
重金属中毒 ナイジェリア
原因不明の死亡 コートジボワール

● 水系感染症 シリア
PRO/EDR> Waterborne illness - Syria (02): (HL) RFI
Archive Number: 20240604.8716858
 情報源 Alaraby [in Arabic] 2024年6月2日
市当局 the local council of the city of Jarabulus, in rural Allepo の2日の発表によると、500人以上が飲料水の問題で胃腸炎症状を訴え complaining of gastrointestinal symptoms 病院を受診していることから、水質検査の結果が判明するまで、水道水の給水の停止が命じられた。

● 重金属中毒 ナイジェリア
PRO/AH/EDR> Heavy metal poisoning - Nigeria: (SO, ZA) conf, WAHO
Archive Number: 20240604.8716856
 情報源 WAHO Weekly Epidemiological Bulletin 2024年5月28日
鉱山が関係するとみられる重金属中毒アウトブレイク An outbreak of heavy metal poisoning possibly linked to mining activities が Sokoto State で報告されており、3月20日以降、6 local government areas (LGAs) の地域で発生が確認されている。
5月10日の時点で、Isa LGA を中心とする Sokoto state において合計455 cases and 29例の死亡 deaths (致死率 CFR of 6.4%) が発生しており、患者は農業 farming and other business activities に従事していた。
共通する症状として、腹痛と膨満 abdominal pain and swelling、嘔吐、発熱、体重減少が認められている。
発生地域 the most affected area is Isa LGA (77% of cases); other affected areas are Illela, Sabon Birni, Tambuwal, Gwadabawa, Dange Shuni である。
患者は0-14歳が78%を占めており、環境調査で高濃度の重金属 high levels of heavy metals (ヒ素 arsenic, 鉛 lead, カドミウム cadmium, コバルト cobalt, クロム chromium) が、水、土壌、現地で栽培されている植物、スイカ、トマトなどで確認されている。
Sokoto state のほか、Zamfara state (epidemiological situation [is] not yet available) でも同様の症状が報告されている。
WAHO recommends:
 - Community reporting: Encourage reporting of symptoms to health facilities.
 - Healthcare reporting: Ensure timely reporting by health workers.
 - Regulation: Strengthen enforcement on environmental pollution and illegal mining.
Undiagnosed deaths, illnesses - Nigeria (02): (SO, ZA, KD) heavy metal poisoning susp. 20240424.8716127

● 原因不明の死亡 コートジボワール
PRO/EDR> Undiagnosed deaths - Cote d'Ivoire: (VB) fatal, youth, RFI
Archive Number: 20240604.8716855
 情報源 Agence Ivoirienne de Presse (AIP) [in French] 2024年6月1日
the town of Tortiya, located 47 kilometers (29 mi) west of the city of Niakara (Central-North, Hambol region [located in Vallée du Bandama district]) の住民らの間で、当局により特定されていない疾患が発生している。
過去数日間に the Urban Health Center (CSU) of Tortiya において、筋肉痛、頭痛、倦怠感、腹痛などの訴え受診する患者の異常な増加がみられている。
保健当局 The health authorities of Niakara は from 27 May to 30 May 2024 に Tortiya に派遣した医療チームによる徹底的な調査を行ったとしている。
市長 The mayor of the municipality は取材に対し、死者の多くが若年者である cases of death, mostly among the young と述べている。
当初、濁っていた水道水 the water coming from the taps of the Distribution  Company が原因と考えられていたが、Bouaké の化学者らの分析で除外された。
参考項目 2023
Undiagnosed deaths - Cote d'Ivoire: (VB) fatal, porridge susp, RFI 20230920.8712236

● COVID-19
PRO/AH/EDR> COVID-19 update (25): pandemic accord, Philippines, Australia, Bangladesh, USA
Archive Number: 20240604.8716849
[1] WHO countries prolong talks on pandemic accord
 情報源 The Philippine Star 2024年6月2日
World Health Organization members on Saturday [1 Jun 2024] extended negotiations on a landmark global agreement on handling future pandemics for up to a year, as the WHO chief warned that the next crisis was just a matter of time.
[2] Selected countries/regions
 [A] フィリピン Philippines: Hospitals report hike in mild COVID-19 cases
 情報源 The Philippine Star 6月2日
The Private Hospitals Association of the Philippines Inc. (PHAPI) has reported an increase in the number of COVID-19 cases in their facilities amid reports of a new wave of COVID-19 infection.
"COVID-19 cases increased by around 10% to 15% but these are all very manageable since symptoms are generally mild," De Grano said in an interview. "Mostly, these are outpatient and then, if with symptoms, they get to be tested with the rapid antigen test."
 [B] オーストラリア Australia: Rising number of flu and COVID-19 cases puts Victorian ambulances under the pump
 情報源 The Age 6月1日
Victoria's ambulance crews were pushed into serious code-orange situations 20 times in May [2024] due to the rising rates of respiratory illness, as the number of COVID-19 patients in hospitals doubled in a month.
Ambulance Victoria says influenza cases alone have increased by 65% in the past fortnight across the state.
There are 361 COVID-19 patients in hospital, more than double the 170 patients who were hospitalised with the virus at the same time last month [April 2024]. Twenty-one of those patients are in intensive care, with 8 on ventilators.
 [C] バングラデシュ Bangladesh: 16 COVID-19 cases reported in 24 hours
 情報源 United News of Bangladesh 6月2日
Bangladesh reported 16 more COVID-19 cases in 24 hours till Saturday morning [1 Jun 2024].
 [D] 米国 USA: COVID markers show small rise in activity
 情報源 CIDRAP (Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy) 2024年5月31日
The main markers the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) uses to track COVID activity showed small rises today [31 May 2024] from very low levels, including wastewater SARS-CoV-2 detections, which rose from the minimal to low level over the past week.
Most of the rise in wastewater detections was due to a steady rise in the western region, with a very slight increase in the southern region.
The CDC considers wastewater levels an early indicator. The agency also reported slight rises in 2 other early indicators, test positivity and emergency department visits for COVID. Test positivity is currently highest in Arizona, California, Hawaii, and Nevada.
The small rise comes amid rising proportions of JN.1 offshoots. Last week in its variant proportion update, the CDC said 2 of them -- KP.2 and KP.3 -- made up 41.2% of sequenced samples. The 2 variants both contain the FLiRT (F for L at position 456 and R for T at position 346) mutation, which may give them the capacity to evade earlier immunity from illness or vaccination.
On June 5 [2024], the Food and Drug Administration Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) will meet to discuss what COVID strain or strains to include in 2024-25 COVID vaccines.
Current vaccines target the XBB.1.5 variant, but JN.1 has become the dominant strain. The World Health Organization COVID vaccine advisory group recently met and recommended a switch to a monovalent (single-strain) vaccine containing the JN.1 antigen. Some countries such as Singapore have reported rising cases, partly due to increasing proportions of JN.1 variants.
COVID-19 update (24): USA, Singapore, global, WHO 20240528.8716745

● 原因不明のラクダの死亡 リビア
PRO/AH/EDR> Undiagnosed deaths, camel - Libya: (MS) RFI
Archive Number: 20240604.8716857
 情報源 Al-Wasat [in Arabic] 2024年6月1日
地域の農業警察の責任者 The head of the agricultural police in the Bani Walid branch が、8頭のラクダの死亡 the death of 8 camels belonging to a number of breeders in Wadi Tamasla, north of the city について明らかにした。
飼育者の1人が、毒草 a poisonous herb found in a valley の摂取によるとして、ラクダの検査を求めている。
● 豚熱 日本
PRO/AH/EDR> Classical swine fever - Japan (03): (IT) wild, domestic, WOAH
Archive Number: 20240604.8716848
 情報源 WOAH-WAHIS (World Animal Health Information System) 2024年5月31日
Japan - Classical swine fever virus (Inf. with) - Follow-up report 27
Report type: Follow-up report 27
Started: 1 Jan 2022
Reason for notification: Recurrence of an eradicated disease
Date of last occurrence: 7 Jan 2022
Causal agent: Classical swine fever virus
Event status: Ongoing
Quantitative data summary [totals]
Outbreak location: Iwate, Japan
Start date: 1 Jan 2022
Wild boar (wild) / - / 2448 / 531 / 1917 / 0 / 0
Swine (domestic) / 89 602 / 324 / 276 / 89 352 / 0 / 0
All species / 89 602 / 2772 / 807 / 91 269 / 0 / 0 
New outbreaks
Quantitative data summary
Outbreak location: Hirono-Town1, Hirono, Iwate, Japan
Epidemiological unit: Farm
Nature of diagnosis: Clinical, laboratory
Start date: 28 May 2024
Swine (domestic) / - / 11 / 11 / - / - / -
Classical swine fever - Japan (02): (TC) wild, domestic, WOAH 20240529.8716750