

レジオネラ症 中国

● エムポックス
PRO/AH/EDR> Mpox update (43): worldwide cases, Viet Nam, vaccination
Archive Number: 20231015.8712649
[1] Cases around the world
 情報源 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Confirmed and suspected cases and deaths by country as of 11 Oct 2023:
Total confirmed cases: 90 656
Total deaths: 161
[2] ベトナム Viet Nam: HCMC records 4 more mpox cases
 情報源: VN Express 2023年10月8日
Ho Chi Minh City で8日、4人のエムポックス患者が確認され、市内の感染者数は合計13例となった。
Viet Nam has recorded 15 mpox cases, including 2 in Binh Duong Province that neighbors HCMC.
[3] Mpox vaccination reduces hospitalization risk
 情報源 Infectious Disease Special Edition 2023年10月9日
少なくとも1回のエムポックスワクチン接種 one dose of the Jynneos mpox vaccine (modified Vaccinia Ankara vaccine, Bavarian Nordic) を受ければ、未接種者に比べて入院リスクが減少することが、the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and CDC.の研究で示された...
Reduced odds of mpox-association hospitalization among persons who received Jynneos vaccine - California, May 2000 - May 2023. Morb Mort Wkly Rep. 2023; 72(36): 992-996;
Mpox update (42): UK, Viet Nam 20231009.8712516

● ツツガムシ病 インド
PRO/AH/EDR> Scrub typhus - India (02): (OR)
Archive Number: 20231015.8712638
 情報源 Pragativadi 2023年10月12日
Odisha's Sundargarh district のツツガムシ病患者 cases of scrub typhus 数がthe 400 markを超えた。Sundargarh で過去24時間に新たに6人が scrub typhus 検査陽性と確認された...
Scrub typhus - India: (HP) alert 20230721.8711281

● レジオネラ症 中国
PRO/AH/EDR> Legionellosis - Asia (04): China (HK) hospital
Archive Number: 20231015.8712637
 情報源 Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 2023年10月9日
CHP investigates Legionnaires' disease case in Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital and follows up its infection control measures
The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health は9日現在、新たなレジオネラ肺炎 a new case of Legionnaires' disease (LD) in Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital (PYNEH) についての調査を行っている。The CHP が8月23日、PYNEH に滞在中に感染した27歳女性患者 a case of LD について発表していた
Legionellosis - Asia (03): China (HK) RFI 20230713.8711135

● 腸管出血性大腸菌、カンピロバクター 米国
PRO/AH/EDR> E. coli EHEC - USA (13): (TN) schoolchildren, animal exp, secondary cases, RFI
Archive Number: 20231015.8712635
[1] 情報源 WJHL 2023年10月13日
Officials: 4 kids seriously ill with _E. coli_ from local field trip
9月26日から27日の the Appalachian Fairgrounds への遠足で大腸菌 _E. coli_ に暴露した4人の小学生は、2週間以上経った今も重い合併症を併発している。the Northeast Regional Health Office (NEHRO) の当局は、Shiga-toxin-producing _E. coli により7人の生徒が入院となったと明らかにした。
Elementary classes from both Washington and Sullivan counties visited the fairgrounds.
[2] 情報源 WJHL 10月13日
Bristol family faces multiple _E. coli_ infections
3週間足らず前に小学生ら elementary students from Sullivan County, Washington County, Tennessee and Bristol, Tennessee schools が the Appalachian Fairgrounds に遠足 a field trip にでかけ、an outbreak of _E. coli_ infections により at least 7 children in the hospital となっている

● ウスツウイルス イタリア、蚊族
PRO/AH/EDR> Usutu virus - Europe: Italy (LG) mosquito, susp.
Archive Number: 20231016.8712655
 情報源 il Giornale [in Italian] 2023年10月14日
現地保健当局の監視活動の中で、リグーリア州におけるウスツウイルス発生の疑い the suspected presence of Usutu virus in Liguria がもたれている。While awaiting the outcome of further analyses, the authorities have advised citizens to take some precautions
最近 Sardinia 州で2023年初の確認が報告されている...
参考項目 2022
Usutu virus - Europe: Italy (LG, FG) 20221030.8706447

● バナナの病気、Xanthomonas wilt アフリカ
PRO/PL> Xanthomonas wilt, banana - Africa: impact
Archive Number: 20231016.8712654
 情報源 PhysOrg 2023年10月11日
Banana Xanthomonas Wilt (BXW) is the most widespread bacterial crop disease in Africa and is considered one of the 4 most important emerging infectious diseases of crop plants in developing countries. Modelling by the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT (International Center for Tropical Agriculture) has shown that if BXW is left uncontrolled, it could cause a 55% reduction in banana production in newly affected areas within 10 years.

● 東部ウマ脳炎 カナダ、米国 ウマ
PRO/AH/EDR> Eastern equine encephalitis (14): North America (Canada, USA) horse, emu
Archive Number: 20231016.8712653
[1] Ontario (Lanark County, Ottawa): horses
 情報源 CTV News 2023年9月27日
The Leeds, Grenville, and Lanark District Health Unit says 2 more horses in its region have tested positive for eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEV).
[2] Ontario (Lanark County): horses
  情報源 Lanark Leeds Today 10月3日
Public Health Ontario reports 2 more horses in Lanark County have tested positive for eastern equine encephalitis virus (or EEEV).
[3] Ontario (Ottawa, Leeds and Grenville): horses
 情報源 Equus Magazine 10月12日
Three unvaccinated horses in Ontario were recently confirmed positive for eastern equine encephalitis (EEE). The horses lived in Ottawa and Leeds and Grenville.
[4] New Jersey (Gloucester County): horse, 1st report 2023
 情報源 Morning AgClips 9月24日
An approximately one-year-old Gloucester County colt is the 1st reported case of eastern equine encephalitis (EEE), a serious mosquito-borne illness in horses, in New Jersey for 2023. 
[5] Connecticut (Windham County): emu
 情報源 NBC Connecticut 9月29日
An emu died of eastern equine encephalitis [EEE] and this was the 1st case of EEE in a domestic animal in the state this year [2023], according to the Connecticut Department of Agriculture.
[6] Connecticut (New London County): horse
 情報源 Fox 61 10月4日
A horse is the 1st equine animal and latest confirmed domestic animal in Connecticut to have been infected with eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) this season, state researchers announced Wednesday [4 Oct 2023].
[7] New York (Jefferson County): unvaccinated horse
 情報源 Equus Magazine 10月10日
An 8-year-old mare in Jefferson County, New York, was confirmed positive for eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) after developing clinical signs on 26 Sep [2023] including blindness, unsteadiness, fever, depression, dysphagia, ataxia, generalized weakness, and eventual recumbency. The mare was unvaccinated and has been euthanized.

● 鳥インフルエンザ 米国
PRO/AH/EDR> Avian influenza (153): USA (UT, MT, MN, SD) turkey, poultry, backyard flocks
Archive Number: 20231016.8712652
[1] Utah (Sanpete County): commercial turkeys
 情報源 ABC4 2023年10月9日
Over 140 000 turkeys have died or been depopulated as an outbreak of avian flu affects turkey farmers in central Utah.
[2] Montana: (Glacier County) poultry, confirmed; (Flathead County) backyard flock, suspected
 情報源 Montana Department of Livestock 2023年10月12日https://news.mt.gov/Department-of-Livestock/Avian-Influenza-Confirmed-in-Montana
On Tue 10 Oct [2023] the Montana Department of Livestock (MDOL) confirmed highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in a Glacier County poultry flock. This is Montana's 18th affected flock linked to the ongoing national HPAI outbreak, which began in early 2022. 
[3] Minnesota, South Dakota, Utah: turkeys
 情報源 KVRR 10月11日
The outbreak in Minnesota is at a commercial turkey flock of 140 000 birds in Meeker County.
The outbreak in South Dakota was confirmed in a south-central county in a flock of around 47 000 turkeys.
The case in Utah is impacting more than 141 000 birds.
[4] Minnesota (Meeker County): commercial turkeys
 情報源 KSTP-TV 10月11日
The Minnesota Board of Animal Health says a commercial turkey flock has tested positive for highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI).

● 狂犬病 カナダ、米国
PRO/AH/EDR> Rabies (40): North America (Canada, USA) bat, cat, human exp
Archive Number: 20231015.8712651
[1] Prince Edward Island (Queens County): bat
 情報源 CBC News 2023年10月12日
Prince Edward Island has recorded its 1st rabies case in an animal in more than a decade(10年ぶり以上)
A bat found in a Queens County home tested positive for the virus at a Canadian Food Inspection Agency lab in Ottawa on 13 Sep [2023]. It's the 1st documented case of rabies on the Island since 2009.
[2] Nebraska (Douglas County): kitten, human exposure
 情報源 Omaha World-Herald 10月10日
Douglas County health officials are warning residents to take precautions around animals they do not know after a stray kitten in the county was found to be infected with rabies.

● ブルセラ症 コソボ
PRO/AH/EDR> Brucellosis - Kosovo: cattle, human, RFI
Archive Number: 20231015.8712640
[1] 情報源 Rajoni [in Albanian] 2023年10月11日
23 cows infected with the brucellosis disease and 10 other cows suspected of being infected were destroyed today [11 Oct 2023] in the village of Mikushnica in Skenderaj, writes website Rajoni.org.
[2] 情報源 Jepize [in Albanian] 2023年10月11日
23 cows with brucellosis disease and 10 more in Mikushnica and Skenderaj that were suspected to be infected are being destroyed.

● アフリカ豚熱 インド
PRO/AH/EDR> African swine fever - Asia (17): India (MN) domestic pig
Archive Number: 20231015.8712639
[1] 情報源 Outlook India 2023年10月14日
The Manipur veterinary department has officially confirmed an outbreak of African Swine Fever (ASF) in Imphal West district, specifically centered around a pig farm in Eroisemba, Imphal West. 
[2] 情報源 India Today 10月14日
The outbreak of African swine fever (ASF) in Manipur's Imphal West district has been confirmed by the Manipur veterinary department. A pig farm in Eroisemba in Imphal West has been declared as the epicentre of the outbreak.