COVID-19(403)ジム マスク ICU
● COVID-19(404)
PRO/AH/EDR> COVID-19 update (404): rapid tests, high-risk genes, Paxlovid, vacc mandates
Archive Number: 20211124.8699862
[1] Rapid tests(迅速検査)
情報源 Eurosurveillance 2021年11月4日
原著タイトル Comparative sensitivity evaluation for 122 CE-marked rapid diagnostic tests for SARS-CoV-2 antigen, Germany, September 2020 to April 2021. Euro Surveill. 2021; 26(44): pii=2100441;
変異はスパイクタンパクに起きることが多いので,only very few assays work with spike protein detection ではあるが,これらについては定期的な(感度)チェックが必要。
[2] News updates
情報源 Al Jazeera 11月17日
Gene that may increase risk
Pfizer's pill could reduce hospitalisation from COVID by 89%
Common cold may protect against COVID-19
Personal view: Is it right to mandate vaccines?
[3] WHO: daily new cases reported (as of 23 Nov 2021)
Confirmed cases (new cases in last 24 hours) / Total deaths (new deaths in last 24 hours)
Grand total: 257 469 528 (436 031) / 5 158 211 (6433)
[4] Global update: Worldometer accessed 23 Nov 2021 19:28 EST (GMT-5)
Total number of reported deaths: 5 182 968
Total number of worldwide cases: 259 014 754
Number of newly confirmed cases in the past 24 hours: 618 552
COVID-19 update (403): gyms, masks, ICUs, WHO 20211123.8699843
● 鳥インフルエンザ,ヒト 中国
PRO/AH/EDR> Avian influenza, human (24): China (GZ) H9N2
Archive Number: 20211124.8699804
情報源 PoultryMed 2021年11月19日
中国で新たな鳥インフルエンザ患者 A new case of human infection with avian influenza A(H9N2) が報告された。Qiandongnan Autonomous Prefecture の 39歳男性で,10月29日に発症し,同日入院となったが,11月1日に死亡した。
Avian influenza, human (17): China (HN) H9N2 20210906.8647141
● COVID-19(403)
PRO/AH/EDR> COVID-19 update (403): gyms, masks, ICUs, WHO
Archive Number: 20211123.8699843
[1] Fitness centers(厳格な対策でリスク増加なし)
情報源 News: Medical, Life sciences 2021年11月22日
BMC Public Health 掲載の研究で,researchers from the University of Oslo oversaw a trial in Norway in which several fitness centers were allowed to open
The researchers highlight that their trial shows no increased risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection in fitness centers with strict enforcements of disease control measures. However, they warn that these measures were strictly enforced in the trial and that less stringent measures might lead to different results. They also highlight that the trial does not test what would happen if the centers opened during the pandemic with no hygienic measures or social distancing.
COVID-19 transmission in fitness enters in Norway - a randomized trial. BMC Public Health. 2021; doi: 10.1186/s12889-021-12073-0
[2] Masks(マスクは感染を減少させることが証明されている)
情報源 New York Times 2021年11月20日
Now, with the summer's delta surge [over] and the vaccination of school-age children under way, many Americans are wondering when the masks might finally come off.
"The best science does support mask-wearing as a valid strategy to reduce COVID-19," said Dr Stephen Luby, an infectious disease expert and epidemiologist at Stanford University. ...
[3] ICUs [intensive care units](ICU の占床率上昇による超過死亡)
情報源 CIDRAP (Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy) 2021年11月19日
A modeling study today in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report estimates that 12 000 excess people die 2 weeks after US hospitals reach 75% adult intensive care unit (ICU) occupancy amid COVID-19 pandemic surges, a figure that rises to 80 000 when ICUs are full--which is the case now in many hospitals in multiple US states.
Impact of hospital strain on excess deaths during the COVID-19 pandemic -- United States, July 2020-July 2021. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2021;70:1613-1616. DOI:
[4] WHO: Daily new cases reported (as of 22 Nov 2021)
Confirmed cases (new cases in last 24 hours) / Total deaths (new deaths in last 24 hours)
Grand total: 256 966 237 (486 215) / 5 151 643 (6641)
[5] Global update: Worldometer accessed 22 Nov 2021 19:28 EST (GMT-5)
Total number of reported deaths: 5 168 069
Total number of worldwide cases: 258 396 180
Number of newly confirmed cases in the past 24 hours: 563 280
COVID-19 update (402): sub-Saharan Africa, cross-reactive Abs 20211122.8699824
● 黄熱 ガーナ
PRO/AH/EDR> Yellow fever - Africa (16): Ghana (BO)
Archive Number: 20211123.8699829
情報源 Modern Ghana 2021年11月18日
The Bono Region 内の 3 districts で死者 1名を含む黄熱感染例 confirmed cases of yellow fever が確認されたと,保健当局者 the deputy director, public health, at the regional directorate of Ghana Health Service (GHS) が明らかにした。the Wenchi Municipality の 3例のほか,Tain and Banda districts of the region で各 1例が確認されている ...
Yellow fever - Africa (15): Ghana (UW) 20211122.8699827
● ココアの病気 ガーナ 改善計画
PRO/PL> Swollen shoot, cocoa - Ghana: (BO) recovery programme
Archive Number: 20211124.8699850
情報源 GhanaWeb 2021年11月22日
● 鳥インフルエンザ 欧州,イスラエル
PRO/AH/EDR> Avian influenza (158): Europe, wild bird, poultry, HPAI H5N1, H5, OIE
Archive Number: 20211124.8699830
In this update:
[1] Czech Republic (South Bohemia): poultry, HPAI H5N1
[2] Czech Republic (South Bohemia): wild bird, HPAI H5N1
[3] Denmark: wild bird, backyard, HPAI H5N1
[4] Germany (North Rhine-Westphalia): poultry, HPAI H5N1
[5] Ireland (Monaghan): poultry, HPAI H5N1
[6] Italy (Lombardy, Veneto): wild bird, HPAI H5N1
[7] Norway (Rogaland): poultry, HPAI H5N1
[8] Sweden (Skane, Halland) wild bird, HPAI H5N1
[9] United Kingdom: wild bird, HPAI H5N1
[10] United Kingdom: poultry, HPAI H5N1
[11] Hungary (Csongrad): poultry, HPAI H5N1
[12] Slovakia (Trnava): poultry, HPAI H5N1
[13] Russia (Bashkortostan, Tatarstan): poultry, HPAI H5
PRO/AH/EDR> Avian influenza (157): Israel (HD,HZ) poultry, HPAI H5N1, spread, RFI
Archive Number: 20211123.8699838
情報源 The World News 11月19日
The Health Ministry on Friday [19 Nov 2021] said it has received reports that the H5N1 strain of avian [influenza] has been detected at 2 Israeli farming communities; a turkey farm on Ein Tzurim in southern Israel, and on a duck farm at Kfar Baruch in the north.
● タマネギの病気 インド
PRO/PL> Basal rot, onion - India: (TN)
Archive Number: 20211124.8699847
情報源 The New Indian Express 2021年11月18日
Tiruchy and Perambalur districts において,断続的な降雨により 50%以上のエシャロット shallot crops に basal rot disease の被害が拡がっている。
● トマト,トウガラシの病気 原因不明 モロッコ
PRO/PL> Undiagnosed disease, tomato & capsicum - Morocco
Archive Number: 20211123.8699846
情報源 Morocco Latest News 2021年11月20日
● トキソプラズマ症,アザラシ 米国
PRO/AH/EDR> Toxoplasmosis - USA: (HI) seal
Archive Number: 20211123.8699841
情報源 Westport News 20201年11月22日
A male Hawaiian monk seal has died at a Big Island marine mammal hospital after a 5-week battle with toxoplasmosis ...