
原因不明の疾患,マラリア確定 コンゴ民主共和国 WHO
コレラ 南スーダン

● 原因不明の疾患 コンゴ民主共和国,マラリア確定 
PRO/EDR> Undiagnosed deaths - Congo DR (09): (KG) acute respiratory infections and malaria, conf, WHO
Archive Number: 20241228.8720959
 情報源 World Health Organization (WHO) 2024年12月27日
 厚労省検疫所・FORTH 参照願います。
Acute respiratory infections complicated by malaria (previously undiagnosed disease) - Democratic Republic of the Congo
Situation at a glance
12月8日のコンゴ民主共和国における原因不明の疾患に関する情報の更新 an update to the Disease Outbreak News on Undiagnosed disease in the Democratic Republic of the Congo published on 8 December 2024 (now named acute respiratory infections complicated by malaria). 
11月29日,発熱後の5歳未満の幼児を中心とする死亡患者の増加について,現地保健当局 local health zone authorities of Panzi health zone in Kwango province からのアラートがあるも,咳嗽,衰弱を伴う発熱性呼吸器疾患の明確な診断は得られていなかった。
このような症例は12月16日時点で合計891例に急増したが,期間中の死亡報告は48例のまま大きな変化がなかった。合計430件の検体の検査でマラリア malaria ほか,インフルエンザ,SARS-CoV-2 等の一般的なウイルスが陽性となり,詳細な検査は継続して行っているが,一般的な季節性ウイルス感染症と熱帯熱マラリア falciparum malaria の混合感染に,栄養不良が重なり compounded by acute malnutrition,不釣り合いな割合の5歳未満の乳幼児の重症化と死亡例の増加につながったことが示唆される。
Description of the situation
前回の報告 the last Disease Outbreak News on this event published on 8 December 2024 以降,新たな485例 additional suspected cases と 17例の死亡 additional deaths が Panzi health zone in Kwango Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo, across 25 of the 30 health areas in Panzi から報告された。
症例定義 The case definition includes: any person living(在住者)in the Panzi health zone from September 2024 to date, presenting with fever, cough, body weakness, runny nose, with or without one of the following symptoms and signs: chills, headache, difficulty breathing, malnutrition, body aches. This was done to better understand the epidemiology and characteristics of deaths and to collect a range of clinical samples for laboratory testing.
Between 24 October and 16 December 2024 の期間について,48例の死亡 deaths and 合計 a total of 891 cases across 25 of 30 health areas of Panzi health zone が症例定義 the case definition に一致した。
suspected cases in Panzi health zone からの血液,口腔・鼻咽頭,尿,母乳など,合計430検体が the laboratory at the INRB [Institut National de la Recherche Biomédicale] に送付された。
現地で行われた88件のマラリア迅速検査では,55 (62%) samples が陽性であり,加えて26件の解析 samples analyzed by PCR BioFire Global Fever Panel test (which tests 18 different pathogens including some of the viral hemorrhagic fevers) では,17 (65%) samples が熱帯熱マラリア _Plasmodium falciparum_ 陽性だった。
さらに a total of 89 samples tested at INRB Respiratory Disease Surveillance Laboratory のうち,64 samples が一般的な呼吸器感染症ウイルス common respiratory viruses, including インフルエンザ influenza A (H1N1, pdm09) (n = 25), ライノウイルス rhinoviruses (n = 18), SARS-CoV-2 (n = 15), ヒトコロナウイルス human coronaviruses (n = 3), パラインフルエンザウイルス parainfluenza viruses (n = 2), and ヒトアデノウイルス human adenovirus (n = 1) などが陽性となった。
Between July and December 2024, which coincides with a drop in acute malnutrition, Kwango province was in Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) Acute Malnutrition (AMN) Phase 3 (Serious). 
Public health response
WHO risk assessment
WHO advice
[Mod.LL- This WHO report summarizes the data on what is now being named acute respiratory infections complicated by malaria. Based on these numbers, the case fatality rate was 48 of 891 (5.4%) with the under 5 age-group being disproportionally affected in both cases and deaths. Not surprisingly, acute malnutrition was a contributory factor for mortality.]
Undiagnosed deaths - Congo DR (09): (KG) complex co-infection

● コレラ 南スーダン
PRO/EDR> Cholera, diarrhea & dysentery update (92): South Sudan, increasing incidence, fatal, alert, NGO
Archive Number: 20241228.8720950
 情報源 Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) 2024年12月23日
コレラの急拡大 the rapidly escalating cholera outbreak across South Sudan に対し,Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) は関係各局に迅速な対応を行うよう働きかけている。MSF は the cholera outbreak in 5 out of the 7 states affected への対応を行っている。
MSF has treated over 1700 suspected cases at its cholera treatment centers in the camps, and at least 25 deaths have been reported in the community. 
Cholera, diarrhea & dysentery update (87): South Sudan, increase, fatal, Ministry of Information 20241218.8720728

● ニューカッスル病 マレーシア
PRO/AH/EDR> Newcastle disease - Malaysia: bird
Archive Number: 20241228.8720960
 情報源 Now News [in Chinese] 2024年12月27日
"Newcastle Disease" has appeared in Malaysia. This avian infectious disease is highly contagious and has a high mortality rate. Experts believe that this disease may have an impact on the bird's nest industry. In addition, Newcastle virus may also be transmitted to humans. Patients will experience mild conjunctivitis and influenza symptoms, but it is generally not life-threatening.

● ランピースキン病 チュニジア
PRO/AH/EDR> Lumpy skin disease - Tunisia (11): (KR) cattle, spread, fatal
Archive Number: 20241228.8720951
 情報源 Jawhara FM [in Arabic] 2024年12月26日
ランピースキン病ワクチン接種キャンペーン The vaccination campaign against lumpy skin disease により,13 500 head of cattle in the Kairouan governorate, out of a total of about 20 000 head in the region's herd への接種が行われたと,Head of the Animal Production Department at the Regional Agricultural Delegation in Kairouan が説明した。
ウシ4頭が死亡 cases of cattle deaths were recorded in early December [2024], in the municipalities of Bouhajla and South Kairouan が発生し,そのうち3頭が the region に持ち込まれたウシ (from the areas of Ouled Farjallah, El Alaa, and Al Dhaouaher) after being purchased by their owners from local markets, and another case was infected in the Dhaouaher area であった。
Lumpy skin disease - Tunisia (10): cattle, spread, vaccination 20241222.8720840

● 鳥インフルエンザ 日本 H5N1
PRO/AH/EDR> Avian influenza (171): Japan (EH) HPAI H5N1, spread, WOAH
Archive Number: 20241228.8720948
 情報源 WOAH-WAHIS (World Animal Health Information System) 2024年12月24日
Japan - High pathogenicity avian influenza viruses (poultry) (Inf. with) - Follow-up report 13
Started: 16 Oct 2024
Reason for notification: Recurrence of an eradicated disease
Date of last occurrence: 26 May 2024
End date: -
Disease: High pathogenicity avian influenza viruses (poultry) (Inf. with)
Causal agent: Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus
Genotype/serotype/subtype: H5N1
Event status: Ongoing
Epidemiological comments: Follow up report 13 (Outbreak 14): Outbreak 14: Saijo-City2: On 18 Dec 2024, a Livestock Hygiene Service Centre (LHSC) in Ehime Prefecture received a notification from a layer farm on increased mortality. 
New outbreaks
Outbreak locations: Ehime(愛媛県)
Birds (domestic) poultry / - / 11 / 11 / - / - / -
Avian influenza (147): Japan (ST) duck, cull, spread 20241127.8720290