

百日咳 ボリビア
黄熱 ブラジル

● コレラ 南スーダン
PRO/EDR> Cholera, diarrhea & dysentery update (84): South Sudan, surge, fatal
Archive Number: 20241212.8720612
 情報源 Nation, Africa edition 2024年12月11日
コレラアウトブレイク a cholera outbreak in 18 counties across South Sudan により少なくともお23人が死亡したと,保健省 the National Ministry of Health が報告した。
Cholera, diarrhea & dysentery update (82): South Sudan (UN) increasing incidence, alert, NGO 20241209.8720544

● デング熱 米国
PRO/AH/EDR> Dengue/DHF update (127): USA (FL)
Archive Number: 20241212.8720608
 情報源 News Channel 8 2024年12月10日
Fifth confirmed human case of dengue fever found in Tampa Bay
フロリダ州保健当局 The Florida Department of Health [DOH] が5例目となるデング熱感染例 a fifth human case of dengue fever in Hillsborough County を19日確認した。10月に4例目が確認されていた。
Dengue/DHF update (121): USA 20241128.8720293

● 百日咳 ボリビア
PRO/EDR> Pertussis - Bolivia: (SC)
Archive Number: 20241212.8720598
 情報源 Correo del Sur, Bolivia [in Spanish] 2024年12月10日
Bolivia adds 26 cases of whooping cough; They ask to vaccinate children to avoid infections
26例の百日咳患者 whooping cough (pertussis) patients in Bolivia in this administration が確認されたことを受け,子どもらに5価ワクチン the pentavalent vaccine を接種するよう,保健当局者 the vice minister of Promotion and Surveillance Epidemiologicalが9日呼びかけた。
2022年は,235 cases were registered, the majority in Santa Cruz; 2023年は, 827; and 2024年は, 26 until epidemiological week 49.
Pertussis - Spain, USA 20240903.8718526

● 原因不明の死亡 コンゴ(民)
PRO/EDR> Undiagnosed deaths - Congo DR (07): (KG) logistics, 2nd possible traveler case, RFI
Archive Number: 20241212.8720588
[1] 情報源 Supply Chain Brain 2024年12月11日
Disease X' trackers confront logistics quagmire in Congo
Scientists racing against time to contain an outbreak of a mysterious flu-like illness in a remote part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo have more to contend with than identifying its cause, as they grapple with a logistics crisis that has slowed the flow of crucial supplies.
Just reaching the epicenter of the outbreak of "Disease X" can take about 48 hours by road from the capital, Kinshasa. It's also the rainy season there, slowing the progress of experts as well as testing kits and other medical supplies to the area in the forested country's southwestern Kwango province.
There are also no laboratories in the province that can adequately test and diagnose the samples; therefore, they need to be transported by road to Kinshasa, World Health Organization spokeswoman Margaret Harris said by phone. The agency along with Congo's National Public Health Institute and Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention have dispatched crews to the region.
[2] 情報源 Ansa Brazil 12月11日
アフリカ地域で発生したインフルエンザ様疾患と思われる症状のみられたコンゴ(民)から帰国した女性1名が,最近 in recent days  Cosenzaand の病院に入院したが,すでに退院したと11日に地域保健当局が明らかにした。11月29日にアフリカから帰国したこの女性は1日後に退院した。検体は the Istituto Superiore della Sanità (Higher Health Institute, ISS) で解析が行われると述べ,他者を感染させるリスクは極めて低いと説明されている。
12月20日,北西部トスカーナの保健当局 the head of the infectious diseases department of the local ASL health authority of northwestern Tuscany は,最近コンゴ民主共和国から帰国し原因不明の疾患に類似する症状が見られた Lucca の男性が,同疾患に感染している可能性は低い unlikely と述べた。この患者 The Lucca patientf は帰国後の11月23日から12月3日まで入院後,同じく退院している。
Undiagnosed deaths - Congo DR (06): (KG) spread, possible malaria role, RFI 20241211.8720573

● サルモネラ感染症 ノルウェー
PRO/AH/EDR> Salmonellosis, st Newport - Norway (02): alfalfa sprouts, alert, recall, 2nd st Typhimurium
Archive Number: 20241212.8720597
 情報源 Food Safety News 2024年12月10日
More sick in Norwegian _Salmonella_ outbreak traced to sprouts
スプラウト alfalfa sprouts が関係するノルウェーのサルモネラ感染症アウトブレイク an outbreak of [salmonellosis] in Norway の患者が倍増し almost 50 に達した。
公衆衛生研究所 the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (FHI) の最新情報によると,患者数が26例から49例に増加した。
This includes 42 infected with _Salmonella enterica_ Newport and 7 with _Salmonella enterica_ serotype Typhimurium.
Illness onset dates started in mid-October [2024]. 
Salmonellosis, st Newport - Norway: alfalfa sprouts, alert, recall 20241204.8720446

● 腸管出血性大腸菌 EHEC 米国 O157
PRO/AH/EDR> E. coli EHEC - USA (25): (MO) O157, lettuce blend, additional states
Archive Number: 20241212.8720595
[1]j Fox2Now 2024年12月9日
_E. coli_ found in St. Charles County amidst recent outbreak
Another caterer [has been found to be] related to the recent spread of _E. coli_ in Missouri, but this one is in St. Charles County.
"For whatever reason, we're seeing St. Louis and St. Charles counties now seem to be the epicenter of this very large national _E. coli_ outbreak linked to lettuce," attorney Jory Lange said.
[2] 情報源 Contagion Live 12月9日
_E. coli_ outbreak linked to iceberg and romaine lettuce blend
The outbreak linked to iceberg and romaine lettuce blend (referenced as _E. coli_ O157:H7 outbreak #1280) is actively under investigation by the FDA and CDC, along with state and local partners. The investigation has identified this particular lettuce blend, served at catering events, restaurants, and a school, as the source of the outbreak. As of now, 69 cases of _E. coli_ O157 infections have been reported across 10 states. The FDA's traceback investigation has pinpointed the iceberg and romaine lettuce blend as the likely cause, sourced from a common supplier. The affected product identified so far appears to be past its shelf life and is no longer available on the market.
E. coli EHEC - USA (24): (MO) O157, suspected leafy greens, additional states 20241204.8720434

● リーシュマニア症 スーダン
PRO/AH/EDR> Leishmaniasis, visceral - Sudan (03): (GD) increasing incidence, fatal
Archive Number: 20241212.8720596
 情報源 Alrakoba [in Arabic] 2024年12月9日
According to the head of community services committee at Aldohima village, Gedaref state, 17 new cases of visceral leishmaniasis (Kala azar) were registered in the last 2 days. The registered cases in the area has now reached 227 cases with 6 deaths up to date.
Leishmaniasis, visceral - Sudan (02): (GD) increasing incidence, fatal, MOH 20241122.8720172

● リステリア症 米国
PRO/EDR> Listeriosis - USA (08): ready-to-eat Asian foods, fatal, alert, recall
Archive Number: 20241212.8720591
 情報源 CDC 2024年12月5日
Investigation update: _Listeria_ outbreak, meat and poultry products, 2024
CDC, public health and regulatory officials in several states, and the US Department of Agriculture's Food Safety and Inspection Service (USDA-FSIS), are collecting different types of data to investigate a multistate outbreak of _Listeria monocytogenes_ infections. Epidemiologic and laboratory data show that ready-to-eat meat and poultry products distributed by Yu Shang Food Inc are contaminated with _Listeria_ and are making people sick.
Listeriosis - USA (07): ready-to-eat Asian foods, fatal, alert, recall 20241126.8720276

● 黄熱 ブラジル
PRO/AH/EDR> Yellow fever - Americas (17): Brazil, breakthrough after vaccination
Archive Number: 20241212.8720576
 情報源 Lancet Microbe 2024年12月10日
原著タイトル Yellow fever breakthrough infections after yellow fever vaccination: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet Microbe. 2024; 5(12):100937.
Background: Yellow fever vaccination is considered to provide effective long-term immunity. However, yellow fever breakthrough infections in vaccinated patients have been reported. In this systematic review and meta-analysis we aimed to identify and summarise all documented symptomatic yellow fever breakthrough infections in the literature occurring less than 10 years and 10 years or more after primary yellow fever vaccination.
Methods: We searched MEDLINE (Ovid), Embase (Ovid), and Global Index Medicus for records published between 1 Jan 1936 (introduction of yellow fever vaccination) and 16 Jun 2023. We included prospective and retrospective cohort studies, case series and reports, and epidemiological reports from national and international health organizations reporting symptomatic yellow fever among individuals vaccinated 30 days or more before symptom onset. We excluded cases vaccinated less than 30 days before symptom onset. The primary outcome for the meta-analysis was the proportions of vaccinees among virologically confirmed and probable cases of yellow fever (IgM seroconversion without seroconversion to other flaviviruses). Risk of bias was assessed with an adapted version of the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale. Records of moderate or good quality (probable or confirmed yellow fever diagnosis with documented proof of previous vaccination) were included for random-effects meta-analysis. This systematic review and meta-analysis is registered with PROSPERO, number CRD42023450205.
Findings: After reviewing 1975 records, 37 records reported a total of 6951 yellow fever cases, of which 537 were vaccinated. A total of 31 records were of low quality. Nine confirmed and 24 probable cases with proof of previous yellow fever vaccination were identified, all from Brazil. Confirmed cases were vaccinated 3 months to 3 years before symptom onset; of these patients 2 fell severely ill and died. The pooled proportion of verified yellow fever breakthrough infections among probable and confirmed cases was 3% (95% CI 1-19%). No confirmed yellow fever breakthrough infections were identified occurring 10 years or more after yellow fever vaccination.
Interpretation: Yellow fever breakthrough infections documented in literature are rare, and not necessarily more common 10 years or more after primary yellow fever vaccination. This finding suggests that a single dose of yellow fever vaccination is sufficient to provide lifelong protective immunity against symptomatic yellow fever.
[Mod.TY- Reports of yellow fever (YF) cases that have occasionally come to ProMED indicate that a few have been previously vaccinated but with no indication of the cause of vaccine breakthrough. The above study indicates that all confirmed and probable breakthrough infections were from Brazil. The above study points out that verifying vaccination status can be difficult, as vaccination is not always properly registered, and paper certificates can get lost. These factors might have also led to under-reporting of cases vaccinated more than 10 years ago. Alternatively, perhaps some individuals whose records indicated that they were vaccinated were, in fact, not vaccinated at all. The question is, in truly vaccinated individuals, why do these reported breakthroughs occur?
The report indicates that the vaccine produces seroprotection rates of 71-100%. Are those who do not respond with antibody protected from infection? The report points out that there is increasing evidence that T-cell immunity also has an essential role in long-term protection against yellow fever. Therefore, focusing solely on humoral immune responses (seroprotection) would underestimate vaccine effectiveness. The T cell responses of those who do not develop YF antibodies is unknown. Perhaps some vaccinees do not respond immunologically and are susceptible to development of clinical YF as a result.
Another unaddressed question is the condition of the vaccine at the time of administration. The vaccine is live, attenuated, and requires maintenance in a cold chain. Although Brazil has decades of carrying out successful vaccination campaigns, is it possible that in remote and logistically difficult locations, there might have been cold-chain failure? The author's important conclusion is that the results of this study give no reason to dispute the current WHO position, stating that a single dose of yellow fever vaccination is sufficient to provide lifelong protective immunity against symptomatic yellow fever.]
Yellow fever - Americas (16): Colombia (TO) 20241125.8720245