

E型肝炎 フィンランド

● 麻疹 イラク
 PRO/EDR> Measles - Iraq (02): (NI) increasing incidence, fatal
Archive Number: 20240309.8715268
 情報源 Tareek Alshaab [in Arabic] 2024年3月6日
2023年10月から2024年3月6日までの間に,Nineveh Governorate の小児と成人において,かつてない麻疹感染の増加 an unprecedented rise in cases of infectious measles disease among children and adults が確認されている...
"Mosul hospitals, especially Ibn al-Atheer Specialized Hospital for Children, receive between 400 and 500 measles cases monthly," pointing out that "the increase in infection rates began to be recorded from last October [2023] until now."

● E型肝炎 フィンランド
PRO/AH/EDR> Hepatitis E - Finland (02): zoonotic, pork products
Archive Number: 20240309.8715264
 情報源 Food Safety News 2024年3月8日
E型肝炎汚染のある肉製品 a hepatitis E-positive meat product と国内の感染増加との関連性が当局により調査されている。2024年1月と2月に81例 hepatitis E cases from different parts of Finland が the Infectious Disease Register に登録された。患者の半数に入院が必要となった。年間の登録数は20例から60例の間で,2023年1月の登録はわずか1例だった。
the Finnish Food Authority (Ruokavirasto) の検査により,国内製造の肉製品で E型肝炎ウイルスが確認され,回収が行われたため現在流通はしていない。 
Kotivara withdrew 6 products sold since early November 2023 in retail stores and wholesalers. Most items have passed their shelf life date, but 2 last until 19 Mar 2024.
聞き取りをおこなった患者30人のうち,27人が異なる商品名の different brands of mettwurst or salami を摂取したと回答しており,さらなる調査が必要である。患者の年齢の中央値は64歳で,70%が男性である。
the National Institute of Health and Welfare (THL) が患者のウイルス the hepatitis E viruses を解析したところ The most common genotype was HEV-3f, which formed 3 clusters であった。HEV-3f が国内で最後に確認されたのは2019年で Between 2019 and 2022, HEV-3e and HEV-3c were the most common genotypes in patient samples.
Hepatitis E - Finland: likely zoonotic, RFI 20240202.8714611

● 狂犬病 米国
PRO/AH/EDR> Rabies (21): North America (USA) bat, horse, dog, raccoon, cat, human exp
Archive Number: 20240309.8715270
[1] Maryland (Ann Arundel County): bat, possible human exposure
 情報源 Anne Arundel County Department of Health 2024年2月23日
Bat Found in Laurel Tests Positive for Rabies
The Anne Arundel County Department of Health is seeking anyone who may have come in contact with a bat near the intersection of Frostwood Drive and Finchleigh Street in Laurel. The bat was found on 21 Feb 2024 and tested positive for rabies.
[2] North Carolina (Guilford County): horse: Guilford County North Carolina 2月23日
Guilford County Confirms 1st Case of Animal Rabies in 2024
The Guilford County Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public Health is alerting Guilford County residents that a horse on Alcorn Road in Oak Ridge tested positive for the rabies virus on 21 Feb 2024. This is the 1st confirmed case of animal rabies in 2024.
[3] South Carolina (Colleton County): dogs, raccoon
 情報源 South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control 2024年3月6日
Rabid Raccoon Confirmed in Colleton County; 2 Pets Exposed
The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) confirmed a raccoon found near Ashton Road and Sniders Highway in Islandton, S.C., has tested positive for rabies. No people are known to have been exposed at this time. Two dogs were exposed and will be quarantined as required in the South Carolina Rabies Control Act.
[4] Maryland (Frederick County): feral cat: Fox 5DC 2月23日
Feral cat found in Frederick tests positive for rabies after reports of 'unusual and aggressive behavior
The Frederick County Health Department is alerting anyone who may have encountered a feral cat after the stray tested positive for rabies.
[5] Georgia (Columbia County): raccoon, dog: WRDW 2月23日
Dog clashes with rabid raccoon in Columbia County
A vaccinated dog fought with and killed a raccoon near the area of Canterbury Drive in Evans, according to authorities.
[6] Georgia (Gwinnett County): cat, human exposure: Yahoo! News 3月1日
Cat with rabies attacks man in Gwinnett County
Gwinnett County Animal Welfare and Enforcement officials and the Gwinnett County Health Department are warning residents to be careful and avoid animals showing unusual behavior after a cat tested positive for the rabies virus.