● デング熱 インドネシア,フィリピン(2件)
PRO/AH/EDR> Dengue/DHF update (27): Indonesia (JK) increase susp
Archive Number: 20250308.8722703
情報源 Media Indonesia [in Indonesian] 2025年3月7日
デング熱の増加に関するデータ data collection with the Health Service regarding the increase in dengue fever (DBD) cases の収集に直ちに着手すると,ジャカルタの首長 DKI Jakarta Governor が述べたが,現時点でデング出血熱 the number of increasing DHF cases の数値は明らかではないとされている。
2か月前から the tendency or trend of dengue cases in West Jakarta の急増が伝えられており,The reported dengue cases of 124 in December 2024 increased to 186 cases in January 2025 となっており,さらに2月には The number increased again to 201 cases in February 2025 であった。
Dengue/DHF update (12): Indonesia (SL) fatal 20250208.8721958
PRO/AH/EDR> Dengue/DHF update (26): Philippines (MM) fatal
Archive Number: 20250308.8722695
情報源 The Inquirer 2025年3月6日
12例のデング熱による死亡例 dengue-related deaths from 1 Jan to 5 Mar 2025 を確認していると,市衛生当局 the Quezon City Epidemiology and Surveillance Division (QC ESD) が6日明らかにした。
"3月5日の時点で Quezon City では12 dengue-related deaths が確認されており,昨年同期比 a 500% increase from last year's [2024] 2 fatalities during the same period" と説明されている。
as of 5 Mar 2025, dengue cases in Quezon City have surged to 2377.
Dengue/DHF update (21): Philippines (Zamboanga del Sur) increase, fatal 20250224.8722385
● クリミア・コンゴ出血熱 イラク
PRO/AH/EDR> Crimean-Congo hem. fever - Iraq: (DQ) new case
Archive Number: 20250308.8722701
情報源 Shafaq News [in Arabic] 2025年3月2日
2025年初の出血熱が確認された the recording of the first case of hemorrhagic fever in 2025 と,2日当局 Dhi Qar Governorate が発表した。獣医学病院長 The director of the Veterinary Medicine Hospital in Dhi Qar が "The first human case of hemorrhagic fever was recorded for an individual in his forties in the Al-Gharraf district, north of Nasiriyah." と説明した。
"地域が完全封鎖され completely cordoned off,殺虫剤噴霧 the spraying of miticides が開始された。厳しい家畜の移動制限が課せられている。"
[Mod.NS- Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever はイラクに常在 endemic in Iraq し,過去3年間 (2022-2024) に大規模アウトブレイクが発生している。2024年に 211 cases and 26 deaths in Iraq が記録され,患者の大部分が Dhi Qar governorate (40 infections and 6 deaths) で発生している]
参考項目 2024
Crimean-Congo hem. fever - Asia (27): Iraq, MOH update 20241016.8719421
● COVID-19
PRO/AH/EDR> COVID-19 update (05): Hong Kong, New Zealand (GI), bat virus, WHO, vaccine effectiveness, sequelae
Archive Number: 20250308.8722671
[1] Selected regions
[A] 香港 Hong Kong: JN.1 COVID-19 vaccine to replace the XBB vaccine for infants and children
情報源 RTHK [in Chinese] 2025年2月21日
25日以降の予約を行った生後6か月から11歳前の小児には,the JN.1 vaccine instead of the XBB vaccine ワクチンによる接種を行うと,The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (DH) が発表した。
Recently, about 6000 doses of JN.1 (children's formulation) have arrived in Hong Kong.
[B] ニュージーランド New Zealand (Tairāwhiti/Gisborne): First COVID-19 death of 2025 recorded
情報源 NZ Herald (Gisborne Herald) 3月3日
Tairāwhiti において2025年初の死亡例 its first COVID-19 death of 2025 が発生し,地区内 the district's toll では51例となった。2020年2月下旬に国内初の感染例が確認されて以来,2万7772 reported cases in the district が報告されている。今週,国内では14例の死亡が報告された。
[2] Another bat virus discovered from China: What makes HKU5-CoV-2 different from COVID-19
情報源 MSN.com 2月23日
武漢ウイルス研究所 the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China の研究者が,新たなコウモリ・コロナウイルス a new bat coronavirus named HKU5-CoV-2 を発見したと,科学雑誌 the journal Cell で発表した。SARS-CoV-2 に類似していることから,世界中の関心を集めている。
HKU5-CoV-2 はまだヒト humans で確認されたことはないが,論文ではヒトのレセプター human ACE2 receptors, the same mechanism SARS-CoV-2 uses to enter human cells に結合することが示されている。ただし,ヒトの間で感染拡大する能力については未解明とされている。
HKU5-CoV-2 belongs to the merbecovirus subgenus, which includes the virus behind Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS).
[3] WHO: COVID-19 epidemiological update
情報源 World Health Organization (WHO) 2025年2月13日
The World Health Organization は複数の変異株 several SARS-CoV-2 variants, including one variant of interest (VOI), JN.1, and 7 variants を監視している under monitoring (VUMs)。
week 1 of 2025 に JN.1, the VOI は15.0% of sequences を占めていた。
The VUMs XEC and LP.8.1 の占める割合は増加が続いており, それぞれ accounting for 44.8% and 4.7%, respectively, of sequences in week 1 of 2025, and are the only tracked variants currently growing in prevalence であった。
All the remaining VUMs are declining in prevalence.
[4] Interim estimates of 2024-2025 COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness among adults aged ≥18 years
情報源 Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report(MMWR)2025年2月27日
原著タイトル Interim estimates of 2024-2025 COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness among adults aged ≥18 years -- VISION and IVY Networks, September 2024-January 2025. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2025;74:73-82.
What is already known about this topic?
In June 2024, CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommended 2024-2025 COVID-19 vaccination for all persons aged ≥6 months to provide additional protection against severe COVID-19.
What is added by this report?
Vaccine effectiveness (VE) of 2024-2025 COVID-19 vaccine was 33% against COVID-19-associated emergency department (ED) or urgent care (UC) visits among adults aged ≥18 years and 45%-46% against hospitalizations among immunocompetent adults aged ≥65 years, compared with not receiving a 2024-2025 vaccine dose. VE against hospitalizations in immunocompromised adults aged ≥65 years was 40%.
What are the implications for public health practice?
These findings indicate that 2024-2025 COVID-19 vaccination provides additional protection against COVID-19-associated ED/UC encounters and hospitalization, versus no 2024-2025 vaccination and support CDC and ACIP recommendations that all persons aged ≥6 months receive 2024-2025 COVID-19 vaccination.
COVID-19 vaccination averted approximately 68 000 hospitalizations during the 2023-24 respiratory season. In June 2024, CDC and the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommended that all persons aged ≥6 months receive a 2024-2025 COVID-19 vaccine, which targets omicron JN.1 and JN.1-derived sublineages. Interim effectiveness of 2024-2025 COVID-19 vaccines was estimated against COVID-19-associated emergency department (ED) or urgent care (UC) visits during September 2024-January 2025 among adults aged ≥18 years in one CDC-funded vaccine effectiveness (VE) network, against COVID-19-associated hospitalization in immunocompetent adults aged ≥65 years in 2 networks, and against COVID-19-associated hospitalization among adults aged ≥65 years with immunocompromising conditions in one network. Among adults aged ≥18 years, VE against COVID-19-associated ED/UC visits was 33% (95% CI = 28%-38%) during the first 7-119 days after vaccination. Among immunocompetent adults aged ≥65 years from 2 CDC networks, VE estimates against COVID-19-associated hospitalization were 45% (95% CI = 36%-53%) and 46% (95% CI = 26%-60%) during the first 7-119 days after vaccination. Among adults aged ≥65 years with immunocompromising conditions in one network, VE was 40% (95% CI = 21%-54%) during the first 7-119 days after vaccination. These findings demonstrate that vaccination with a 2024-2025 COVID-19 vaccine dose provides additional protection against COVID-19-associated ED/UC encounters and hospitalizations compared with not receiving a 2024-2025 dose and support current CDC and ACIP recommendations that all persons aged ≥6 months receive a 2024-2025 COVID-19 vaccine dose.
[5] Patients with long COVID regain sense of smell and taste with pioneering surgery
情報源 The Guardian 2025年3月6日
Doctors in London have successfully restored a sense of smell and taste in patients who lost it due to long COVID with pioneering surgery that expands their nasal airways to kickstart their recovery.
Most patients diagnosed with COVID-19 recover fully. But the infectious disease can lead to serious long-term effects. About 6 in every 100 people who get COVID develop long COVID, with millions of people affected globally, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
Losing a sense of smell and taste are among more than 200 different symptoms reported by people with long COVID.
Now surgeons at University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (UCLH) have cured a dozen patients, each of whom had suffered a profound loss of smell after a COVID infection. All had experienced the problem for more than 2 years and other treatments, such as smell training and corticosteroids, had failed.
In a study aiming to find new ways to resolve the issue, surgeons tried a technique called functional septorhinoplasty (fSRP), which is typically used to correct any deviation of the nasal septum, increasing the size of nasal passageways.
This boosts airflow into the olfactory region, at the roof of the nasal cavity, which controls smell. Doctors said the surgery enabled an increased amount of odorants -- chemical compounds that have a smell -- to reach the roof of the nose, where sense of smell is located. They believe that increasing the delivery of odorants to this area "kickstarts" smell recovery in patients who have lost their sense of smell to long COVID.
Prof Peter Andrews, a senior consultant surgeon in rhinology and facial plastic surgery who led the research, said surgery increased the airway by about 30%, so airflow also increased by about 30%. "This study has shown impressive results -- if we apply the principle of increasing the nasal or olfactory airway, we're getting a reactivation of the sense of smell and then an improvement of the sense of smell.
"With long COVID anosmia you've got patients, fundamentally, who can't smell or smell very poorly, so we need to somehow wake them up. And this operation sort of does that. It sort of wakes up the olfactory mucosa and then it builds on it through the increased nasal airway -- hitting that area, more odorants hitting that area -- and we're getting this impressive recovery in the majority of the patients. All patients we operated on improved."
In the trial, 12 patients had fSRP and a control group of 13 patients continued with smell training -- sniffing the same scents repeatedly. All patients who had fSRP reported an improved sense of smell compared with none of the patients in the sniff test group, where 40% actually reported a worsening sense of smell. The results were published in the journal Facial Plastic Surgery.
One of the patients, [PN], 27, from south London, said her taste and smell had "almost returned to normal" after the operation. "Before I had the surgery on my nose, I had begun to accept that I would probably never be able to smell or taste things the way I used to. Since the surgery, I have begun to enjoy food and smells the same way I used to. I can now cook and eat garlic and onions and people can cook for me too. I can go out to eat with my friends and family."
[6] 1 in 5 men surveyed had erectile dysfunction up to 2 years after COVID
情報源 CIDRAP (Center for Infectious Disease Research & Policy) 2025年3月6日
A total of 19.0% of 609 men who completed a survey in Japan and had persistent COVID symptoms reported erectile dysfunction (ED) 1 and/or 2 years post-infection, perhaps due to depression, anxiety, and/or sleep disturbances, suggest researchers with the COVID-19 Recovery Study II Group.
The group conducted a case-control study based on a survey fielded 1 and 2 years post-infection about ED and underlying factors among 609 men aged 20 years and older admitted to 1 of 20 hospitals for COVID-19 from March to September 2021, a period spanning the alpha and delta variants. The median participant age was 56 years.
"In COVID-19 patients, vascular endothelial damage due to inflammatory cytokines and hypoxia in the acute phase of COVID-19 lead to the progression of ED," the investigators wrote. "Furthermore, ED is affected by physical stress and psychological stress."
The findings were published in Scientific Reports.
In total, 116 men (19.0%) reported having ED, including 86 in the 1-year survey, 70 in the 2-year survey, and 40 in both. These participants had higher rates of shortness of breath and fatigue than those without ED and scored higher on the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale-D (depression) and the EuroQol 5-dimensions for pain/discomfort and anxiety/depression than before infection.
Seventy-nine (68.1%) men said they developed ED within 28 days of COVID-19 infection, and 6 (4.3%) did so 2 to 5 months following infection. Of the 116 men with ED, 29 (25.0%) experienced ED improvement during the study.
Improvement in ED symptoms was noted within 1 month (15 men), 2 months (1), 4 months (1), and 1 year (12). Fifty-seven patients (49.1%) still had ED at 2 years. An exploratory clustering analysis suggested that ED was related to disturbed sleep, while COVID-19 severity, reinfection, vaccination frequency, and antiviral treatment were unrelated.
"Anxiety, depression, and sleep disturbances after the post-acute phase of COVID-19 infection suggest that supportive care for the symptoms and quality of life is expected for ED as long COVID," the study authors wrote.
COVID-19 update (04): USA, CDC, vaccine lowered morbidity/mortality 20250210.8721993
● ラッサ熱 ナイジェリア
PRO/AH/EDR> Lassa fever - Nigeria (10): fatal
Archive Number: 20250308.8722693
情報源 Leadership 2025年3月6日
The Nigeria Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (NCDC) has recorded 506 confirmed cases of Lassa fever and 95 deaths in the first 8 weeks of 2025.
According to its epidemiological report for week 8, the number of new confirmed cases alone rose to 54 from 38 the previous week. These new cases were reported in Bauchi, Ondo, Edo, Taraba, Ebonyi, Plateau, Benue, and Kogi states.
Lassa fever - Nigeria (09): fatal 20250305.8722619
● 黄熱 ブラジル
PRO/AH/EDR> Yellow fever - Americas (15): Brazil (PA)
Archive Number: 20250308.8722692
情報源 Government of Brazil Ministry of Health [in Portuguese] 2025年3月7日
カーニバル期間 During the Carnival holiday,保健省 the Ministry of Health はパラ州都 Belém, the capital of Pará に黄熱調査チーム a technical team from the Emergency Operations Center for Dengue and Other Arboviruses (COE) を派遣し,Breves の保健体制 the health structure of the municipality of Breves, 1 of the 17 municipalities on Marajó Island の評価を行った。
the capital [Belem] から233km離れた Breves は同島で人口最多の市で,5例の死亡 confirmed deaths from the disease が確認されている。調査チームが到着する前に,37例 cases of yellow fever, of which 15 were confirmed が報告されている。
Yellow fever
Importance of vaccination
[Mod.TY- Although it does not indicate specifically, presumably all of the 28 confirmed and suspected yellow fever (YF) cases were due to the sylvan (forest) transmission cycle. The extremely low (approximately 27%) YF vaccination coverage in the Breves municipality is extremely low and well short of the 95% coverage recommended by the WHO.]
Yellow fever - Americas (14): Brazil (MG) fatal: 20250305.8722613
● 狂犬病 カンボジア
PRO/AH/EDR> Rabies (18): Cambodia (KG) dog, WOAH
Archive Number: 20250308.8722698
情報源 WOAH-WAHIS (World Animal Health Information System) 2025年3月5日
Cambodia - Rabies virus (Inf. with) - Immediate notification
Started: 28 Feb 2025
Reason for notification: Recurrence of an eradicated disease
Date of last occurrence: 31 Dec 2024
End date: -
Disease: Rabies virus (Inf. with)
Causal agent: Rabies virus
Nature of diagnosis: Laboratory, clinical
Genotype/serotype/subtype: RABV
Event status: Ongoing
Quantitative data summary
イヌ Dogs (domestic) / - / 1 / 1 / - / - / 20
Epidemiological comments: A stray dog (野犬)was suspected of being affected with rabies in a village and died on 28 February 2025.
● アフリカ豚熱 フィリピン
PRO/AH/EDR> African swine fever - Asia (22): Philippines, domestic, wild boar, WOAH
Archive Number: 20250308.8722697
情報源 WOAH-WAHIS (World Animal Health Information System) 2025年3月7日
Philippines - African swine fever virus (Inf. with) - Follow-up report 11
Started: 19 Jan 2020
Reason for notification: First occurrence in a zone or a compartment
End date: -
Disease: African swine fever virus (Inf. with)
Causal agent: African swine fever virus
Nature of diagnosis: Laboratory, clinical
Genotype/serotype/subtype: -
Event status: Ongoing
Quantitative data summary
Visayan warty pig (wild) / - / 24 / 24 / - / - / -
Philippine warty pig (wild) / - / 141 / 141 / - / - / -
Swine (domestic) / 76 398 / 6502 / 6201 / 70 666 / 156 / 0
All species / 76 398 / 6667 / 6366 / 70 666 / 156 / 0
African swine fever - Asia (21): Philippines, domestic, spread, WOAH 20250307.8722665