

A型肝炎 ブラジル

● ボツリヌス食中毒 米国(2件)
PRO/EDR> Botulism - USA (07): (CA) family gathering
Archive Number: 20240628.8717265
 情報源 KSEE [2024年6月26日
Fresno County Health Department investigating botulism cases
続けて2件のボツリヌス食中毒の報告 back-to-back reports of people with botulism in Clovis and Caruthers があったことから、郡保健当局 the Fresno County Health Department がアウトブレイクの積極的調査をおこなっていると発表した。
The health department は、the outbreak in the Valley through an incident that occurred on 21 Jun 2024 in Caruthers at a family event followed by another reported case of botulism in Clovis the next day [22 Jun 2024] を確認したと述べている。

PRO/EDR> Botulism - USA (08): (CA) family gathering, more cases, home-canned food
Archive Number: 20240628.8717276
 情報源 Food Safety News 2024年6月28日
Botulism outbreak in California linked to family events and homemade food
カリフォルニア州の公衆衛生当局 the California Department of Public Healthがボツリヌス食中毒アウトブレイク an outbreak of botulism infections related to family events on 21-22 Jun [2024] in Clovis の調査を行っている。自家製缶詰ガイドライン proper guidelines for home canning の遵守の大切さがあらためて強調されている。家族の集まりで出された食事は,家族が調理した。ボツリヌス食中毒は,発症まで最長10日間かかることもある。患者の数は明らかにされていないが,約30人のうちの複数人と説明されている。少なくとも8人が入院した。
Botulism - USA (06): canned coffee products, risk, recall 20240621.8717163

● A型肝炎 ブラジル
PRO/EDR> Hepatitis A - Brazil: (PR)
Archive Number: 20240628.8717269
 情報源  Prefeitura Municipal de Curitiba [in Portuguese] 2024年6月24日
Hepatitis A outbreak in Curitiba already affects 353 people, most of them young men
1週間に新たに15例の A型肝炎が確認されたこと confirmations of hepatitis A が,24日のクリチバ市保健当局の報告 A bulletin from the Epidemiology Center of the Municipal Health Department (SMS) of Curitiba で明らかになった。2024年1月から6月21日までの間に市内で合計353例が確認されており,大部分が20歳から39歳までの若年男性である。The hepatitis A outbreak in Curitiba also recordedでは 5例の死亡例 deaths と 1例の肝移植 liver transplant due to the disease も発生している。
Preliminary results from this study によると,主な感染経路は性感染とされており,
In the Curitiba outbreak, the main form of transmission has been through oral/anal and oral/vaginal sexual contact with infected people.
The hepatitis A outbreak in Curitiba has seen serious cases, which often required hospitalization. Among the 353 confirmed patients, 209 were hospitalized (59.2%) and 12 required intensive care in the ICU (3.4%).
[Mod.LL- With the majority of cases being in males, it is likely, although not stated, that the cases were primarily associated with men who have sex with men, a major cohort with higher risk of hepatitis A.
A relatively recent review of HAV infection in Brazil parallels these observations: Temporal trends of acute hepatitis A in Brazil and Its regions. Viruses. 2022 Dec 8;14(12):2737. doi: 10.3390/v14122737.
Conclusions: Hepatitis A endemicity is heterogeneous among Brazilian regions. In addition, an unexpected outbreak of HAV among Southeast and South adult males in 2016 resembles the outbreak in Europe, revealing a vulnerable population that should be prioritized by vaccination programs and control measures.]

● クリミア・コンゴ出血熱 イラク
PRO/AH/EDR> Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever - Asia (09): Iraq
Archive Number: 20240628.8717275
 情報源 Iraqi News 2024年6月25日
獣医学当局 Local veterinary officialsによると,2024年,南部 Dhi Qar governorate in southern Iraq で最多となる18例のクリミア・コンゴ出血熱 the highest number of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever cases が確認されている。年初以降国内で40例以上の感染と6例の死亡が報告されていると,同責任者 The head of Dhi Qar's veterinary directorate が24日述べた。
There have been 6 cases reported in each of Nineveh and Baghdad, where one death has been reported in each. Babylon governorate had 4 cases and one fatality.
Crimean-Congo hem. fever - Asia (07): Iraq (NI) new cases, fatal 20240621.8717150

● ブルセラ症,canine 米国

PRO/AH/EDR> Brucellosis, canine - USA: (SC) human exposure study
Archive Number: 20240628.8717268
 情報源 MMWR 2024年6月27日
原著タイトル  Notes from the Field: Multidisciplinary Approach to Investigating _Brucella canis_ Exposures -- South Carolina, September 2023. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2024;73:581-582. DOI: 
_Brucella canis_ は,診断されることがまれな細菌性人獣共通感染症の病原体で,イヌのブルセラ症 brucellosis in domestic and wild dogs の原因菌であるが,世界中に感染が拡がり新興の人獣共通感染症として恐れられている。イヌおよびヒトの感染 _B. canis_ infections は,症状が非特異的で,検出が困難であり,さらに診断検査の精度に開きがあることから,実数に比べ過少報告されている。
ヒトの感染症状は非特異的で,発熱,関節痛,倦怠感である: しかし,心内膜炎,脾腫,神経症状などの消耗性 debilitating となることもある。
ヒトの _B. canis_ 感染診断のための血清検査で認可されたものはない
2023年9月27日,現地獣医師から,流産後に indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) testing 検査でブルセラ症の診断 a preliminary diagnosis of _B. canis_ を受けた野犬に,複数の人々が曝露したと,サウスカロライナ州保健当局 South Carolina's Department of Health and Environmental Control に報告された。
Investigation and Outcomes
On 14 Aug 2023, a stray dog wandered onto the property of a family of 4 that included 2 children and a dog,別の家族に飼われることとなった。9月18日に腟からの分泌物に気づかれ獣医師の診察を受けた際に妊娠が報告された。同23日に流産となりブルセラ菌検査が行われ,同27日に陽性と確認された。合計17人と5匹の動物が曝露した。
Preliminary Conclusions and Actions
This investigation... confirmed the diagnosis of _B. canis_ in a stray dog and exposures of humans and pets. 
[Mod.LL- A reasonably recent update on _B canis_ is:: Update on _Brucella canis_: Understanding the Past and Preparing for the Future. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract. 2023;53:1047-1062. <doi: 10.1016/j.cvsm.2023.05.002>
"The genus _Brucella_ is known by veterinarians as a primary cause of reproductive diseases. It is widely known to cause financial devastation in livestock species, and is lesser known as a problem for dog breeders and fanciers with similar reproductive diseases seen in dogs. Now there are concerns about the dispersal of _Brucella canis_ into countries that have enjoyed a fairly low incidence, through the importation of dogs from endemic countries. _B canis_, much like _Brucella abortus_, _suis_ or _mellitensis_, is zoonotic and handling or working with infected dogs can lead to human disease. Only within the last few decades has the risk of brucellosis in dogs, and the people who own and work with them, been more fully acknowledged. This review will focus on new information that has been obtained since our last _B canis_ article in 2018. Readers are encouraged to look to that article for information not presented within this update. Current _B canis_ epidemiology along with a complete review of diagnostic testing options will be covered. Regulations for the international movement of dogs will be discussed in addition to concerns for increased zoonosis potential. Future goals would include better management of this disease including proposed screening of all imported dogs. Canine brucellosis prevention, owner and shelter/rescue education along with proposed therapies for the future will also be explored."]
参考項目 2023
Brucellosis - USA (02): (WY) elk 20231213.8713693

● 腸管出血性大腸菌 英国 O145

PRO/AH/EDR> E. coli EHEC - UK (06): O145, sandwiches, wraps & salads, increased cases, UKHSA, fatalities
Archive Number: 20240628.8717266
 情報源 UK Health Security Agency 2024年6月25日
Investigation into an outbreak of Shiga toxin-producing _E. coli_ (EHEC) O145 in Great Britain, May to June 2024
英国保健当局等 The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), Public Health Scotland, Public Health Wales and Public Health Agency Northern Ireland (PHA), in collaboration with the Food Standards Agency (FSA) and Food Standards Scotland (FSS) により、5月の遺伝子解析データの解析 the analysis of whole genome sequencing (WGS) dataから、志賀毒素産生性大腸菌感染症アウトブレイク an outbreak of Shiga toxin-producing _Escherichia coli_ (or enterohemorrhagic _E coli_ EHEC) O145 が確認されている。
当初、5月22日に England で確認されたのは、非O157腸管出血性大腸菌遺伝子 non-O157 EHEC toxin genes 陽性の症例数が10倍に急増したことから検知された。5月24日には reference laboratory polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test results indicated the increase was likely driven by a strain of EHEC which possessed the stx2a, eae+ virulence gene profile but was neither serotype O157 or O26 (defined as 'probable cases') and increased hospital emergency department attendances for gastrointestinal illness が確認された。同時に Wales and Scotland のサーベイランスでも増加が確認され、24日に A national incident が宣言された。
各地域の発生状況:Between 25 May 2024 and 24 Jun 2024 there were 275 confirmed cases reported (273 primary cases and 2 secondary cases (Figure 1 [for figures/tables see original URL - Mod.LL])). Cases were geographically dispersed in all regions of England (182), in Scotland (58), Wales (31) and Northern Ireland (4), with no notable geographic clustering. However, evidence suggests that cases resident in Northern Ireland likely acquired their infection in England. 
患者の症状:Among confirmed t5:206 outbreak cases (Table 1):
 - 81% have reported bloody diarrhea(血性下痢)
 - 49% of cases have been admitted to hospital(入院)
 - 10% attended A&E for their symptoms
 - Of the 122 hospitalized cases, 57% were female and had a median age of 35 (with a range of 6 to 85 years).
これまでに7例の溶血性尿毒症症候群 cases of HUS が確認されている。 
[Mod.LL- More cases are now reported with 2 fatalities.]
E. coli EHEC - UK (05): O145, sandwiches, wraps & salads, increased cases, alert, recall 20240622.8717166

● ランピースキン病 中国
PRO/AH/EDR> Lumpy skin disease - China (02): (HK) cattle, WOAH
Archive Number: 20240628.8717267
 情報源 WOAH-WAHIS (World Animal Health Information System) 2024年6月27日
Hong Kong - Lumpy skin disease virus (Inf. with) - Follow-up report 2
Started: 30 May 2024
Reason for notification: Recurrence of an eradicated disease
Date of last occurrence: 30 Apr 2021
Disease: Lumpy skin disease virus (Inf. with)
Causal agent: Lumpy skin disease virus
Genotype/serotype/subtype: -
Event status: Ongoing
Quantitative data summary
Outbreak location: Hong Kong
Cattle (domestic) / 66 / 20 / 0 / 0 / 0 / -
Lumpy skin disease - China: (HK) cattle, WOAH 20240612.8716998