

チクングニア リンパ節破壊

● 腸管出血性大腸菌 米国
PRO/AH/EDR> E. coli EHEC - USA (17): (CA) restaurant
Archive Number: 20231107.8713034
 情報源 Food Safety News 2023年11月5日
The patient count from _E. coli_ infections associated with a San Diego restaurant has risen to 35, according to county health officials. At least 10 of the patients, including 4 children, have required hospitalization after eating at Miguel's Cocina in San Diego's 4S Ranch neighborhood. The restaurant had been closed for 10 days but reopened 3 Nov 2023.
E. coli EHEC - USA (14): (CA) restaurant 20231025.8712818

● レジオネラ症 米国(2件)
PRO/EDR> Legionellosis - Americas (24): USA (AR) senior facility
Archive Number: 20231107.8713032
 情報源 Fox News 2023年11月6日
the Methodist Village Senior Living facility in Fort Smith, Arkansas の入居者らの間で、レジオネラ肺炎 Legionnaires' disease が確認されていると、アーカンソー州保健当局 The Arkansas Health Care Association (AHCA), of which Methodist Village is a member が先週発表した。

PRO/EDR> Legionellosis - Americas (23): USA (WA) hospital-acquired, RFI
Archive Number: 20231106.8713010
 情報源 Mirage News 2023年11月4日
9月、2人の患者がレジオネラ肺炎 _Legionella_ infection (Legionnaires' disease) と診断され the University of Washington Medical Center - Montlake 大学病院で治療を受けた。院内感染 possible healthcare-associated infections とみられている。1人は退院して自宅に戻り、もう1人は現在も入院中である。
Extensive testing of the water in the medical center has been negative for _Legionella_.

● クリミアコンゴ出血熱 パキスタン
PRO/AH/EDR> Crimean-Congo hem. fever - Asia (32): Pakistan (BA)
Archive Number: 20231107.8713025
 情報源 SAMAA TV 2023年11月5日
州内で16例の死亡が発生しているコンゴウイルス感染例の増加 the alarming surge in Congo virus cases を受け、バロチスタン州政府当局 the Balochistan government が a red alert を宣言した。農場では噴霧消毒が実施されている。
Crimean-Congo hem. fever - Asia (30): Pakistan (BA) 20231009.8712542

● チクングニア
PRO/AH/EDR> Chikungunya (06): Americas, Europe, Africa, Asia
Archive Number: 20231106.8713014
[1] 各国 Cases in various countries
パナマ Panama. 15 Oct 2023. (Reported) 13 cases; Localities most affected: Panamá Norte in Alcalde Díaz and Las Cumbres; San Miguelito, in the sector of José Domingo Espinar; Panamá Oeste, sector of Burunga and in the metropolitan regional sectors of El Chorrillo, Calidonia, and Las Garzas; Chepo in Panamá Este and Atalaya in Veraguas.
ブラジル Brazil
 - Minas Gerais state. 26 Sep 2023. (Susp.) 19 790, (conf.) 68 148 cases; Deaths: 38 confirmed, 19 under investigation.
 - Betim, Minas Gerais state. 15 Oct 2023. (Probable) 1343 cases; Deaths: 2.
イタリア Italy
 - Sansepolcro municipality in Tuscany. 6 Oct 2023. (Conf.) 6 cases.
[Presumably, most or all of these were locally acquired cases]
 - Parabiago municipality in Lombardy. 31 Oct 2023. (Conf.) 1st case in the municipality.
ブルキナファソ Burkina Faso (Pouytenga, Center-East [Centre-Est] region) 27 Sep 2023. (Conf.) 89 cases.
インド India (Haryana state). 10 Oct 2023. (Reported) 321 cases, the most in 7 years.
[2] ワクチン Vaccine
 情報源 The Lancet 2023年6月12日
原著タイトル Safety and immunogenicity of a single-shot live-attenuated chikungunya vaccine: a double-blind, multicentre, randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial. The Lancet. 2023; 401(10394): 2138-2147;
Background: VLA1553 is a live-attenuated vaccine candidate(弱毒生ワクチン)for active immunisation and prevention of disease caused by chikungunya virus. 
We report safety and immunogenicity data up to day 180 after vaccination with VLA1553.
Interpretation: The strong immune response and the generation of seroprotective titres in almost all vaccinated participants suggests that VLA1553 is an excellent candidate for the prevention of disease caused by chikungunya virus.
[3] リンパ節破壊 Lymph node disruption
 情報源 bioRxiv 2023年10月13日
原著タイトル Chikungunya virus infection disrupts lymph node lymphatic endothelial cell composition and function via MARCO. bioRxiv. 2023;
チクングニアウイルス感染 Infection with chikungunya virus (CHIKV) がリンパ組織循環を破壊 disruption of draining lymph node (dLN) organization し、B細胞の傍皮質移動 paracortical relocalization of B cells, B細胞ーT細胞境界の喪失 loss of the B cell-T cell border, リンパ細胞欠乏 lymphocyte depletion を生じ、炎症性骨髄細胞を伴うリンパ節浸潤 infiltration of the LN [lymph node] with inflammatory myeloid cells が引き起こされる。
今回われわれは感染から24時間以内に、CHIKV RNA accumulates in MARCO-expressing lymphatic endothelial cells (LECs) in both the floor and medullary LN sinuses を確認した。The accumulation of viral RNA in the LN was associated with a switch to an antiviral and inflammatory gene expression program across LN stromal cells [LNSCs], and this inflammatory response, including recruitment of myeloid cells to the LN, was accelerated by CHIKV-MARCO interactions. As CHIKV infection progressed, both floor and medullary LECs diminished in number, suggesting further functional impairment of the LN by infection. Consistent with this idea, we find that antigen acquisition by LECs, a key function of LN LECs during infection and immunization, was reduced during pathogenic CHIKV infection....
Discussion [abridged; references available at source URL]
Chikungunya (05): Burkina Faso (CE): 20231003.8712427

● レプトスピラ症 インド
PRO/AH/EDR> Leptospirosis - India (04): (KL) flooding, alert
Archive Number: 20231106.8713009
 情報源 The Hindu 2023年11月2日
10月にレプトスピラ症 leptospirosis in the district の感染および死亡が増加しているとして、保健当局 The health department in Kozhikode が注意を呼びかけている。
Kallai, Beypore, and Nadakkavu are some of the places where the number of patients is high.

● ランピースキン病 韓国
PRO/AH/EDR> Lumpy skin disease - Asia (25): S. Korea, cattle, spread
Archive Number: 20231107.8713026
 情報源 KBS News 2023年11月5日
The number of cattle farms with confirmed lumpy skin disease (LSD) infections has risen to 78 as of Sunday [5 Nov 2023].
This follows the confirmation of one additional infection in Dangjin, 
Lumpy skin disease - Asia (24): S. Korea, cattle, spread, nationwide vaccination 20231103.8712982

● イヌインフルエンザ 米国
PRO/AH/EDR> Canine influenza - North America (11): USA (NC) dog
Archive Number: 20231106.8713008
[1] North Carolina (Wake County): dog
 情報源 ABC11 News 2023年10月6日
The Wake County Animal Center is closing its center in Raleigh due to a recent outbreak of dog flu. 
[2] North Carolina (Wake County): dog
 情報源 WRAL News 11月3日
Animal rescues in Wake County are overflowing with dogs after an outbreak of canine influenza forced the Wake County Animal Center to close, and it expects to stay closed through the end of November [2023]. Dozens of dogs have the virus and 4 have died.