


● COVID-19
PRO/AH/EDR> COVID-19 update (18): Australia, Barbados, USA, UK, Bangladesh, New Zealand, WHO
Archive Number: 20240416.8715998
[1] オーストラリアAustralia: Data show COVID-19 deaths falling over the first few months of 2024
 情報源: Sky News 4月13日
2024年、COVID-19 関連死亡者数は確実に減少している a steady decline in the number of COVID-related deaths in Australia during 2024。保健当局 the Department of Health and Aged Care のデータで、わずか4ヶ月間に1日あたりの平均死亡率が半減した。1月が10であったところ、4月には5以下に減少したと示された。
There were 189 COVID-related deaths in January 2024. The number is down from 753 during the same period in 2023.
[2] バルバトス Barbados: 29 new COVID-19 cases, no deaths
 情報源: Barbados Today 4月4日
Barbados recorded no COVID-19 deaths but recorded 29 new cases between February 17 and March 15 [2024], according to the latest statistics provided by the Ministry of Health and Wellness on Wednesday [3 Apr 2024].
[3] 米国 USA: California COVID-19 deaths -- how who is dying has changed
 情報源: The Mercury News 4月16日
パンデミック the COVID pandemic 開始から4年が経過し、カリフォルニア州の死亡患者の年齢と人種 the age and race of its victims in California に劇的な変化があった: Now, a Bay Area News Group analysis finds, those who are dying from the virus are much older, and more often White than Latino, a notable switch.
[4] 英国 UK: New spring COVID booster jabs available today as cases creep up
 情報源: The Sun (UK) 4月15日
保健当局 The NHS は、イングランド England の75歳以上、健康に問題がある人、施設入所者等に対し、4月15日からの最新のワクチン接種 a top-up dose を受けるよう呼びかけている。
UK Health Security Agency figures show COVID positivity increased from 3.4% to 4.1% in the week up to 7 Apr 2024.
[5] バングラデシュ Bangladesh: Reports 9 more cases in 24 hours
 情報源: Daily Sun 4月14日
Bangladesh reported 9 more COVID-19 cases in 24 hours till Sunday morning [14 Apr 2024].
[6] ニュージーランド New Zealand: Latest COVID numbers from Health NZ
 情報源: The Gisborne Herald 4月14日
Health NZ is reporting 31 COVID-19 deaths in New Zealand in the week ending Sunday night [14 Apr 2024]. None are from Tairāwhiti.
[7] WHO: COVID-19 epidemiological update
 情報源: World Health Organization 4月12日
PCR 陽性率 SARS-CoV-2 PCR percent positivity, as detected in integrated sentinel surveillance as part of the Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System (GISRS) and reported to FluNet は around 8.0% from 69 countries during the week ending 31 March 2024 であった。
世界中で JN.1 が最も多い変異株 the most reported variant of interest (VOI, now reported by 121 countries), accounting for 95.1.8% of sequences in week 13 compared to 93.0% in week 10 となっている。世界で新たに報告された症例数は、during the past 28-day period of 4-31 March 2024 の間に27万5千例超と、前の28日間に比べて11%減少した。
COVID-19 update (17): Syria, new variant, fatal 20240407.8715839

● ブルセラ症 アルジェリア
PRO/AH/EDR> Brucellosis - Algeria: (BT) human
Archive Number: 20240416.8716004
 情報源: Midi Libre [in French〛4月14日
the Batna region においてブルセラ症 Brucellosis が発生している。
In the wilaya of Batna, 5 cases of human brucellosis were recently detected in the Arris region.

● 食中毒 インド
PRO/EDR> Foodborne illness - India (07): (MH) religious offering, fatal
Archive Number: 20240416.8716003
 情報源: The Times of India (TOI), Times News Network (TNN) 4月15日
A person died and 80 other devotees allegedly suffered food poisoning after partaking 'mahaprasad' [religious offering] at a Kali Mata temple during navratri puja in Majri in Maharashtra's Chandrapur [district] on Saturday [13 Apr 2024]. Six are critical, police said.
Only those who consumed 'boondi' [an Indian dessert, in which small deep-fried balls made of chickpea batter is soaked in sugar syrup] have food poisoning symptoms including diarrhea and vomiting, sources said.

● 類鼻疽 マレーシア
PRO/EDR> Melioidosis - Malaysia (02): (SA) rugby pitch case, commentary
Archive Number: 20240416.8716000
 投稿者: David Dance 4月16日
Re: Melioidosis - Malaysia: (SA) rugby pitch case 20240415.8715983
As your moderator says, it is not surprising that rugby players might acquire melioidosis after a soil-contaminated injury

● ボツリヌス症 米国
PRO/EDR> Botulism, cosmetic use - USA (04): CDC, counterfeit or mishandled botulinum injections
Archive Number: 20240416.8715999
 情報源: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 4月15日
Harmful Reactions Linked to Counterfeit "Botox" or Mishandled Botulinum Toxin Injections
Fast Facts
Illnesses: 19
Hospitalizations: 9
Deaths: 0
States: 9
Recall: No
Investigation status: Open
Outbreak Investigation Summary
CDC, several state and local health departments, and the FDA are investigating reports of harmful reactions among people who received injections of counterfeit or mishandled botulinum toxin (commonly called "Botox").
12日の時点で合計19 people from 9 states が、自宅やスパなどでの無資格者による注射 botulinum toxin injections 後の有害事象を訴えている。
States reporting these reactions include Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Kentucky, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, Tennessee, and Washington.
一部の患者は偽薬や未認可製剤を接種されていた received injections with counterfeit products or products with unverified sources. 
People have reported experiencing:
- Blurry vision and double vision
- Drooping eyelids
- Difficulty swallowing
- Dry mouth
- Slurred speech
- Difficulty breathing
- Fatigue
- Generalized weakness
9人 (60%) が入院となり 4人 (21%) が接種部位を超えてトキシンの作用が拡がるおそれがあるため botulism antitoxin を投与された。
What You Should Do
What Healthcare Providers Should Do
Botulism, cosmetic use - USA (03): (TN, IL) alert 20240411.8715915

● 馬ヘルペスウイルス 米国
PRO/AH/EDR> Equine herpesvirus - North America (02): USA, horse
Archive Number: 20240416.8716005
[1] Pennsylvania (Cambria County): horse
[2] Texas (Travis County): horse
[3] Indiana (Elkhart, Kosciusko, LaGrange Counties): horses
[4] Ohio (Lorain & Pickaway Counties): horses
[5] New York (Erie County): Buffalo Raceway, horses

● 野兎病 米国
PRO/AH/EDR> Tularemia - USA: (UT) beaver, alert
Archive Number: 20240416.8715997
 情報源: KSL.com 4月15日
ユタ州野生動物当局者 Utah wildlife officials が死亡した 3頭のビーバー dead beavers が野兎病 tularemia 検査で陽性となり、住民への注意を呼びかけるとともに、ウサギとげっ歯類の死亡を報告した。
7 other animals found in 3 counties are believed to have also died from the disease