

食中毒 サウジアラビア
エムポックス ワクチン、集団免疫の効果 Eurosurveillance

● 食中毒 サウジアラビア
PRO/EDR> Foodborne illness - Saudi Arabia (02): (RI) botulism, fatal, MOH update
Archive Number: 20240506.8716349
 情報源 Arab News 2024年5月4日
サウジアラビア保健省 the Saudi Ministry of Health が、単一の食中毒アウトブレイク the single-source foodborne outbreak による合計患者数が75例に達し、うち50例がボツリヌス中毒症 botulism cases と確定診断され; 43 of the cases have been discharged, 20 are receiving intensive care, and 11 are in general wards. There has been one fatal case.

● コレラ イエメン
PRO/EDR> Cholera, diarrhea & dysentery update (15): Yemen (IB) case increase
Archive Number: 20240505.8716342
 情報源 Alsahwa [in Arabic] 2024年5月4日
Medical and local sources in Ibb governorate, Yemen によると、3月以降の新たな感染流行 the new wave of cholera that's striking most provinces of Ibb governorate により、コレラ感染者数 number of cholera cases in Sakhmer area, Yrim province の増加があり、2人が死亡し、ほか25人の感染が確認されている。患者の多くが貧しいため医療機関を受診できずにいる。
Cholera, diarrhea & dysentery update (14): Yemen, increasing incidence, fatal, MOH alert 20240414.8715967

● 梅毒 米国
PRO/AH/EDR> Syphilis - USA (02): (AZ, CO) outbreak, public health order
Archive Number: 20240505.8716340
[1] Arizona: officials battle syphilis outbreak
 情報源 Daily Independent 2024年4月25日
Maricopa County は過去数年間にわたり、様々な性感染症 several sexually transmitted diseases ranging from HIV to the surprising current rise of syphilis(驚異的に増加する梅毒)に直面している。HIV.gov によれば、過去5年間に a 78.9% の梅毒の増加 increase in all strands of syphilis がみられた。梅毒は昨年増加がみられた among 2 STDs で、もう1つは淋病 gonorrhea だった。
chlamydia and HIV はそれぞれ減少 a decline of 6.2% and 12% がみられたが、淋病と梅毒は an increase of 11.1% and 78.9%, respectively, over the same 5-year period があったと述べられている。
[2] Colorado: state issues a public health order to address increase incidence
 情報源 The Colorado Sun 4月19日
Syphilis is among the most brutal diseases known to humans, but it is also among the sneakiest.
Syphilis - USA: (CA, SD) outbreak, diagnostic inexperience 20240331.8715655

● エムポックス 米国
PRO/AH/EDR> Mpox update (18): smallpox vaccine, outbreak modeling, USA (OH) outbreak
Archive Number: 20240505.8716332
[1] Previous Smallpox Vaccination Boosts Immunogenicity of Mpox Vaccine
 情報源 Infectious Disease Special Edition 2024年4月29日
エムポックスワクチン接種後の免疫原性 Immunogenicity after mpox vaccination は、小児期に天然痘ワクチンを接種した人々においては、接種していない人々より長期間持続することが、the ESCMID Global 2024 Congress, held in Barcelona, Spain で報告された。
Dose-Sparing Regimen
In related news from the meeting, 米国ほか各国でワクチン供給を確保するために行われている、a dose-sparing intradermal mpox vaccination(ワクチンの接種量を減らした皮内注射法)が安全かつ通常接種と同等の抗体反応 an antibody response equivalent to that induced by the standard regimen at 6 weeks (2 weeks after the 2nd dose) が起きることが確認されたと、findings from another study presented at the meeting で示された。
[2] オランダ Netherlands: a cross-sectional outbreak modeling
 情報源 Eurosurveillance 2024年4月25日
原著タイトル Scenarios of future mpox outbreaks among men who have sex with men: a modelling study based on cross-sectional seroprevalence data from the Netherlands, 2022. Euro Surveill. 2024;29(17):pii=2300532.
What did you want to address in this study and why?
a specific population におけるエムポックスに対する免疫 immunity against mpox が、将来のアウトブレイクのリスクとサイズにどのように影響するかを調べた。オランダの男性同性愛 men who have sex with men (MSM) における、ワクチン接種または感染後のポックスウイルス特異抗体 poxvirus-specific antibodies 保有する割合を特定した。
What have we learnt from this study?
the Centres for Sexual Health in Rotterdam and Amsterdam (the Netherlands) 受診者の MSM の検体のほぼ半数 just under half of samples で抗体を検出した。
a mathematical model により、the 2022 vaccination campaign は、アウトブレイク自体への影響は小さかった a negligible effect on the Dutch 2022-23 outbreak itself ものの、将来のアウトブレイクリスクの低減 would result in a distinct reduction of the size and duration of future outbreaks が見込まれた。
What are the implications of your findings for public health?
These findings underscore the importance of establishing and maintaining monkeypox virus-specific immunity in the at-risk population through vaccination, while emphasising the necessity of a multifaceted approach, including sustained disease awareness and upkeep of diagnostic capacities.
[3] 米国 USA (Ohio): mpox outbreak detected in Cuyahoga County
 情報源 Fox News 4月25日
Cuyahoga County is currently having an outbreak of mpox, formerly known as monkeypox, according to health officials.
保健当局 the Cuyahoga County Board of Health によると Cuyahoga County において、9例 mpox cases from February through 23 Apr 2024 が確認されている。
According to the CCBH, 6 cases were reported in the county and 3 were reported by the Cleveland Department of Public Health. 
mpox in Cuyahoga County の患者らの年齢は between the ages of 17 and 44 とされている。
Mpox update (16): USA (VA), Congo DR, Canada (ON) outbreaks 20240404.8715779

● カンピロバクター腸炎 米国
PRO/AH/EDR> Campylobacteriosis - USA (03): (PA) unpasteurized milk
Archive Number: 20240505.8716329
 情報源 Food Safety News 2024年5月3日
State officials issue warning about raw milk after one person falls ill from _Campylobacter_
ペンシルベニア州農業・保健当局 The Pennsylvania Departments of Agriculture and Health は消費者らに対し、生ミルク raw milk sold under the Pure Pastures Dairy label に汚染のおそれがあるとして注意を呼びかけている。農業当局 The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture による samples of the raw milk sold by Apple Valley Creamery の検査で、カンピロバクター陽性 positive for _Campylobacter_ の結果が判明し、保健当局 The Department of Health はこのミルクを摂取した1名がカンピロバクター腸炎に罹患した became sick with campylobacteriosis ことを報告している。
Campylobacteriosis - USA (02): (NY) unpasteurized milk 20240501.8716262

● 食中毒 ベトナム、国際間フライト(2件)
PRO/EDR> Foodborne illness - Viet Nam (07): (DN) banh mi, more cases, update
Archive Number: 20240505.8716330
 情報源 Tuoi Tre News 2024年5月3日
4月30日に Dong Nai Province, a neighbor of Ho Chi Minh City の店で購入した banh mi を食べたあと、5月3日に487人が食中毒とみられる症状 suspected food poisoning により入院したと、保健当局 the provincial Department of Health が明らかにした。入院した患者らは、Bang Bakery on Tran Quang Dieu Street で購入した banh mi を食べた後に食中毒の症状がみられた。
A popular dish in Viet Nam, banh mi is a type of Vietnamese baguette filled with cold meats, pâté, and vegetables.

PRO/EDR> Foodborne illness - international flight: poss staphylococcal enterotoxin
Archive Number: 20240505.8716328
 情報源 Daily Mail 5月3日
70 passengers fall ill with vomiting bug during flight from Mauritius to Frankfurt
モーリシャス発フランクフルト行きのフライト Condor airline Flight DE2315, traveling from Mauritius to Frankfurt の機内で多数の搭乗客が体調を崩した。午後5時33分に着陸したドイツで多数の救急車が出迎えた。70人 of the 290 passengers onboard が嘔気と嘔吐の症状を訴えた。乗務員に患者は出ていない。
The airline, however, did not confirm the cause of the sudden illness, but noted that the food onboard would have been prepared in Mauritius.

● 鳥インフルエンザ 米国
PRO/AH/EDR> Avian influenza (58): USA (MI, NM) poultry
Archive Number: 20240506.8716361
[1] Michigan (Ionia County): HPAI H5N1, commercial egg operation
 情報源 WATTPoultry.com 2024年4月15日
Another commercial table egg operation in Ionia County, Michigan, was struck by highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI), the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) reported. According to APHIS, the presence of the H5N1 virus was confirmed on the premises on 9 Apr 2024, and 2 147 500 birds were affected.
[2] Michigan (Newaygo County): HPAI H5N1, turkeys
 情報源 WATTPoultry.com 4月19日
The presence of H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) was confirmed in a commercial turkey meat bird flock in Newaygo County, Michigan, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) reported. This case involved 67 200 birds and was confirmed on 17 Apr [2024].
[3] New Mexico (Roosevelt County): chickens
 情報源 KRQE 4月17日
Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI), also known as bird flu, was found in chickens at a poultry facility in eastern New Mexico, according to the New Mexico Livestock Board (NMLB), in conjunction with the US Department of Agriculture's (USDA) National Veterinary Services Laboratories.
Initial testing of the facility was performed on 10 Apr [2024] for the presence of HPAI. Further testing was needed to confirm the presence of HPAI at the facility. All birds on the infected premises will be "depopulated," meaning they will be euthanized.
[4] Michigan (Ottawa County): turkeys
 情報源 WATTPoultry.com 4月25日
The presence of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) has been confirmed in another commercial poultry flock in Michigan.
According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), the latest case involved a commercial meat turkey flock in Ottawa County. The flock included 104 000 turkeys. The case was confirmed on 24 Apr [2024].
This is the first instance of HPAI in Ottawa County poultry during the 2022-24 HPAI outbreak.
[5] Michigan (Gratiot County): HPAI H5N1, turkeys
 情報源 WATTPoultry.com 4月29日
Michigan has now had 6 commercial poultry flocks affected by highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in April [2024].
According to information from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), the most recent case was confirmed in a commercial meat turkey flock in Gratiot County, involving 27 700 birds. This is the first case of HPAI in Gratiot County during the 2022-24 HPAI outbreak.
[6] Michigan (Gratiot County): HPAI H5N1, turkeys
 情報源 WATTPoultry.com 5月3日
Gratiot County, Michigan, has had 2 commercial meat turkey flocks affected by H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in less than a week.

● 野菜の病気 米国
PRO/PL> Southern blight, vegetable crops - USA: (LA)
Archive Number: 20240506.8716351
 情報源 Louisiana State University 2024年4月25日
ルイジアナ州の高温・湿潤な天候が、植物の病原体の速やかな定着と拡大にとって好適な環境となっている。_Athelia rolfsii_ を原因とする southern blight と呼ばれる病気の、 Louisiana vegetable and ornamental production への影響が出始めている。この真菌は様々な重要な植物 various economically important vegetables (cucurbits, aubergine, capsicum, potato, tomato) and ornamental plant の病気の原因となり、wilting and yellowing of leaves and white fungal growth at the base of infected plants などの症状が現れ; the whole plant eventually turns brown and dies.

● コメ、マンゴーの病気 台湾
PRO/PL> Fungal diseases, rice & mango - Taiwan: (CG)
Archive Number: 20240505.8716335
 情報源 United Daily News (UDN) [in Chinese] 2024年4月6日
最近の長雨と過度の気温上昇により、Changhua において Sporadic rice blast の発生があり、 mango-producing areas では Anthracnose and powdery mildew が発生し始めている。

● アフリカ豚熱 フィリピン
PRO/AH/EDR> African swine fever - Asia (21): Philippines (CV) domestic, control measures
Archive Number: 20240505.8716331
 情報源 Philippine Information Agency 2024年5月3日
Gov. Erico Aristotle Aumentado has ordered the mandatory depopulation of all hogs in barangays affected by African swine fever (ASF) in Dauis town, whether these are confirmed to be infected by ASF or not. The governor issued the order after Purok 5 of Brgy. Mayacabac and Purok 2 of Brgy. Mariveles has been declared to be infected by ASF. However, the declaration is local and would not affect Bohol's status as ASF-free, according to the Office of the Provincial Veterinarian (OPV) here.