

オウム病 スウェーデン、コメント
麻疹 欧州

● オウム病 スウェーデン
PRO/AH/EDR> Psittacosis - Sweden (02): increasing cases/inclusion in diagnostic panel, commentary
Archive Number: 20240124.8714436
 投稿者 スウェーデン・Uppsala University Hospital、Björn Herrmann, Lisa Labbé Sandelin, and Leigh Davidsson 2024年1月24日
20240121.8714363 の the above alert が誤解を招く misleading 内容であることに気づいた。
加えて、The Telegraph [article] "Health alert after parrot fever infects humans in Sweden" の内容は、"gestational psittacosis" を引用したひどい間違い severe flaws である。
さらに、The Telegraph は記事を書くに当たり、これまで The Public Health Agency of Sweden に接触しておらず、使用された統計も間違って解釈されている misinterpreted。
1. Comment on the text in ProMED:
high resolution typing by HRM-PCR を用いて、スウェーデンの during domestic bird feeding in winter season 期間において, ヒトのオウム病 human psittacosis が、passerines(スズメ目)and other garden birds から感染することを明らかにした。
すなわち、the name "parrot fever(オウム病)" は、誤解されやすい名前 rather misleading in a Swedish context である...
2. Comment on the text in The Telegraph
文章は、非常に注意を煽るもの severely alarmistic であり、トリからヒトに感染するオウム病 psittacosis (infections from birds to humans caused by _Chlamydia psittaci_) と、妊娠女性のクラミジア感染症の原因となる _C. abortus のデータをごちゃ混ぜにしている。 
_C. psittaci_-related infections in women leading to foetal or maternal mortality はかなりまれ extremely rare なことである。
(テレグラフの記事の内容 The Telegraph text states)
 "Parrot fever is surging in Sweden, with 12 people infected this month [referring to December 2023] alone, amid concerns that the outbreak could escalate . . . Since September, 25 cases have been reported in Sweden, with 12 this month." Sweden usually has an increase in psittacosis during the winter months, so we would not describe the increase as a surge.
The Telegraph text further states: "Where psittacosis during pregnancy is rare, it can cause substantial maternal and fetal death. A 2020 study showed an 80% risk of fetal mortality, and an [8%] risk to maternal mortality, due to gestational psittacosis."(ここまで)
引用されている論文は2020年のもの (Katsura et al., Gestational psittacosis: A case report and literature review, J Obstet Gyn Res. 2020; 46: 673-677) で、あきらかにデータの提示および参考文献の欠如がある has clear deficiencies in presentation of data and the provided references。
このため、女性の重症合併症のリスクが誇張され、加えてスウェーデンのオウム病重症例との決定的な偽の関連性 a strikingly false correlation を生じている... 批判が続きます。
To conclude, we find the ProMED alert about parrot fever in Sweden to be misleading and the source text in The Telegraph full of incorrect information.
Psittacosis - Sweden: increasing cases/inclusion in diagnostic panel 20240121.8714363

● デング熱 バングラデシュ
RO/AH/EDR> Dengue/DHF update (04): Bangladesh
Archive Number: 20240124.8714441
 情報源 bdnews24.com 2024年1月24日
バングラデシュにおいて、この24時間以内に新たに20例の入院 new hospitalisations が確認されたものの、デング熱 dengue による死者は報告されていない。
入院患者のうち 7例 cases は in Dhaka [capital of Bangladesh] で、13例は outside the capital の症例であると、保健当局 the Directorate General of Health Services [DGHS] が24日報告した...
The dengue outbreak in 2023 はバングラデシュにおいて史上最悪となっており、32万1 179 patients contracting the disease and 1705 dying from it.
Dengue/DHF update (03): Asia (Bangladesh, Sri Lanka) 20240119.8714318

● 麻疹 欧州、WHO
PRO/EDR> Measles - Europe: WHO
Archive Number: 20240124.8714437
 情報源 BBC 2024年1月24日
2023年、欧州内でおよそ45倍の麻疹感染例 measles cases の増加があったと、WHO が明らかにし、今も増加が続いているとしている。
Some 4万2200 people were infected in 2023, compared to 941 during the whole of 2022. 
The WHO は、during the COVID-19 pandemic 期間にワクチン接種を受ける小児の数が減少した結果と考えている。
英国では先週 the West Midlands においてアウトブレイクが発生し、ワクチン接種率の低い他の地域に感染拡大するおそれがある。340万人以上の16歳未満の小児が免疫を持たず unprotected 感染するリスクがあると NHS England が述べている。
欧州内の状況についても regional director at the WHO が、a 30-fold increase in measles cases 30倍の増加だけでなく、2万1000 hospitalizations(入院)and 5 measles-related deaths(死亡)が確認されたと述べている...
Between January and October 2023, 2万918 people across Europe were admitted to hospital with measles. In 2 countries, 5 measles-related deaths were also reported.

● 口蹄疫 アルジェリア
PRO/AH/EDR> Foot & mouth disease - Algeria (03): (RE, TB) livestock, spread
Archive Number: 20240124.8714442
[1] 情報源 Eldjoumhouria [in Arabic] 2024年1月20日
[In] Relizane, 17 970 cattle [have been] vaccinated against foot-and-mouth disease, and the campaign continues. 
[2] 情報源 Le Quotidien - Algeria [in French] 1月23日
Nearly 90% of the livestock in the wilaya [state] of Tébessa have been vaccinated against foot-and-mouth disease as a preventive measure against this viral infection, according to the director of agricultural services (DSA).

● アフリカ豚熱 フィリピン(2件)
PRO/AH/EDR> African swine fever - Asia (06): Philippines, domestic, spread, FAO-EMPRES-i
Archive Number: 20240124.8714432
[1] 情報源 UN Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO)/EMPRES-i (FAO Emergency Prevention System, Global Animal Disease Information System) 2024年1月23日
Observed: 1 Jan 2024
Disease: African swine fever
Serotype: -
Outbreak locations: Philippines, Region IV (Southern Tagalog)
種/頭数/症例数/死亡/廃棄/処分Domestic / Mammal / Swine / - / - / - / - / -
[2] 情報源 UN Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO)/EMPRES-i (FAO Emergency Prevention System, Global Animal Disease Information System) 1月23日
Observed: 12 Jan 2024
Disease: African swine fever
Serotype: -
Outbreak locations: Philippines, Region IV (Southern Tagalog)
Domestic / Mammal / Swine / - / - / - / - / -
[3] 情報源 UN Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO)/EMPRES-i (FAO Emergency Prevention System, Global Animal Disease Information System) 1月23日
Reported: 23 Jan 2024
Disease: African swine fever
Serotype: -
Outbreak locations: Philippines, Region IV (Southern Tagalog)
Domestic / Mammal / Swine / - / - / - / - / -

PRO/AH/EDR> African swine fever - Asia (05): Philippines (OM) domestic, spread
Archive Number: 20240124.8714431
 情報源 The Philippine Star 2024年1月23日
African swine fever (ASF) continues to wreak havoc in the country's hog industry, with Occidental Mindoro becoming the latest to report an ASF outbreak, the Department of Agriculture (DA) said yesterday [22 Jan 2024]. In a press conference, DA spokesman Arnel de Mesa said the Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI), an attached agency of the DA, is investigating the source of the outbreak.
Among the towns in Occidental Mindoro with reported ASF cases are Santa Cruz with 7, San Jose with 5 and Rizal with 2 as of 17 Jan 2024...

● トマトの病気 Tomato brown rugose fruit virus ペルー
PRO/PL> Tomato brown rugose fruit virus - Peru: 1st rep
Archive Number: 20240124.8714440
 情報源 HortiDaily 2024年1月22日
The presence of tomato brown rugose fruit tobamovirus (ToBRFV) in commercial fields on the central coast of Peru has been confirmed by molecular methods. In addition, peru tomato mosaic potyvirus (PToMV) has also been identified in the same area.

● 鳥インフルエンザ 韓国 HPAI H5N6
PRO/AH/EDR> Avian influenza (11): South Korea, bird, HPAI H5N6, FAO-EMPRES-i
Archive Number: 20240124.8714430
[1] 情報源 UN Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO)/EMPRES-i (FAO Emergency Prevention System, Global Animal Disease Information System) 2024年1月23日
Observed: 16 Jan 2024
Disease: Influenza - Avian
Serotype: H5N6 HPAI
Outbreak locations: Republic of Korea, Chollanam-do
Domestic / Birds / Unspecified bird / 670 / 40 / - / 40 / -
[2] 情報源 UN Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO)/EMPRES-i (FAO Emergency Prevention System, Global Animal Disease Information System) 1月23日
Observed: 10 Jan 2024
Disease: Influenza - Avian
Serotype: H5N6 HPAI
Outbreak locations: Republic of Korea, Chollanam-do
Wild / Birds / Mandarin Duck: _Aix galericulata_ (Anatidae、ダック) / - / 1 / - / - / -
[3] 情報源 UN Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO)/EMPRES-i (FAO Emergency Prevention System, Global Animal Disease Information System) 1月23日
Observed: 10 Jan 2024
Disease: Influenza - Avian
Serotype: H5N6 HPAI
Outbreak locations: Republic of Korea, Chollanam-do
Wild / Birds / Mandarin Duck: _Aix galericulata_ (Anatidae) / - / 1 / - / - / -
[4] 情報源 UN Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO)/EMPRES-i (FAO Emergency Prevention System, Global Animal Disease Information System) 1月23日
Observed: 10 Jan 2024
Disease: Influenza - Avian
Serotype: H5N6 HPAI
Outbreak locations: Republic of Korea, Kyongsangnam-do
Wild / Birds / Whooper Swan: _Cygnus cygnus_ (Anatidae) / - / 1 / - / - / -

● ポテトの病気、Pectobacterium actinidiae 米国
PRO/PL> Pectobacterium actinidiae, potato - USA: 1st rep
Archive Number: 20240124.8714421
 情報源 Pennsylvania State University (PSU) 2024年1月17日
Potato stems or tubers with symptoms of black leg or soft rot were collected from 26 potato fields in Pennsylvania. In 456 samples, bacteria infecting the plants were identified -- including _Pectobacterium actinidiae_, _P. polonicum_, _P. polaris_, _P. punjabense_, _P. parmentieri_ and _P. versatile_ -- as new to the state, as well as _P. carotovorum_, _P. brasiliense_ and _Dickeya dianthicola_ previously recorded in the area. This is the 1st time _P. actinidiae_ was reported in the USA.