

エボラ コンゴ民主共和国
マールブルグ病 タンザニア

● 類鼻疽 中国
PRO/EDR> Melioidosis - China (02): (HK)
Archive Number: 20250128.8721673
 情報源 Government of the Hong Kong SAR 2025年1月28日
CHP announces 1 new melioidosis case
この4日間 the past 4 days (24 to 27 Jan 2025) に新たな類鼻疽 a new melioidosis case が確認されていると,保健当局 The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health が28日明らかにした。
患者は Sham Shui Po 在住の持病のある70歳男性で,21日に排尿困難の症状を発症し,翌22日に Caritas Medical Centre 医療センターを受診し入院した。検体の検査で,類鼻疽菌陽性 positive for _Burkholderia pseudomallei_ upon testing が確認された。
Melioidosis - China: (HK) geriatric case, underlying illnesses 20250110.8721237

● エボラ コンゴ民主共和国
PRO/AH/EDR> Ebola - Congo DR (01): (EQ) suspected, RFI
Archive Number: 20250128.8721674
 情報源 MC Press [in French] 2025年1月27日
the city of Mbandaka, capital of the Equateur province から250km 以上離れた The Boyenge health area incorporated into the Bolamba health zone において,少なくとも12例のエボラ出血熱疑い患者 suspected cases of Ebola haemorrhagic fever が報告されていると27日,president of the Red Cross/Equateur committee が明らかにした。from 10 to 22 January 2025 の期間に8例の死亡があったとされている。Mbandaka の検査機関に検体が送付されている。
参考項目 2024
Ebola update: Burundi ex Congo DR, susp., RFI 20240509.8716417

● マールブルグ病 タンザニア
PRO/AH/EDR> Marburg virus disease - Tanzania (04): (KG) update
Archive Number: 20250128.8721657
 情報源 AFP - Agence France Presse 2025年1月23日
タンザニアのマールブルグ病アウトブレイク An outbreak of the Marburg virus により9人が死亡したと23日明らかにされた。1月20日,6人が死亡した2023年に続く,東アフリカの同国における2例目のアウトブレイクが確認された。
the African Union's Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) は,"10 cases が報告されており,うち9例は既に死亡した"とし,マールブルグ病として非常に高い致死率と述べている。
[Mod.JH- Africa CDC reported 10 cases and 9 fatalities while other sources have reported 2 fatalities. The lower number may be the number of laboratory-confirmed cases, but hopefully that will be clarified in future updates. (see)]
Marburg virus disease - Tanzania (03): (KG) conf., WHO 20250123.8721552

● 髄膜炎菌性髄膜炎 スペイン
PRO/EDR> Meningococcal disease - Spain
Archive Number: 20250128.8721651
 情報源 MSN, Spain [in Spanish] 2025年1月26日
Health authorities detect an outbreak of meningococcal disease in an educational center in Zaragoza
教育センターにおける髄膜炎菌性疾患アウトブレイク an outbreak of meningococcal disease in an educational center in Zaragoza の発生を,保健当局 The Health Department が確認した。2例が確定診断され,他の2例は probable とされている。
[Mod.LL- There is no information regarding the relationship between the cases here. Overall, usually transmission of meningococcus requires close contact, generally not the more casual contact in school, office or even hospital. The highest risk of transmission appears to be in siblings of primary cases.]

● ギラン・バレー症候群 インド
PRO/AH/EDR> Guillain-Barre syndrome - India (02): (MH) more cases, campylobacteriosis cause
Archive Number: 20250128.8721649
 情報源 Live India 2025年1月27日
First suspected GBS death in Maharashtra amid Pune's outbreak surge to 101 cases
Pune を中心とするギラン・バレー症候群アウトブレイクに関係するはじめての死亡例 the first suspected death linked to the Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) outbreak について,保健当局 The Maharashtra health department が報告した。現在101例が確認され,新たな感染が急増している。
The suspected GBS death occurred in Solapur, according to a daily health bulletin, though further details were not disclosed. 
Guillain-Barre syndrome - India: (MH) possible campylobacteriosis 20250125.8721608

● 黄熱 ブラジル
PRO/AH/EDR> Yellow fever - Americas (03): Brazil
Archive Number: 20250128.8721638
[1] 情報源 Band [in Portuguese] 2025年1月26日
Yellow fever: the number of deaths caused by this diseases increased to 3 in SP [Sao Paulo state]
サンパウロ保健当局者 The Sao Palo Health Secretariat が,3例の黄熱による死亡 yellow fever deaths in the first 24 days of this year [2025] を確認している。2025年,合計7人が感染した。
Of these, 4 have as their probable site of infection in Socorro [outbreak - Mod.RNA], 1 in Tuiuti -- Campinas region -- and another in Joanópolis; the 7th case is under investigation [where? - Mod.RNA].
昨年 [2024], 2 human cases of yellow fever were recorded in São Paulo state: one autochthonous and the other imported, which resulted in death.
[2] 情報源 CNN Brazil [in Portuguese] 1月24日
SP [Sao Paulo state]: the number of yellow fever deaths increases by 3
The number of deaths from yellow fever has risen to 3 in São Paulo [state]. 
Yellow fever - Americas (02): Brazil (SP) 20250120.8721490

● ココヤシの病気,Bud rot インド
PRO/PL> Bud rot, coconut palm - India: (GA)
Archive Number: 20250128.8721655
 情報源 Navhind Times 2025年1月27日
Farmers in Goa are grappling with a 40-45% drop in coconut yield. The primary reason for the decline is attributed to the spread of the fungal disease 'bud-rot' which causes the buds of coconut trees to rot, eventually leading to the tree's death

● 鳥インフルエンザ インド,韓国,米国(2)(4件)
PRO/AH/EDR> Avian influenza (30): USA (CA) H5N9, duck, 1st rep
Archive Number: 20250128.8721668
 情報源 Reuters 2025年1月27日
The United States has reported its first outbreak of H5N9 bird flu in poultry on a duck farm in California, the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) said on Monday [27 Jan 2025; ].

PRO/AH/EDR> Avian influenza (29): India (MH) crow conf, chicken negative
Archive Number: 20250128.8721650
 情報源 Devdiscourse 2025年1月25日
In a significant development following the death of over 60 crows from [avian influenza] in Udgir city, Maharashtra's Latur district, has received good news. Samples collected from various poultry farms and chicken centres have tested negative for the [avian influenza], according to an official statement released on Saturday [25 Jan 2025].

PRO/AH/EDR> Avian influenza (28): South Korea (HB, KB) duck, HPAI H5N1, cull, spread
Archive Number: 20250128.8721643
[1] 情報源 Yonhap News Agency 2025年1月25日
South Korea reported another case of highly pathogenic avian influenza (AI) at a duck farm in the central region, raising the total cases to 29 for the season, authorities said.
The new case was detected at a poultry farm in Jincheon, North Chungcheong Province, according to the central disaster management headquarters for AI outbreaks.
[2] 情報源 Daily DG News [in Korean] 1月23日
Gyeongsangbuk-do Province announced on 22 Jan [2025] that a case of avian influenza reported at a duck farm in Gumi City on 21 Jan [2025] was confirmed to be highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N1).
Avian influenza (22): South Korea (CN) HPAI, duck, spread 20250121.8721514
PRO/AH/EDR> Avian influenza (27): USA, multiple states, poultry
Archive Number: 20250128.8721635
[1] Michigan (Ottawa County): poultry
 情報源 EconoTimes 2025年1月17日
When state officials announced on December 16 [2024] that bird flu had been found in another poultry facility in Ottawa County, it was the first time the H5N1 virus had been detected in Michigan poultry in over 6 months.
[2A] Georgia (Elbert County, Clayton County): poultry, mixed birds
 情報源 CBS News 2025年1月18日
Bird flu was detected in a commercial poultry flock in Georgia for the first time since the current outbreak started in 2022, officials announced on Friday [17 Jan 2025].
The positive case of the H5N1 strain of highly pathogenic avian influenza was found in Elbert County. 
[2B] Georgia: export restrictions: RFD-TV 1月24日
An HPAI outbreak in Georgia, the nation's largest chicken producer, could result in significant trade restrictions and financial losses for farmers and processors.
[3] New York (Suffolk County): poultry
 情報源 Suffolk County, New York 2025年1月21日
Suffolk County Department of Health officials today [21 Jan 2025] announced a confirmed detection of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI), also known as H5N1 or bird flu, in a commercial poultry flock on a farm in Suffolk County.
[4] Connecticut (New Haven County): backyard flock
 情報源 NBC Connecticut 2025年1月24日
A backyard flock in New Haven County has contracted bird flu, marking the second case of the highly pathogenic avian influenza in Connecticut, according to the CT Department of Agriculture.
Avian influenza (21): USA, multiple states, gamebird, chicken, duck, poultry 20250119.8721471