

西部ウマ脳炎 アルゼンチン

● 結膜炎 タンザニア、ケニア
PRO/EDR> Conjunctivitis - Africa: Tanzania conf., Kenya alert
Archive Number: 20240130.8714559
[1] タンザニア Tanzania: red eye confirmed
 情報源 LinkedIn 2024年1月26日
In a concerning turn of events, the United Republic of Tanzania is grappling with a rising outbreak of conjunctivitis, commonly known as red eye disease.
Reports indicate that the epidemic has already impacted 869 individuals, prompting neighbouring countries such as Kenya to be on high alert.
The Kilifi Department of Health Services in Kenya has issued a cautionary alert to citizens following a surge in red eye disease cases recorded in the coastal region. The prevailing belief is that the infection has crossed borders from Tanzania...
Understanding red eye disease
Modes of transmission
Symptoms to watch out for
Prevention and control measures
[2] Kenya: alert
 情報源 Capital FM 1月24日
Health authorities in coastal Kenya are investigating the outbreak of a viral eye infection in the region. The conjunctivitis cases have mostly been reported in the counties of Mombasa and Kilifi, according to the local media. Residents have been advised to observe hygiene practices such as handwashing, avoid sharing personal items and refrain from touching their eyes.
Last week, health authorities in Tanzania issued an alert after recording 869 cases of the disease in a month, mostly in the commercial city of Dar es Salaam.

● ジフテリア アフリカ、WHO
PRO/EDR> Diphtheria - Africa: epidemic update, WHO
Archive Number: 20240130.8714563
 情報源 WHO ReliefWeb 2024年1月29日
- As of 14 Jan 2024, a cumulative total of 27 991 suspected cases of diphtheria resulting in 828 fatalities have been reported across Nigeria, Guinea, Niger, Mauritania, and South Africa. Nigeria is the most severely affected, accounting for 80.1% of cases and 72% of deaths.
- Recent epidemiological trends reveal a notable surge in weekly cases in Guinea, with more than 200 suspected cases per week and geographical expansion, contrasting with a decline observed in the remaining affected countries. The escalating and spreading case numbers in Guinea make the situation concerning, highlighting the need for a comprehensive and multifaceted approach to effectively address this growing public health challenge. Additionally, Mauritania has not reported any new cases since Epidemiological Week 44/2023, and the diphtheria outbreak in Pollsmoor Prison, Western Cape Province, South Africa, has been successfully contained. The South African NICD laboratory recently identified toxigenic _Corynebacterium diphtheriae_ in samples from Cameroon.
- Only 24% of documented cases are fully vaccinated, more than 70% of suspected cases are under the age of 15, and females constitute over 61% of the cases....
Epidemiological update
- As of 14 Jan 2024, a total of 27 991 diphtheria suspected cases and 828 deaths have been reported from Nigeria, Guinea, Niger, Mauritania, and South Africa. Among these suspected cases, 18 540 (66.2%) have been confirmed either by laboratory testing (585), epidemiological linkage (707), or clinical compatibility (17 248). A total of 70% of the suspected cases involve 1-14-year-old children, 60% of suspected cases are female, and only 24% are fully vaccinated. These findings underscore the multifaceted nature of the diphtheria outbreak, emphasizing the need for targeted interventions.
Diphtheria - Guinea: vaccine shortage 20240122.8714392

● 麻疹 オーストリア
PRO/EDR> Measles - Austria: 16 fold increase
Archive Number: 20240130.8714546
 情報源 CGTN 2024年1月26日
英国が麻疹アウトブレイクへの注意喚起を行う中、欧州にも拡がりをみせ、オーストリアでは感染者数が16倍増加した。2022年はわずかに12例であったところ、2023年1月から2024年1月までの間に192例の感染が確認されていることが、the country's epidemic detection system の情報で明らかになった。ウィーンでただ1か所のワクチン接種センター Vienna's only vaccination center に麻疹ワクチン接種のために訪れるのは、毎日10人で Far too few と当局者は述べている
Measles - Europe: WHO 20240124.8714437

● 西部ウマ脳炎 アルゼンチン
PRO/AH/EDR> Western equine encephalitis - Americas (09): Argentina, human, horse, RFI
Archive Number: 20240130.8714544
 情報源 Xinua Español [in Spanish] 2024年1月29日
Argentina confirms 5 deaths and 39 cases of equine encephalitis in humans
アルゼンチンではこれまでに、西部ウマ脳炎ウイルス the Western Equine Encephalitis (WEE) virus による合計5人の死亡39人の感染が確認されている。1996年以来のアウトブレイクであると、28日保健省 the Ministry of Health が報告した。
its National Epidemiological Bulletin 疫学報告の中で、the 39 cases in 5 of the 24 provinces of the South American country が確認され、死者数が2例増え5例となったと報告されている。
患者はおもに the central region of the country に集中しており、38 of the 39 infections correspond to the provinces of Buenos Aires (23), Santa Fe (10), Entre Ríos (3) and Córdoba (2), in addition to another in Santiago del Estero (north) となっている。
死亡例の年齢は36歳から74歳で、男性3名女性2名である。死亡した5例のうちの4例は a rural area に在住、労働、または訪問しており、いずれも糖尿病やがんなどのリスク因子を持っていた。
[Mod.TY- The outbreak with human and equine cases now covers a large geographic area in Argentina -- 5 provinces for humans and 16 provinces for horses. ...
a previous report indicated that the increase in mosquitoes in the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area (AMBA), recorded in recent days, correlates to a large peak of _Aedes albifasciatus_, which is known as the "flood mosquito" and can transmit WEE virus (20240103.8714032). There is no mention if WEE virus has been detected in this species or in birds in the area during the current outbreak. ]
Western equine encephalitis - Americas (06): Argentina (BA) human, RFI 20240125.8714451

● ペスト 米国、ネコ
PRO/AH/EDR> Plague - USA (01): (CA) cat
Archive Number: 20240130.8714545
[1] 情報源 Sierra County Sheriff's Office 2024年1月24日
1匹の飼い猫 a domestic cat in eastern Sierra County がペスト plague 検査で陽性になったと、郡保健当局 Sierra County Health officials に the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) からの連絡が入った。throughout the mountainous regions of California にいる野生のげっ歯類にペストは存在しているが、州内で飼い猫の感染が確認されたのは2011年以来のことである the 1st documented positive case of plague in a domestic cat in California since 2011. 
For more information about plague, visit the CDPH website CDC
[2] 情報源 2News Nevada 1月26日
A domestic cat in eastern Sierra County in California has tested positive for plague...
参考項目 2023
Plague - USA (05): (CO) cat 20231022.8712755