
ダニ媒介性脳炎 ベラルーシ
COVID-19 no effect of Paxlovid on long COVID JAMA
リンパ系フィラリア症 コロンビア EID

● ダニ媒介性脳炎 ベラルーシ
PRO/AH/EDR> Tick-borne encephalitis - Belarus: (BR)
Archive Number: 20240610.8716951
 情報源  gs.by [in Russian] 2024年5月27日
the Baranovichi district [Brest Region] において、ヤギのミルクを飲んだことで複数のダニ媒介性脳炎 tick-borne encephalitis が発生した。
2024年、3 cases of tick-borne encephalitis infection through the alimentary (food) route が確認されていると、the Baranovichi Zonal Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology が明らかにした。

● COVID-19(2件)
PRO/AH/EDR> COVID-19 update (27): USA, no effect of nirmatrelvir/ritonavir on long COVID
Archive Number: 20240610.8716946
 情報源 CIDRAP (Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy) 2024年6月7日
Paxlovid fails to improve long COVID symptoms in small study(パキロビッド、COVID-19後遺症の改善効果みられず)
Using the popular COVID antiviral Paxlovid failed to significantly improve symptoms in 155 patients experiencing moderate to severe long COVID, according to a study published today [7 Jun 2024] in JAMA Internal Medicine ...
出典 Nirmatrelvir-ritonavir and symptoms in adults with postacute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection: the STOP-PASC randomized clinical trial. JAMA Intern Med. 2024;

PRO/AH/EDR> COVID-19 update (26): repeated vaccination, transmission risks, long COVID, masks
Archive Number: 20240610.8716944
[1] Research updates
 [A] Repeat COVID-19 vaccinations elicit antibodies that neutralize variants, other viruses
 情報源 Science Daily 2024年5月17日
一部の科学者らが、初回のワクチン接種の成功 the remarkable success of the 1st COVID-19 vaccines が、最新のワクチンには逆効果となるおそれがあると考えている。毎年受けるインフルエンザワクチンにも同じ問題があり、ある年のインフルエンザワクチン接種により誘導された免疫が、翌年以降の免疫反応を阻害し、有効性が減弱する可能性がある。
Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis の研究者らの新たな研究がこの問題の解決に資する。インフルエンザウイルスに対する免疫と異なり、既存の COVID-19 の原因となるコロナウイルスに対する免疫 prior immunity to SARS-CoV-2 は、その後に接種したワクチンの反応を阻止しなかった doesn't inhibit later vaccine responses。むしろ、より広範囲の抑制効果を有する抗体の産生 the development of broadly inhibitory antibodies を促進したと報告されている。
available online in Nature に掲載されたこの研究で、野生株を標的とした COVID-19 ワクチンを接種し、その後の変異株ワクチンを追加接種した人々は、a wide range of SARS-CoV-2 variants ウイルスの中和能を有する抗体を誘導し、さらに遠縁のコロナウイルスに対する効果も認められた。
この結果から、周期的にくり返し COVID-19 ワクチンを接種 periodic re-vaccination for COVID-19 することは、新たな変異株を認識し反応することを阻害することはまったくなく far from hindering 、むしろ体内に幅広い中和作用を有する抗体を蓄積する a stock of broadly neutralizing antibodies ことで、新興する変異株 emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants から人体を守り、some other coronavirus species as well, even ones that have not yet emerged to infect humans....
[出典: Imprinting of serum neutralizing antibodies by Wuhan-1 mRNA vaccines. Nature (2024). 
Immune imprinting is a phenomenon in which prior antigenic experiences influence responses to subsequent infection or vaccination(1,2). The effects of immune imprinting on serum antibody responses after boosting with variant-matched SARS-CoV-2 vaccines remain uncertain. Here, we characterized the serum antibody responses after mRNA vaccine boosting of mice and human clinical trial participants. In mice, a single dose of a preclinical version of mRNA-1273 vaccine encoding Wuhan-1 spike minimally imprinted serum responses elicited by omicron boosters, enabling generation of type-specific antibodies. However, imprinting was observed in mice receiving an omicron booster after 2 priming doses of mRNA-1273, an effect that was mitigated by a 2nd booster dose of omicron vaccine. In both SARS-CoV-2 infected or uninfected humans who received 2 omicron-matched boosters after 2 or more doses of the prototype mRNA-1273 vaccine, spike-binding and neutralizing serum antibodies cross-reacted with omicron variants as well as more distantly related sarbecoviruses. Because serum neutralizing responses against omicron strains and other sarbecoviruses were abrogated after pre-clearing with Wuhan-1 spike protein, antibodies induced by XBB.1.5 boosting in humans focus on conserved epitopes targeted by the antecedent mRNA-1273 primary series. Thus, the antibody response to omicron-based boosters in humans is imprinted by immunizations with historical mRNA-1273 vaccines, but this outcome may be beneficial as it drives expansion of cross-neutralizing antibodies that inhibit infection of emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants and distantly related sarbecoviruses.]
 [B] 情報源 Communications Medicine 2024年5月18日
原著タイトル Transmission risks of omicron BA.5 following inactivated COVID-19 vaccines among children and adolescents in China. Commun Med 4, 92 (2024)
2022年以降世界中で SARS-CoV-2 omicron variants の循環が続く中,新興した変異株 emerging omicron variants に対する,感染伝播の特徴及びワクチンによる小児及び青少年の感染防御の評価が,対策やワクチン接種方針に必要である。
Our findings support the rollout of the 2nd dose of inactivated vaccine(不活化ワクチン)for children and adolescents during the omicron BA.5 predominant epidemic phase. Given the continuous emergence of SARS-CoV-2 variants, monitoring the transmission risk and corresponding vaccine effectiveness against SARS-CoV-2 variants among children and adolescents is important to inform control strategy.
Plain Language Summary
 情報源 Nature Communications 2024年5月18日
原著タイトル Cerebral microstructural alterations in Post-COVID-condition are related to cognitive impairment, olfactory dysfunction and fatigue. Nature Communications. 15, 4256 (2024)
COVID-19感染後に a substantial number of individuals がa Post-COVID-Condition, marked by neurologic symptoms such as cognitive deficits, olfactory dysfunction, and fatigue を生じているが,この病態のバイオマーカーと病理生理学的理解は十分ではない。
核磁気共鳴画像 magnetic resonance imaging を用いて,各患者(Post-COVID-Condition, healthy controls, and individuals that contracted COVID-19 without long-term symptoms)の脳内微細構造の比較解析 a comparative analysis of cerebral microstructure among patients with を行った。
We reveal widespread alterations in cerebral microstructure, attributed to a shift in volume from neuronal compartments to free fluid, associated with the severity of the initial infection. 
このような変化 alterations と認知機能 cognition, 嗅覚 olfaction, and 疲労感 fatigue との関連が,ネットワークの障害 distinct affected networks の原因となり,in close anatomical-functional relationship with the respective symptoms を形成することを明らかになった。
 [D] Long-COVID study reveals immunological improvement 2 years after infection
 情報源 UN Media 2024年4月18日
Immune abnormalities(免疫異常)have largely resolved at 24 months in a cohort of patients with long COVID, providing optimism that long COVID can resolve over time.
[出典: Improvement of immune dysregulation in individuals with long COVID at 24-months following SARS-CoV-2 infection. Nat Commun 15, 3315 (2024). - Mod.LWW]
 [E] UMD study suggests N95 masks are nearly perfect at blocking COVID-19
 情報源 India Education Diary 6月1日
Any common face mask provides significant protection against the virus that causes COVID-19, but N95 masks are most effective at slashing the amount emitted by infected people, according to a University of Maryland-led study released Wednesday [29 May 2024].
[出典: Relative efficacy of masks and respirators as source control for viral aerosol shedding from people infected with SARS-CoV-2: a controlled human exhaled breath aerosol experimental study. EBioMedicine. 2024 May 28:105157. 
All masks and respirators significantly reduced exhaled viral load, without fit tests or training. A duckbill N95 reduced exhaled viral load by 98% (95% CI: 97%-99%), and significantly outperformed a KN95 (p < 0.001) as well as cloth and surgical masks. Cloth masks outperformed a surgical mask (p = 0.027) and the tested KN95 (p = 0.014).
Interpretation- Mod.LWW]
COVID-19 update (25): pandemic accord, Philippines, Australia, Bangladesh, USA 20240604.8716849

● マラリア インド
PRO/EDR> Malaria - India (02): (MH)
Archive Number: 20240610.8716952
 情報源 The Times of India 2024年6月9日
2024年1月1日から5月7日までに Maharashtra  州内で発生した合計 the total 3062例のマラリア感染例 malaria cases のおよそ80%が Mumbai and Gadchiroli districts [Maharashtra state] で確認されたと、the state health department data で示された。
Mumbai accounted for 1324 malaria cases from 1 Jan to 7 May 2024, followed by Gadchiroli (1142). 
Last year [2023], a total of 2230 cases were recorded in the state during the period.
Malaria - India: (OR) 2023 20240320.8715511

● リンパ系フィラリア症 コロンビア

PRO/EDR> Lymphatic filariasis - Colombia: (ST) reemergence
Archive Number: 20240610.8716948
 情報源 Emerging Infectious Diseases(EID)2024年6月6日
原著タイトル _Wuchereria bancrofti_ lymphatic filariasis, Barrancabermeja, Colombia, 2023. Emerg Infect Dis. 2024; 30(7). 
_Wuchereria bancrofti_ lymphatic filariasis, Barrancabermeja, Colombia, 2023
リンパ系フィラリア症 Lymphatic filariasis (LF) は蚊が媒介する線虫 the mosquito-borne filarial nematodes _Wuchereria bancrofti_(バンクロフト糸状虫), _Brugia malayi_, and _Brugia timori_ の感染が原因となる。アフリカ、南東アジア、大洋州などの様々な地域で感染伝播が起きている。感染はまた、中東、カリブ海地域、南米の特定地域 specific areas across the Middle East, Caribbean, and South America でも確認されている。
以前 LF の常在 endemic が 24 countries within the Americas で確認されていたが、現在も endemic for LF にあるのは4か国 (ブラジル Brazil, ハイチ Haiti, ガイアナ Guyana, and ドミニカ共和国 the Dominican Republic), であり、1340万人に感染リスクがある。ガイアナを除く、南米北部のとりわけ最近の感染が報告されていないコロンビアとベネズエラにおける発生状況 the occurrence and endemicity of LF caused by the _W. bancrofti_ nematodes についてよくわかっていない。
今回、an LF case in Colombia caused by _W. bancrofti_ infection について報告する。
The study
an urban area of Barrancabermeja, Santander, Colombia, located to the east bank of the Magdalena River の都市部在住の14歳の少年が、3年前から持続的に進行するリンパ浮腫のため医療機関を受診した。森林地帯の the San Rafael plateau, a forest area situated in the foothills of the eastern mountain range, ≈37 km [23 mi] west of Barrancabermeja でのハンティング a hunting trip のあとに発症した。両側睾丸(陰嚢? testicles)が進行性に増大し数週間前から痛みを伴うようになり、発熱が繰り返され、左下肢の紅斑、蕁麻疹様症状、掻痒を発症したことから、Fundación Cardiovascular de Colombia に紹介された。それまで動静脈奇形 arteriovenous malformation の診断により血管外科が管理していた。注目すべき点は、11歳になるまで何ら症状がみられていない。
nocturnal direct examination by using the Knott concentration method では診断が得られず、DNA from the patient's blood sample を抽出し、a PCR-based filarial detection by using specific primers for _W. bancrofti_ nematodes を行った。Those primers targeted the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I, along with short and long fragments of the 18S gene (Appendix).
今回の症例は、コロンビアにおける LF 再興を示唆する。
diethylcarbamazine (DEC) は _W. bancrofti_-caused LF の治療薬として選択されており、その its dual action; primary microfilaricidal and partial macrofilaricidal effects typically result in a 50% reduction in adult filaria がその理由である。

● 日本脳炎 台湾
PRO/AH/EDR> Japanese encephalitis - Taiwan (02): (PT)
Archive Number: 20240610.8716937
 情報源 ICRT 2024年6月4日
保健当局 The Centers for Disease Control によると台湾 Taiwan は日本脳炎のピークシーズン the peak season for Japanese encephalitis に入っており,先週新たに1例が確認された。The [Taiwan] CDC によると,屏東郡 Pingtung County の70代男性で同郡では2024年初の感染例である。男性は水田や池などのハイリスク箇所付近に住んでいた。
[Mod.TY- The mosquito species _Culex tritaeniorhynchus_ and other related _Culex_ species are efficient vectors of the JE virus and breed in wet areas such as rice paddies. Vector control is difficult because potential breeding sites are so extensive.]
Japanese encephalitis - Taiwan: (KH) 20240519.87165942023

● サツマイモの病気、Sweet potato chlorotic stunt virus ハンガリー
PRO/PL> Sweet potato chlorotic stunt virus - Hungary: (CS)
Archive Number: 20240610.8716963
 情報源 Trade Magazin Hungary 2024年6月6日
In May of this year [2024], laboratory virological testing of plant samples taken during an official inspection confirmed the presence of sweet potato chlorotic stunt virus (SPCSV) at a producer of sweet potato propagating material. The virus was detected in plants grown in 12 plastic tents for producing cuttings in Csongrád-Csanád County.
参考項目 2022
Sweet potato chlorotic stunt virus - Netherlands, Belgium: 1st reps 20221222.8707414

● 原因不明の病気、ウリ科 モロッコ
PRO/PL> Undiagnosed disease, cucurbits - Morocco
Archive Number: 20240610.8716962
 情報源 Chtouka Press [in Arabic] 2024年5月30日
According to farmers in Taroudant area, a "mysterious virus" has affected watermelon, cucumbers and squash in terms of colour, taste and appearance, with fruit becoming yellowish.  

● 狂犬病 南アフリカ
PRO/AH/EDR> Rabies (49): South Africa (WC) seal, alert
Archive Number: 20240610.8716965
 情報源 The South African 2024年6月8日
The City of Cape Town is cautioning the public to stay well away from the cute-looking seagoing creatures, following a first confirmed case of seal rabies(アザラシの狂犬病)。
The Western Cape Provincial Veterinary Services has confirmed this week, Friday [7 Jun 2024], that a Cape Fur Seal off the coast of Big Bay has tested positive for seal rabies. This particular seal had died on 22 May 2024 and the laboratory results only came in this week.
参考項目 2022
Rabies (15): Africa (South Africa) dog, human, spread 20220424.8702798

● マンゴーの病気、Anthracnose セントクリストファー・ネイビス
PRO/PL> Anthracnose, mango - St. Kitts & Nevis: susp
Archive Number: 20240610.8716960
 情報源 Jamaica Gleaner 2024年5月31日
Agricultural officials in St Kitts say they are closely monitoring the outbreak of a disease affecting mango trees on the twin islands. Plant health experts are working to diagnose the disease. Symptoms appear consistent with anthracnose. 
However, the exact cause of the disease is currently unknown. Initial assessments suggest that the disease may be caused by a combination of environmental factors, pathogens and possibly new strains of pests.
[Mod.DHA- Anthracnose is considered the most important disease of mango. It is caused by the fungi _Colletotrichum gloeosporioides_ or _C. acutatum_. ]

● シリアルの病気、Barley yellow dwarf アイルランド
PRO/PL> Barley yellow dwarf, cereals - Ireland: alert
Archive Number: 20240610.8716959
 情報源 Farming Life 2024年5月19日
The enhanced threat currently posed by barley yellow dwarf (BYD) could significantly reduce the size of the cereal harvest across the island of Ireland later this year [2024].

● 鳥インフルエンザ 米国 H5N1
PRO/AH/EDR> Avian influenza (78): USA (WY, IA) H5N1, dairy cows, unreported fatalities
Archive Number: 20240610.8716954
[1] Wyoming
 情報源 Wyoming Department of Agriculture (WDA) 2024年6月7日
The Wyoming Livestock Board (WLSB) and the Wyoming Department of Agriculture (WDA) have received confirmation from the United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA) National Veterinary Services Laboratory (NVSL) of the detection of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in a dairy cattle herd in Wyoming. The detection was first identified in samples received by the Wyoming State Veterinary Laboratory. This is the first confirmed case of HPAI in a dairy farm in Wyoming.
[2] Iowa
 情報源 Nebraska Examiner 6月5日
A highly transmissible avian flu has infected dairy cattle of an O'Brien County herd in far northwest Iowa, according to state agriculture officials. It is the first detection of bird flu in Iowa cattle and follows recent discoveries of the virus in poultry flocks in nearby counties.
[3] Cow deaths
 情報源 Reuters 6月6日
Dairy cows infected with avian flu in 5 US states have died or been slaughtered by farmers because they did not recover, state officials and academics told Reuters.
Reports of the deaths suggest the bird flu outbreak in cows could take a greater economic toll in the farm belt than initially thought. Farmers have long culled poultry infected by the virus, but cows cost much more to raise than chickens or turkeys.
Avian influenza (74): USA (MN) H5N1, dairy cows 20240607.8716895