

麻疹 米国、モザンビーク、ベトナム

● 麻疹 米国、モザンビーク、ベトナム(3件)
PRO/EDR> Measles - USA (04): (TX) additional county with cases
Archive Number: 20250205.8721871
 情報源 Midland Reporter-Telegram 2025年2月4日
2 new measles cases reported in Gaines County, Texas
Gaines County において新たに2例の麻疹 measles cases が報告された。1月23日に Harris County, as well as Lubbock County でも報告されている。
Measles - USA (03): (TX) more cases 20250131.8721739

PRO/EDR> Measles - Mozambique: fatal
Archive Number: 20250205.8721848
 情報源 Club of Mozambique 2025年2月4日
31 measles deaths in Mozambique from July to January
central and northern Mozambique between 9 Jul [2024] and 28 Jan [2025] に診断された1191例の感染例のうち、31例が麻疹により死亡した died of measles ことが明らかになった。Nampula は、現在活動性のある唯一の地域 the only province with an active measles outbreak. となっていると 保健当局者 the Deputy National Director of Public Health が述べた。The measles cases were reported in Cabo Delgado, Niassa, and Nampula in the north, and in the central provinces of Zambezia and Sofala.
[Of the 1191 cases,] 428 cases were diagnosed in Niassa, 351 in Nampula, 341 in Cabo Delgado, 42 in Sofala, and 29 in Zambezia. Of the 31 known measles deaths, 17 were in Cabo Delgado, 11 in Nampula, and 3 in Niassa.

PRO/EDR> Measles - Viet Nam (02): (QN) susp, fatal
Archive Number: 20250205.8721850
 情報源 VN Express [in Vietnamese] 2月4日
village 3, Tra Leng commune, Nam Tra My district において、3人の小児 children aged 1-7 years old が発疹熱で死亡したとみられており died of suspected rash fever、発熱と下痢のあった2人はすぐに治療を受けていなかった。
2月4日、保健当局者 Director of the Quang Nam Department of Health が、旧正月の間に the mountainous commune of Tra Leng. において多数の小児の発疹熱 number of cases of rash fever in children が発生し、これまでに3人が死亡したと述べた。
The 1st 2 cases were a 7-year-old and a 3-year-old child で、発熱と下痢の症状があったが両親は医療機関を受診させていなかった。
The third case was a 3-year-old boy who died, but the cause is unknown and the health agency is verifying.
Measles - Viet Nam: (HI) complications in adult 20250121.8721535

● インフルエンザ 米国
PRO/EDR> Influenza - USA: seasonal statistics
Archive Number: 20250205.8721841
 情報源 Vax Before Travel 2025年2月3日
47 Children Have Died From Influenza
The CDC recently published an Influenza Surveillance Report highlighting key updates for Week 4 of the current flu season in the USA. 
2025年1月31日現在、the CDC から16例の季節性インフルエンザによる小児死亡例 pediatric deaths associated with seasonal influenza virus infection, bringing the total for the 2024-2025 season to 47 が報告されている。
The CDC did not disclose these children's vaccination status or health conditions. Last flu season, 207 children died from influenza infections.

● ラッサ熱 ナイジェリア
PRO/AH/EDR> Lassa fever - Nigeria (03): (PL) fatal
Archive Number: 20250205.8721853
 情報源 Leadership 2025年2月2日
The Plateau State Government で、2例のラッサ熱アウトブレイクによる死亡 death of 2 persons from a fresh suspected outbreak of Lassa fever in the state が確認された。州内で3 cases of Lassa fever with 2 fatalities and one currently undergoing treatment が確認されている。
the 2 cases were discovered in Kanam local government and another reported case in Shendam.
Lassa fever - Nigeria (02): (ON) update 20250201.8721745

● 狂犬病 ベトナム
PRO/AH/EDR> Rabies (08): Viet Nam (GL)
Archive Number: 20250205.8721847
 情報源 Tuoi Tre News 2025年2月4日
Gia Lai Province in Viet Nam's Central Highlands において、イヌの処分や取引を行っていた男性1名が、1か月前にイヌ咬傷を受けたがワクチンを接種しないまま、狂犬病 rabies により死亡したと、the provincial Center for Disease Control が3日明らかにした。
Rabies (03): Viet Nam (DL) 20250114.8721335

● 公衆衛生及び医療労働力のギャップ
PRO/ALL> Public health & medical workforce gaps - worldwide: USA GAO, WHO Asia Pacific, WHO Africa
Archive Number: 20250205.8721740
[1] USA
 情報源 USA Government Accountability Office (GAO) 2025年1月29日
Public Health Preparedness: HHS and jurisdictions have taken some steps to address challenging workforce gaps (GAO-25-107002, a report to congressional committees January 2025)
Why GAO did this study
What GAO found
The American public health workforce serves a critical role protecting community health, such as by tracking disease outbreaks, monitoring water quality, and communicating with the public about health threats. Nonfederal jurisdictions within the United States (states, territories, Tribes, and localities, such as counties and cities) have primary responsibility for public health in their geographic areas, and these jurisdictions employ most of the public health workforce--more than 200 000 workers. The federal government, particularly the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), supports these jurisdictions' workforces and also employs its own public health workforce.
[2] WHO Western Pacific Region
 情報源 News-Medical.Net 2025年1月2日
Urgent training needed to address growing gap in the Asia Pacific health workforce
[3] Africa WHO
 情報源 McKinsey 2024年11月4日
Overcoming sub-Saharan Africa's health workforce paradox

● USUTU ウイルス 英国
PRO/AH/EDR> Usutu virus - UK: (England) wild bird
Archive Number: 20250205.8721864
 情報源 aily Record 2025年2月3日
blackbird's population is 'dwindling' due to the spread of a mosquito-borne virus, which has now reached as far west as Dorset from its initial detection in London.
The Usutu virus, first identified in South Africa, has been causing devastation to blackbird populations since it was first discovered in the UK 5 years ago. 
● 鳥インフルエンザ 日本 H5
PRO/AH/EDR> Avian influenza (39): Japan, wild bird, HPAI H5, WOAH
Archive Number: 20250205.8721851
 情報源 WOAH-WAHIS (World Animal Health Information System) 2025年2月4日
Japan - Influenza A viruses of high pathogenicity (Inf. with) (non-poultry including wild birds) (2017-) - Immediate notification
Started: 2 Dec 2024
Reason for notification: Recurrence of an eradicated strain
Date of last occurrence: 19 Apr 2023
End date: -
Disease: Influenza A viruses of high pathogenicity (Inf. with) (non-poultry including wild birds) (2017-)
Causal agent: Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus
Nature of diagnosis: Clinical, laboratory
Genotype/serotype/subtype: H5 (N untyped)
Event status: Ongoing
Quantitative data summary
Hooded crane (wild、ナベヅル) / - / 3 / 3 / - / - / -
Avian influenza (35): Japan, poultry, HPAI, spread 20250202.8721775

● ナシの病気、Fireblight サウジアラビア
PRO/PL> Fireblight, pear - Saudi Arabia: 1st rep.
Archive Number: 20250205.8721846
 情報源 European Plant Protection Organisation (EPPO) Reporting Service 2025年1月
Fire blight, caused by _Erwinia amylovora_ (EPPO A2 List) is first reported on pear (_Pyrus communis_) in Saudi Arabia. It was isolated in 2020-2021 from pear trees in several regions.