

マールブルグ病 ルワンダ
マラリア エチオピア,米国

● 類鼻疽 台湾
PRO/EDR> Melioidosis - Taiwan (04): increase, post-typhoons, fatal
Archive Number: 20241025.8719605
 情報源 Taipei Times 2024年10月23日
10月の Typhoon Krathon 発生後はじめての類鼻疽による死者 The first death from melioidosis が確認されたと,the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) が22日明らかにした。
Melioidosis - Taiwan (03): increase, post-typhoons, fatal 20241015.8719400

● デング熱 スーダン
PRO/AH/EDR> Dengue/DHF update (103): Sudan (KA) increasing incidence, fatal, HCWs
Archive Number: 20241025.8719604
 情報源 Alrakoba [in Arabic] 2024年10月23日
保健当局 the Ministry of Health, Kassala state では国内避難民を中心にデング熱感染 dengue fever cases and deathse の増加がみられている。
救急室 the emergency department of one Kassala hospital では1日当たり between 50 and 60 cases of dengue の患者を受け入れている。同じ病院の医師3名がデング熱で死亡している。
Dengue/DHF update (89): Sudan (KH) increasing incidence, fatal 20241007.8719223

● 腸チフス パキスタン
PRO/EDR> Typhoid fever - Pakistan: (SD) XDR
Archive Number: 20241025.8719603
 情報源 The Express Tribune 2024年10月5日
シンド州の超薬剤耐性腸チフスアウトブレイク The drug-resistant (XDR) typhoid outbreak in Sindh に保健当局 The provincial health authorities が警戒を強めている。
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's collaborative effort to combat XDR typhoid is just one of many US government-sponsored programmes promoting better health outcomes in Pakistan. Since 2016, an outbreak of XDR typhoid has posed a serious public health risk in Pakistan, particularly in Sindh.
Estimates of typhoid incidence in Pakistan are as high as 176 cases per 100 000 people.
参考項目 2023
Typhoid fever - Pakistan: (KP) XDR, carbapenem-resistant 20231017.8712667

● 腸管出血性大腸菌 EHEC 米国 O157(2件)

PRO/AH/EDR> E. coli EHEC - USA (15): O157, McDonald's Quarter Pounders, fresh onion source susp, recall
Archive Number: 20241025.8719602
 情報源 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 2024年10月25日 
_E. coli_ Outbreak Linked to McDonald's Quarter Pounders
Fast Facts
Cases: 75 (26 new)
Hospitalizations: 22 (12 new)
Deaths: 1 (0 new)
States: 13 (3 new)

PRO/AH/EDR> E. coli EHEC - USA (14): O157, McDonald's Quarter Pounders, suspected fresh onion source, recall
Archive Number: 20241025.8719585
 情報源 NBC News 2024年10月24日
FDA eyes McDonald's supplier Taylor Farms as source of _E coli_ outbreak
食品医薬品局The FDA は Taylor Farms, a supplier for McDonald's が,ハンバーガーが関係する腸管出血性大腸菌 EHEC アウトブレイクの感染源である可能性 the possible source of the _E. coli_ [O157] outbreak linked to Quarter Pounder hamburgers について調査を行っている。
E. coli EHEC - USA (13): O157, McDonald's Quarter Pounders, CDC 20241022.8719551

● マールブルグ病 ルワンダ

PRO/AH/EDR> Marburg virus disease - Rwanda (09): HCW case, fruit bat source, RFI
Archive Number: 20241025.8719596
 情報源 Health Policy Watch 2024年10月24日
コンゴ民主共和国で小児のエムポックスと麻疹 both mpox and measles が拡がる中,ルワンダで63例目のマールブルグ病患者 its 63rd Marburg case が確認されたと,24日の the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) weekly media briefing で示された。10日間新たな感染がなかったが,マールブルグ病患者の診療に携わった医療従事者1名が23日,検査で陽性となった。
Marburg virus disease - Rwanda (08): update 20241023.8719556

● 鳥インフルエンザ,ヒト 米国 H5N1
PRO/AH/EDR> Avian influenza, human - USA (17): (CA, MO) H5N1, dairy cattle exp, more conf cases, serology result
Archive Number: 20241025.8719594
[1] California
 [A] 情報源 California Department for Public Health (CDPH) 2024年10月23日
 - The current risk to the public remains low.
 - No person-to-person spread of bird flu has been detected in California.
 - Pasteurized milk and dairy products are safe to consume. Pasteurization inactivates the bird flu virus.
Human Cases in California
Confirmed Human Cases: 15
 [B] Community Alert - Merced County Department of Public Health (1 of the 2 new cases): Merced County 10月21日
The Merced County Department of Public Health in coordination with the California Department of Public Health has confirmed its 1st human case of H5N1 bird flu.
The individual had direct exposure to infected cattle at a Merced County dairy farm. 
[2] Missouri
 [A] 情報源 The New York Times 2024年10月24日
A Missouri resident who shared a home with a patient hospitalized with bird flu in August [2024] was also infected with the virus, federal officials reported on Thursday [24 Oct 2024].
 [B] 情報源 WTHI TV 10月24日
Blood tests of several people who were in contact with a patient in Missouri who caught H5N1 bird flu without any known exposure to infected animals reveal at least one of them -- a person who lived in the same house and had symptoms at the same time -- also had the virus, according to 2 sources with knowledge of the investigation.
 [C] 情報源 : US CDC 2024年10月24日
Summary of Findings
In August 2024, healthcare providers in Missouri had a patient who had gastrointestinal symptoms with a history of chronic respiratory illness. The person was hospitalized and tested for multiple respiratory pathogens, and was positive for influenza A. 
Avian influenza, human - USA (16): (WA) H5N1, egg farm workers, susp. 20241024.8719582

● マラリア エチオピア,米国(2件)

PRO/EDR> Malaria - Ethiopia (02): (AM) alert
Archive Number: 20241025.8719593
 情報源 Addis Standard 2024年10月21日
わずか1週間で5万1650例以上 in the region が報告されているマラリアの急拡大 the rapid spread of malaria を,公衆衛生研究所 The Amhara Public Health Institute が懸念している。72% of the malaria burden が 40 districts across the region に集中しており,特に the Amhara region since 2017 で著しく増加している。昨年同期と比べて a 65.8% increase in cases がみられている。
In early October 2024, the United Nations (UN) expressed concern over the escalating insecurity in the Amhara region, driven by "persistent and newly emerging" armed conflicts.
Malaria - Ethiopia: increasing incidence, fatal, WHO 20240904.8718551

PRO/EDR> Malaria - USA (04): (AR) vivax, autochthonous, 2023
Archive Number: 20241025.8719587
 情報源 MMWR 2024年10月24日
原著タイトル Locally acquired (autochthonous) mosquito-transmitted _Plasmodium vivax_ malaria -- Saline County, Arkansas, September 2023. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2024;73:946-949
A case of locally acquired (autochthonous) mosquito-transmitted _Plasmodium vivax_ malaria was diagnosed in Arkansas in September 2023. This represented the 10th autochthonous case identified nationally in 2023, after 20 years without recorded local mosquitoborne malaria transmission in the USA. The public health response included case investigation, active case surveillance, mosquito surveillance and control, assessment of medical countermeasures, and clinical and public outreach. 
Investigation and Results
Public Health Response
Assessment of Medical Countermeasures
Clinical and Public Outreach
Malaria - USA (03): (CA) vivax, Chinese immigrants 20240516.8716545

● ラッサ熱 ナイジェリア
PRO/AH/EDR> Lassa fever - West Africa (20): Nigeria (ED) update, fatal
Archive Number: 20241025.8719592
 情報源 Premium Times 2024年10月22日
Joseph Okoeguale, a medical doctor and director of Viral and Emergent Pathogens, Control and Research, Irrua Specialist Teaching Hospital, Edo State, said Edo recorded 240 cases of Lassa fever and 21 deaths between last December [2023] and March this year [2024].
Lassa fever - West Africa (19): Nigeria 20241015.8719364

● 百日咳 米国
PRO/EDR> Pertussis - USA (07): (CO, NJ, ID, WA)
Archive Number: 20241025.8719588
[1] Colorado
 情報源 Fox 21 News 2024年10月22日
Cheyenne Mountain High School in Colorado Springs 高校の生徒の保護者らに対し,公衆衛生当局 El Paso County Public Health (EPCPH) から21日,百日咳の患者 a case of pertussis (commonly known as whooping cough) at the high school の調査が行われていることが伝えられた
[2] New Jersey:NorthJersey.com 10月23日
across New Jersey 州全体において,夏季の感染増加のあとも百日咳 whooping cough の感染が続いている。
[3] Idaho: Boise State Public Radio 10月11日
Pertussis, commonly known as whooping cough, continues to surge in southwest Idaho. In the 10-county area managed by Central and Southwest District Health offices, there have been 222 confirmed cases as of 7 Oct 2024, 51 new since 5 Sep 2024.
[4] Washington: The Lewiston Tribune 10月11日
Whitman County Public Health announced there are now 18 confirmed cases of pertussis, or whooping cough, in the student population at Washington State University.
Pertussis - USA (06): (MO,OK) 20241012.8719325

● 感染性ヤギ胸膜肺炎 モンゴル
PRO/AH/EDR> Contagious caprine pleuropneumonia - Mongolia: (DG) 1st rep, goat
Archive Number: 20241025.8719595
 情報源 Xinhua 2024年10月24日
an outbreak of contagious caprine pleuropneumonia (CCPP) の発生を受け,南東部 The southeastern Mongolian province of Dornogovi に期間を決めず検疫体制が布かれていると24日 the country's General Authority for Veterinary Services が明らかにした。
[Mod.JHAn excellent summary of CCPP]
参考項目 2009
Contagious caprine pleuropneumonia - Tajikistan: OIE 20091104.3812

● ブルータング スペイン
PRO/AH/EDR> Bluetongue - Europe (20): Spain (EX) st 4, sheep
Archive Number: 20241025.8719591
 情報源 Hoy [in Spanish] 2024年10月22日
The continuous trickle of farms affected by bluetongue leaves today in Extremadura -- a predictable -- increase of new outbreaks (a dozen) and a novelty. 
Bluetongue - Europe (17): Spain (EX, AN) st 1, st 3, sheep, RFI 20241007.8719218