

クリミアコンゴ出血熱 アフガニスタン
髄膜炎菌性髄膜炎 ロシア

● クリミアコンゴ出血熱 アフガニスタン
PRO/AH/EDR> Crimean-Congo hem. fever - Asia (17): Afghanistan, surge after Eid al-Adha
Archive Number: 20230708.8711029
[1] Outbreak of Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever (CCHF) (1 Jan to 1 Jul 2023)
 情報源 Relief Web 2023年7月6日
During week 26, 2023, 新たに合計48例のクリミアコンゴ出血熱 new cases of CCHF (15 cases were confirmed positive by PCR) and 3 new deaths が報告され、年初以来の全国の感染者数は合計422例 from 31 provinces となった
[2] 情報源 TOLO News 7月6日
Doctors at the Infectious Diseases Hospital in Kabul 感染症病院の医師が最近クリミアコンゴ出血熱 that Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF) cases が増加しているとのべた。犠牲祭 Eid al-Adha 後に毎日約15 suspected patients が入院している
Crimean-Congo hem. fever - Asia (12): Afghanistan, spread 20230702.8710900

● 髄膜炎菌性髄膜炎 ロシア
PRO/EDR> Meningitis, meningococcal - Russia (02): (SV) warehouse employees, fatal, RFI
Archive Number: 20230708.8711030
[1] 情報源 TASS [in Russian] 2023年7月6日
2名の配送センター the Ozon distribution center in Yekaterinburg の従業員が髄膜炎菌性疾患 meningococcal infection により死亡したと、地域保健当局 the press service of the Ministry of Health of the Sverdlovsk region が明らかにした。地域当局 The press service of the department of Rospotrebnadzor for the Sverdlovsk region はこれ以前に7例の患者 registered cases of meningococcal infection among employees of the Ozon distribution center in Yekaterinburg を報告していた。60名以上の従業員らにワクチン接種が行われた。配送された荷物を受け取った人の感染リスクはない。
[2] 情報源 TASS [in Russian] 7月6日
オンラインショップ The online retailer Ozon が、髄膜炎菌性疾患の発生があった倉庫 a warehouse in Yekaterinburg の消毒作業を行っている。同社広報は、460人以上の従業員がワクチンを接種したとしている。
"The warehouse in Koltsovo continues to operate with all precautions," the company added.
Meningitis, meningococcal - Russia: (SV) warehouse employees, RFI 20230706.8710988

● ジフテリア ベルギー
PRO/EDR> Diphtheria - Europe (05): (Belgium) refugee family, children, nurse, fatal, RFI
Archive Number: 20230708.8711031
 情報源 RTBF [in French] 2023年7月6日
合計3例のジフテリア患者 cases of diphtheria in Jambes (Namur) が確認されている。赤十字社の難民受け入れセンター the reception center for asylum seekers of the Red Cross 内に収容されている家族内で発生し、15歳の長姉が死亡した。同胞2名も検査で陽性となったがただちに入院し、生命の危険はない状態にある。ジフテリアは呼吸器の感染症で、ベルギーではワクチン接種により事実上排除されている ... 
Diphtheria - Europe (04): (Belgium) refugee family, children, nurse, fatal, RFI 20230630.8710874

● セントルイス脳炎 米国
PRO/AH/EDR> St. Louis encephalitis - USA (02): (CA)
Archive Number: 20230708.8711032
 情報源 Bakersfield.com 2023年7月7日
The 1st human case of St. Louis encephalitis virus (SLEV) has been reported in Kern County, and a health alert has been issued, the Kern Public Health Services Department said Friday [7 Jul 2023].
St. Louis encephalitis virus - USA: (CA) 20230627.8710811

● コレラ(13)
PRO/EDR> Cholera, diarrhea & dysentery update (13): Africa, Asia, Americas
Archive Number: 20230708.8711025
[1] Cholera - Africa (multi country)
Multi-Country Outbreak of Cholera, External Situation Report #4
 情報源 Relief Web 2023年7月6日
Highlights (Data as of 15 Jun 2023)
 • Since the last situation report on the multi-country outbreak of cholera was published on 1 Jun 2023 (covering data reported until May 2023), no new country reported a cholera outbreak. In total, 24 countries have reported cases since the beginning of 2023.
 ... While the number of weekly reported new cases remains high, the outbreaks in Cameroon(カメルーン), Democratic Republic of the Congo(コンゴ(民)), Mozambique(モザンビーク), and Zimbabwe(ジンバブエ)appear to have stabilized in recent weeks. 
Significant improvements in the epidemiological situation have been reported in Malawi(マラウイ)in recent weeks.
[2] カメルーン Cameroon - Increase in cholera cases (29 June 2023)
 情報源 Relief Web 7月1日
Cameroon has been experiencing a cholera outbreak since October 2021. 
2023年3月27日以降、a significant increase, particularly in Centre region が発生し、mostly affected Centre, Littoral, South, and West regions, with new cases reported in 29 out of 58 districts countrywide. East region declared 1 confirmed case on 1 May 2023.
Between 13 Jun 2022 and 12 Jun 2023, 19 087 cholera cases were reported across the country, with 1880 confirmed cases and 450 recorded deaths (2.4% fatality rate). 
[3] エチオピア Ethiopia: Cholera Outbreak - Flash Update #8 (as of 20 June 2023)
 情報源 Relief Web 2023年6月21日
 - Since 7 May 2023, the cholera outbreak keeps spreading with an increase of confirmed cases by 85% from 6157 to 11 407 cases as of 20 Jun 2023 with 156 associated deaths [CFR 1.4%].
[4] ジンバブエ Zimbabwe
Concerns surround Zimbabwe's 3rd cholera outbreak in 15 years
 情報源 Mission News Network 7月7日
Zimbabwe is currently facing its 3rd cholera outbreak in 15 years. ... So far, over 3000 cases have been reported and 71 deaths suspected or confirmed.
[5] モザンビーク Mozambique: Cholera Outbreak - Operational Update
 情報源 Relief Web 2023年7月3日
As of 31 May 2023, there was a cumulative of more than 30 000 confirmed cases and 131 deaths from the cholera outbreak. Eleven provinces have now reported cases in more than 45 districts according to the Ministry of Health. Current hotspots in the country (according to reported cases) include Beira, Nhamatanda, and Marromeu in Sofala province, Quelimane in Zambezia province, Chimoio in Manica province and Memba and Nacala Porto in Nampula ... 
[6] パキスタン Pakistan (Karachi)
Cholera epidemic intensifies in Shedi Goth Malir, 1 fatality, 300 hospitalized
 情報源 Times of Karachi 7月4日
The cholera epidemic in the Shedi Goth Malir area of Karachi has intensified, resulting in the hospitalization of 300 affected individuals and the unfortunate death of a woman ... 
[7] Cholera, possible - ウクライナ Ukraine (Kherson)
General Staff: Possible cholera outbreaks in occupied part of Kherson Oblast
 情報源 The Kyiv Independent 7月5日
占領地 Skadovsk and Henichesk in Kherson Oblast において腸管感染症の患者が増加しコレラの疑いがあると、the General Staff of Ukraine's Armed Forces が5日明らかにした。地域内の衛生状況の悪化を隠蔽するため、ロシアが任命した当局 The Russian-installed occupation "authorities" はこれを認めていない。
[8] Cholera, possible - Ukraine (Kherson)
Russian Army Hit by Cholera Outbreak After Kakhovka Dam Flooding
 情報源 Newsweek 6月19日
[9] 台湾 Taiwan reports 1st locally acquired cholera case of 2023
 情報源 Outbreak News Today 2023年7月6日
2023年第1例目の国内感染のコレラ the 1st local confirmed case of cholera が保健当局 The Taiwan Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) から報告された。20代のこの男性は6月28日に下痢、腹痛などの症状を発症した。頻回の水様性下痢症と上腹部痛を訴え、7月5日に便検査でコレラ菌感染 the infection with toxigenic _Vibrio cholerae_ (serotype O1 Ogawa) が確定診断された。現在症状は治まっている。患者には最近の国内外の渡航歴はなく、三食はほとんどが外食の弁当であった。
According to the statistics of the CDC, the cumulative number of local cases from 2019 to 2022 is 0, 1, 0, and 2 cases, respectively, and the age distribution is in their 20s to 80s. All of them were detected with _Vibrio cholerae_ serotype O1 Ogawa.
[10] ハイチ Haiti's Cholera Outbreak Continues into Summer of 2023
 情報源 Vax Before Travel 2023年7月2日
南北アメリカの中でハイチは、現在もコレラによる感染および死亡が最も多い。Since January 2023 and as of early June 2023, over 26 000 cases, including 253 deaths, have been reported in Hati. In comparison, in 2022, no cases were reported. 
 ... During 2023, cholera vaccines are in limited supply in the USA.

● メタノール中毒 ウクライナ
PRO/EDR> Methanol poisoning - Ukraine: (OD) fatal
Archive Number: 20230708.8711026
Mass vodka poisoning in Odessa region: 3 people died, 6 in the hospital
 情報源 UNIAN [in Ukrainian] 2023年7月6日
Odessa で3人がアルコール中毒 alcohol poisoning により死亡し、ほか6人が入院となった。現地警察 the regional headquarters of the National Police によると the village of Starostine, Rozdilnian district で発生した。アルコール中毒で医療機関を受診した9人のうち2人が入院後まもなく死亡し、ほか1名が自宅で死亡しているのを医師が確認した。現地で購入したボトル入りのウオッカを飲んでいた。

● 狂犬病 米国
PRO/AH/EDR> Rabies (31): Americas (USA) fox, bat, cat, human exp
Archive Number: 20230708.8711034
[1] South Carolina (Lancaster County): fox, human exposure
 情報源 South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control 2023年6月30日
The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) confirmed a fox found near John L Hudson Sr and Bessie Hudson Roads in Lancaster, South Carolina has tested positive for rabies.  ... 
[2] New York (Dutchess County): bat precautions
 情報源 Hudson Valley Post 7月1日
 ... The Dutchess County Department of Behavioral & Community Health (DBCH) is warning Hudson Valley residents about rabid bats easily entering their homes.
[3] Vermont (Addison County): fox, human exposure
 情報源 Addison Independent 7月3日
At least 2 Middlebury-area residents are undergoing rabies inoculations after having come into close contact with a gray fox this past Thursday [29 Jun 2023] that was later confirmed to have been a carrier of the disease. Both incidents occurred in the South Street area.
[4] Georgia (Gwinnett County): kitten, human exposure
 情報源 WSB-TV 7月6日
 ... officials say a rabid cat attacked a resident. On 28 Jun 2023, Gwinnett County officials said a kitten having lived in a Lawrenceville home bit its owners and veterinary staff. After the attack, officials confirmed the kitten tested positive for rabies.
[5] Michigan (Oakland County): kitten
 情報源 Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development 2023年7月6日
Today [6 Jul 2023] the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development's (MDARD) State Veterinarian, Dr. Nora Wineland, DVM, released the following statement due to the detection of rabies in a 9-week-old kitten from Oakland County.

● 鳥インフルエンザ ポーランド、イタリア
PRO/AH/EDR> Avian influenza (110): Europe (Poland) cat, HPAI H5N1, spread, RFI
Archive Number: 20230708.8711035
 情報源 Chief Veterinary Inspectorate, Poland [in Polish] 2023年7月7日
the Lesser Poland Voivodship の当局および the PIW [National Veterinary Institute] in Puławy の情報によると、the laboratory in Krakow and Puławy 検査機関に提出された食品サンプルは active journalists が出所を明らかにせずに持ち込んだものである ... 
Avian influenza (108): Europe (Poland) cat, HPAI H5N1, spread, RFI 20230707.8711007

PRO/AH/EDR> Avian influenza (109): Europe (Italy) cat, dog, HPAI H5N1, serology
Archive Number: 20230708.8711028
 情報源 FNOVI (National Federation of Italian Veterinary Orders) [in Italian] 7月6日
最近北東部のカモメ the black-headed gull in north-eastern Italy で高病原性鳥インフルエンザの感染流行 the epidemic of highly pathogenic avian flu (HPAI) が発生し、ウイルスは the subtype H5N1 clade であり、野鳥のウイルス解析 the viral genetic analyses carried out in Italy on wild birds により家畜 our domestic animal species にも循環することが示されている (Source: Ministry of Health)

● 炭疽 米国
PRO/AH/EDR> Anthrax - USA (03): (MN) livestock
Archive Number: 20230708.8711027
Anthrax confirmed in Kittson County cow
 情報源 Minnesota Board of Animal Health 2023年7月7日
The Minnesota Board of Animal Health confirms the state's 1st anthrax case in animals in more than a decade(10年ぶり以上)in Kittson County, affecting multiple cattle and a horse(ウシとウマ), and has quarantined the affected property.