
黄熱 渡航リスク

● 黄熱 渡航リスク
PRO/AH/EDR> Yellow fever: holiday travel risk
Archive Number: 20240410.8715878
 情報源 Bristol Post 4月9日
英国保健当局 The [UK] Department for Healthは、複数の人気の渡航先で発生するアウトブレイクへの注意を呼びかけている。
Travel Health Pro, an official government advice site used by the Foreign Office highlighted the rise of Yellow fever(黄熱).
カリブ海地域 the Caribbean, アフリカの各地 parts of Africa, 中南米 Central and South America への旅行者に対してこのウイルスに関する最新の状況を確認する必要があるとしている。
The World Health Organisation advises yellow fever vaccine for all travellers aged 9 months and older visiting areas with a risk of yellow fever. Countries which have suffered recent outbreaks of yellow fever include Trinidad in the Caribbean, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Republic of the Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Guinea, Niger, Nigeria, South Sudan, Togo and Uganda.
In South America, 7 confirmed Yellow fever cases, including 4 fatal cases, have been reported between 1 Jan and 19 Mar 2024 in Colombia (3 fatal cases), Guyana (2 cases) and Peru (2 cases, including one death). Brazil has reported confirmed Yellow fever in monkeys which indicates it is circulating in the country.
Yellow fever - Americas (01): PAHO/WHO summary 20240326.8715625

● 出血性敗血症 インド
PRO/AH/EDR> Hemorrhagic septicemia - India: (PB) cattle, buffalo, fatal, vaccination
Archive Number: 20240410.8715881
 情報源: The Times of India 4月8日
出血性敗血症 "haemorrhagic septicaemia" disease, commonly known as "Gal Ghotu" in Barnala による家畜の死亡が報告されたことを受け、畜産当局 the animal husbandry department は周辺地域 the adjoining areas of Raikot and Jagraon tehsil of Ludhiana において予防策としてワクチン接種を開始した。