

エルシニア感染症 フィンランド

● 塩素ガス イラク
PRO/EDR> Chlorine gas exposure - Iraq: (SL) fatal
Archive Number: 20240503.8716303
 情報源 Rudaw [in Kurdish] 2024年5月3日
The Independent Administration of Raperin 当局が3日、ガス漏れ事故 a gas leak in the Khasa water project in Qaladze [Sulaymaniyah governorate] により警官1名が死亡し、もう1名が呼吸困難となっている。死亡した53才の警官は、the Khasa water project in Qaladze の警備を担当していた。発表によると、塩素ガス漏れ事故 the leakage of a chlorine tank が原因とされている。

● コクシジオイデス症 米国
PRO/EDR> Coccidioidomycosis - USA: (CA) agricultural worker risk
Archive Number: 20240503.8716302
 情報源 KSEE News 2024年5月1日
郡保健当局者 Fresno County Public Health officials は自署の暫定的データで、2022年と比較して、2023年にコクシジオイデス症の増加 an increase in Valley Fever cases が認められたと述べ、土壌中に存在する疾患であるため、野外での労働者は感染リスクが高いとしている。The Public Health Department は誰にでもこの真菌感染症の感染のリスクがあるとしている
According to the public health department, preliminary data shows an increase in Valley Fever cases in Fresno County from 2020 to 2023. In 2022, 448 Valley Fever cases were reported, and 624 cases in 2023. This year, as of April 2024, 298 cases have been reported.
参考項目 2022
Coccidioidomycosis - USA: (CA) wildland firefighters, 2021 20220826.8705241

● ボツリヌス食中毒 サウジアラビア
PRO/EDR> Botulism - Saudi Arabia: (RI) restaurant chain
Archive Number: 20240503.8716305
 情報源 New Arab 2024年4月28日
35 people hospitalized in Riyadh after food poisoning outbreak
4月25日の食中毒 a food poisoning outbreak により、35人が首都 the Saudi capital Riyadh で入院となり、うち28人が集中治療を受けている。ボツリヌス菌 the _Clostridium botulinum_ bacteria が原因で、ハンバーガーチェーン the local Hamburgini fast-food restaurant chain が感染源とされている。Health Ministry spokesperson は、6人が完治し、2人が退院したが、35人が今も入院中であり、うち28人が集中治療を受けていると説明している。
Saudi authorities closed all branches of the Hamburgini fast-food chain and its factory in Riyadh in response

● ジフテリア イエメン
PRO/EDR> Diphtheria - Yemen (02): (MA) new cases, fatal, MOH
Archive Number: 20240503.8716300
 情報源 Hal Alkhaleej [in Arabic] 2024年4月30日
29日、保健当局 the health bureau in Ma'rib governorate が、年初以降、55人の疑い例のうち、ジフテリアによる小児4人死亡 the deaths of 4 pediatric cases of diphtheria があったと明らかにした。1例が確定診断されている。ワクチン不足がジフテリア感染増加の原因とされている
Diphtheria - Yemen: (TA) fatal 20240127.8714434

● エルシニア感染症 フィンランド
PRO/EDR> Yersiniosis - Finland: increase
Archive Number: 20240503.8716267
 情報源 Food Safety News 2024年4月30日
フィンランド公衆衛生当局者が、2024年のこれまでのエルシニア感染症an increase in _Yersinia_ infections の増加を注視しており、合計168例 _Yersinia enterocolitica_ cases が the Infectious Disease Register に報告されているが、一方 from January to April 2023 は 64 casesだった。国立衛生福祉研究所 The National Institute of Health and Welfare (THL) は、2 suspected outbreak alerts in April 2024 及び increased _Yersinia enterocolitica_ infections from Pirkanmaa, Uusimaa, and Ostrobothnia の報告を受けている。
Pirkanmaa については野菜が感染源とみられているが、他の感染源についても調査されている。43 possible cases in the region のうち 12例が確定診断 been confirmed as _Yersinia enterocolitica_ されており、初発例は 24 Mar 2024 に発生している。
From 2021 to 2022, 5 _Yersinia_ outbreaks were reported, in which 40 people fell ill.
[Mod.LL- A reasonable review of _Y. enterocolitica_ :
Symptoms and sources of _Yersinia enterocolitica_ infection: a case-control study. BMC Infect Dis. 2010;10:122. 
"Background: _Yersinia enterocolitica_ (YE) is the causative agent of yersiniosis. YE encompass strains of diverse pathogenicity: YE biotypes 1B and 2-5 are considered pathogenic, whereas biotype 1A is in general considered nonvirulent. Also YE-like species, which can sometimes be misidentified as YE, are considered nonvirulent.
"Methods: In order to study differences in clinical picture caused by different YE types and their possible sources a case-control study was conducted in 2006. In this case-control study, 295 case-patients with YE or YE-like finding and their 758 controls responded to the questionnaire about symptoms and possible sources of infection.
"Results: Strains of pathogenic YE bio/serotypes 3-4/O:3 or 2/O:9 were found in 18%, YE biotype 1A in 65% and YE-like strains of 17% of the patients. Patients infected with the strains of pathogenic YE bio/serotypes were younger and had fever more often than those with BT 1A who suffered more from vomiting. Symptoms of reactive arthritis were reported by 10% of pathogenic YE infections, 3% of YE BT 1A, and 0.3% of the controls. Eating or tasting raw or medium done pork was a significant risk factor for pathogenic YE bio/serotype infection (OR 6.6; 95% CI 1.7-24.9) as well as eating in a canteen (OR 3.5; 95% CI 1.6-7.9). Imported fruits and berries were associated with increased risk of YE BT 1A finding.
"Conclusions: The symptoms of the patients with YE BT 1A differed from yersiniosis caused by the classic pathogenic YE bio/serotypes. In addition, the patients with YE BT 1A had more protracted gastrointestinal disorders and unspecific complaints. Small children were overrepresented in classic pathogenic bio/serotypes while in BT 1A or YE-like species were not found among children younger than 2 years. This suggests the lacking virulence of the BT 1A strains. We cannot, however, rule out the possibility that some strains of genetically heterogeneous group of BT 1A may cause an illness."]
参考項目 2022
Yersiniosis - Finland: alert 20220309.8701902

● デング熱/デング出血熱 ブルキナファソ、マリ、モーリシャス
PRO/AH/EDR> Dengue/DHF update (25): Africa (Burkina Faso, Mali, Mauritius) update
Archive Number: 20240503.8716284
 情報源 Africa CDC 2024年4月20日
ブルキナファソ Burkina Faso (Initial report)
Since the beginning of the year [2024], the Ministry of Health (MoH) reported 20 570 cases (0 confirmed, 4770 probable, 15 800 suspected) and 37 deaths (case fatality rate [CFR]: 0.2%) of the dengue fever from 13 regions in Burkina Faso. 
マリ Mali
Since the last update [12 April 2024], the MoH reported 177 new cases (26 confirmed; 151 suspected) and no deaths from dengue fever from 2 regions: Bamako (176 cases) and Koulikro (1). This is a 45% decrease in the number of new cases compared to the last update. 
モーリシャス Mauritius
Since the last update [12 April 2024], the MoH reported 389 new confirmed cases and no new deaths of dengue from 2 islands: Mauritius (293 cases) and Rodrigues (96). This is an 8.4% increase in the number of new cases compared to the last update. 
Dengue/DHF update (14): Africa, outbreak update 20240320.8715515

● マラリア リベリア、コートジボワール
PRO/AH/EDR> Malaria - Africa (03): Liberia, Cote d'Ivoire
Archive Number: 20240503.8716279
[1] リベリア Liberia
 情報源 Relief Web 2024年4月25日
Liberia marks a monumental milestone in its battle against malaria as it launches the highly anticipated RTS,S malaria vaccine(マラリアワクチン接種開始)today [25 Apr 2024], coinciding with World Malaria Day, commemorated under the theme: Health Equity, Gender, and Human Rights: Accelerating the Fight Against Malaria for a More Equitable World.
The RTS,S malaria vaccine は、ガーナ、マラウイ、ケニアでの試験で成功し successful pilot programs、接種対象の小児の重症感染による入院を a 22% reduction 減少させ、有効性と安全性が示された。今回リベリアが integrating the vaccine into its Expanded Program on Immunization を行う国に加わった。
[2] コートジボワール Côte d'Ivoire
 情報源 Fraternité Matin [in French] 2024年4月24日
director-coordinator of the National Malaria Control Program が主催の会議で23日、マラリアの無料治療 free healthcare for the treatment of malaria patients と、ワクチン the malaria vaccine for children under 5 years old will be available in June or July [2024] について明らかにした
Malaria - Africa (02): vaccine rollout update 20240502.8716278