

ギラン・バレー症候群 インド

● 麻疹 オーストラリア
RO/EDR> Measles - Australia (02): (WA) music venue
Archive Number: 20250210.8722014
 情報源 7 news 2025年2月7日
Measles alert issued in WA after infected person attends Drake concert in Perth
4日 Perth で開催されたコンサート the performance at RAC Arenaに参加者1名の麻疹 measles 感染が判明し Drake fans に注意が呼びかけられている。保健当局 The Department of Health によると  the confirmed case, the first in WA in 2025, was a returned traveler from Bali who had stopped in at several locations in the city between Sunday [2 Feb 2025] and Friday [7 Feb 2025] とされている。
Measles - Australia: (NT) air traveler 20250203.8721816

● 食中毒 エジプト
PRO/EDR> Foodborne illness - Egypt: (DQ) instant noodles, children, fatal, RFI
Archive Number: 20250210.8722013
 情報源 Almasry Alyoum [in Arabic] 2025年2月5日
村内で即席で提供された麺類 instantly prepared noodles meal を摂取後、5歳と7歳の姉妹が死亡した。嘔吐と意識不明の状態で病院に搬送されたがまもなく死亡した。

● ボツリヌス食中毒 ウズベキスタン
PRO/EDR> Botulism - Uzbekistan: (BU) canned tomatoes, fatal
Archive Number: 20250210.8722012
 情報源 Aniq.uz [in Uzbek] 2025年2月1日
Woman dies from botulism poisoning in Bukhara
the Shofirkan district of the Bukhara [also known as Buxoro] region において、製造後2年が経過したトマトの缶詰を食べた女性が1日死亡したと、当局 the district administration's press service が報告した。1月11日、同じ家族の4人が体調の異変のため、the Shofirkan District Medical Association を受診し、検査によりボツリヌス食中毒 botulism と診断された。家族3人は治療により回復し退院したが、4人目の患者は蘇生処置が行われたが死亡した。

● アニサキス食中毒 日本
PRO/AH/EDR> Anisakiasis - Japan: (FI)
Archive Number: 20250210.8722002
 情報源 福井新聞 2025年2月9日より
ヒラメ刺し身で食中毒…男性が腹痛症状、アニサキス確認 福井県小浜市

● インフルエンザ 米国
PRO/AH/EDR> Influenza - USA (03): acute necrotizing encephalitis, H1, H3, RFI
Archive Number: 20250210.8722003
Date: Thu 6 Feb 2025(情報源なし)
Seasonal influenza A-associated acute necrotizing encephalopathy in children
全米各地の病院の多数の小児神経内科医 A number of pediatric neurologists  が、インフルエンザ A 関連急性壊死性脳炎の急増 a sharp increase in influenza A-associated acute necrotizing encephalitis (ANE) cases during the current influenza season を経験している。いずれの型の季節性インフルエンザ both seasonal influenza A subtypes (H1 and H3) でも確認されている。
The morbidity and mortality of ANE is high
免疫療法 Immunotherapy (e.g., ステロイドパルス pulse steroids, 血漿交換plasmapheresis, tocilizumab, or combinations thereof) along with supportive intensive care による治療で予後の改善が期待されている hopefully improve neurological outcomes。最良の治療法はわかっていない Optimal treatment is not known, as there are no published randomized clinical trials for ANE。
Influenza - USA (02): (IA) H1N2v, unclear origin 20250207.8721934

● 麻疹 米国
PRO/EDR> Measles - USA (07): (TX) more unvaccinated cases
Archive Number: 20250210.8721996
 情報源  Newsweek 2025年2月9日
ワクチンの接種率が低いテキサス州の田舎 a rural area in and around Gaines County, in Texas で麻疹 cases of measles が増加している。6日に保健当局 The Texas Department of State Health Services から 6例 confirmed cases が報告されていたが7日、the outbreak had jumped to 14 confirmed cases and 6 probable cases と、担当者 the executive director of the South Plains Public Health District が取材に答えた。
For the 2023-24 school year、82% of kindergartners in Gaines County public schools がワクチンを接種 up to date していた。この数字は集団免疫に必要な the 95% vaccination rate に届いていないとされており、Gaines County part of the 10 with the lowest vaccine coverage in the state であった。同郡では信教の自由などの理由で、an 18% vaccine exemption rate がある。
[Mod.LL- The 2024 data on measles in the USA from CDC follow:
Measles cases in 2024
Total cases: 284
Under 5 years: 120 (42%)
5-19 years: 87 (31%)
20+ years: 77 (27%) ...]
Measles - USA (06): (TX, GA) more cases 20250208.8721965

● ギラン・バレー症候群 インド
PRO/AH/EDR> Guillain-Barre syndrome - India (06): (MH) more cases, Mumbai case, campylobacteriosis cause
Archive Number: 20250210.8721995
 情報源 Economic Times 2025年2月8日
ムンバイ Mumbai ではじめてこの神経症状と診断された64歳女性の患者など、7例が確認され、the Pune region においてギランバレー症候群が疑われる患者 The tally of suspected Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) cases が180人に達した。The 7 cases in Pune comprise 4 fresh cases and 3 from previous days, an official from the health department said on Friday [7 Feb 2025].
Of the 180 suspected cases, 146 have been diagnosed with GBS. 
Guillain-Barre syndrome - India (05): (MH) more cases/fatalities, campylobacteriosis cause 20250204.8721840

PRO/AH/EDR> COVID-19 update (04): USA, CDC, vaccine lowered morbidity/mortality
Archive Number: 20250210.8721993
 情報源 CIDRAP (Center for Infectious Disease Research & Policy) 2025年2月7日
COVID-19 vaccination averted more than 5000 US in-hospital deaths, 13 000 intensive care unit (ICU) admissions, and 68 000 hospitalizations in 7 months in 2023-2024, researchers from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated late last week in Vaccine, although with considerable uncertainty. 
[出典 Estimating COVID-19 associated hospitalizations, ICU admissions, and in-hospital deaths averted in the United States by 2023-2024 COVID-19 vaccination: A conditional probability, causal inference, and multiplier-based approach. Vaccine. 2025;49:126808. ]
COVID-19 update (2): Australia, USA (IL, AR) Canada, HK, Canada vaccine procurement 20250115.8721386

● 鳥インフルエンザ インド H5N1、韓国(2件)
PRO/AH/EDR> Avian influenza (45): India (JH) guineafowl, H5N1
Archive Number: 20250210.8722001
[1] 情報源 Jagran [in Hindi] 年2月8日
There is panic in Jharkhand after the confirmation of [avian influenza] in Ranchi [Jharkhand state]. The survey of poultry farms has been intensified by the Animal Husbandry Department in Ranchi. H5N1 [avian] influenza has been confirmed in the samples of chickens tested at the poultry farm of Birsa Veterinary College. After confirmation, the district administration has become alert and all departments have been alerted.
[Avian influenza] has been confirmed once again in the capital Ranchi. On 6 Feb 2025, H5N1 avian influenza has been confirmed in the samples of chickens tested at the poultry farm of Birsa Veterinary College at ICAR-NASADEH Bhopal. 
[2] 情報源 Devidiscourse 2月8日
The Jharkhand government has issued an alert following a [avian influenza] outbreak at a poultry farm in Ranchi's Birsa Agriculture University. The spread of H5N1 has resulted in the death of approximately 150 Guinea fowls. Rapid response teams and control measures have been deployed to contain the virus.
The outbreak of [avian influenza] has prompted Jharkhand's government to issue an alert after cases were identified at a poultry farm affiliated with Birsa Agriculture University in Ranchi. This alarming situation involves the H5N1 virus, a [highly pathogenic] strain of avian influenza [virus].
Avian influenza (36): India (CT) chicken, quail, H5N1 20250203.8721800

PRO/AH/EDR> Avian influenza (44): South Korea (CB) HPAI H5N1, poultry, spread
Archive Number: 20250210.8721999
 情報源 Yonhap News Agency [in Korean] 2025年2月5日
The Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasures Headquarters for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (AI) announced on 8 Feb 2025 that a highly pathogenic H5N1 AI outbreak has occurred at a native chicken farm in Gunsan, Jeollabuk-do.
This is the 34th case to occur in poultry farms nationwide during the winter of 2024-2025. The central government has sent an emergency response team to the farm to control access and is currently taking quarantine measures such as culling and epidemiological investigation.
Avian influenza (38): South Korea (CN) H5 antigens, duck farm 20250203.8721814

● 口蹄疫 チュニジア
PRO/AH/EDR> Foot & mouth disease - Tunisia: (NB) cattle, mortality, RFI
Archive Number: 20250210.8722000
[1] 情報源 Mosaique FM [in Arabic] 2025年2月7日
Sami Houidi, the president of the local union for agriculture and fisheries in Bouargoub, stated that the agricultural district in the region has recorded an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease among cattle and sheep herds, resulting in the death of 6 cattle over the last 10 days of January [2025].
According to Houidi, foot-and-mouth disease is a contagious viral disease that causes fever, mouth ulcers, excessive salivation, and high fever in animals. It also leads to reduced milk production and miscarriages in cows. He pointed out that Bouargoub lacks a veterinarian despite having a significant livestock population in the area.
[2] 情報源 Jawhara FM [in Arabic] 2月7日
Three livestock breeders in the Bou Argoub district of Nabeul Governorate informed the local union of agriculture and marine fishing in Bou Argoub of the death of 6 heads of cattle in their herd due to foot-and-mouth disease infection, according to what the head of the local union, Sami Al-Huwaidi, revealed today, Friday [7 Feb 2025], in a statement to the Tunis Africa News Agency "TAP".
Al-Huwaidi considered that the registration of these cases confirms the need to make additional efforts and provide the Bou Argoub region, which has about 1200 livestock breeders, with a veterinarian to vaccinate their herd against various diseases that have begun to spread in the region.
参考項目 2023
Foot & mouth disease - Tunisia (03): livestock, spread 20231222.8713852