
Q 熱-スイス
デング熱 (13)

アナプラズマ症,ウシ-米国 訂正
20190603.6500934 に関して。
PRO/AH/EDR> Anaplasmosis, bovine - USA: information, corr.
Archive Number: 20190604.6502926
[1] a veterinary pathologist として不正確な内容を訂正する。
投稿者 Washington State University・Susan Noh DVM, PhD, DACVP 2019年6月3日
1番目に,この記事の内容に 2つの異なる病原体が混じっている。_Anaplasma marginale_ は牛のアナプラズマ症の原因となり,この記事では bovine "yellow fever" と表されている。_A. marginale_ がヒトに感染することはない。_A. phagocytophilum_ は,特に欧州のウシで確認されているが,小型反芻動物,ウマ②感染することの方が多く,ヒトの病原体でもある。ヒトの _A. phagocytophilum_ 感染症は,human granulocytic ehrlichiosis と呼ばれる。
2番目に, _A. marginale_ は,ウシでは生涯にわたって感染するが,ほとんどの場合発症しない。抗体を調べることで感染の範囲を知ることはできるが,疾病による負荷を表すとは限らない。 
最後に,_A. marginale_ は赤血球内に存在し,主な症状は貧血である。重症例では黄疸をきたすため the "yellow fever" と呼ばれるが,その以外は黄疸は現れない ...
投稿者 Grant N Burcham (Purdue University) 2019年6月4日
The cited article authored by Chriss Street and sourced from American Thinker on [3 Jun 2019] regarding bovine anaplasmosis in the United States は,不正確で誤解のある内容ばかりである。the causative agents of bovine anaplasmosis (_Anaplasma marginale_) and human granulocytic anaplasmosis (_A. phagocytophilum_) は別もの separate organisms, with different biological vectors and different host ranges, and which infect different cell types within the host ...

PRO/AH/EDR> Rabies (32): Americas, Brazil (PA) susp, RFI
Archive Number: 20190604.6503047
情報源 G1 [in Portuguese] 2019年5月31日
パラ州公衆衛生ネットワーク The epidemiology department of the Santarem public health network in western Para は,30日に Ruropolis, in Para state から Santarem に到着した,狂犬病が疑われる症例 a case of suspected human rabies の調査を行っている ... 狂犬病の疑い the suspicion of human rabies で,この 9歳男児は隔離室に収容されている。患者の状態は深刻で,気管内挿管されている

PRO/AH/EDR> Antibiotic resistance: antimicrobial drug pollution of river water
Archive Number: 20190604.6502736
情報源 Business Daily Africa 2019年6月3日
ナイロビ川 the Nairobi River など,世界のよく知られたいくつかの河川が,安全域とされる濃度を超えた抗生物質で汚染されている。York University researchers の調査では,抗生物質の濃度は安全とされるレベルの最大 300倍に達していた。最も濃度が高い地域は,バングラデシュ,ケニア,ガーナ,パキスタン,ナイジェリアだった ... ナイロビ川で最も濃度が高かった抗生物質は sulfamethoxazole だった。

● Q 熱-スイス
PRO/AH/EDR> Q fever - Switzerland: (TI)
Archive Number: 20190604.6502499
情報源 FM1 Today [in German] 2019年6月3日
the Ticino Maggia Valley でここ数週間に肺炎患者 Several cases of pneumonia の発生があり,患者らは Q 熱 Q fever に感染していた。しかし,保健当局により事態は沈静化している。Q 熱はヤギの細菌による感染症で,当局は暴露のあった家畜へのワクチン接種を呼びかけている。また農場間の動物の移動は禁止されている。ヤギのミルクによる感染の危険性はきわめて低い。スイスでは 2019年50例が報告されており,このうち 20 例が from Ticino と説明されている。2012年以降の年平均は約 40例であり,2019年はこれを上回っている ... 最後にアウトブレイクが発生したのは 1983年で,Valais で 400人以上が感染した

デング熱 (13)
PRO/AH/EDR> Dengue/DHF update (13): Americas
Archive Number: 20190604.6502068
Reported cases of dengue fever in the Americas, by country or territory to EW 19 of 2019 [week (w/e) ending 10 May 2019].
情報源 WHO/PAHO countries reporting dengue cases 2019年5月10日
メキシコ (Michoacan state). 31 May 2019.  [in Spanish](reported) 134 cases; alarming cases 11. Municipality most affected: Lazaro Cardenas 109 cases.
ホンジュラス 19 May 2019. [in Spanish] (reported) 6883 cases; DHF/serious 221 cases;
deaths 21 in these departments: Cortes with 17, Atlantida, Olancho, and Yoro.
キューバ (Sancti Spiritus municipality). 26 May 2019. [in Spanish] (reported) of every 100 suspected cases 40% are confirmed positive for dengue [case numbers not given].
ドミニカ共 15 May 2019. [in Spanish] (registered) more than 1800 cases with 523 probable cases in April 2019 alone.
アルゼンチン Argentina [in Spanish]
- National. 18 May 2019. (conf. and probable) 1698 cases locally acquired. Provinces most affected: Santa Fe with 400 cases and Salta and Jujuy. Dengue viruses circulating in provinces: DENV-1 in Buenos Aires, Chaco, Formosa, Jujuy, Misiones, Salta, and Santa Fe; DEN-4 in CABA [Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires] 2 cases, Jujuy 2, and Misiones 10.
- Jujuy province. 2 Jun 2019. (conf.) 379 cases. Localities most affected: Libertador General San Martin 113 cases, Aguas Calientes 100 cases, Fraile Pintado (100), El Acheral (44), Caimancito (8), San Salvador de Jujuy (3), and San Pedro (3), Yuto (2), Manantiales (1), Perico (1), and Chalican (1).
- Catamarca province. 24 May 2019. (conf.) 1st case of dengue virus type 4 imported into the province.
- Juan Jose Castelli, Chaco province. 16 May 2019. (susp.) 140 cases, (conf.) 60 cases
- Salta province. 1 Jun 2019. From October 2018 to date (conf.) 1435 cases; Municipalities affected: Oran, Tartagal, Aguaray, Pichanal, Morillo, Salvador Mazza and Embarcacion, Colonia Santa Rosa, Santa Victoria Este, Rivadavia, Las Lajitas, Joaquin V Gonzalez, El Quebrachal, El Galpon, Metan, General Guemes, General Mosconi, Hipolito Yrigoyen, and La Union.
- Misiones province. 10 May 2019. (conf.) 82 cases; dengue virus circulating, type 4 in 8 cases.
ボリビア (La Paz department). 16 May 2019.  [in Spanish](conf.) 495 cases; death 1. Municipalities affected: Caranavi, Guanay, Palos Blancos, Teopont, and Alto Beni.
ブラジル Brazil [in Portuguese]
- National. 21 May 2019. (probable) 675 174 cases, 5 times greater than last year [2018]. States with more than 100 cases per 100 000 population: Arce, Distrito Federal, Goias, Espirito Santo, Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sur, Parana, Rio Grande do Norte, Sao Paulo, and Tocantins.
- Rio Grande do Sul state. 31 May 2019. (conf.) 775 cases of which 686 locally acquired cases. Municipalities affected: Alvorada, Bom Principio, Cachoeirinha, Candido Godoi, Canoas, Cruz Alta, Erechim, Erval Seco, Esteio, Getulio Vargas, Glorinha, Horizontina, Ijui, Ivoti, Marau, Palmeira das Missoes, Panambi, Pirapo, Porto Alegre, Ronda Alta, Santa Barbara do Sul, Santa Cruz do Sul, Santa Rosa, Santo Angelo, Santo Antonio das Missoes, Sao Borja, Sao Leopoldo, Sapucaia do Sul, Sarandi, Tenente Portela, Tres de Maio, Tres Passos, Tuparendi, and Viamao.
- Apucarana, Parana state. 21 May 2019. (susp.) 147 cases, (conf.) 78 cases of which 64 are locally acquired. Neighborhoods most affected: Marissol 29 cases, Jardim Isabela 8, and Vila Regina 7.
- Sao Paulo state. 21 May 2019. (probable) 232 183 cases. Municipalities most affected: Rio Preto more than 14 000 cases with 7 deaths, Presidente Prudente nearly 1000 cases, Aracatuba more than 950 cases.
- Presidente Prudente, Sao Paulo state. 23 May 2019. (registered) 1085 cases of which 1067 locally acquired, (conf.) 90 cases; deaths 1 confirmed, 1 suspected.
- Rio Claro, Sao Paulo state. 30 May 2019. (conf.) 456 cases.
- Bauru, Sao Paulo State. 24 May 2019. (reported) 17 996 locally acquired cases, 32 cases imported from elsewhere; dengue virus circulating, type 2.
- Jundiai, Sao Paulo state. 20 May 2019. (registered) 1701 cases; Neighborhoods most affected: Sao Camilo 404 cases, Jardim Novo Horizonte 297, and Ponte Sao Joao 97.
- Taubate, Sao Paulo state. 20 May 2019. (conf.) 72 cases of which 46 locally acquired.
- Sao Jose do Rio Preto, Sao Paulo state. 31 May 2019. (reported) In the 2018-2019 transmission season 21 839, in the 1st 5 months of 2019, 17 883 cases; deaths 11.
- Tupa, Sao Paulo state. 13 May 2019. (susp.) 890 cases, (conf.) 2247 cases; deaths (conf.) 5.
- Sao Carlos, Sao Paulo state. 27 May 2019. (reported) 4712 cases, (conf.) 535 cases of which 444 cases locally acquired.
- Assis, Sao Paulo state. 28 May 2019. (conf.) 972 cases.
- Casa Branca, Sao Paulo state. 27 May 2019. (susp.) 198 cases, (conf.) 292 cases.
- Araraquara, Sao Paulo state. 13 May 2019. (conf.) 9806 cases.
- Votorantim, Sao Paulo state. 28 May 2019. (susp.) 1056 cases, (conf.) 131 cases of which 4 imported from other municipalities.
- Ubatuba, Sao Paulo state. 12 May 2019. (susp.) 1051 cases (conf.) 267 cases of which 259 locally acquired; dengue virus circulating, type 2.
- Minas Gerais state. 22 May 2019. (probable) 289 500 cases; deaths (conf.) 49, (susp.) 97; dengue virus circulating, type 1 and type 2 recently introduced.
- Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais state. 31 May 2019. (conf.) more than 20 000 cases.
- Divinopolis, Minas Gerais state. 11 May 2019. (probable) 1539 (conf.) 498 cases; deaths 2. Neighborhoods affected: Santo Antonio dos Campos 45 cases, Centro and Rancho Alegre 35, and Santo Antonio 18.
- Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul state. 23 May 2019. (conf.) 636 cases of which 557 locally acquired.
- Mato Grosso do Sul state. 20 May 2019. (reported) 33 700 cases, (conf.) 14 526 cases; deaths 18. Municipalities most affected: Campo Grande 8150 cases, Tres Lagoas 2335, Dourados 948.
- Federal District. 27 May 2019. As of 18 May 2019 (reported) 21 360 cases of which 20 752 cases are Federal District residents with18 649 cases probable; DHF/serious 31 cases; deaths (conf.) 21; dengue virus circulating, types 1 and 2.
- Guarapari, Espirito Santo state. 29 May 2019. (reported) more than 500 cases; dengue virus circulating, type 2.
チリ (Easter Island). 17 May 2019. [in Spanish] (susp.) 10 cases, (conf.) 17 cases; dengue virus circulating, type 1.
コロンビア Colombia [in Spanish]
- La Guajira department. 15 May 2019. (probable) 615 cases; DHF/serious 9 cases. Municipalities most affected: Riohacha 248 probable cases and 4 DHF/serious cases; Maicao 100 classic and 3 DHF/serious; Uribia 78 classic and 1 DHF/serious.
- Santander department. 17 May 2019. (probable) 1925 cases; DHF/serious 8 cases; deaths (susp.) 6.
パラグアイ Paraguay [in Spanish]
- National. 31 May 2019. (reported) 4457 cases; deaths 7. Localities most affected: Asuncion and 14 other departments. The only departments not affected: Misiones, Neembucu, and Alto Paraguay
- Curuguaty, Canindeyu department. 1 Jun 2019. (susp.) 300 cases.
ペルー (Ascope province, La Libertad region). 23 May 2019.  [in Spanish](probable) 60 cases, (conf.) 176 cases.
関連項目 (11): Americas, observation 20190508.6461377