in Zonguldak ... 
[3] Zonguldak Province: media report
Turkiye isolates 215 villages due to foot-and-mouth disease outbreak
 情報源 Al Mashhad [in Arabic] 3月15日

● 鳥インフルエンザ セネガル
PRO/AH/EDR> Avian influenza (50): Africa (Senegal) wild, poultry, HPAI H5N1, WOAH
Archive Number: 20230316.8708971
[1] Senegal - influenza A viruses of high pathogenicity (inf. with) (non-poultry including wild birds)
 情報源 WOAH-WAHIS (World Animal Health Information System) 2023 3月13日
Started: 8 Mar 2023
Reason for notification: recurrence
Last occurrence: 24 Feb 2022
Causal agent: Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus
Serotype: H5N1
Outbreak location: Parc national de la Langue de Barbarie, Saint Louis: natural park
Laridae (カモメ科,unidentified) (wild) / - / 637 / 637 / - / - / -
Affected population: the number of birds present in the national park is estimated at 8020.
[2] Senegal - influenza A viruses of high pathogenicity (inf. with) (non-poultry including wild birds)
 情報源 WOAH-WAHIS (World Animal Health Information System) 2023 3月14日
Started: 5 Mar 2023
Reason for notification: 1st occurrence in a zone or a compartment
Causal agent: Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus
Serotype: H5N1
Outbreak location: Lac Rose, Rufisque, Dakar: natural park
Laridae (unidentified) (wild) / - / 330 / 330 / - / - / -
Affected population: the population affected with highly pathogenic avian influenza is the 2 tern species (royal and sandwich) and especially the adults.
参考項目 2022
Avian influenza (46): Africa (Senegal, Cameroon) wild, poultry, HPAI H5N1, OIE 20220215.8701462