

髄膜炎 イラク OCHA
日本脳炎 台湾

● ジフテリア ベトナム
PRO/EDR> Diphtheria - W Pacific (05): Viet Nam (DB) fatal
Archive Number: 20230512.8710015
 情報源 Outbreak News Today 2023年5月9日
ジフテリアによる死亡患者 a death from diphtheria が確認されたことから,地域保健当局 The health sector of Dien Bien province が流行への対策を呼びかけている。Pu Nhi commune, Dien Bien Dong の住民がジフテリアで死亡したことが検査で確認された。濃厚接触者の検査のため61件の検体を採取し,the Central Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology に送付したと述べられている。この患者は4月30日に39℃の高熱のため Dien Bien Provincial General Hospital の救急室を受診し,ジフテリアが疑われる症状を発症していた。敗血症,呼吸不全,肺炎,心筋炎の症状があった。
参考項目 2020
Diphtheria - Viet Nam (02): CDC US travel alert 20201018.7871316

● サルモネラ菌感染症 米国 2021
PRO/AH/EDR> Salmonellosis, st Thompson - USA: CDC, seafood processing plant, 2021
Archive Number: 20230512.8709999
 情報源 Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) 2023年5月11日
原著タイトル Multistate outbreak of _Salmonella_ Thompson infections linked to seafood exposure -- United States, 2021. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2023; 72: 513-6.
July 2021, コロラド州公衆衛生研究所 the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) laboratory で a cluster of 5 _Salmonella enterica_ serotype Thompson isolates related to each another within one allele difference, using whole genome multilocus sequence typing (wgMLST) が確認された。These 5 isolates, submitted to the public health laboratory as is routine process for confirmatory testing of _Salmonella_, were highly related to those identified in a 2020 multistate investigation, during which traceback was conducted for sushi-grade tuna(ツナ)and salmon(サーモン); a common supplier was not identified ... 
Epidemiologic investigation
Environmental health investigation 
Laboratory investigation
Public health response
[Mod.LL- 2021年の発生当時 ProMED は製造工場 a processing plan が感染源と考えていた。(!) 魚類がサルモネラ菌を保有することはない。This well-done investigation confirmed the supposition]

● 真菌性髄膜炎 メキシコ 硬膜外麻酔薬
PRO/EDR> Fungal meningitis - Mexico (04): (DU) fatal, contam. epidural drug susp, RFI
Archive Number: 20230512.8710017
 情報源 La Jornada [in Spanish] 2023年5月10日
[A 37 year-old woman] が9日死亡し,約半年間の入院となっていた真菌性髄膜炎の呼吸器合併症が原因であったと,当局 the sub-delegate of the Institute of Security and Social Services for State Workers (ISSSTE) が明らかにした。関連する死者が39人となった。女性は真菌性髄膜炎に関連する4施設の1つである the Santé private hospital で帝王切開により分娩した。今回の真菌性髄膜炎の健康被害による致死率は,48.75% (39 of 80) に達している。麻酔処置を受けた母親が死亡したことによる孤児は70人に及んでいる。20222年8月末にこの女性は症状を発症し,the General Hospital 450 に入院となった。その後11月に the Santiago Ramón y Cajal unit of the ISSSTE に転院していた。
To date, there are 80 cases of fungal meningitis, 39 deaths and one person remains hospitalized; 15 are still being treated, including 2 children, one 8 and the other 9 years old. The rest of the patients are already asymptomatic and under observation for another year.
Fungal meningitis - Mexico (03): (DU) fatal, contam. epidural drug susp, RFI 20230217.8708450

● マレーバレー脳炎 オーストラリア
PRO/AH/EDR> Murray Valley encephalitis - Australia (09): (NT)
Archive Number: 20230512.8710019
 情報源 Daily Mail 2023年5月11日
ダーウィン the Big Rivers region 200 km [124 mi] south of Darwin の乳児 infant が,5月はじめに蚊族の刺咬によるマレーバレー脳炎 Murray Valley encephalitis (MVE) 感染により死亡したと,11日保健当局 the NT Health Department が報告した。the Top End において2023年にこのほかに3人が死亡しており,うち1人は a Darwin woman in her 70s であった。
Murray Valley encephalitis - Australia (08): (WA) alert 20230510.8709970

● 髄膜炎 イラク OCHA

PRO/EDR> Meningitis - Iraq (03): (SM,HJ) children, enterovirus & S. pneumoniae, WHO, RFI
Archive Number: 20230512.8710013
WHO and Ministry of Health conduct joint investigation and response plan for meningitis outbreak in Halabjah and Sulaymaniyah
 情報源 UN Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), Reliefweb, WHO report 2023年5月9日
Following a surge in meningitis cases in Halabjah City and Sulaymaniyah governorate since mid-April 2023, an expert team from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Ministry of Health was deployed to the affected areas to perform a joint epidemiological investigation of the reported cases and develop a swift response plan to curb the transmission of the disease.
Preliminary laboratory results from 24 collected samples showed a mixture of bacterial (_Streptococcus pneumoniae_) and viral (enterovirus) meningitis, indicating two responsible pathogens. Further laboratory investigations are underway for more conclusive results.
The majority of cases occurred in school-aged children <10 years old, with males affected twice as often as females. The upward trend in cases is still ongoing, with the epicentre of the epidemic located in the center of Halabja and nearby Sirwan City.
"No deaths have been reported so far; nonetheless, it is crucial that we act quickly to detect, confirm and treat cases to effectively curb the transmission and control the outbreak," said Dr Ahmed Zouiten, WHO Representative in Iraq.

● 白癬菌感染症 米国 薬剤耐性 CDC
PRO/AH/EDR> Trichophyton indotineae - USA: (NYC) drug-resistant, 1st rep
Archive Number: 20230512.8709998
 情報源 CDC. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023 5月11日
原著タイトル Notes from the Field: First reported U.S. cases of tinea caused by _Trichophyton indotineae_ -- New York City, December 2021-March 2023. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023; 72: 536-537
Tinea is a common, highly contagious, superficial infection of the skin, hair, or nails caused by dermatophyte molds.* During the past decade, an epidemic of severe, antifungal-resistant tinea has emerged in South Asia because of the rapid spread of _Trichophyton indotineae_,** a novel dermatophyte species; the epidemic has likely been driven by misuse and overuse of topical antifungals and corticosteroids*** (1,2). _T. indotineae_ infections are highly transmissible and characterized by widespread, inflamed, pruritic plaques on the body (tinea corporis), the crural fold, pubic region, and adjacent thigh (tinea cruris), or the face (tinea faciei) (1). _T. indotineae_ isolates are frequently resistant to terbinafine, a mainstay of tinea treatment (1,3). _T. indotineae_ infections have been reported throughout Asia and in Europe and Canada but have not previously been described in the USA (3).

● インフルエンザ 台湾,中国 H1N2v
PRO/AH/EDR> Influenza (07): Taiwan, China H1N2v
Archive Number: 20230512.8710003
[1] 台湾 Taiwan
 情報源 Taiwan CDC [in Chinese] 5月11日
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced today [11 May 2023] that a type A influenza virus that could not be subtyped was isolated from a respiratory sample of a teenage boy with mild influenza who lived in central China. 
[2] China: novel triple reassortant H1N2v preliminary report
 情報源 News-Medical Life Sciences 3月10日
In a recent study posted to Preprints with The Lancet, researchers discuss the results of an active surveillance analysis for the swine influenza virus (SIV) across 30 pig farms in the Liaoning province of China.

● ダニ媒介性疾患 米国

PRO/AH/EDR> Tickborne diseases - USA: (ME) increase
Archive Number: 20230512.8709996
Scientists say ticks are expanding their range in Maine after mild winter, wet weather
 情報源 Maine Public 2023年5月8日
メーン州では暖冬と最近の降雨 Maine's mild winter and recent rain によりダニの活動性が増し,その生息域を northern and Down East counties にまで拡げ,保有する病気による患者数も増えている。2022年,保健当局 the Maine CDC は more than 2636例のライム病 cases of Lyme disease と,10年ぶりに最多となった4例のポワッサンウイルス感染 cases of the rare but sometimes lethal Powassan virus を確認した。the Maine Health Institute for Research 研究所の専門家は,多くの患者で認められる刺咬部位に出現する発疹など,ライム病の症状  symptoms of Lyme に注意するよう呼びかけている。"いつも最初から現れるとは限らない It's initially not necessarily a target lesion" ,"a bullseye でなければライム病ではないと信じている人が多いが,ライム病の発疹ははじめのうちは単に赤く丸いもしくは卵形の発疹 a simple red circle or oval patch となる"。
アナプラズマ症とバベシア症 cases of anaplasmosis and babesiosis の患者も増えており,特に65歳以上と免疫に問題のある患者について懸念されると述べた。ハイリスクの人々にとってアナプラズマ症やバベシア症は,ライム病よりも(重症化し)集中治療につながる可能性が高い ... ”
予防策として,昆虫忌避剤の使用と歩道から離れないこと stay on trails,帰宅後は衣服を洗濯する前に10分間ドライヤーを当ててダニを殺し,眼と指でダニのチェックを行うことが重要と述べられている。

● 日本脳炎 台湾

PRO/AH/EDR> Japanese encephalitis - Taiwan: (KH)
Archive Number: 20230512.8709995
 情報源 Outbreak News Today 2023年5月10日
2023年初の日本脳炎の症例 1st confirmed case of Japanese encephalitis について,台湾保健当局 The Taiwan Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) が10日発表した。Luzhu District, Kaohsiung City(高雄市)の50代男性で,5月1日に頭痛と食欲低下の症状を発症し,振せんと脱力? trembling and inability 等の症状が見られたため病院に搬送された。5月4日,発熱の持続,せん妄,意識障害の症状がみられ専門病院に入院となった。日常の生活範囲はほとんど自宅周辺であるが,周囲にニワトリ,ハトなどの飼育小屋や水田などのハイリスクの場所あった。
the cumulative number of cases in the country from 2019 to 2022 is 21, 21, 28 and 19, respectively.
参考項目 2022
Japanese encephalitis - Taiwan (02) 20220809.8704956

● アフリカ豚熱 イタリア
PRO/AH/EDR> African swine fever - Europe (12): Italy (LB) wild boar, WOAH
Archive Number: 20230512.8710014
Italy - African swine fever virus
 情報源 WOAH-WAHIS (World Animal Health Information System) 2023 5月11日
Started: 26 Apr 2023 
Reason for notification: 1st occurrence in a zone or a compartment
Causal agent: African swine fever virus
Outbreak location 1: Reggio Di Calabria, Calabria
OutbOutbreak location 3: Bagnara Calabra, Reggio Di Calabria, Calabriareak location 2: Reggio Di Calabria, Calabria
Outbreak location 4: Reggio Di Calabria, Calabria: forest
Species / Wild boar 

● 鳥インフルエンザ ウルグアイ
PRO/AH/EDR> Avian influenza (84): Americas (Uruguay) coati, zoo, HPAI H5, WOAH
Archive Number: 20230512.8710012
Uruguay - influenza A viruses of high pathogenicity (inf. with) (non-poultry including wild birds)
 情報源 WOAH-WAHIS (World Animal Health Information System) 2023 5月11日
Started: 5 May 2023
Reason for notification: unusual host species
Causal agent: Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus [HPAI]
Serotype: H5
Outbreak location: Flores: Zoo
South American coati (クマ,wild) / captive / 23 / 16 / 16 / - / - / -
Affected population: on [5 May 2023], South American coatis were reported dead in the Natural Reserve in the Department of Flores.

● ガーリックの病気,Rust インド
PRO/PL> Rust, garlic - India: (HP)
Archive Number: 20230512.8710009
 情報源 United News of India (UNI) 2023年5月9日
Farmers are worried about rust disease in garlic in some areas Himachal Pradesh

● 口蹄疫 韓国
PRO/AH/EDR> Foot & mouth disease - South Korea: (HB) cattle, st O, WOAH
Archive Number: 20230512.8709997
[1] WOAH: immediate notification
Korea (Rep. of) - Foot-and-mouth disease virus
 情報源 WOAH-WAHIS (World Animal Health Information System) 2023 5月11日
Started: 10 May 2023
Reason for notification: recurrence
Last occurrence: 29 Apr 2019
Causal agent: foot-and-mouth disease virus
Serotype: O
Outbreak location 1: Bugi-myeon, Cheongwon-gu, Cheongju-si, Jincheon, Chungcheongbuk-do: farm
Outbreak location 2: Hwasangseokseong-ro, Bugi-myeon, Cheongwon-gu, Cheongju-si, Jincheon, Chungcheongbuk-do: farm
Outbreak location 3: Bugi-myeon, Cheongwon-gu, Cheongju-si, Jincheon, Chungcheongbuk-do: farm
ウシ Cattle (domestic) / 216 / 13 / - / 216 / - / -
[2] Media report
 情報源 Seoul Shinmun [in Korean] 2023年5月11日
An outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease [FMD] occurred on 3 Korean beef farms in Cheongju, North Chungcheong Province, putting the quarantine authorities on alert. It has been 4 years and 4 months since January 2019 when FMD was last confirmed in Korea(2019年1月以来,4年4か月ぶり)... 
参考項目 2019
Foot & mouth disease - South Korea (02): (KG) cattle, st O, OIE 20190129.6284442