
ウエストナイルウイルス イスラエル
ボツリヌス食中毒 オーストラリア、ロシア

● ウエストナイルウイルス イスラエル
PRO/AH/EDR> West Nile virus - Israel (02): (TA) increasing incidence, fatal, MOH update
Archive Number: 20240627.8717259
 情報源 The Jerusalem Post 2024年6月25日
新たなウエストナイルウイルス West Nile virus 感染症による死亡が発生し、死者の数が3例になったと保健省 The Israeli Health Ministry が25日明らかにした。これまでに国内で少なくとも42例の患者がウエストナイルウイルスウイルス感染と診断されており、36例が入院中で、5例に気管内挿管が行われている。
Sheba Medical Center によると、2 passed away at Rabin Medical Center - Beilinson Campus. All patients are from central Israel に続く3例目の死亡例である。
West Nile virus - Israel: (TA) increasing incidence 20240619.8717109

● デング熱 インド
PRO/AH/EDR> Dengue/DHF update (42): India (KA) update
Archive Number: 20240627.8717252
 情報源 The Hindu 2024年6月25日
州内でデング熱が増加する a surge in dengue cases in Karnataka 中、Chief Minister が25日対策強化を命じた。
2024年の6月11日までに合計5374 cases and 5 deaths が報告されており、Bengaluru, Chikkamagaluru, Mysuru, Haveri, Shivamogga, Chitradurga, and Dakshina Kannada districts have reported a majority of the cases, 1230 have been reported in BBMP [Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike] limits alone...
Dengue/DHF update (35): India (GA) 20240603.8716846

● ボツリヌス食中毒 オーストラリア、ロシア(2件)
PRO/EDR> Botulism - Australia (03): unrefrigerated almond milk, 2023
Archive Number: 20240627.8717246
 情報源 Food Safety News 2024年6月26日
Challenging' botulism case highlighted in Australia; country reports recall information
オーストラリアでアーモンドミルク almond milk の摂取後に重症となった患者の診断について、詳細な情報が判明した。代替乳製品を摂取した61歳の男性が、2023年に重症のボツリヌス食中毒 severe botulism symptoms を発症していた。
The Medical Journal of Australia の報告によると、商品として販売されていた製品によるボツリヌス食中毒の症例が確認されるのは2007年以来のことである。当初、食中毒は疑われず、脳幹卒中 brainstem stroke と診断されていた。
"This case was diagnostically challenging due to an initially limited history with rapidly progressive signs that overlapped between botulism, Miller-Fisher syndrome, and brainstem stroke. If botulism is suspected, antitoxin should be administered urgently," said researchers.
[Mod.LL- 出典:Botulism: a mimic for brainstem strokes and Miller Fisher syndrome. Med J Aust. 2024 [publ online 17 Jun 2024]; 220(11):554-556.]

PRO/EDR> Botulism - Russia (07): bean salad, serotype A
Archive Number: 20240627.8717245
 投稿者 Andrei R. Akhmetzhanov 2024年6月25日
Re: Botulism - Russia (06): bean salad, more cases, fatal
Rospotrebnadzor Tatarstan informed that a botulinum toxin type A (BoNT-A) has been identified from samples of 5 individuals(5人の患者)と、The same toxin has also been found in one of the salad samples(サラダからも検出). Currently, 20 samples from individuals and 71 sample from salad are referenced to the lab.
Botulism - Russia (06): bean salad, more cases, fatal 20240625.8717227

● コレラ インド
PRO/EDR> Cholera, diarrhea & dysentery update (26): India (MH)
Archive Number: 20240627.8717244
 情報源 Times Now 2024年6月24日
水系細菌感染症のコレラアウトブレイク an outbreak of cholera が確認されている the Dhawade Vasti area of the city について、The Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation [district Pune, Maharashtra state] が調査を開始した。これまでに100例を超える患者が、コレラ菌_Vibrio cholera_ による症状を示している。
the first case of the water-borne disease was reported earlier this month [June 2024], and over 100 people have so far shown symptoms と伝えられている。
Ways to prevent cholera in monsoon
Cholera vaccine(ワクチン)
According to Cleveland Clinic, the US Food and Drug Administration has approved one vaccine for cholera, known as Vaxchora, for adults ages 18-64 years who plan to travel to areas with cholera. 
However, the vaccine is not recommended very often because most tourists do not visit places with cholera.
Cholera, diarrhea & dysentery update (21): India (GJ) 20240603.8716837

● ランピースキン病 アルジェリア
PRO/AH/EDR> Lumpy skin disease - Algeria (03): several provinces, spread, livestock market closure
Archive Number: 20240627.8717258
[1] Ghardaia province
 情報源 Gharadaia News Facebook page [in Arabic] 2024年6月25日
Ten lumpy skin disease outbreaks reported in Ghardaia province
an official veterinarian from the regional veterinary service of Ghardaia concerning the detection of 10 lumpy skin disease outbreaks in Ghardaia province
[2] Alger province
 情報源 Municipality of Rahmaniyah Facebook page [in Arabic] 2024年6月24日
Announcement for cattle breeders
In view of the spread of lumpy skin disease,... in order to avoid the spread of this infectious disease across the territory of the municipality of Rahmaniyah, animal breeders are requested to adhere to the necessary preventive measures and procedures:
[3] Bouira province
 情報源 Ennahar Online [in Arabic] 2024年6月24日
Bouira: Weekly livestock market closed after cattle contracted streptococcal skin disease
The state of Bouira, like some states of the country, has recorded outbreaks of lumpy skin disease that affects cattle and cows in particular, which raised some fears among breeders whose cows died that the disease would spread and cause them heavy losses.
Lumpy skin disease - Algeria (02): (BL) cattle, conf., fatal 20240621.8717147

● 狂犬病 南アフリカ
PRO/AH/EDR> Rabies (56): South Africa (WC) seal, update
Archive Number: 20240627.8717257
 情報源  Smile 90.4 FM 2024年6月25日
Since the first case of rabies in seals(アザラシの狂犬病感染)was recorded earlier this month [June 2024], a total number of 5 cases have been confirmed.
The City says finding rabies in Cape fur seals is new, with the earliest confirmed case identified in October last year [2023]. 
All the coastlines where Cape fur seals are found have been alerted to the outbreak, for all affected areas to take heed of public health information. Cases have, however, only been detected in Cape Town thus far.

● 鳥メタニューモウイルス カナダ
PRO/AH/EDR> Avian metapneumovirus: Canada (ON, MB) poultry
Archive Number: 20240627.8717250
 情報源 WattPoultry 2024年6月21日
カナダ国内で、新たに11か所の商業飼育場において、鳥メタニューモウイルス avian metapneumovirus 感染が確認され、全国の発生件数は 34 farms となった。the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) によると、新たな発生があった州は 10 of the new flocks were in Ontario, while the other was in Manitoba である。Those are the only 2 Canadian provinces to have confirmed cases of avian metapneumovirus, which WOAH also refers to as turkey rhinotracheitis.
Manitoba 州の新たな感染があったのはシチメンチョウ one turkey で、Hanover にある農場である。
the Ontario infections のうち、4 of them were in Huron County, with each of those flocks being identified as commercial chicken(ニワトリ)operations. Collectively among those 4 flocks, 6 birds were infected out of a total 65 000 susceptible chickens(ヒヨコ)

● 鳥インフルエンザ 米国、乳牛
PRO/AH/EDR> Avian influenza (87): (IA) dairy cattle
Archive Number: 20240627.8717247
[1] Iowa (Sioux County): dairy herd
 情報源 CBS 2024年6月8日
Bird flu has been confirmed in a second herd of dairy cattle in Iowa, this time in Sioux County. (長文の記事です)
[2] Iowa (Plymouth and Sioux counties): dairy cattle
 情報源 Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship 2024年6月14日
The Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) have detected 2 cases of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in northwest Iowa. One case is in a Plymouth County dairy, and the other is in a Sioux County dairy.
List of confirmed cases
As HPAI detections are confirmed by the National Veterinary Services Laboratory (NVSL) in Ames, those cases are added to tracking websites located on the USDA APHIS website.
[3] Iowa (Sioux County): dairy herd
 情報源 CBS 6月21日
Two new cases of bird flu in dairy herds in Sioux Co. were announced Friday [21 Jun 2024].
Avian influenza (78): USA (WY, IA) H5N1, dairy cows, unreported fatalities 20240610.8716954