

エムポックス ベトナム

● 日本脳炎 台湾
PRO/AH/EDR> Japanese encephalitis - Taiwan (02)
Archive Number: 20231026.8712830
 情報源 ICRT 2023年10月25日
Miaoli County において its 1st case of Japanese encephalitis [JE、日本脳炎] this year [2023] が確認された。郡保健当局 The county Health Bureau によると、Yuan-li Township の48歳女性で現在治療中である。最近の海外渡航歴はなかった
Japanese encephalitis - Taiwan: (KH) 20230512.87099952022

● COVID-19(32)
PRO/AH/EDR> COVID-19 update (32): updates, variants, vaccines, antivirals, scientific literature
Archive Number: 20231026.8712809
[1] 各国 Selected countries/regions
 [A] メキシコ Mexico: national COVID-19 and influenza vaccination campaign launches:Mexico News Daily 2023年10月16日
 [B] カナダ Canada: high-risk groups can get updated COVID, flu shots; everyone else 30 Oct 2023: CBC 10月11日
 [C] 米国 US: COVID down; RSV, flu up: 4 notes:
:Becker's Hospital Review 10月16日
 [D] 大洋州 Pacific: epidemic and emerging disease alerts in the Pacific as of 17 Oct 2023:Relief Web https://reliefweb.int/map/world/epidemic-and-emerging-disease-alerts-pacific-17-october-2023
Highlights/updates since the last map was sent on PacNet on 10 Oct 2023:
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
 オーストラリア Australia: Over the past week, Australia reported a total of 5095 COVID-19 cases, with an average of 728 cases per day. ...
 ニュージーランド New Zealand: Over the past week, there have been 3816 new cases reported. The total number of cases since the 1st case in New Zealand stands at 2 477 820, with 3393 deaths attributed to COVID-19. 
[2] 変異株 Variants of concern
 [A] カナダ Canada: 2 new COVID-19 variants (pirola BA.2.86, fornax FL.1.5.1) confirmed in N.B. as cases climb
 情報源 CBS News 10月20日
New Brunswick.で新たな2種類の変異株が確認された。Omicron BA.2.86 and FL.1.5.1 have both been detected through random sequencing of positive cases, Department of Health spokesperson Sean Hatchard confirmed....
More immune-evasive
Free rapid tests available at 74 locations
Calls to eliminate 'hurdles' to access
'Huge demand'
NB Lung has seen a "huge demand" in recent weeks, surpassing 1000 kits, each containing 5 tests, last week, said Langille.
'Not everyone needs to be tested'
 [B] 欧州 ECDC: SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern as of 20 Oct 2023
Date: Sat 20 Oct 2023
 情報源 European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) 2023年10月20日
Variants of concern (VOC)
2023年3月3日、ECDC は BA.2, BA.4 and BA.5 の分類を its list of SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern (VOC、懸念される変異株) から引き下げた。
There are currently no SARS-CoV-2 variants meeting the VOC criteria.
Variants of Interest (VOI)
 1. Omicron BA.2.75
 2. Omicron XBB.1.5-like
 3. Omicron XBB.1.5-like + F456L (e.g. EG.5, FL.1.5.1, XBB.1.16.6, and FE.1)
[3] ワクチン Vaccines
 [A] HHS awards more than USD 500 million to study COVID-19 vaccine nasal sprays(経鼻ワクチン)and more:CNN 10月13日
 [B] Review estimates 69% 3-dose vaccine efficacy against long COVID
 情報源 CIDRAP (Center for Infectious Disease Research & Policy) 2023年10月14日
Antimicrobial Stewardship & Healthcare Epidemiology に掲載された A meta-analysis では、ワクチンの有効性 a vaccine effectiveness (VE) of 69% for 3 doses of COVID-19 vaccine against long COVID, while 2 doses offer 37% efficacy と見積もられている。researchers at the University of Iowa が主導して the meta-analysis involved 24 studies on COVID-19 VE against long COVID among recipients of at least 2 doses of a vaccine before or after infection from December 2019 to June 2023 が解析された。
Much lower long-COVID prevalence among vaccinated
The pooled prevalence of long COVID was 11.8% among unvaccinated participants and 5.3% among recipients of at least 2 vaccine doses.
Booster dose increased efficacy
[出典 The effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccine in the prevention of post-COVID conditions: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis of the latest research. Antimicrobial Stewardship & Healthcare Epidemiology, 3(1), E168. doi: 10.1017/ash.2023.447]
 [C] Over 7 million Americans have gotten updated COVID vaccines
 情報源 Reuters 10月13日
 [D] A next-generation intranasal trivalent MMS vaccine induces durable and broad protection against SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern
 情報源 PNAS 2023年10月5日
原著タイトル A next-generation intranasal trivalent MMS vaccine induces durable and broad protection against SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 120(41), e2220403120.
広範囲かつ持続的な防御効果を導く粘膜ワクチン a mucosal SARS-CoV-2 vaccine の迅速な開発が望まれている。MMR は人類史上で最も安全で成功を収めたワクチンの1つである。
By expressing the 6 proline-stabilized prefusion spikes from 3 diverse SARS-CoV-2 strains in the MeV, MuV-JL1, and MuV-JL2 vaccine strains from MMR, we generated a MMS trivalent vaccine candidate(3価ワクチン)。経鼻的に投与された MMS により強力な中和抗体 strong SARS-CoV-2-specific neutralizing antibody, 粘膜 IgA 抗体 mucosal IgA, and 全身および肺内 T細胞反応 systemic and lung resident T cell immune responses が誘導され、broad protection against challenge with each of these 3 strains が付与される。したがって MMS は a highly promising next-generation vaccine candidate against COVID-19 となる可能性がある。
Furthermore, any of the 3 component vaccine viruses can be quickly modified when a new important SARS-CoV-2 variant appears.
[4] 米国 US: HHS and Pfizer reach agreement to increase patient access to Paxlovid
 情報源 US Department of Health and Human Services 2023年10月13日
Key features of today's agreement are:
 - Protecting individuals in public programs, particularly Medicare. Individuals on Medicare, Medicaid, and those who are uninsured will continue to be able to access HHS-procured Paxlovid for free through the end of 2024 via a patient assistance program. From 2025-2028, Pfizer will continue to run a patient assistance program for individuals who are uninsured or underinsured with HHS-procured Paxlovid. In parallel, Pfizer will operate a copay assistance program for individuals with commercial insurance through 2028.
 - Ensuring no HHS-procured product is lost to expiry. Up-to-date product will be refreshed from Pfizer through 2028, ensuring that the HHS inventory of Paxlovid will not expire and will include all new formulations of Paxlovid authorized or approved for use in the U.S.
 - Creating a stockpile for future emergencies. In addition to ensuring that HHS maintains every course of Paxlovid that it has purchased, Pfizer will provide HHS with a stockpile of an additional one million treatment courses to ensure preparedness for future COVID-19 surges.
 - Providing a smooth transition to the commercial market. HHS will ensure a smooth and predictable transition to the commercial market over the next few months while prioritizing and reserving our HHS-procured treatment courses for people with Medicare and Medicaid, and for those who are uninsured. During this transition to commercial distribution, Paxlovid will remain available for ordering from HHS through 15 Dec 2023.
[5] New pill helps COVID smell and taste loss fade quickly
 情報源 Nature News 2023年10月17日
新たな臨床試験データで、ensitrelvir と呼ばれる抗ウイルス薬により、嗅覚障害と味覚障害の2つの COVID-19 の不快な症状の期間が短縮されることが示唆されている...
[6] Scientific literature
 情報源: Clinical Infectious Diseases 2023年6月6日
原著タイトル Long-term real-world protection afforded by 3rd mRNA doses against symptomatic severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infections, COVID-19-related emergency attendances and hospitalizations amongst older Singaporeans during an omicron XBB wave. Clinical Infectious Diseases, Volume 77, Issue 8, 15 Oct 2023.
ワクチンの追加接種の、360日またはそれ以上の効果 long-term real-world vaccine effectiveness に関する文献は少ない。during an omicron XBB wave期間の60歳以上のシンガポール人における、有症状感染、救急受診、入院に対する、追加接種から360日までとそれ以降の効果 up to and beyond 360 days post-receipt of booster messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines について報告する
50万6 856 boosted adults についての558万46 165 person-days of observation の観察期間において、a 3rd vaccine dose (1st booster) の有症状感染に対する効果は after 180 days に減弱したが、救急受診と入院に対しては効果が保持されていた
Our results highlight the benefit of a booster dose in reducing ED attendances and hospitalizations amongst older adults aged 60 years or more with no documented prior SARS-CoV-2 infection, during an omicron XBB wave; up to and beyond 360 days post-booster. A 2nd booster provided further reduction.
COVID-19 update (30): omicron EG.5.1, updates, WHO, global 20230815.8711701 

● エムポックス ベトナム
PRO/AH/EDR> Mpox update (45): Viet Nam, fatal, immunocompromised patient
Archive Number: 20231026.8712826
 情報源 VN Express 2023年10月24日
A 29-year-old immunocompromised man has died 18 days after being diagnosed with [mpox], becoming the first recorded death of the disease in Viet Nam. The patient lived in Long An Province that borders HCMC [Ho Chi Minh City] and was admitted to the HCMC Hospital for Tropical Diseases after getting fevers and blisters for 9 days, vice director of the HCMC Department of Health Nguyen Van Vinh Chau said. He later tested positive for [mpox].
Mpox update (43): worldwide cases, Viet Nam, vaccination 20231015.8712649

● ランピースキン病 韓国(2件)
PRO/AH/EDR> Lumpy skin disease - Asia (20): South Korea, cattle
Archive Number: 20231026.8712828
 情報源 The Korea Herald 2023年10月26日
26日、ウシのランピースキン病感染が確認され Confirmed cases of lumpy skin disease (LSD) in cattle、1週間前にはじめてのアウトブレイクが確認されて以来、26日の時点で国内の感染数が38となった。25日だけで新たに全国で9例の感染が報告されていた。

PRO/AH/EDR> Lumpy skin disease - Asia (19): South Korea, cattle, spread, high alert
Archive Number: 20231026.8712827
[1] Signs of lumpy skin disease spreading across the country: Prime Minister Han "All-out response"
 情報源 Yonhap News Agency [in Korean] 2023年10月24日
[2] 情報源 The Korea Herald 10月24日
South Korea's agriculture ministry said Tuesday [24 Oct 2023] 12 suspected cases of lumpy skin disease in cattle have been under investigation, 
[3] The Lumpy Skin Disease Central Incident Control Headquarters (Jungsubon) announced that the number of confirmed cases had increased to 17 as of 5 pm on 23 Oct 2023. The first case was reported on 20 Oct 2023, 3 cases occurred on 21 Oct 2023, and 6 cases occurred the day before [22 Oct 2023].
 情報源 Yonhap News Agency [in ] 10月23日
[4] 情報源 Aju Korea Daily 10月23日
Lumpy skin disease - Asia (18): South Korea (KG, HN, HB) cattle, alert, spread 20231024.8712802

● 狂犬病 米国
PRO/AH/EDR> Rabies (44): North America (USA) kitten, bat, fox, raccoon, human exp
Archive Number: 20231026.8712841
[1] Nebraska (Douglas County): kitten, unusual strain
 情報源 Omaha World Herald 2023年10月9日
Precautions urged around unknown animals after Douglas County kitten found to have rabies
Douglas County health officials are warning residents ... All 10 people who may have been exposed to the kitten have begun preventive treatment for rabies, according to the Douglas County Health Department.
No history was available for the kitten, which is believed to have been 1 to 2 months old. The kitten tested positive for a raccoon variant of rabies which is not usually found west of Appalachia.
[2] Nebraska (Douglas County): kitten, unusual strain
 情報源 Nebraska Examiner 10月16日
Kitten with unusual rabies strain sparks unusual response in Douglas County to prevent 'snowball'
[3] Washington (Skagit County): bat, human exposure
 情報源 KIRO 7 10月16日
A Skagit County resident was recently exposed to rabies after handling a bat with their bare hands.
[4] New Jersey (Burlington County): bat, human exposure
 情報源 CBS News 10月21日
South Jersey woman shares story of being bit by a bat in her home: "He was attached to my index finger"
[5] New York (Onondaga County): fox, human exposure
 情報源 CNY Central 10月20日
Renewed warning after fox having attacked people tests positive for rabies
[6] New York (Onondaga County): fox, human exposure
 情報源 Syracuse.com 10月20日
Officials scrambling to find victims of rabid fox: Without shots, you will suffer 'a horrible, painful death'
Only one person -- a school-aged child -- has come forward for treatment after being bitten by a rabid fox in Syracuse's Eastwood neighborhood earlier this week, county health officials said Friday [20 Oct 2023].
[7] Florida (Orange County): raccoon, dog
 情報源 Orlando News 10月24日
Rabies alert after raccoons test positive, dog dies in Orange County
Health officials have issued a rabies alert for a portion of Orange County in response to a 3rd raccoon testing positive for the viral disease in the past 3 months.

● 原因不明の死亡、ゾウ ジンバブエ 2020
PRO/AH/EDR> Undiagnosed deaths, elephant - Zimbabwe: septicemia, Pasteurella conf., 2020
Archive Number: 20231026.8712835
 情報源 BBC News 2023年10月25日
ジンバブエで原因不明の死亡となった6頭のアフリカゾウ African Savannah elephants の体内から、これまで野生のゾウで確認されたことがない種類の細菌が検出された。2020年にこれらのゾウが死亡した原因は、敗血症によると研究者らはみている。
the journal Nature Communications に掲載されたこの研究で、同年に隣国のボツワナで356頭のゾウが死亡した手がかりがつかめるかもしれない。保護活動からにより Botswana's Okavango Panhandle で死亡したゾウが発見され、国際的な注目を浴びた。一部は、歩行や走行中に突然死したと考えられている。主に2020年8月から9月の間に North-Western Zimbabwe で突然死した35頭の死亡したゾウについての調査でわかった。the Victoria Falls Wildlife Trust の獣医師は、発見にはヘリコプターが必要だったと説明している。酷暑の中で防護衣を着けた状態で、15頭のゾウの死後解剖が行われた。このうち13頭が敗血症で死亡したと結論づけた。6頭から、Bisgaard taxon 45 と呼ばれる細菌が発見され、死因であった可能性があると考えられた..."[This type of bacteria] wasn't completely mysterious; it was known to exist," explained Prof Steinbach. "But it had not been associated with septicaemia and never been found in the African elephants."
出典 Pasteurella_ sp. associated with fatal septicaemia in 6 African elephants. Nat Commun. 2023; 14: 6398; 
参考項目 2022
Undiagnosed deaths, elephant - Botswana: (NC) Okavango Delta, toxic algae, susp 20220616.8703886

● 鳥インフルエンザ ブルガリア
PRO/AH/EDR> Avian influenza (159): Bulgaria (VT), OFFLU-AIM report
Archive Number: 20231026.8712829
[1] Bulgaria: poultry
 情報源 SeeNews 2023年10月25日
The Bulgarian Food Safety Agency 食品安全当局 により、the town of Debelets, in the northern region of Veliko Tarnovo の採卵用養鶏場 a commercial egg production farm in で鳥インフルエンザ an outbreak of bird flu の発生が確認された。飼育されていた35万5千羽がすべて処分される。
[2] OFFLU-AIM report
 投稿者 Animal and Plant Health Agency-UK・Professor Ian Brown 10月25日
We are pleased to announce the publication of the OFFLU (WOAH-FAO Global Network on Animal Influenza) avian influenza matching (OFFLU-AIM) report on the OFFLU website.

● 東部ウマ脳炎 米国、カナダ
PRO/AH/EDR> Eastern equine encephalitis (15) North America (USA, Canada) horse, emu
Archive Number: 20231026.8712816
[1] Florida (Levy County): horse
 情報源 Equus Magazine 2023年10月16日
On 13 Oct [2023], a yearling Thoroughbred filly in Levy County, Florida, was confirmed positive for eastern equine encephalitis (EEE). 
[2] Maine (Piscataquis, Penobscot, Somerset, Waldo, Kennebec counties): emus, horses:WGME 10月17日
Officials say confirmed cases of several mosquito-borne illnesses have been detected in emu flocks and horses in multiple Maine counties.
[3] Maine (Waldo County): horse:Horse 10月19日
[4] New Jersey (Salem County): horse: Standardbred Canada 10月23日
A 13-year-old Standardbred mare in Salem County has been identified as the 2nd case of eastern equine encephalitis (EEE), a serious mosquito-borne illness in horses, in New Jersey for 2023.
[5] North Carolina (Union County): horse: Equus Magazine 10月24日
One horse in Union County, North Carolina, was confirmed positive for eastern equine encephalitis (EEE). The horse has been euthanized.
[6] Ontario (Peterborough County) horse: Equus Magazine 10月18日
On 16 Oct [2023], a 13-year-old Quarter Horse mare in Peterborough County, Ontario, was confirmed positive for eastern equine encephalitis (EEE).