

パルボウイルス 欧州 ECDC
デング熱 サモア

● 胃腸炎 中国
PRO/EDR> Gastroenteritis, waterborne - China: (HB)
Archive Number: 20240423.8716118
 情報源 Sohu [in Chinese] 2024年4月17日
Suspected drinking water problem in a community in Shijiazhuang
On 16 Apr 2024, 河北省(Hengda Yujing Peninsula Community in Chang'an District, Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province) において多数の住民が嘔吐、下痢、発熱の症状を訴え、原因として水の汚染による食中毒 water pollution caused food poisoning が疑われている。17日正午に発表された the Chang'an District People's Government Office の a situation report では "On 16 Apr 2024, some residents in the 1st phase of Evergrande Yujing Peninsula developed symptoms of diarrhea and vomiting, which was suspected to be a drinking water problem. ...."

● パルボウイルス 欧州
PRO/EDR> Parvovirus B19 - Europe: ECDC
Archive Number: 20240423.8716116
 情報源 European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) 2024年4月21日
Increase in parvovirus B19 detections- Multi-country - 2024
On 16 April 2024, フランスの公衆衛生当局から、2023年7月に異常な数の小児のパルボウイルス重症感染例 a message on EpiPulse describing a signal detected in July 2023 regarding an unusual number of severe pediatric cases admitted with parvovirus B19 infection についての投稿があった。複数の周産期施設から妊婦の cases of parvovirus B19 infection in pregnant women と、多くの流早産 an unusual number of miscarriages and abortions が報告され、この初期報告のあと、French authorities が解析を行ったところ、a sharp increase in parvovirus B19 infections since the end of 2023, continuing into the first trimester of 2024 が確認された。フランス全土のあらゆる人口 all French regions and all age/gender categories で増加がみられ. The weekly number of parvovirus B19 cases observed in 2023-2024 は過去5シーズンの平均を大きく上回っていた。parvovirus B19 infection による死亡は2023年以降増加している。2024年の第1四半期に1才未満の乳児の間で5例の死亡が報告されている。5例中4例が胎内感染による新生児の死亡だった...
ECDC assessment

● オウム病 アルゼンチン
PRO/AH/EDR> Psittacosis - Argentina: (BA)
Archive Number: 20240423.8716115
 情報源 Argentina Ministry of Health [in Spanish] 2024年4月20日
全国サーベイランスシステムのデータ data from the National Health Surveillance System and those provided by different agencies in the health system involved に基づき、保健省 The Ministry of Health of Argentina は重症急性肺炎患者の中の、オウム病の増加 an increase in cases of psittacosis in the context of the study of cases of severe acute pneumonia を確認している。some establishments in the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area and by the Argentine Society of Intensive Care [20240417.8716014] が報告していた。調査された中に、cases with a diagnosis of _Mycoplasma pneumoniae_ and _Chlamydia pneumoniae_ が含まれていたが、予想を上回る症例数ではなかった。
No cases of non-subtypifiable influenza A viruses have been detected, nor other respiratory viruses outside of those known in circulation. On the other hand, an increase in the number of reported cases of pneumonia is not verified in the National Health Surveillance System (SNVS).

● デング熱 サモア
PRO/AH/EDR> Dengue/DHF update (22): Samoa, outbreak declared
Archive Number: 20240423.8716106
[1] 情報源  RNZ 2024年4月19日
Samoa において19日にデング熱アウトブレイク A dengue fever outbreak が宣言される見通しとなっている。250例以上の報告があり、主に人口の多い on the mainland, northwest of Upolu で発生している。
The report noted the most affected age groups were those between 5-9 years old and those over 60.
Northwest of Upolu and Apia urban area regions are reported to be the most affected, but some cases have been reported from all regions including Savai'i.
[2] 情報源 RNZ 4月22日
A national cleaning campaign is underway in Samoa to address the nation's outbreak of dengue fever.
Since November last year [2023], there has been more than 200 cases confirmed, with the majority from the main island of Upolu, while cases also recorded on Savai'i.
American Samoa
American Samoa is calling for people to do their part to prevent dengue fever after the dengue outbreak in neighbouring Samoa.

● オロプーシェウイルス ブラジル
PRO/AH/EDR> Oropouche virus - Brazil (04): (BA)
Archive Number: 20240422.8716105
 情報源 Tribuna [in Portuguese] 2024年4月16日
オロプーシェウイルス感染例 The number of confirmed cases of Oropouche Fever in Bahia が55例に増えた。15日、the Central Public Health Laboratory (Lacen) により new cases were registered in Ibirapitanga (1) and Taperoá (4) が確認された。
The 1st case of the disease in Salvador was confirmed on 10 Apr 2024.
A check of municipalities with confirmed cases of the disease:
- Teolândia: 23 cases
- Valença: 10
- Laje: 14
- Taperoá: 4
- Mutuípe: 2
- Salvador: 1
- Ibirapitanga: 1
The Health Secretariat (SESAB) did not reveal the details of the health status of the patients.
Oropouche virus - Brazil (03): (PI) 20240417.8715994

● チクングニア熱 南北アメリカ、アジア
PRO/AH/EDR> Chikungunya (01): Americas, Asia, novel genotype, vaccine, deaths
Archive Number: 20240422.8716089
[1] Cases in various countries
アルゼンチン Argentina. 8 Apr 2024. (Reported) 388 cases of which 220 cases locally acquired, 88 cases under investigation. Province most affected: Santa Fe 105 cases, half locally acquired and 47 under investigation.
ブラジル Brazil:
 - National. 19 Apr 2024. (Conf.) 144 985 cases; 68 deaths with an additional 107 under investigation.
 - Minas Gerais state. 23 Jan 2024. (Probable) 4353 cases, (conf.) 3067 cases. Deaths: 1 confirmed, 2 under investigation.
東チモール Timor Leste, タイ Thailand, パキスタン Pakistan, マレーシア Malaysia. 6 Apr 2024. (Reported) as of late March 2024, 195 cases in Timor Leste. Additionally, neighboring countries have also reported chikungunya cases in 2024: Thailand (139), Pakistan (26), and Malaysia (6).
[2] Novel genotype
 情報源 medRxiv 2023年11月15日
原著タイトル An emerging clade of chikungunya West African genotype discovered in real-time during 2023 outbreak in Senegal. medRxiv. 2023.
2023年7月以降、セネガルとブルキナファソでアウトブレイクが発生しており、over 300 confirmed cases detected so far in the regions of Kédougou and Tambacounda in Senegal, the largest recorded outbreak yet が確認されている。
CHIKV は本来 a sylvatic cycle in Senegal であり、西アフリカでの再興の要因はわかっていない。
We produced, in real-time, the first locally generated and publicly available CHIKV whole genomes in West Africa to characterize the genetic diversity of circulating strains, along with phylodynamic analysis to estimate time of emergence and population growth dynamics. 
新たな西アフリカ型の株 A novel strain of the West African genotype, phylogenetically distinct from strains circulating in previous outbreaks を確認した。
This suggests a likely new spillover from sylvatic cycles in rural Senegal and potential of seeding larger epidemics in urban settings in Senegal and elsewhere.
[3] Vaccine: Brazil Reports 2023年12月18日
The Butantan Institute, linked to the state of São Paulo's Health Department, on 12 Dec [2023] submitted a request for the use of Brazil's first chikungunya vaccine to Anvisa, the country's national health monitoring agency.
The vaccine, developed in partnership with the Franco-Austrian pharmaceutical company Valneva, has proven to be safe and effective in 2 phase 3 clinical trials, with the second trial coordinated by the Butantan Institute involving Brazilian volunteer teenagers.
The study showed that the vaccine induced the production of neutralizing antibodies in 98.8% of the volunteers. According to the Ministry of Health, until early September [2023], Brazil had 82 deaths from chikungunya and 143 000 cases in 2023.
[4] Chikungunya-related deaths
 情報源 The Lancet Infectious Diseases 2024年2月8日
原著タイトル Risk of death following chikungunya virus disease in the 100 Million Brazilian Cohort, 2015-18: a matched cohort study and self-controlled case series. The Lancet Infect Dis. 2024. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1473-3099(23)00739-9
Chikungunya virus outbreaks では the ecological level. での超過死亡が認められ、重症化因子 the risk factors for severe versus mild chikungunya virus disease が検討されたことがあるが、死亡リスクが検討されたことはない。
Chikungunya virus disease では発症から84日以内の死亡リスク増加 with an increased risk of death for up to 84 days after symptom onset として、脳血管疾患 cerebrovascular diseases, 虚血性心疾患 ischaemic heart diseases, and 糖尿病 diabetes が関連していた。 
This study highlights the need for equitable access to approved vaccines and effective anti-chikungunya virus therapeutics and reinforces the importance of robust vector-control efforts to reduce viral transmission.
Chikungunya and Zika viruses - Brazil: trends, 2018-2021 20240119.8714324

● 手足口病 ベトナム
PRO/EDR> Hand, foot & mouth disease - Viet Nam (02): (HC) increase
Archive Number: 20240422.8716087
 情報源 Viet Nam News 2024年4月19日
The HCM City Centre for Disease Control said that in the past week [week of 7 Apr 2024], the city has recorded an increase in cases of hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD) and dengue fever.
From 8 to 14 Apr 2024, the city recorded 287 cases of children with hand, foot and mouth disease, an increase of 87% compared to the average 4 weeks ago.
The total number of hand, foot and mouth cases from the beginning of 2024 to the beginning of April [2024] was 2289.
Hand, foot & mouth disease - Viet Nam: (HI) increase 20240312.8715328

● デング熱・デング出血熱 南北アメリカ
PRO/AH/EDR> Dengue/DHF update (21): Americas
Archive Number: 20240422.8716084
Cases in various countries
 情報源 World Health Organization (WHO)/Pan American Health Organization (PAHO
Americas overall: CNN 2024年4月19日
Dengue cases are surging in the Americas, with cases reported topping 5.2 million as of this week, surpassing a yearly record set in 2023, according to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).
PAHO spokesperson Ashley Baldwin told CNN Thursday [18 Apr 2024] that 521万4480 cases of dengue have been reported in the Americas as of Wednesday [17 Apr 2024]. In all of 2023, the total number of cases reported in the region was 4 572 765.
Cases in localities not mentioned in the WHO/PAHO report above or with more details follow.
プエルトリコ Puerto Rico. 26 Mar 2024. (Reported) 549 cases; Puerto Rico's health secretary declared an epidemic on Monday [25 Mar 2024] following a spike in dengue cases.
South America
アルゼンチン Argentina. 1 Apr 2024. (Registered) 163 419 cases; 55% females, 45% males; most cases in people between 20 and 39 years of age; deaths, 119.
ブラジル Brazil. 3 Apr 2024. (Reported) 2 670 000 cases that are 353.3% more than last year (2023); deaths 1020, triple over last year (2023); 11 states have declared a dengue emergency. Dengue vaccine offered to public.
ペルー Peru. 8 Apr 2024. (Reported) 112 629 cases; deaths 117, 255% more than last year (2023); localities most affected: La Libertad 23 115 cases, Lima 22 360, Piura 15 515, Ica 15 541, Ancash 10 847.
ウルグアイ Uruguay. 8 Apr 2024. (Reported) 200 cases locally acquired, 158 imported cases, 82 from Argentina, 54 from Brazil, 18 from Paraguay, 2 from Mexico, 1 from Aruba, 1 from the Dominican Republic and 1 from Curacao; deaths, 3.
チリ Chile. 15 Apr 2024. (Conf.) 179 cases of which 135 are on mainland Chile and imported from other countries and 44 on Easter Island.
Dengue/DHF update (16): Americas, PAHO/WHO 20240403.8715754

● 麻疹 イラク
PRO/EDR> Measles - Iraq (05): MOH update, vaccination campaign
Archive Number: 20240422.8716075
 情報源 Iraqi News Agency [in Arabic] 2024年4月18日
The Ministry of Health revealed on Thursday [18 Apr 2024] the number of recorded cases and deaths from measles infections in Iraq. The ministry confirmed that 96% of the recorded cases are among those not vaccinated against the disease.
The Director-General of Public Health at the Ministry, Riyad Al-Halafi, said that "the ministry recorded more than 2万7 000 cases of measles, 96% of which were among the unvaccinated, and 4% were among the vaccinated who did not complete the 2 doses."

● 炭疽 米国
PRO/AH/EDR> Anthrax - USA: (TX) sheep
Archive Number: 20240423.8716119
 情報源 Texas Animal Health Commission 2024年4月23日
テキサス州動物衛生委員会 Texas Animal Health Commission (TAHC) officials に、19日に雑種のヒツジの炭疽感染が確認された confirmation of anthrax in a crossbred sheep, on a premises in Schleicher County と報告された。
This is the first reported case of anthrax in Texas this year [2024].
The premises is located northwest of Eldorado, Texas, and has been quarantined. 

● 口蹄疫 ジョージア、南オセチア
PRO/AH/EDR> Foot & mouth disease - Georgia: (SD) South Ossetia, disputed territory, RFI
Archive Number: 20240423.8716107
[1] 情報源: RSO News [in Russian] 4月22日
During an examination of animals in the villages of Ubiat and Chimas, Znaursky district, animals with a disease with signs similar to foot-and-mouth disease were identified. Biological samples were taken from the [sick] animals for laboratory research, reports the Department of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of South Ossetia.
[2] 情報源: Cominf.org [in Russian] 4月22日
In the villages of Ubiat and Chimas, Znaursky district of South Ossetia, animals with suspected foot-and-mouth disease were identified. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic.

● ボツリヌス症 オーストラリア、ウシ
PRO/AH/EDR> Botulism - Australia (02): (NT) cattle, transport ship en route to Indonesia, coccidiosis susp.
Archive Number: 20240422.8716099
[1] 情報源 ABC Rural 2024年4月22日
In short:
- About 100 NT [Northern Territory] cattle died on a live export ship last month [March 2024], while another 50 died at an export depot near Darwin.
- Botulism has not been ruled out, but it is believed the animals were most likely killed by a disease known as coccidiosis.
- The NT chief vet says it's unlikely anything could have been done to prevent the unusual mortality event.
[2] 情報源 ABC 3月26日
More than 100 Australian cattle have died on a live export ship to Indonesia, likely one of the highest mortality rates ever reported on an Australian cattle shipment.
Botulism - Australia: cattle, transport ship en route to Indonesia 20240327.8715632

● 狂犬病 東チモール
PRO/AH/EDR> Rabies (36): Timor-Leste (OE) dog, 1st occurrence in the country, WOAH
Archive Number: 20240422.8716088
 情報源 WOAH-WAHIS (World Animal Health Information System) 2024年4月17日
Timor-Leste - Rabies virus (Inf. with) - Follow up report 2
Report type: Follow up report 2
Confirmed: 10 Mar 2024
Reason for notification: First occurrence in the country
Disease: Rabies virus (Inf. with)
Causal agent: Rabies virus
Genotype/serotype/subtype: RABV
Event status: On-going
Outbreak location: Timor-Leste
Start date: 28 Feb 2024
Dogs (domestic) / - / 4 / - / 4 / - / 4135
Source of event or origin of infection: Unknown or inconclusive, illegal movement of animals
Epidemiological comments: The Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste (Timor-Leste) is located in Southeast Asia and comprises the eastern half of the island of Timor, the nearby islands of Atauro and Jaco, and Ambeno/Oecusse, an enclave on the north-western side of the island, within Indonesian West Timor....

● 鳥インフルエンザ 東チモール H5N1
PRO/AH/EDR> Avian influenza (51): Timor-Leste, bird, HPAI H5N1, WOAH
Archive Number: 20240422.8716086
 情報源 WOAH-WAHIS (World Animal Health Information System) 2024年4月15日
Timor-Leste - Influenza A viruses of high pathogenicity (Inf. with) (non-poultry including wild birds) (2017-) - Immediate notification [final]
Report type: Immediate notification [final]
Started: 18 Aug 2022
Reason for notification: Recurrence of an eradicated disease
Date of last occurrence: 31 Aug 2015
End date: 1 Feb 2023
Disease: Influenza A viruses of high pathogenicity (Inf. with) (non-poultry including wild birds) (2017-)
Causal agent: Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus
Nature of diagnosis: Clinical, laboratory
Genotype/serotype/subtype: H5N1
Species: Birds
Event status: Resolved
Outbreak location: Timor-Leste
Birds (domestic) / - / 4 / - / 4 / - / -
Source of event or origin of infection: Fomites (humans, vehicles, feed, etc.), illegal movement of animals, unknown or inconclusive
Epidemiological comments: 194 samples were tested and resulted in 4 positive animals consisting of 3 chickens and 1 duck.