

サルモネラ感染症 米国
ムコール症 インド

● サルモネラ感染症 米国(2件)
PRO/AH/EDR> Salmonellosis, st Newport - USA: multidrug resistant, epidemiology, alert
Archive Number: 20231110.8713089
 情報源 Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) 2023年11月9日
原著タイトル Strain of multidrug-resistant _Salmonella_ Newport remains linked to travel to Mexico and US Beef Products -- United States, 2021-2022. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2023; 72: 1225-1229.
2016年、CDC により多剤耐性サルモネラ菌 a multidrug-resistant (MDR) strain of _Salmonella enterica_ serotype Newport が確認され、現在 a persisting strain named REPJJP01 として監視が続けられ、 isolates from US residents in all 50 states and the District of Columbia が確認されている。A 2018-2019 investigation ではメキシコ旅行または米国内でメキシコ産の牛肉やチーズを摂取したことを報告した患者らが確認された。During 2021, CDC's PulseNet database received an increase of REPJJP01 reports, which prompted this investigation. This report analyzed isolates identified during 2021-2022...

PRO/AH/EDR> Salmonellosis, st Kiambu - USA: human, dry dog food, alert, recall, CDC
Archive Number: 20231110.8713076
 情報源 CDC 2023年11月9日
_Salmonella_ outbreak linked to dry dog food
Illnesses: 7
Hospitalizations: 1
Deaths: 0
States: 7
Recall: Yes
Investigation status: Active
CDC, public health and regulatory officials in several states, and the FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine (FDA CVM) are collecting different types of data to investigate a multistate outbreak of _Salmonella [enterica_ serotype] Kiambu infections in people. 
Epidemiologic and laboratory data show that a specific lot of Victor brand Hi-Pro Plus dry dog food(乾燥ドッグフード)is contaminated with _Salmonella_ and has made people sick. The manufacturer, Mid America Pet Food, has recalled this and all other brands of pet food they make. See recalls for more details.
Epidemiologic Data
As of 1 Nov 2023, 7 people infected with the outbreak strain of _Salmonella_ have been reported from 7 states. Illnesses started on dates ranging from 14 Jan 2023, to 19 Aug 2023 (see timeline https://www.cdc.gov/salmonella/kiambu-11-23/epi.html). One person was hospitalized and no deaths have been reported.
State of Residence / Number of Sick People

● ムコール症 インド
PRO/EDR> Mucormycosis - India: (PB)
Archive Number: 20231110.8713086
 情報源 : The Hindustan Times 2023年11月9日
the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Bathinda [district in Punjab state] の専門家らが、まれであるが死亡する可能性もあるムコール症患者の、1ヶ月以上にわたる急増 a sudden surge in cases of mucormycosis, or black fungus に深刻な懸念を示している。10月1日以降、Bathinda and adjoining districts で合計26人の患者が治療を受けた...
In October [2023], 15 cases were reported, whereas 11 patients have already been admitted in the first week of this month [November 2023].
参考項目 2022
Mucormycosis - India: fatal, CAM, cow dung burning, susp 20220407.8702463

● 慢性消耗性疾患 米国
PRO/AH/EDR> Chronic wasting disease - North America (10): USA (NC, MI, ID) deer
Archive Number: 20231110.8713092
[1] North Carolina (Johnston County): deer: News and Observer 10月14日
A deer in Johnston County tested positive for chronic wasting disease, the NC Wildlife Resources Commission confirmed Friday [13 Oct 2023], marking the 1st case of the fatal illness around the Triangle. 
[2] Michigan (Ogemaw County): deer: MSN 10月31日
DNR reports 1st CWD-positive deer in Ogemaw Co.
[3] Idaho (Valley County): mule deer: Idaho Statesman 11月8日
'Zombie deer' disease, 1st detected in Idaho 2 years ago, spreads to McCall area

● 丹毒 米国、イルカ
PRO/AH/EDR> Erysipelas, dolphin - USA: (CA) 2022
Archive Number: 20231110.8713078
 情報源 Emerging Infectious Diseases 2023年11月9日
原著タイトル Systemic erysipelas outbreak among free-ranging bottlenose dolphins, San Diego, California, USA, 2022. Emerg Infect Dis. 2023; 29(12).
We diagnosed fatal _Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae_ sepsis in 3 stranded bottlenose dolphins (_Tursiops truncatus_) during summer 2022, in San Diego, California, USA.