

原因不明の疾患、死亡 ウガンダ、エムポックス疑い
原因不明の肺炎 中国、小児 WHO

● 原因不明の疾患、死亡 ウガンダ、エムポックス疑い 
PRO/AH/EDR> Undiagnosed illness - Uganda: (KY) possible mpox, fatal, RFI
Archive Number: 20231123.8713298
 情報源 The Black Examiner 2023年11月21日
2カ所の村 villages, Kasamba and Kyamayembe, in Kabira Sub-county, Kyotera District で原因不明の疾患が発生し、2週間で少なくとも12人の住民の命が奪われた。保健当局 the Masaka regional health team, the WHO, and other health teams の検査により、Marburg, Ebola, Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF), and Rift Valley fever は除外診断されている。
地域保健当局者 the district health educator によると、広範囲の発疹 a widening rash on the skin が現れ数日以内に死亡した。過去に近隣の村 neighboring villages で同様の症状が発生した。医療施設へのアクセスが限られているため、住民らは、握手を避けることとハーブで治療可能と述べる伝統治療師を受診している。
... Notably, a similar mysterious illness affected the district in July 2022, named as cellulitis or "ettalo" by the Ministry of Health.
[Mod.LL- オリジナル記事の画像では、回復した患者の手掌の治癒過程の潰瘍病変が確認でき、エムポックスを想定する]

● ロッキー山紅斑熱 米国、メキシコから
PRO/EDR> Rocky Mountain spotted fever - USA: (CA) ex Mexico, fatal
Archive Number: 20231123.8713295
 情報源 San Diego Union Tribune 2023年11月21日
a San Diego resident が the Baja California region への渡航後に発病し死亡したことを受け、ロッキー山紅斑熱の症状 signs and symptoms of Rocky Mountain spotted fever に注意するよう、21日保健当局者 San Diego County public health officials が市民らに呼びかけた。 
(感染を伝播する)ダニは通常春から夏のハイキング hiking trails and grassy or wooded areas の際に、ヒトや動物を刺咬するが、ダニを有する野犬が多く、冬季も暖かい Baja California のような常在地域への渡航により、年中感染するリスクがある。
"While Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever is a year-round risk in the Baja California region, San Diego County will typically have 1 to 3 cases each year," the statement reads. "All 3 cases in county residents reported so far in 2023 had traveled to areas where Rocky Mountain spotted fever is more common. The last local death from this disease was an Imperial County resident who died in a San Diego hospital in 2014."

● 原因不明の肺炎 中国、小児 WHO
PRO/EDR> Undiagnosed pneumonia - China (03): (BJ, LN) children, reported epidemic, WHO
Archive Number: 20231123.8713293
 情報源 WHO 2023年11月22日
WHO statement on reported clusters of respiratory illness in children in northern China
小児の間で呼吸器疾患の増加と肺炎クラスターが報告されていることについて、中国政府当局に対し WHO は詳しい情報の提供を公式に求めている。
11月13日、中国保健当局 Chinese authorities from the National Health Commission が国内の呼吸器疾患の増加について報告した。当局は、COVID-19 の制限緩和が増加の原因で、既知の病原体 known pathogens such as influenza, _Mycoplasma pneumoniae_ (a common bacterial infection which typically affects younger children), respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) によるとしている。
11月21日、ProMED reported clusters of undiagnosed pneumonia in children in northern China...
同22日、WHO は小児のクラスターのより詳しい疫学及び臨床情報とともに、検査結果の the International Health Regulations mechanism を介する開示も求めている。
参考情報 WHO/厚労省検疫所・FORTH
Undiagnosed pneumonia - China (02): (BJ, LN) children, reported epidemic, comment 20231122.8713277

● ウシ流行性熱 オーストラリア
PRO/AH/EDR> Bovine ephemeral fever - Australia (02): (NS) cattle
Archive Number: 20231124.8713305
 情報源 Lismore City News 2023年11月21日
Three-day sickness has been identified early on the NSW North Coast. NSW farmers should be on the lookout for 3-day sickness (Bovine-Ephemeral fever (BEF)) after the virus was detected around the Casino area.

● 原因不明の疾患、イヌ 米国
PRO/AH/EDR> Undiagnosed illness - USA (04): multiple states, dog
Archive Number: 20231124.8713303
[1] Multiple states - undiagnosed dog illness: NBC Bay Area 2023年11月16日
[2] Outbreak of potentially fatal virus in dogs has reached the Quad Cities: KQWC 11月21日
Similar to the common cold for humans, this kennel cough-like illness is a respiratory virus in dogs. It has been spreading across the country for the past year and is currently affecting dogs in the Quad Cities.

● 鳥インフルエンザ メキシコ、米国(2件)
PRO/AH/EDR> Avian influenza (175): Mexico, USA, multiple states and premises types
Archive Number: 20231124.8713304
メキシコ Mexico
[1] Regulatory update: Prensa Latina 2023年10月29日
Mexico on Sunday [29 Oct 2023] reported the 1st case of highly pathogenic AH5 bird flu in a farm in Sonora, the Secretariat of Agriculture confirmed.
米国 USA
[2] Alabama, Alaska, Washington: pheasants, backyard flocks, commercial flocks
 情報源 Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) 2023年11月1日
Highly pathogenic avian flu outbreak struck poultry and commercial flocks in 3 more states
[3] Iowa (Buena Vista County): commercial turkeys: Des Moines Register 10月31日
Bird flu has struck a commercial turkey operation with about 30 000 birds in northwest Iowa's Buena Vista County, the Iowa Department of Agriculture reported Tuesday [31 Oct 2023].
[4] Arkansas (Madison County): commercial poultry: KDAL 610 11月3日
Arkansas, a major U.S. chicken producer, has reported its 1st outbreak of lethal avian flu in a commercial poultry flock in a year, as the nation sees an uptick in cases.
[5] South Dakota (Beadle County): commercial turkeys: Brownfield Ag News 11月2日
The virus has affected another commercial turkey farm in Beadle County. That's the 2nd farm in the county having confirmed HPAI this fall [2023].
[6] Iowa (Clay, Hamilton Counties): ducks, commercial poultry: High Plains Journal 11月6日
The Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship and the United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service have confirmed 4 positive cases of highly pathogenic avian influenza in Iowa. Three of the farms are in Clay County and the 4th is in Hamilton County.
[7] Minnesota (Wright County), Iowa (Clay County), South Dakota (McPherson County): chickens, turkeys: Perishable News 11月7日
The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced the virus was found at a farm in Wright County, Minnesota, as well as in 3 smaller flocks in South Dakota and Iowa. Whenever the highly pathogenic avian influenza virus is detected on a farm, the entire flock is killed as to keep it from spreading to other farms.
[8] Iowa (Kossuth County): game pheasant, chicken, peafowl: Des Moines Register 11月7日
Bird flu hit a north central Iowa farm with game pheasants, commercial laying hens and peafowl, the 9th poultry operation in the state to be affected this fall [2023] by the deadly disease.
[9] Wisconsin (Trempealeau County): commercial flock: WEAU News 11月22日
A case of avian flu was confirmed in a commercial flock in Trempealeau County.
[10] Wisconsin (Taylor County): backyard flock: WEAU News 11月17日
The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) has identified a case of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in a backyard flock in Taylor County. This is Wisconsin's 1st confirmed case of HPAI in a domestic flock in 2023. This is Wisconsin's 1st infected flock since 7 Nov 2022.

PRO/AH/EDR> Avian influenza (174): Americas (USA) waterfowl, HPAI H5N1 susp.
Archive Number: 20231123.8713299
 情報源 Wyoming Game and Fish Department 2023年11月21日
Waterfowl hunting season is in full swing and the Wyoming Game and Fish Department has confirmed several reports of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in the Laramie region. Waterfowl mortalities due to HPAI have been documented in the Torrington and Wheatland areas.

● 黄熱、サル ブラジル
PRO/AH/EDR> Yellow fever - Americas (12): Brazil (RS) monkey
Archive Number: 20231124.8713286
 情報源 RS Secretariat of Health [in Portuguese] 2023年11月20日
The State Health Surveillance Center (Cevs) confirmed 5 more cases of dead monkeys in which the yellow fever virus was identified. The samples were collected in October [2023] from howler monkeys found in the municipalities of Riozinho, Três Coroas, Santo Antônio das Missões and São Borja, the latter city with 2 confirmed cases. The results came out at the end of last week.
Yellow fever - Americas (10): Brazil (RS) howler monkey, RFI 20230810.8711634

● アフリカ豚熱 ベトナム
PRO/AH/EDR> African swine fever - Asia (26): Viet Nam, domestic, spread
Archive Number: 20231123.8713282
[1] 情報源 Pig 333.com News 2023年11月20日
農業当局 the Viet Nam Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development からの報告によれば、年初から530件以上のアフリカ豚熱アウトブレイク outbreaks of African swine fever (ASF) が全国から報告されており、over 20 000 pigs in 44 provinces and cities が処分され、8月以降状況が悪化し、養豚業や食品のサプライに影響を与えている。
[2] 情報源 Pig333.com News 11月14日
The epidemic area for African swine fever (ASF) was determined in Tan Binh ward, the threat area with a radius of 3 km (1.86 mi) in Tan Xuan, Tan Phu, Tan Thien, and Tien Thanh wards and Tien Hung commune....
African swine fever - Asia (18): Viet Nam (NA) domestic, spread 20231022.8712768