

髄膜炎 米国 メキシコから 局所麻酔薬,オピオイドの汚染

● クリミアコンゴ出血熱 アフガニスタン
PRO/AH/EDR> Crimean-Congo hem. fever - Asia (07): Afghanistan (BK) fatal
Archive Number: 20230528.8710296
 情報源 TOLO News 5月27日
保健当局 the health department of Balkh province 過去1週間に10例のクリミアコンゴ出血熱 positive cases of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) in north region が確認され,2人が死亡したと報告された ... 
Crimean-Congo hem. fever - Asia (05): Afghanistan, WHO 20230517.8710109

● 髄膜炎 米国 メキシコから
PRO/EDR> Meningitis - USA (06): (TX) Mexico (TM, DU) F. solani, epidural anesth, fatal, RFI
Archive Number: 20230528.8710295
 情報源 CBS News 2023年5月26日
米国・メキシコ両国政府当局が the World Health Organization に対し,真菌感染症アウトブレイクに対する国際的に懸念される公衆衛生上の緊急事態宣言を求めている。メキシコ国内の2つの医療施設が美容手術目的に全米24州をを含む多数の国々からの患者を呼び込み,真菌に暴露させたおそれがある。The CDC は現在,メキシコ国内で現在閉院されているクリニック the now-shuttered River Side Surgical Center and Clinica K-3 in Mexico で硬膜外麻酔を含む外科的処置を受けた,全米の195人の健康状態の監視を行っている。合計14例が "suspected" and 11例 "probable" cases of fungal meningitis が真菌性髄膜炎症例とされている。2例はすでに死亡している。5月24日の報告以後,Six potential cases については除外された。多くの患者が感染症の悪化に先立ち頭痛を訴えており,その後,発熱,嘔吐,頚部痛,視力障害などを発症している。メキシコ政府当局の検査結果で,2023年のこれより前に発生した [Durango] における外科手術が関連するもう1件のアウトブレイクの再来が懸念されている。このアウトブレイクでは全症例のおよそ半数が死亡している [39 of 80 cases died] ... 
[Mod.ML- 今回の報道記事で加わったいくつかの問題が,Matamoros and Durango, Mexico における硬膜外麻酔後の髄膜炎アウトブレイクに関する複雑性を増した:
 - A reputed request to the World Health Organization to declare a public health emergency of international concern over a deadly fungal outbreak.
 - Recruiters may have lured hundreds of patients from multiple countries, including Canada(カナダ)and Colombia(コロンビア), as well as the U.S. and Mexico, to 2 facilities in Matamoros, Mexico for cosmetic operations.
 - U.S. patients who were potentially exposed during epidural anesthesia for surgeries at one of the 2 Matamoros clinics reside in 24 U.S. states, but most of the U.S. patients (178 cases) are residents of the U.S. state of Texas(テキサス州).
 - The possible contaminated medication used for epidural anesthesia in the outbreaks in Matamoros and Durango, Mexico includes bupivacaine(ブピバカイン), or another drug, such as an opioid, like morphine(モルヒネなどのオピオイド), that is frequently used in combination with bupivacaine. These additional drugs may have been bought in the black market because of shortage currently in Mexico that could have increased the risk of contamination.
Meningitis - USA (05): (TX) Mexico (TM,DU) F. solani, epidural anesth, fatal, RFI 20230527.8710279

● エムポックス
PRO/AH/EDR> Mpox update (21): USA, Cameroon, cases, wastewater
Archive Number: 20230528.8710251
[1] 世界 Confirmed and suspected cases and deaths by country as of 23 May 2023:
 情報源 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC
 Total confirmed cases: 87 545
 Total deaths: 141
[2] 米国 The US CDC reports cases in the following states:
 情報源 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC
 Total confirmed cases: 30422
 Total deaths: 42
[3] USA: mpox virus found in Palm Springs, CA wastewater(下水)
 情報源 Desert Sun 5月18日
[4] カメルーン Cameroon: 10 mpox cases in Southwest region
 情報源 Xinhuanet 2023年5月23日
Cameroon on Tuesday [23 May 2023] reported 10 new confirmed cases of mpox in the Southwest region of the country. 保健当局者 chief of public health for the region は,患者が確認された地域は Foe Bakundu and Kumba health districts of the region と述べた。
[5] USA: Chicago sounds the alarm on potential mpox surge ahead of Pride month(注意喚起)
 情報源 Fox News 5月24日
Mpox update (20): cases, WHO, USA, France 20230519.8710125

● アフリカ豚熱 イタリア WOAH
PRO/AH/EDR> African swine fever - Europe (14): Italy (CM) wild boar, WOAH
Archive Number: 20230528.8710289
Italy - African swine fever virus
 情報源 WOAH-WAHIS (World Animal Health Information System) 2023 5月25日
Started: 20 May 2023
Reason for notification: 1st occurrence in a zone or a compartment
Causal agent: African swine fever virus 
A total of 5 outbreaks (submitted) reported up to 25 May 2023 
African swine fever (ASF) was detected in wild boar in a forest in Sanza, Salerno, Campania.
Wild boar / - / 5 / 5 / - / - / -

● 鳥インフルエンザ カナダ H5N5,ギニア H5N1 WOAH
PRO/AH/EDR> Avian influenza (92): Americas (Canada) raccoon, HPAI H5N5, WOAH
Archive Number: 20230528.8710288
Canada - influenza A viruses of high pathogenicity (Inf. with) (non-poultry including wild birds)
 情報源 WOAH-WAHIS (World Animal Health Information System) 2023 5月25日
Started: 4 Apr 2023
Reason for notification: unusual host species
Causal agent: highly pathogenic avian influenza virus [HPAI]
Serotype: H5N5
Outbreak location: Queens, Prince Edward Island: not applicable
アライグマ Racoon (Northern raccoon) (wild) / - / 2 / 2 / - / - / -
PRO/AH/EDR> Avian influenza (91): Africa (Guinea) wild bird, HPAI H5N1, WOAH
Archive Number: 20230528.8710287
Guinea - Influenza A viruses of high pathogenicity (Inf. with) (non-poultry including wild birds)
 情報源 WOAH-WAHIS (World Animal Health Information System) 2023 5月25日
Started: 15 Apr 2023
Reason for notification: 1st occurrence in a zone or a compartment
Causal agent: highly pathogenic avian influenza virus
Serotype: H5N1
Outbreak location: Iles Kapatchez, Guinean Exclusive Economic Zone: natural park
Wildlife (species unspecified) (wild) / - / 752 / 745 / 7 / 0 / 0
Affected population: These are wild migratory birds, mostly terns, and 2 pelican corpses were found.