

麻疹 米国 CDC, 海外渡航時のワクチン
西部ウマ脳炎 アルゼンチン

● 麻疹 米国(2件)
PRO/EDR> Measles - USA (23): CDC, advisory for vaccine use for international travel
Archive Number: 20240320.8715493
 情報源 CDC Health Advisory 2024年3月18日
Increase in global and domestic measles cases and outbreaks: Ensure children in the USA and those traveling internationally 6 months and older are current on MMR vaccination
The CDC は本注意喚起 this health alert network (HAN) health advisory により、医療・公衆衛生関係者らに、米国および世界中の麻疹感染増加 an increase in global and USA measles cases を周知し、海外旅行を行う生後6ヶ月以上の乳児、および海外旅行の予定のない12ヶ月以上のすべての小児に対するガイドラインを提供する。
麻疹 Measles (rubeola) は感染力が強く highly contagious; 麻疹患者1人から、濃厚接触のあったワクチン未接種者10人のうち9人が感染する可能性がある。
From 1 Jan to 14 Mar 2024(3ヶ月弱), CDC has been notified of 58 confirmed USA cases of measles across 17 jurisdictions, including 7 outbreaks in 7 jurisdictions, compared to 58 total cases and 4 outbreaks reported the entire year in 2023(1年間)。
2024年に報告された58例のうち、54 (93%) が海外旅行 international travel に関係しており、ほとんどが measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine ワクチンを接種していない12ヶ月以上の幼児だった。渡航先であるオーストリア、フィリピン、ルーマニア、英国などの多くの国々で麻疹アウトブレイクが発生している。
Recommendations for healthcare providers
Recommendations for health departments
Recommendations for parents and international travelers
 - (海外渡航の予定がない場合でも)Even if not traveling, ensure that children receive all recommended doses of MMR vaccine. Two doses of MMR vaccine provide better protection (97%) against measles than one dose (93%). 
 - (海外への渡航前に)Before international travel, check your destination and CDC's Global Measles Travel Health Notice for more travel health advice, including where measles outbreaks have been reported.
 - (子どもを連れて海外旅行をする、遅くとも2週間前に)Parents traveling internationally with children should consult with their child's healthcare provider to ensure that they are current with their MMR vaccinations at least 2 weeks before travel. 
Infants aged 6 to 11 months should have one documented dose, and children aged 12 months and older should have two documented doses of MMR vaccine before international travel. 
 - (帰国後3週間は麻疹の症状に注意)After international travel, watch for signs and symptoms of measles for 3 weeks after returning to the USA. If you or your child gets sick with a rash and a high fever, call your healthcare provider. Tell them you traveled to another country and whether you or your child have received MMR vaccine.

PRO/EDR> Measles - USA (22): (IL) 3 more reported cases in Chicago
Archive Number: 20240320.8715502
 情報源 CBS News 2024年3月19日
15 measles cases now confirmed in Chicago since beginning of March
シカゴ The city of Chicago では3月以降、15例の麻疹 measles cases が確認されている。公衆衛生当局の麻疹情報 The Chicago Department of Public Health Measles dashboard によると、2 new cases were confirmed on Monday, 18 Mar 2024 -- with the other 13 confirmed between Monday, 4 Mar 2024, and Tuesday, 14 Mar 2024。
先週の時点で、市内で少なくとも10例の麻疹感染が移民保護施設 a migrant shelter in Pilsen に関係するとされていた。同施設に滞在の合計98人が麻疹の曝露が疑われるため、ホテル a Chicago-area hotel set up by the State of Illinois に隔離され、うち48人は小児である。
Measles - USA, Canada: up to date numbers 20240317.8715438

● A型肝炎 ポルトガル
PRO/EDR> Hepatitis A - Portugal: increased cases
Archive Number: 20240320.8715491
 情報源 Diário de Notícias [in Portuguese] 2024年3月12日
DGS reports hepatitis A outbreak with 23 cases in Portugal
保健当局 The Directorate-General for Health (DGS) が12日、A型肝炎アウトブレイク an outbreak of hepatitis A が発生し23例 cases between 1 Jan and 5 Mar 2024 が確認されたと明らかにした。
"The National Institute of Health Doutor [doctor] 保健当局者は、6 cases of the hepatitis A virus strains ウイルス株は、between 2016-2018 に、ポルトガルを含む欧州の複数の国で発生したthe outbreak であることが確認された" と述べた。
"これまでに感染例から得られた情報によると、the European food safety alert on detection and pre-sale in Spain of batches of strawberries contaminated with hepatitis A virus from Morocco, a hepatitis A-endemic country について検討したが、イチゴ strawberries の摂取との関連性はないものと思われる" と説明した。
In 2020, 4 cases were reported, between January and February, in 2021, 2 cases, in 2022, 6 cases, in 2023, 2 cases, and in 2024, 18 cases. Between 2020 and 2023, 102 cases were recorded.

● 鳥インフルエンザ、ヒト 中国 H9N2

PRO/AH/EDR> Avian influenza, human - China (05): (GX, JX, GD) H9N2, children
Archive Number: 20240320.8715505
 情報源 CIDRAP 2024年3月19日
中国で新たに3例の鳥インフルエンザ more H9N2 avian flu infections, all involving children が確認されたと、19日の保健当局の週報 Hong Kong's Centre for Health Protection in its weekly avian flu update で明らかになった。2024年の the country's number of H9N2 infections は4例となり、今年初めての a 6-year-old boy from Anhui province の感染が確認されてからわずか1週間後のことである。
One is a 3-year-old boy from Guangxi province(広西チワン族自治区)in southern China whose symptoms began on 2 Feb 2024, and 
another is an 11-year-old boy from Jiangxi province(江西省)in the country's southeast who became ill on 11 Feb 2024. 
The 3rd patient is a 3-year-old boy from southern China's Guangdong province(広東省)who started having symptoms on 17 Feb 2024.
H9N2 infections 感染は通常軽症で小児が罹患する。
[Mod.JH- 参考情報  The Lancet Microbe]
Avian influenza, human - China (04): (HK) H9N2 20240225.8715038

● 狂犬病 インド、フィリピン(動物)、米国(動物)(3件)
PRO/AH/EDR> Rabies (27): India (MN) human, dog, fatal
Archive Number: 20240320.8715503
 情報源 Imphal Free Press 3月17日
various parts of Manipur [state, India] 州各地で狂犬病 Rabies が蔓延し、イヌに襲われた3人が死亡し、危険な状態となっているの1人が Regional Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS) Isolation Department Ward に入院中である。
2月29日にイヌに襲われた Haorang Sabal under the jurisdiction of Lamshang Police Station, Imphal west district の35歳の患者は、3月3日に死亡した。
Sugnu, Kakching district の33歳の患者は3月3日に入院し、同日死亡した。
Khangabok Part-3 Lamlong Keithel の22歳の患者は3月13日に入院し、同15日に死亡した。

PRO/AH/EDR> Rabies (26): Philippines (II), India (MN)
Archive Number: 20240319.8715494
[1] フィリピン Philippines (Iloilo province)
  情報源 Philippine News Agency 2024年3月14日
2024年第1四半期に the 6例の動物の狂犬病感染 confirmed cases of animal rabies が確認され、市獣医学当局 The Office of the City Veterinarian がワクチン一斉接種 its anti-rabies vaccination campaign を行い、飼い主らに責任を果たすよう求めている。昨年は年間3例であったが、すでに6 confirmed positive animal rabies が確認されていると、14日の会議で City Administrative Assistant が述べた。
The confirmed cases came from barangays Tabuc Suba (Puerto Real), Baldoza, and Caingin in La Paz district; Sooc in Arevalo; and Rizal Estanzuela and Tanza Timawa I in City Proper.
[2] インド India (Manipur state)
 情報源 Imphal Free Press 3月17日:20240320.8715503と同じ。
Rabies has spread in various parts of Manipur [state, India] as 3 people who were bitten by dogs succumbed to the viral disease and one is in critical condition at Regional Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS) Isolation Department Ward.
Rabies (22): India (ML) dog bite, mass vaccination 20240313.8715365

PRO/EDR> Rabies (28): North America (USA) raccoon, otter, cat, skunk, dogs, human exp
Archive Number: 20240320.8715504
[1] Maryland (Garrett County): raccoon, dog: Garrett Health 2024年3月14日
Health Department Reports 1st Case of Lab-Confirmed Rabies for 2024
Environmental Health Services of the Garrett County Health Department reports the 1st case of laboratory-confirmed rabies for 2024. The raccoon(アライグマ) and dog encounter occurred on 29 Feb 2024, near the Grantsville area.
[2] Maryland (Calvert County) otter, human exposure: The Baynet 3月14日
Rabies-Infected Otter Found Dead in Local Creek
Earlier this week, a dead otter(カワウソの死体)was found in the creek near Skinners Turn Road. The otter tested positive for rabies, a rarity for the species. It's suspected the otter was infected by a raccoon when it ventured onto land.
[3] New Jersey (Atlantic County): cat, human exposure: Patch 3月15日
Feral Cat Positive for Rabies After Biting Atlantic County Homeowner
A feral cat(ネコ)tested positive for rabies after biting a Pleasantville homeowner, county health officials said. The cat, which had appeared ill and was taken in by a homeowner on the 100 block of Bayview Avenue, is the county's 3rd positive case of rabies this year [2024], according to the Atlantic County Division of Public Health.
[4] Florida (Escambia, Santa Rosa, Marion, Broward Counties): statistics of rabies: Pensacola News Journal 3月14日
Rabies exposure cases in Escambia, Santa Rosa counties are up. How to stay safe
The Florida Department of Health (FDOH) reported 1451 cases of possible rabies exposure this year [2024] at the time of publishing. Those numbers represent a 37.7% (1054 reports) increase from the same timeframe last year [2023].
Escambia, Santa Rosa County reports of rabies exposure are up
Top 10 counties, since 1 Jan 2024:
Broward: 125、Miami-Dade: 115...
[5] Texas (Kerr County) 3 skunks, domestic dog: Jam Broadcasting 3月19日
Kerr County confirms 3rd positive rabies case for 2024
Kerr County officials have confirmed a 3rd positive rabies case for 2024. Three skunks(スカンク)have tested positive for rabies, all within city limits, in a span of 8 days (since 8 Mar 2024), according to Kerr County Animal Services Director Reagan Givens. The most recent case was reported on Glenn Road in Kerrville.
Rabies (23): North America (USA) skunk, raccoon, cat, cow, dog, bobcat, fox, human exp

● 西部ウマ脳炎 アルゼンチン

PRO/AH/EDR> Western equine encephalitis - Americas (20): Argentina (RN) human, fatal
Archive Number: 20240319.8715484
 情報源 Río Negro [in Spanish] 2024年3月18日
州内 in the province 初の西部ウマ脳炎 [western] equine encephalitis 感染例となった67歳男性が死亡し、Viedma に不安が拡がっている。病院長 The director of the Zatti Hospital が16日に死亡したと明らかにし、Río Negro now has its first fatal victim of this disease となった。
[Mod.TY- 新たに Río Negro 州でも死亡例が確認されたのは残念である]
Western equine encephalitis - Americas (19): Argentina (BA) human 20240301.8715129

● ヘーゼルナッツの病気、Eastern filbert blight 米国
PRO/PL> Eastern filbert blight, hazelnut - USA: new strain
Archive Number: 20240320.8715519
 情報源 Oregon Public Broadcasting (OPB) 2024年3月15日
hazelnut trees の真菌の病気、Eastern filbert blight, は、the region において1960年代に初めて確認され、農家は pruning infected trees and spraying orchards with fungicide などの対策をおこなってきたが、もっとも効果的であった the most successful intervention のは newer hazelnut varieties に耐性遺伝子 genetic disease resistance を導入することだった。
Research at Oregon State University has now identified a new strain of the blight which has overcome that genetic disease resistance. The strain originated in an orchard and threatens thousands of acres of newer trees.

● アフリカ豚熱 香港
PRO/AH/EDR> African swine fever - Asia (15): China (HK) domestic, WOAH
Archive Number: 20240319.8715499
 情報源 WOAH-WAHIS (World Animal Health Information System) 2024年3月14日
Hong Kong - African swine fever virus (Inf. with) - Follow up report 18
Report type: Follow up report 18
Started: 26 Oct 2023
Reason for notification: Recurrence of an eradicated disease
Disease: African swine fever
Causal agent: African swine fever virus
Diagnosis details: Necropsy, clinical, laboratory
Genotype / Serotype / Subtype: -
Date of last occurrence: 13 Feb 2023
Event status: Ongoing
Quantitative data summary (total):
Swine (domestic) 17467 / 129 / 10 / 17 457 / 0 / -
参考項目 2023
African swine fever - Asia (33): China (HK) domestic, FAO-EMPRES-i 20231214.8713732

● 鳥インフルエンザ 日本 HPAI H5N6、H5N1
PRO/AH/EDR> Avian influenza (30): Japan (KS) HPAI H5N6, (HS) HPAI H5N1, WOAH
Archive Number: 20240319.8715480
[1] Japan (Kagoshima prefecture):鹿児島県
 情報源 WOAH-WAHIS (World Animal Health Information System) 2024年3月15日
Japan - High pathogenicity avian influenza viruses (poultry) (Inf. with) - Follow-up report 1
Report type: Follow-up report 1
Started: 10 Feb 2024
Reason for notification: Recurrence of an eradicated disease
Disease: High pathogenicity avian influenza viruses (poultry)
Causal agent: Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus
Diagnosis details: Clinical, laboratory
Genotype / Serotype / Subtype: H5N6
Date of last occurrence: 14 Jan 2018
Event status: Ongoing
Outbreak location: Minamisatsuma-City, Minamisatsuma, Kagoshima prefecture, Japan: Farm
Affected population description: 5980 birds and epidemiologically related farm: 8034 birds
Birds (domestic) / 14 021 / 7 / 7 / 14 014 / 0 / 0
[2] Japan (Hiroshima prefecture):広島県
 情報源 WOAH-WAHIS (World Animal Health Information System) 2024年3月15日
Japan - High pathogenicity avian influenza viruses (poultry) (Inf. with) - Follow up report 6
Report type: Follow up report 6
Started: 24 Nov 2023
Reason for notification: Recurrence of an eradicated disease
Disease: High pathogenicity avian influenza viruses (poultry) (Inf. with)
Causal agent: Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus
Diagnosis details: Clinical, laboratory
Genotype / Serotype / Subtype: H5N1
Date of last occurrence: 6 Apr 2023
Event status: Ongoing
Quantitative data summary (total):
Birds (Domestic) - New / 82 542 / 15 / 15 / 82 527 / - / -
Birds (Domestic) - Total / 736 418 / 1704 / 1698 / 734 720 / 0 / 0
Avian influenza (21): Japan (KS) bird, HPAI H5N6, WOAH 20240216.8714884