

ポリオ ジンバブエ

● ポリオ ジンバブエ
PRO/EDR> Poliomyelitis update (10): Africa (Zimbabwe) update, cVDPV2
Archive Number: 20240414.8715971
 情報源: ReliefWeb via UNICEF 4月14日
- In October 2023, the polio outbreak was declared a public health emergency (PHE) by the Minister of Health and Child Care.
- From October 2023 to date, Zimbabwe has detected 21 circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 (cVDPV2) cases in environmental samples (ES) from 4 polio environmental surveillance sites in Harare.
- In January 2024, an index human poliovirus type 2 (cVDPV2) was reported in a 10-year-old girl with a case of AFP.
- In the reporting period, no new poliovirus type 2 (cVDPV2) cases have been reported from environmental sites.
- During week 12, a total of 13 new AFP cases were reported with cumulative cases now at 80 with a nonpolio acute flaccid paralysis rate (NPAFP rate) at 1.6 children 0-14 years.
- In February 2024, round one of the polio campaigns was completed, with a cumulative coverage of approximately 4.6 million (108%) of targeted children.
- From 19 to 23 Mar 2024, round 2 of the novel oral poliomyelitis (polio) vaccine type 2 (nOPV) campaign was successfully conducted in the country reaching about 4.8 million children.
- Lot quality assuring sampling (LQAS) results show significant quality and coverage improvements with approximately 82% districts (59 out of 72) passing compared with only 73% in round 1.
Situation overview and humanitarian needs

● コレラ イエメン
PRO/EDR> Cholera, diarrhea & dysentery update (14): Yemen, increasing incidence, fatal, MOH alert
Archive Number: 20240414.8715967
 情報源: Crater Net [in Arabic] 4月12日
保健当局 the Yemeni health authorities が、新たな地域 more the 12 provinces in the government-held zones でコレラ cholera が確認され、more than 140 cholera suspected cases が記録されたことにより 2900 cases since mid-October 2023 となったと明らかにした。これまでの死者数はわずか7例だが、公式な記録は行われていないため正確な数は不明である。

● 小反芻獣疫 インド
 PRO/AH/EDR> Peste des petits ruminants - India (02): (KL) goat, fatal, vaccination
Archive Number: 20240414.8715968
 情報源: The Hindu 4月12日
The Animal Husbandry department has started vaccinating goats in a 5 km [3.1 mi] radius area at Meenambalam in Kollam after confirming the spread of peste des petits ruminants (PPR), a highly contagious viral disease also known as sheep and goat plague.