

リステリア症 オーストラリア
百日咳 デンマーク

● 炭疽 ルーマニア、ロシア
PRO/AH/EDR> Anthrax - Romania (07): (MS) human cases confirmed
Archive Number: 20230909.8712042
[1] 情報源 zi-de-zi.ro [in Romanian] 2023年9月9日
公衆衛生当局者 the Mureş Public Health Directorate [DSP] が8月末の炭疽感染が疑われた症例の検査結果 a result of the suspicion of anthrax infection since the end of August [2023] について発表した。
"out of 3 people considered suspicious, 2 were hospitalized at the Târgu Mureş County Emergency Clinical Hospital and one at the Mureş County Clinical Hospital. The bacteriological examination of the integumentary biopsy fragment taken at that time did not confirm the infection with _Bacillus anthracis_(炭疽菌は確認されなかった)
the National Institute of Medical-Military Research and Development Cantacuzino Bucharest に送付された検体について行われたさらに詳しい検査 (PCR) の結果 the results of the RT-PCR examination of the biopsy fragment taken from the 1st 2 suspicious cases では陽性 positive となり、炭疽菌が確認された the presence of _Bacillus anthracis_. 
Bacteriological and serological examinations showed a negative result(微生物学的検査ならびに血清学的検査は陰性)." ... 
[2] 情報源 Stirile Pro-TV [in Romanian] 9月8日
ウシのと畜を行って炭疽に感染した男性3名は Târgu Mureș [Mureș County] の病院で治療を受け、回復し退院した。入院患者のうちの2名の検体で炭疽菌が確認された。このウシの肉を摂取した他の20人についても健康監視が行われているが、発病した患者はいない。
Anthrax - Romania (06): (MS) bovine case confirmed 20230826.8711847

PRO/AH/EDR> Anthrax - Russia (18): (VR) human cases confirmed
Archive Number: 20230909.8712029
[1] 情報源 Interfax [in Russian] 2023年9月8日
the Voronezh region で新たに5人の炭疽 anthrax 感染が確認され、"Currently, 7 people have been hospitalized at the infectious diseases center at Emergency Hospital No. 8.... .
[2] 情報源 TASS [in Russian, machine trans., edited]
新たな発生地域 a new focus of infection in the village of Lebedinka, Bogucharsky district, Voronezh region で5人の炭疽感染患者 cases of anthrax in people が確認されたとの、保健当局者 the regional health department の話が報じられている。"Currently, 7 people have been hospitalized at the infectious disease center at the emergency medical care hospital No. 8. ... ," the spokesman said.
Anthrax - Russia (17): (VR) human, cattle susp., RFI 20230908.8712017

● レジオネラ症 ポーランド
PRO/EDR> Legionellosis - Europe (19): Poland (LD, PK, LU)
Archive Number: 20230909.8712040
 情報源 Gazeta [in Polish] 2023年9月9日
9日、the Rzeszów Sanitary and Epidemiological Station が新たにレジオネラ菌感染による23例目の死者 the death of another person with confirmed _Legionella_ infection について報告した。the Poviat [County] Sanitary and Epidemiological Station in Rzeszów が報告したが、詳しい場所は明らかにされていない ... 
What is legionellosis?
Symptoms and characteristics
Legionellosis - Europe (18): Poland (LD, PK, LU), Spain (EX) 20230903.8711956

● RSウイルス 米国

PRO/EDR> Respiratory syncytial virus (04): USA (FL, GA)
Archive Number: 20230909.8712039
 情報源 NBC Miami 2023年9月6日
米国疾病対策予防センター The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention が9日、医療従事者に対し、フロリダ州ジョージア州の幼い子供らの重症 RSウイルス感染例 severe cases of RSV, or respiratory syncytial virus, among young children in Florida and Georgia に注意するよう呼びかけた。この中で、地域的な増加は通常、全米のシーズン開始の予告となると述べられており、"with increased RSV activity spreading north and west over the following 2 to 3 months." ... 
What is RSV?
What are the symptoms of RSV?
How is RSV transmitted?
Is there an RSV vaccine?
Vaccines are available to protect older adults from severe RSV. 
Monoclonal antibody products are available to protect infants and young children from severe RSV.
Respiratory syncytial virus (03): USA (FL) 20230817.8711735

● リステリア症 オーストラリア

PRO/AH/EDR> Listeriosis - Australia: (NS) unknown source(s), RFI
Archive Number: 20230909.8712033
 情報源 news.com.au 2023年9月9日
地域内 in the community でリステリア症が警戒すべき勢いで増加 an alarming increase in the number of listeriosis cases していることを受け、ニューサウスウェールズ州の住民ら New South Wales residents に注意 high alert が呼びかけられている ... "Already in 2023, we've recorded 25 cases of listeriosis among NSW residents, which is more than we usually expect to see in a whole year," 
参考項目 2019
Listeriosis - Australia (02): fatal, smoked salmon susp. 20190724.6586028

● 麻疹 ルーマニア、英国
PRO/EDR> Measles update (47): Romania, UK
Archive Number: 20230909.8712032
[1] ルーマニア Romania
 情報源 Outbreak News Today 2023年9月8日
ルーマニア国内で麻疹感染流行 an ongoing measles outbreak が発生しており、From October 2022 to the end of July 2023 の期間に460例 of 580 possible measles cases were confirmed in 17 of the 41 Romanian counties が確定診断されていると a Eurosurveillance report で報告された。The outbreak is due to genotype D8. No measles-related deaths have so far been notified ... 
[2] 英国 UK
 情報源 UK Health Security Agency 2023年9月4日
From 1 Jan to 31 Jul 2023, there have been 141 laboratory-confirmed measles cases in England. The majority (n = 85 [60%]) of the cases have been reported in London, although all regions have reported at least one case.
58%の患者が10歳未満の小児、23%が15歳から34歳までのティーンおよび若年成人である。また Around 1 in 5 (32 of 141 [23%]) of the cases が輸入感染例 imported or import-related while the rest reflect community transmission in England であった

● 百日咳 デンマーク

PRO/EDR> Pertussis update (27): Denmark
Archive Number: 20230909.8712031
 情報源 Outbreak News Today 2023年9月8日
2023年5月以降、百日咳患者の増加 an increasing number of cases of whooping cough, or pertussis が確認され、夏期の間も増加が続いている。Bornholm を除く全国で増加し、8月に確認された患者は例年の4倍だった。
A total of 1229 cases of whooping cough have now been detected in 2023. There is a marked increase from 12 detected cases in January [2023] to 439 cases in August [2023].
Pertussis update (19): Denmark, increase 20230718.8711221

● レプトスピラ症 グアム
PRO/AH/EDR> Leptospirosis - Guam: flooding
Archive Number: 20230909.8712030
[1] 情報源 Marianas Variety 2023年9月2日
Three cases of leptospirosis have been confirmed by the Department of Public Health and Social Services, while one suspected case is pending results. According to Public Health, one case was reported confirmed in late July [2023], and 2 other confirmed cases were in August [2023].
[2] 情報源 Guam Pacific Daily News 9月7日
Three additional cases of leptospirosis have been reported on Guam, according to the Department of Public Health and Social Services. So far this summer [2023], there have been a total of 7 cases, with 6 confirmed and one a presumptive positive.

● 東部ウマ脳炎 米国
PRO/AH/EDR> Eastern equine encephalitis - North America (11): USA (RI) donkey, presumptive +ve
Archive Number: 20230909.8712041
 情報源 Rhode Island Current 2023年9月7日
A Glocester donkey appears to have contracted Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE), marking Rhode Island's 1st 2023 case(州内の今年初めての感染例)of the virus found in a mammal, the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management and Rhode Island Department of Health announced on Thursday [7 Sep 2023].
Eastern equine encephalitis - North America (10): USA (FL) increased risk 20230901.8711913

● ニューモウイルス、イヌ 米国
PRO/AH/EDR> Pneumovirus - USA: (FL) dog, animal shelter
Archive Number: 20230909.8712034
 情報源 WFTV 9 2023年9月8日
Orange County Animal Services has suspended intakes of dogs after animals at the facility contracted pneumovirus, commonly known as "kennel cough."  ... 
There is no vaccine available. The virus is not contagious to cats or humans.