

マラリア アルゼンチン、輸入例

● マラリア アルゼンチン
PRO/EDR> Malaria - Argentina: (Buenos Aires) imported, USA citizen, fatal
Archive Number: 20240118.8714316
 情報源 Clarín, Argentina [in Spanish] 2024年1月16日
80歳の米国人旅行者が、マラリア malaria によりブエノスアイレスの病院 the Fernández Hospital in the City of Buenos Aires で死亡した。緊急入院の30分後に死亡した。市保健当局 the City Ministry of Health によると、この元判事は1月7日に Fernández, Ushuaia [the capital of Tierra del Fuego in the south of Argentina - Mod.LL] から(ブエノスアイレスに)戻っていたが、それ以前に数カ国を旅行していたので、どこで感染したかはわからない。イスタンブール、インド、エチオピアなど、各地を訪れていた。
入院時、高熱、重度の貧血、低血糖の深刻な状態で、気管内挿管されたが1時間後 (?) に死亡した...
The WHO certified in May 2019 that Argentina is a malaria-free country. There have been no indigenous cases since 2011. The last outbreak recorded in the country was in the province of Misiones in 2007.

● ノロウイルス 米国、クルーズ船
PRO/EDR> Norovirus - USA (02): cruise ship
Archive Number: 20240118.8714315
 情報源 Business Insider 2024年1月15日
100名の Celebrity Cruises' recent Celebrity Constellation sailing の乗船客がノロウイルスの症状を norovirus symptoms を訴えており、2024年初のクルーズ船アウトブレイク the 1st cruise ship outbreak of 2024 となったと、the CDC が明らかにした。
1月3日、the Celebrity Constellation and its 2056 guests departed on a 9-night cruise. Unfortunately for these vacationers, seasickness wasn't their only issue. By the end of the cruise on 12 Jan [2024], 100 passengers -- 92 guests and 8 crew -- had reported being sick, the CDC said...

● 麻疹 米国
PRO/EDR> Measles - USA (02): multiple states
Archive Number: 20240118.8714292
[1] New Jersey case/Pennsylvania update
 情報源 Asbury Park Press 2024年1月17日
A measles case has been confirmed in New Jersey while 9 have been identified in Philadelphia.
The New Jersey case was identified in Camden County, and as of 17 Jan 2024, it remains the only confirmed incident in the state.
[2] Washington DC: international traveler
 情報源 Fox News Baltimore 1月16日
Health officials issued a warning over a "potential measles exposure" ... The infected person was returning from "international travel" and traveled through 2 DC area airports on 3 Jan 2024.
[3] Missouri: Clay County
 情報源 KMBC 1月12日
The Clay County Public Health Center has been notified of a confirmed case of measles. A Liberty, Missouri resident recently tested positive.
[4] Washington: Clark and Wahkiakum counties
 情報源 KOIN 1月11日
Health experts are sounding the alarm after 6 measles cases have been discovered in southwest Washington.
Measles update (01): USA (PA) multiple potential exposure sites 20240107.8714111

● 鳥インフルエンザ、ヒト 中国 H5N6

PRO/AH/EDR> Avian influenza, human (01): China (SC) H5N6
Archive Number: 20240118.8714293
 情報源 Center for Infectious Disease Research & Policy (CIDRAP) 2024年1月17日
四川省 China's Sichuan province の59歳女性が、鳥インフルエンザ H5N6 avian flu に感染して入院し危険な状態となっていると、14日香港の当局 Hong Kong's Centre for Health Protection が発表した。紫陽市 Ziyang City の女性であると報告され、2023年11月25日に発症し4日後の11月29日に入院となった。発症前に生きた家きんを売る市場を訪れていた。
この症例は China's 8th human H5N6 infection of 2023 and the country's 89th since the virus was first detected in humans in 2014...
参考項目 2023
Avian influenza, human (28): China (SC) H5N6, fatal, RFI 20231224.8713877

● アフリカ豚熱 モンテネグロ、イノシシ
PRO/AH/EDR> African swine fever - Europe (01): Montenegro, wild boar, 1st rep
Archive Number: 20240118.8714302
 情報源 Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, Montenegro [in Serbian] 2024年1月14日
The presence of the African swine fever virus, for the 1st time in Montenegro, has been confirmed in 2 dead wild boar, found in the territory of the municipality of Nikšić, in the border area with Bosnia and Herzegovina. 
Namely, the "Nikšić" Veterinary Clinic, on 12 Jan [2024], received information about the discovery of 2 dead wild boars from the Bratogošt hunting society. ...

● 狂犬病 米国
PRO/AH/EDR> Rabies (06): North America (USA) otter, raccoon, cat, dog, skunk, fox, human exp
Archive Number: 20240118.8714289
[1] Florida (Beach County): otter, dog, human exposure
 情報源 Grand View Outdoors 2024年1月14日
フロリダ州 Jupiter, Florida の74歳男性が、狂犬病のカワウソ a rabid otter に襲われ、手、腕、足に複数のけがを負ったため病院を受診した。
[2] Georgia (Gwinnett County): raccoon, dogs
 情報源 WSB-TV News 1月11日
On 4 Jan 2024, a rabid raccoon(アライグマ)bit 2 dogs in Snellville, according to the Gwinnett Animal Shelter.
[3] Georgia (Glynn County): raccoon, dog
 情報源 Yahoo News 1月12日
The Glynn County Health Department is alerting residents in Brunswick about a raccoon(アライグマ)having tested positive for rabies.
[4] Pennsylvania (Adams County): cat, human exposure
 情報源 MSN 1月12日
There was a confirmed case of rabies in Adams County earlier this week, according to the Adams County SPCA. The woman was at an auto garage, along the intersection of Hanover Street and Rt. 94 in Oxford Township, when she saw a stray cat(のらネコ), out in the rain on Tuesday [9 Jan 2024]. When she tried to pick up the cat, it attacked her left hand and arm, the post reads.
[5] Texas (Tarrant County): skunk, dogs
 情報源 NBCDFW 1月13日
Health officials are urging pet owners to vaccinate their animals against rabies following an attack on 2 dogs by a skunk(スカンク)in Bedford on Thursday [11 Jan 2024].
[6] New York (Oneida County): fox, human exp
 情報源 WIBX 950 1月17日
The Oneida County Health Department confirmed the fox(キツネ)that attacked 3 people in Rome was rabid. 
Rabies (03): North America (USA) cat, skunk, dog, bat, raccoon, fox, horse, human exp 20240113.8714178